package net.lahwran.bukkit.jython;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
import org.python.core.Py;
import org.python.core.PyBoolean;
import org.python.core.PyBuiltinClassMethodNarrow;
import org.python.core.PyBuiltinMethod;
import org.python.core.PyClassMethod;
import org.python.core.PyException;
import org.python.core.PyFunction;
import org.python.core.PyList;
import org.python.core.PyObject;
import org.python.core.PyString;
import org.python.core.PyTuple;
import org.python.core.PyType;
import com.master.bukkit.python.ReflectionHelper;
* Python decorators and handler registration
* @author lahwran
public class PythonHooks {
* Once set, no more hooks can be added
private boolean frozen = false;
* Function to call when plugin is being enabled
PyFunction onEnable;
* Function to call when plugin is being disabled
PyFunction onDisable;
* List of handlers to register
ArrayList<PythonEventHandler> eventhandlers = new ArrayList<PythonEventHandler>();
* List of handlers to register
ArrayList<PythonCommandHandler> commandhandlers = new ArrayList<PythonCommandHandler>();
* List of custom events
Map<String, Class<? extends Event>> customEvents = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends Event>>();
* Plugin description to modify when registering commands
PluginDescriptionFile plugindesc;
* @param plugindesc Plugin description to modify when registering commands
PythonHooks(PluginDescriptionFile plugindesc) {
this.plugindesc = plugindesc;
private void addCommandInfo(String name, String usage, String desc, List aliases) {
Object object = plugindesc.getCommands();
if (object == null) {
object = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Object>>();
try {
ReflectionHelper.setPrivateValue(plugindesc, "commands", object);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new PyException(new PyString("error"), new PyString("Plugin commands list does not exist"));
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> map = (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) object;
if (map.containsKey(name)) {
if (desc != null || usage != null || aliases != null)
throw new PyException(new PyString("error"), new PyString("Plugin already has a command called '"+name+"'"));
Map<String, Object> commandmap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
if (desc != null)
commandmap.put("description", desc);
if (usage != null)
commandmap.put("usage", usage);
if (aliases != null)
commandmap.put("aliases", aliases);
map.put(name, commandmap);
* Register everything with bukkit
* @param plugin plugin to do registration as
void doRegistrations(PythonPlugin plugin) {
frozen = true;
PluginManager pm = plugin.getServer().getPluginManager();
for (int i=0; i<eventhandlers.size(); i++) {
eventhandlers.get(i).register(pm, plugin);
for (int i=0; i<commandhandlers.size(); i++) {
* Check if we're allowed to register stuff, and if not, throw an exception
private void checkFrozen() {
if (frozen)
throw new PyException(new PyString("error"), new PyString("Cannot register handlers when frozen"));
public void registerEvent(PyObject handler, Class<? extends Event> type, EventPriority priority) {
PythonEventHandler wrapper = new PythonEventHandler(handler, type, priority);
* Register an event. python-facing. this version converts from string info.
* @param handler function handler
* @param type Event type string
* @param priority Event priority string
public void registerEvent(PyObject handler, PyString type, PyString priority) {
try {
String clazz = type.asString();
Class<?> event = null;
if(clazz.contains(".")) {
try {
//try if we can find the class
event = Class.forName(clazz);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
//assume the subpackage and class name was given and append org.bukkit.event
event = Class.forName("org.bukkit.event." + clazz);
else if(customEvents.containsKey(clazz)) {
//check if the name of a custom event was given
event = customEvents.get(clazz);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find Event " + clazz);
if(!event.getClass().isInstance(event)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(type.asString().toUpperCase() + " is not of type Event");
Class<? extends Event> realtype = (Class<? extends Event>)event;
EventPriority realpriority = EventPriority.valueOf(priority.upper());
registerEvent(handler, realtype, realpriority);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not register event " + type +" because the event could not be found", e);
* Register a command with no extra metadata
* @param func function to set as handler
* @param name name to register
public void registerCommand(PyObject func, String name) {
registerCommand(func, name, null, null, null, null);
* Register a command with no extra metadata
* @param func function to set as handler; function's name is used as command name
public void registerCommand(PyObject func) {
registerCommand(func, null);
* Register a command with no extra metadata
* @param func function to set as handler
* @param name name to use
* @param usage metadata
* @param desc metadata
* @param aliases metadata
public void registerCommand(PyObject func, String name, String usage, String desc, List<?> aliases, PyObject tabComplete) {
String finalname = name;
if (finalname == null)
finalname = ((PyFunction)func).__name__;
addCommandInfo(finalname, usage, desc, aliases);
PythonCommandHandler handler = new PythonCommandHandler(func, finalname, tabComplete);
* Python decorator. functions decorated with this are called on enable
* <pre>
* @hook.enable
* def enable():
* print "enabled!"
* </pre>
* @param func function to decorate
* @return decorated function
public PyFunction enable(PyFunction func) {
onEnable = func;
return func;
* Python decorator. functions decorated with this are called on disable
* <pre>
* @hook.disable
* def disable():
* print "enabled!"
* </pre>
* @param func function to decorate
* @return decorated function
public PyFunction disable(PyFunction func) {
onDisable = func;
return func;
* Python decorator. functions decorated with this are called as event handlers
* @param type event type
* @param priority event priority
* @return decorated function
public PyObject event(final PyString type, final PyString priority) {
return new PyObject() {
public PyObject __call__(PyObject func) {
registerEvent(func, type, priority);
return func;
* Python decorator. functions decorated with this are called as event handlers. uses normal priority.
* @param type event type
* @return decorated function
public PyObject event(final PyString type) {
return new PyObject() {
public PyObject __call__(PyObject func) {
registerEvent(func, type, new PyString("Normal"));
return func;
* command decorator. approximately equivalent python:
* <pre>
* def command(arg1, desc=None, usage=None, aliases=None, tabComplete=None):
* if isfunc(arg1):
* registerFunc(arg1, arg1.func_name)
* else:
* def decorate(func):
* registerFunc(func, arg1 if arg1 else func.func_name, usage, desc, aliases)
* </pre>
* the literally equivalent python looks so similar to the actual code as to not be worth mentioning
* @param args jython magic
* @param keywords jython magic
* @return jython magic
public PyObject command(PyObject args[], String keywords[]) {
int kwdelta = args.length - keywords.length;
if (args.length == 1 && args[0].isCallable()) {
registerCommand((PyFunction) args[0]);
return args[0];
} else if (kwdelta == 1 || kwdelta == 0) {
String desc = null;
String usage = null;
List<?> aliases = null;
PyObject tabComplete = null;
for (int i = kwdelta; i < args.length; i++) {
String keyword = keywords[i - kwdelta];
if (keyword.equals("desc") || keyword.equals("description"))
desc = args[i].toString();
else if (keyword.equals("usage"))
usage = args[i].toString();
else if (keyword.equals("aliases"))
aliases = new PyList(args[i]);
else if (keyword.equals("onTabComplete"))
tabComplete = args[i];
final String name;
if (kwdelta == 1)
name = args[0].toString();
name = null;
final String finaldesc = desc;
final String finalusage = usage;
final List<?> finalaliases = aliases;
final PyObject finaltabcomplete = tabComplete;
return new PyObject() {
public PyObject __call__(PyObject func) {
registerCommand(func, name, finalusage, finaldesc, finalaliases, finaltabcomplete);
return func;
} else {
throw Py.TypeError("you gave command() bad arguments, but lahwran was tired when he wrote this, so you don't get a helpful error message. sucks to be you.");
public PyObject custom_event(PyType event) {
Class<?> proxy = event.getProxyType();
if(Event.class.isAssignableFrom(proxy)) {
//add the stupid handler list attribute and get handler list method
//which the bukkit team could not add themselves for some strange reason
// event.__setattr__("handlerList", Py.java2py(new HandlerList()));
// ((PyType)event.getBase()).addMethod(new PyBuiltinClassMethodNarrow("getHandlerList", 0, 0) {
// @Override
// public PyObject __call__() {
// return self.__getattr__("handlerList");
// }
// });
// event.addMethod(new PyBuiltinClassMethodNarrow("getHandlers", 0, 0) {
// @Override
// public PyObject __call__() {
// return self.__getattr__("handlerList");
// }
// });
customEvents.put(event.getName(), (Class<? extends Event>) proxy);
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tried to register a custom Event which does not extend Event");
return event;