package me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.WorldGenerator;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Clipboard.Clipboard;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Clipboard.ClipboardLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Context.DataContext;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.PlatLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.RoadLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.PlatLot.LotStyle;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plugins.ShapeProvider;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator.BiomeGrid;
public class PlatMap {
// Class Constants
public static final int Width = 10;
// Instance data
// public World world;
public WorldGenerator generator;
public int originX;
public int originZ;
public DataContext context;
protected PlatLot[][] platLots;
private float naturalPlats;
public PlatMap(WorldGenerator generator, ShapeProvider shapeProvider, int originX, int originZ) {
// populate the instance data
// = generator.getWorld();
this.generator = generator;
this.originX = originX;
this.originZ = originZ;
// make room for plat data
platLots = new PlatLot[Width][Width];
naturalPlats = 0;
// do the deed
shapeProvider.populateLots(generator, this);
// recycle all the remaining holes
for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++) {
for (int z = 0; z < Width; z++) {
if (isEmptyLot(x, z))
recycleLot(x, z);
public float getNaturePercent() {
return naturalPlats / (Width * Width);
public Odds getOddsGenerator() {
return generator.shapeProvider.getMacroOddsGeneratorAt(originX, originZ);
public Odds getChunkOddsGenerator(SupportChunk chunk) {
return generator.shapeProvider.getMicroOddsGeneratorAt(chunk.chunkX, chunk.chunkZ);
public Odds getChunkOddsGenerator(int chunkX, int chunkZ) {
return generator.shapeProvider.getMicroOddsGeneratorAt(chunkX, chunkZ);
public void generateChunk(ByteChunk chunk, BiomeGrid biomes) {
// depending on the platchunk's type render a layer
int platX = chunk.chunkX - originX;
int platZ = chunk.chunkZ - originZ;
PlatLot platlot = platLots[platX][platZ];
if (platlot != null) {
// do what we came here for
platlot.generateChunk(generator, this, chunk, biomes, context, platX, platZ);
public void generateBlocks(RealChunk chunk) {
// depending on the platchunk's type render a layer
int platX = chunk.chunkX - originX;
int platZ = chunk.chunkZ - originZ;
PlatLot platlot = platLots[platX][platZ];
if (platlot != null) {
// do what we came here for
platlot.generateBlocks(generator, this, chunk, context, platX, platZ);
public int getNumberOfRoads() {
int result = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++) {
for (int z = 0; z < Width; z++) {
if (platLots[x][z] != null && platLots[x][z].style == LotStyle.ROAD)
return result;
public PlatLot getLot(int x, int z) {
if (x >= 0 && x < Width && z >= 0 && z < Width)
return platLots[x][z];
return null;
public PlatLot getMapLot(int chunkX, int chunkZ) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
int platX = chunkX - originX;
int platZ = chunkZ - originZ;
// range check
if (platX >= 0 && platX < Width && platZ >= 0 && platZ < Width)
return platLots[platX][platZ];
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Location specified is not in this PlatMap");
public boolean isEmptyLot(int x, int z) {
if (x >= 0 && x < Width && z >= 0 && z < Width)
return platLots[x][z] == null;
return true;
public boolean isInnerReallyEmptyLot(int centerX, int centerZ) {
if (centerX >= 1 && centerX < Width - 1 && centerZ >= 1 && centerZ < Width - 1) {
for (int x = centerX - 1; x < centerX + 2; x++) {
for (int z = centerZ - 1; z < centerZ + 2; z++) {
if (platLots[x][z] != null)
return false;
return true;
} else
return false;
public boolean isNaturalLot(int x, int z) {
if (x >= 0 && x < Width && z >= 0 && z < Width)
return platLots[x][z] == null || platLots[x][z].style == LotStyle.NATURE;
return true;
public boolean isStructureLot(int x, int z) {
if (x >= 0 && x < Width && z >= 0 && z < Width)
return platLots[x][z] != null && platLots[x][z].style == LotStyle.STRUCTURE;
return false;
public boolean isExistingRoad(int x, int z) {
if (x >= 0 && x < Width && z >= 0 && z < Width)
return isRoad(x, z);
return false;
protected boolean isRoad(int x, int z) {
PlatLot current = platLots[x][z];
return current != null && ( == LotStyle.ROAD || == LotStyle.ROUNDABOUT);
public void recycleLot(int x, int z) {
// if it is not natural, make it so
PlatLot current = platLots[x][z];
if (current == null || != LotStyle.NATURE) {
// place nature
platLots[x][z] = generator.shapeProvider.createNaturalLot(generator, this, x, z);
public void paveLot(int x, int z, boolean roundaboutPart) {
if (generator.settings.inRoadRange(originX + x, originZ + z) &&
(platLots[x][z] == null || roundaboutPart || platLots[x][z].style != LotStyle.ROAD)) {
// remember the old one
PlatLot oldLot = platLots[x][z];
// clear it please
emptyLot(x, z);
// place the lot
platLots[x][z] = generator.shapeProvider.createRoadLot(generator, this, x, z, roundaboutPart, oldLot);
public boolean setLot(int x, int z, PlatLot lot) {
if (lot == null) {
emptyLot(x, z);
return true;
} else {
boolean result = lot.isPlaceableAt(generator, originX + x, originZ + z);
if (result) {
// clear it please
emptyLot(x, z);
// place the lot
platLots[x][z] = lot;
return result;
public void emptyLot(int x, int z) {
// keep track of the nature count
PlatLot current = platLots[x][z];
if (current != null && == LotStyle.NATURE)
// empty this one out
platLots[x][z] = null;
public boolean isTrulyIsolatedLot(int x, int z) {
// check each neighbor to see if it is also trulyIsolated
for (int lotX = x - 1; lotX < x + 2; lotX++) {
for (int lotZ = z - 1; lotZ < z + 2; lotZ++) {
if (lotX != x && lotZ != z) {
PlatLot neighbor = getLot(lotX, lotZ);
if (neighbor != null && neighbor.trulyIsolated)
return false;
// all done
return true;
public void populateRoads() {
// place the big four
placeIntersection(RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset - 1, RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset - 1);
placeIntersection(RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset - 1, Width - RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset);
placeIntersection(Width - RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset, RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset - 1);
placeIntersection(Width - RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset, Width - RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset);
public void validateRoads() {
// any roads leading out?
if (!(isRoad(0, RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset - 1) ||
isRoad(0, Width - RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset) ||
isRoad(Width - 1, RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset - 1) ||
isRoad(Width - 1, Width - RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset) ||
isRoad(RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset - 1, 0) ||
isRoad(Width - RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset, 0) ||
isRoad(RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset - 1, Width - 1) ||
isRoad(Width - RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset, Width - 1))) {
// reclaim all of the silly roads
for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++) {
for (int z = 0; z < Width; z++) {
if (isRoad(x, z))
recycleLot(x, z);
} else {
//TODO any other validation?
protected void placeIntersection(int x, int z) {
boolean roadToNorth = false, roadToSouth = false,
roadToEast = false, roadToWest = false,
roadHere = false;
// is there a road here?
if (isEmptyLot(x, z)) {
// are there roads from here?
roadToNorth = isRoadTowards(x, z, 0, -5);
roadToSouth = isRoadTowards(x, z, 0, 5);
roadToEast = isRoadTowards(x, z, 5, 0);
roadToWest = isRoadTowards(x, z, -5, 0);
// is there a need for this intersection?
if (roadToNorth || roadToSouth || roadToEast || roadToWest) {
// are the odds in favor of a roundabout? AND..
// are all the surrounding chunks empty (connecting roads shouldn't be there yet)
if (generator.settings.includeRoundabouts &&
generator.shapeProvider.isRoundaboutAt(originX + x, originZ + z, context.oddsOfRoundAbouts) &&
isEmptyLot(x - 1, z - 1) && isEmptyLot(x - 1, z) && isEmptyLot(x - 1, z + 1) &&
isEmptyLot(x, z - 1) && isEmptyLot(x, z + 1) &&
isEmptyLot(x + 1, z - 1) && isEmptyLot(x + 1, z) && isEmptyLot(x + 1, z + 1)) {
paveLot(x - 1, z - 1, true);
paveLot(x - 1, z , true);
paveLot(x - 1, z + 1, true);
paveLot(x , z - 1, true);
setLot(x, z, generator.shapeProvider.createRoundaboutStatueLot(generator, this, originX + x, originZ + z));
paveLot(x , z + 1, true);
paveLot(x + 1, z - 1, true);
paveLot(x + 1, z , true);
paveLot(x + 1, z + 1, true);
// place the intersection then
} else {
roadHere = true;
// now figure out if we are within a bridge/tunnel
} else {
// are there roads from here?
if (isBridgeTowardsNorth(x, z) &&
isBridgeTowardsSouth(x, z)) {
roadToNorth = true;
roadToSouth = true;
roadHere = true;
} else if (isBridgeTowardsEast(x, z) &&
isBridgeTowardsWest(x, z)) {
roadToEast = true;
roadToWest = true;
roadHere = true;
// now place any remaining roads we need
if (roadHere)
paveLot(x, z, false);
if (roadToNorth) {
paveLot(x, z - 1, false);
paveLot(x, z - 2, false);
if (roadToSouth) {
paveLot(x, z + 1, false);
paveLot(x, z + 2, false);
if (roadToEast) {
paveLot(x + 1, z, false);
paveLot(x + 2, z, false);
if (roadToWest) {
paveLot(x - 1, z, false);
paveLot(x - 2, z, false);
private boolean isRoadTowards(int x, int z, int deltaX, int deltaZ) {
// is this a "real" spot?
boolean result = HeightInfo.isBuildableAt(generator, (originX + x + deltaX) * SupportChunk.chunksBlockWidth,
(originZ + z + deltaZ) * SupportChunk.chunksBlockWidth);
// if this isn't a buildable spot, is there a bridge or tunnel that gets us there?
if (!result)
result = isBridgeTowards(x, z, deltaX, deltaZ);
// report back
return result;
public boolean isBridgeTowardsNorth(int x, int z) {
return isBridgeTowards(x, z, 0, -5);
public boolean isBridgeTowardsSouth(int x, int z) {
return isBridgeTowards(x, z, 0, 5);
public boolean isBridgeTowardsWest(int x, int z) {
return isBridgeTowards(x, z, -5, 0);
public boolean isBridgeTowardsEast(int x, int z) {
return isBridgeTowards(x, z, 5, 0);
private boolean isBridgeTowards(int x, int z, int deltaX, int deltaZ) {
// how far do we go?
int offsetX = deltaX * SupportChunk.chunksBlockWidth;
int offsetZ = deltaZ * SupportChunk.chunksBlockWidth;
// where do we test?
int chunkX = (originX + x) * SupportChunk.chunksBlockWidth;
int chunkZ = (originZ + z) * SupportChunk.chunksBlockWidth;
// what is the polarity of this spot
boolean originPolarity = generator.shapeProvider.getBridgePolarityAt(chunkX, chunkZ);
boolean currentPolarity = originPolarity;
// short cut things a bit by looking for impossible things (polarity doesn't match the delta values)
if (originPolarity) {
if (deltaX != 0)
return false;
} else {
if (deltaZ != 0)
return false;
// keep searching in the delta direction until polarity shifts
while (originPolarity == currentPolarity) {
// move it along a bit
chunkX += offsetX;
chunkZ += offsetZ;
//TODO should test for a maximum length of bridge/tunnel
// keep going as long it is the same polarity
currentPolarity = generator.shapeProvider.getBridgePolarityAt(chunkX, chunkZ);
// did we found a "real" spot and the polarity is still the same
if (currentPolarity == originPolarity && HeightInfo.isBuildableAt(generator, chunkX, chunkZ))
return true;
// we have failed to find a real bridge/tunnel
return false;
private final static int maxPlaceTries = 16;
public void placeSpecificClip(WorldGenerator generator, Odds odds, Clipboard clip) {
int chunksX = clip.chunkX;
int chunksZ = clip.chunkZ;
// find a lot that fits into the current platmap
for (int attempt = 0; attempt < maxPlaceTries; attempt++) {
int placeX = odds.getRandomInt(PlatMap.Width - chunksX);
int placeZ = odds.getRandomInt(PlatMap.Width - chunksZ);
// is this space completely empty?
boolean empty = true;
for (int x = placeX; x < placeX + chunksX; x++) {
for (int z = placeZ; z < placeZ + chunksZ; z++) {
empty = platLots[x][z] == null;
if (!empty)
if (!empty)
// found one?
if (empty) {
// put it there
placeSpecificClip(generator, odds, clip, placeX, placeZ);
// all done
public void placeSpecificClip(WorldGenerator generator, Odds odds, Clipboard clip, int placeX, int placeZ) {
int chunksX = clip.chunkX;
int chunksZ = clip.chunkZ;
// what way are we facing?
BlockFace facing = odds.getRandomFacing();
// calculate the various template plats
for (int x = 0; x < chunksX; x++) {
for (int z = 0; z < chunksZ; z++) {
setLot(placeX + x, placeZ + z, new ClipboardLot(this,
originX + placeX + x, originZ + placeZ + z,
clip, facing, x, z));