package me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plugins;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Biome;
import org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator.BiomeGrid;
import org.bukkit.util.noise.NoiseGenerator;
import org.bukkit.util.noise.SimplexNoiseGenerator;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.WorldGenerator;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Context.DataContext;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Context.RoadContext;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.PlatLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.ByteChunk;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.CachedYs;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.Odds;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.PlatMap;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.RealChunk;
public abstract class ShapeProvider extends Provider {
public abstract int getWorldHeight();
public abstract int getStreetLevel();
public abstract int getSeaLevel();
public abstract int getLandRange();
public abstract int getSeaRange();
public abstract int getConstuctMin();
public abstract int getConstuctRange();
public abstract double findPerciseY(WorldGenerator generator, int blockX, int blockZ);
public abstract void preGenerateChunk(WorldGenerator generator, PlatLot lot, ByteChunk chunk, BiomeGrid biomes, CachedYs blockYs);
public abstract void postGenerateChunk(WorldGenerator generator, PlatLot lot, ByteChunk chunk, CachedYs blockYs);
public abstract void preGenerateBlocks(WorldGenerator generator, PlatLot lot, RealChunk chunk, CachedYs blockYs);
public abstract void postGenerateBlocks(WorldGenerator generator, PlatLot lot, RealChunk chunk, CachedYs blockYs);
protected abstract Biome remapBiome(WorldGenerator generator, PlatLot lot, Biome biome);
protected abstract void allocateContexts(WorldGenerator generator);
public abstract String getCollectionName();
protected abstract void validateLots(WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap);
public abstract DataContext getContext(int originX, int originZ);
public abstract DataContext getContext(PlatMap platmap);
public CachedYs getCachedYs(WorldGenerator generator, int chunkX, int chunkZ) {
return new CachedYs(generator, chunkX, chunkZ);
public void populateLots(WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap) {
try {
// assume everything is natural for the moment
platmap.context = natureContext;
natureContext.populateMap(generator, platmap);
natureContext.validateMap(generator, platmap);
// place and validate the roads
if (generator.settings.includeRoads) {
platmap.populateRoads(); // this will see the platmap's context as natural since it hasn't been re-set yet, see below
// place the buildings
if (generator.settings.includeBuildings) {
// recalculate the context based on the "natural-ness" of the platmap
platmap.context = getContext(platmap);
platmap.context.populateMap(generator, platmap);
platmap.context.validateMap(generator, platmap);
// one last check
validateLots(generator, platmap);
} catch (Exception e) {
generator.reportException("ShapeProvider.populateLots FAILED", e);
protected boolean contextInitialized = false;
public DataContext natureContext;
public RoadContext roadContext;
private SimplexNoiseGenerator macroShape;
private SimplexNoiseGenerator microShape;
protected Odds odds;
public int getStructureLevel() {
return getStreetLevel();
public int findBlockY(WorldGenerator generator, int blockX, int blockZ) {
return NoiseGenerator.floor(findPerciseY(generator, blockX, blockZ));
public int findGroundY(WorldGenerator generator, int blockX, int blockZ) {
return findBlockY(generator, blockX, blockZ);
public double findPerciseFloodY(WorldGenerator generator, int blockX, int blockZ) {
return getSeaLevel();
public int findFloodY(WorldGenerator generator, int blockX, int blockZ) {
return getSeaLevel();
public int findHighestFloodY(WorldGenerator generator) {
return getSeaLevel();
public int findLowestFloodY(WorldGenerator generator) {
return getSeaLevel();
// public byte findAtmosphereIdAt(WorldGenerator generator, int blockY) {
// return BlackMagic.airId;
// }
public Material findAtmosphereMaterialAt(WorldGenerator generator, int blockY) {
return Material.AIR;
// public byte findGroundCoverIdAt(WorldGenerator generator, int blockY) {
// return BlackMagic.airId;
// }
public Material findGroundCoverMaterialAt(WorldGenerator generator, int blockY) {
return Material.AIR;
public PlatLot createNaturalLot(WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap, int x, int z) {
return natureContext.createNaturalLot(generator, platmap, x, z);
public PlatLot createRoadLot(WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap, int x, int z, boolean roundaboutPart, PlatLot oldLot) {
return roadContext.createRoadLot(generator, platmap, x, z, roundaboutPart, oldLot);
public PlatLot createRoundaboutStatueLot(WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap, int x, int z) {
return roadContext.createRoundaboutStatueLot(generator, platmap, x, z);
public ShapeProvider(WorldGenerator generator, Odds odds) {
this.odds = odds;
long seed = generator.getWorldSeed();
macroShape = new SimplexNoiseGenerator(seed + 2);
microShape = new SimplexNoiseGenerator(seed + 3);
// Based on work contributed by drew-bahrue (
public static ShapeProvider loadProvider(WorldGenerator generator, Odds odds) {
ShapeProvider provider = null;
switch (generator.worldStyle) {
provider = new ShapeProvider_Floating(generator, odds);
provider = new ShapeProvider_Flooded(generator, odds);
provider = new ShapeProvider_SandDunes(generator, odds);
provider = new ShapeProvider_SnowDunes(generator, odds);
case ASTRAL:
provider = new ShapeProvider_Astral(generator, odds);
case NORMAL:
provider = new ShapeProvider_Normal(generator, odds);
return provider;
protected void actualGenerateStratas(WorldGenerator generator, PlatLot lot, ByteChunk chunk, int x, int z, Material substratumMaterial, Material stratumMaterial,
int stratumY, Material subsurfaceMaterial, int subsurfaceY, Material surfaceMaterial,
boolean surfaceCaves) {
// make the base
chunk.setBlock(x, 0, z, substratumMaterial);
chunk.setBlock(x, 1, z, stratumMaterial);
// compute the world block coordinates
int blockX = chunk.chunkX * chunk.width + x;
int blockZ = chunk.chunkZ * chunk.width + z;
// stony bits
for (int y = 2; y < stratumY; y++)
if (lot.isValidStrataY(generator, blockX, y, blockZ) && generator.shapeProvider.notACave(generator, blockX, y, blockZ))
chunk.setBlock(x, y, z, stratumMaterial);
else if (y <= OreProvider.lavaFieldLevel && generator.settings.includeLavaFields)
chunk.setBlock(x, y, z, Material.STATIONARY_LAVA);
// aggregate bits
for (int y = stratumY; y < subsurfaceY - 1; y++)
if (lot.isValidStrataY(generator, blockX, y, blockZ) && (!surfaceCaves || generator.shapeProvider.notACave(generator, blockX, y, blockZ)))
chunk.setBlock(x, y, z, subsurfaceMaterial);
// icing for the cake
if (!surfaceCaves || generator.shapeProvider.notACave(generator, blockX, subsurfaceY, blockZ)) {
if (lot.isValidStrataY(generator, blockX, subsurfaceY - 1, blockZ))
chunk.setBlock(x, subsurfaceY - 1, z, subsurfaceMaterial);
if (lot.isValidStrataY(generator, blockX, subsurfaceY, blockZ))
chunk.setBlock(x, subsurfaceY, z, surfaceMaterial);
protected void generateStratas(WorldGenerator generator, PlatLot lot, ByteChunk chunk, int x, int z, Material substratumMaterial, Material stratumMaterial,
int stratumY, Material subsurfaceMaterial, int subsurfaceY, Material surfaceMaterial,
boolean surfaceCaves) {
// a little crust please?
actualGenerateStratas(generator, lot, chunk, x, z, substratumMaterial, stratumMaterial, stratumY,
subsurfaceMaterial, subsurfaceY, surfaceMaterial, surfaceCaves);
protected void generateStratas(WorldGenerator generator, PlatLot lot, ByteChunk chunk, int x, int z, Material substratumMaterial, Material stratumMaterial,
int stratumY, Material subsurfaceMaterial, int subsurfaceY, Material surfaceMaterial,
int coverY, Material coverMaterial, boolean surfaceCaves) {
// a little crust please?
actualGenerateStratas(generator, lot, chunk, x, z, substratumMaterial, stratumMaterial, stratumY,
subsurfaceMaterial, subsurfaceY, surfaceMaterial, surfaceCaves);
// cover it up
for (int y = subsurfaceY + 1; y <= coverY; y++)
chunk.setBlock(x, y, z, coverMaterial);
//TODO refactor these over to UndergroundProvider (which should include PlatLot's mines generator code)
//TODO rename these to ifSoAndSo
public abstract boolean isHorizontalNSShaft(int chunkX, int chunkY, int chunkZ);
public abstract boolean isHorizontalWEShaft(int chunkX, int chunkY, int chunkZ);
public abstract boolean isVerticalShaft(int chunkX, int chunkY, int chunkZ);
//TODO refactor this so that it is a positive (maybe ifCave) instead of a negative
public abstract boolean notACave(WorldGenerator generator, int blockX, int blockY, int blockZ);
// macro slots
private final static int macroRandomGeneratorSlot = 0;
protected final static int macroNSBridgeSlot = 1;
// micro slots
private final static int microRandomGeneratorSlot = 0;
protected final static int microRoundaboutSlot = 1;
protected final static int microSurfaceCaveSlot = 2;
protected final static int microIsolatedLotSlot = 3;
protected final static int microIsolatedConstructSlot = 4;
private double macroScale = 1.0 / 384.0;
private double microScale = 2.0;
private double getMicroNoiseAt(double x, double z, int a) {
return microShape.noise(x * microScale, z * microScale, a);
private double getMacroNoiseAt(double x, double z, int a) {
return macroShape.noise(x * macroScale, z * macroScale, a);
// private int macroValueAt(double chunkX, double chunkZ, int slot, int scale) {
// return NoiseGenerator.floor(macroScaleAt(chunkX, chunkZ, slot) * scale);
// }
// private int microValueAt(double chunkX, double chunkZ, int slot, int scale) {
// return NoiseGenerator.floor(microScaleAt(chunkX, chunkZ, slot) * scale);
// }
// private double macroScaleAt(double chunkX, double chunkZ, int slot) {
// return (getMacroNoiseAt(chunkX, chunkZ, slot) + 1.0) / 2.0;
// }
private double microScaleAt(double chunkX, double chunkZ, int slot) {
return (getMicroNoiseAt(chunkX, chunkZ, slot) + 1.0) / 2.0;
private boolean macroBooleanAt(double chunkX, double chunkZ, int slot) {
return getMacroNoiseAt(chunkX, chunkZ, slot) >= 0.0;
private boolean microBooleanAt(double chunkX, double chunkZ, int slot) {
return getMicroNoiseAt(chunkX, chunkZ, slot) >= 0.0;
public Odds getMicroOddsGeneratorAt(int x, int z) {
return new Odds((long) (getMicroNoiseAt(x, z, microRandomGeneratorSlot) * Long.MAX_VALUE));
public Odds getMacroOddsGeneratorAt(int x, int z) {
return new Odds((long) (getMacroNoiseAt(x, z, macroRandomGeneratorSlot) * Long.MAX_VALUE));
public boolean getBridgePolarityAt(double chunkX, double chunkZ) {
return macroBooleanAt(chunkX, chunkZ, macroNSBridgeSlot);
public boolean isSurfaceCaveAt(double chunkX, double chunkZ) {
return microBooleanAt(chunkX, chunkZ, microSurfaceCaveSlot);
public boolean isRoundaboutAt(double chunkX, double chunkZ, double oddsOfRoundabouts) {
return microScaleAt(chunkX, chunkZ, microRoundaboutSlot) < oddsOfRoundabouts;
public boolean isIsolatedConstructAt(double chunkX, double chunkZ, double oddsOfIsolatedConstruct) {
return microScaleAt(chunkX, chunkZ, microIsolatedConstructSlot) < oddsOfIsolatedConstruct;
public boolean isIsolatedLotAt(double chunkX, double chunkZ, double oddsOfIsolatedLots) {
return microScaleAt(chunkX, chunkZ, microIsolatedLotSlot) < oddsOfIsolatedLots;