return true;
protected PyList SaveTestDataValues(PyDictionary pythonArguments) throws QTasteDataException {
PyList oldValues = new PyList();
Iterator<?> argIterator = pythonArguments.items().iterator();
while (argIterator.hasNext()) {
Object oArg = argIterator.next();
if (oArg instanceof PyTuple) {
PyTuple argType = (PyTuple) oArg;
PyObject[] pyObj = argType.getArray();
assert pyObj[0] instanceof PyString;
String key = pyObj[0].toString();
// store the old value of the passed argument
Object[] oldValue = new Object[2];
oldValue[0] = key;
try {
oldValue[1] = testData.getValue(key);
} catch (QTasteDataException e) {
// do nothing, no testdata to overwrite
oldValue[1] = null;
testData.setValue(key, pyObj[1].toString());
return oldValues;