package me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.Astral;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.WorldGenerator;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Context.DataContext;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.PlatMap;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.RealChunk;
public class AstralNexusLot extends AstralStructureLot {
private NexusSegment segment;
public AstralNexusLot(PlatMap platmap, int chunkX, int chunkZ, NexusSegment segment) {
super(platmap, chunkX, chunkZ);
this.segment = segment;
protected boolean getSuperSpecial() {
return true;
public final static int chunkX = 5;
public final static int chunkZ = 5;
public final static int blockX = (chunkX + 1) * RealChunk.chunksBlockWidth;
public final static int blockZ = (chunkZ + 1) * RealChunk.chunksBlockWidth;
protected void generateActualBlocks(WorldGenerator generator,
PlatMap platmap, RealChunk chunk, DataContext context, int platX,
int platZ) {
int y = generator.seaLevel + AstralTownEmptyLot.aboveSeaLevel - 1;
switch (segment) {
// chunk.setBlocks(0, 16, y - 5, 0, 16, Material.GOLD_BLOCK);
generateNorthWest(generator, chunk, y);
// chunk.setBlocks(0, 16, y - 5, 0, 16, Material.EMERALD_BLOCK);
generateNorthEast(generator, chunk, y);
// chunk.setBlocks(0, 16, y - 5, 0, 16, Material.DIAMOND_BLOCK);
generateSouthWest(generator, chunk, y);
// chunk.setBlocks(0, 16, y - 5, 0, 16, Material.IRON_BLOCK);
generateSouthEast(generator, chunk, y);
//TODO Map room (the local area)
//TODO Transportation room (railroads to everywhere)
//TODO Supply room (chests of happiness)
//TODO Spawn room (where you arrive)
private void generateNorthWest(WorldGenerator generator, RealChunk chunk, int y) {
// chunk.setBlocks(0, 16, y - 5, y + 20, 0, 16, Material.STAINED_GLASS);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
Material material = getRoofMaterial(i);
chunk.setBlocks(i, 16, y + i + 1, i, i + 1, material);
chunk.setBlocks(i, i + 1, y + i + 1, i, 16, material);
chunk.setBlocks(i + 1, 16, y + i + 1, i + 1, 16, Material.AIR);
// special stuff for the base bit
if (i == 0) {
chunk.setBlocks(i, 16, y + i, i, i + 1, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialBase);
chunk.setBlocks(i, i + 1, y + i, i, 16, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialBase);
chunk.setBlocks(i + 1, 16, y + i, i + 1, 16, Material.STAINED_GLASS);
chunk.setBlocks(i, 16, y + i - 2, y + i, i, i + 1, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialCross);
chunk.setBlocks(i, i + 1, y + i - 2, y + i, i, 16, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialCross);
chunk.setBlocks(i + 1, 16, y + i - 2, y + i, i + 1, 16, Material.AIR);
chunk.setBlocks(i + 1, 16, y + i - 3, i + 1, 16, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialBase);
chunk.setBlocks(2, 5, 1, y + i - 3, 2, 5, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialSupport);
// now the map
for (int x = 1; x < 16; x++) {
for (int z = 1; z < 16; z++) {
int originX = (16 - x) * -10;
int originZ = (16 - z) * -10;
DataContext context = generator.shapeProvider.getContext(originX, originZ);
if (context != null) {
chunk.setBlock(x, y - 2, z, context.getMapRepresentation());
private void generateNorthEast(WorldGenerator generator, RealChunk chunk, int y) {
// chunk.setBlocks(0, 16, y - 5, y + 20, 0, 16, Material.STAINED_GLASS);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
Material material = getRoofMaterial(i);
chunk.setBlocks(0, 16 - i, y + i + 1, i, i + 1, material);
chunk.setBlocks(15 - i, 16 - i, y + i + 1, i + 1, 16, material);
chunk.setBlocks(0, 15 - i, y + i + 1, i + 1, 16, Material.AIR);
// special stuff for the base bit
if (i == 0) {
chunk.setBlocks(0, 16 - i, y + i, i, i + 1, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialBase);
chunk.setBlocks(15 - i, 16 - i, y + i, i + 1, 16, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialBase);
chunk.setBlocks(0, 15 - i, y + i, i + 1, 16, Material.STAINED_GLASS);
chunk.setBlocks(0, 16 - i, y + i - 2, y + i, i, i + 1, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialCross);
chunk.setBlocks(15 - i, 16 - i, y + i - 2, y + i, i + 1, 16, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialCross);
chunk.setBlocks(0, 15 - i, y + i - 2, y + i, i + 1, 16, Material.AIR);
chunk.setBlocks(0, 15 - i, y + i - 3, i + 1, 16, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialBase);
chunk.setBlocks(11, 14, 1, y + i - 3, 2, 5, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialSupport);
// now the map
for (int x = 0; x < 15; x++) {
for (int z = 1; z < 16; z++) {
int originX = x * 10;
int originZ = (16 - z) * -10;
DataContext context = generator.shapeProvider.getContext(originX, originZ);
if (context != null) {
chunk.setBlock(x, y - 2, z, context.getMapRepresentation());
private void generateSouthWest(WorldGenerator generator, RealChunk chunk, int y) {
// chunk.setBlocks(0, 16, y - 5, y + 20, 0, 16, Material.STAINED_GLASS);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
Material material = getRoofMaterial(i);
chunk.setBlocks(i, i + 1, y + i + 1, 0, 16 - i, material);
chunk.setBlocks(i + 1, 16, y + i + 1, 15 - i, 16 - i, material);
chunk.setBlocks(i + 1, 16, y + i + 1, 0, 15 - i, Material.AIR);
// special stuff for the base bit
if (i == 0) {
chunk.setBlocks(i, i + 1, y + i, 0, 16 - i, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialBase);
chunk.setBlocks(i + 1, 16, y + i, 15 - i, 16 - i, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialBase);
chunk.setBlocks(i + 1, 16, y + i, 0, 15 - i, Material.STAINED_GLASS);
chunk.setBlocks(i, i + 1, y + i - 2, y + i, 0, 16 - i, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialCross);
chunk.setBlocks(i + 1, 16, y + i - 2, y + i, 15 - i, 16 - i, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialCross);
chunk.setBlocks(i + 1, 16, y + i - 2, y + i, 0, 15 - i, Material.AIR);
chunk.setBlocks(i + 1, 16, y + i - 3, 0, 15 - i, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialBase);
chunk.setBlocks(2, 5, 1, y + i - 3, 11, 14, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialSupport);
// now the map
for (int x = 1; x < 16; x++) {
for (int z = 0; z < 15; z++) {
int originX = (16 - x) * -10;
int originZ = z * 10;
DataContext context = generator.shapeProvider.getContext(originX, originZ);
if (context != null) {
chunk.setBlock(x, y - 2, z, context.getMapRepresentation());
private void generateSouthEast(WorldGenerator generator, RealChunk chunk, int y) {
// chunk.setBlocks(0, 16, y - 5, y + 20, 0, 16, Material.STAINED_GLASS);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
Material material = getRoofMaterial(i);
chunk.setBlocks(15 - i, 16 - i, y + i + 1, 0, 16 - i, material);
chunk.setBlocks(0, 15 - i, y + i + 1, 15 - i, 16 - i, material);
chunk.setBlocks(0, 15 - i, y + i + 1, 0, 15 - i, Material.AIR);
// special stuff for the base bit
if (i == 0) {
chunk.setBlocks(15 - i, 16 - i, y + i, 0, 16 - i, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialBase);
chunk.setBlocks(0, 15 - i, y + i, 15 - i, 16 - i, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialBase);
chunk.setBlocks(0, 15 - i, y + i, 0, 15 - i, Material.STAINED_GLASS);
chunk.setBlocks(15 - i, 16 - i, y + i - 2, y + i, 0, 16 - i, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialCross);
chunk.setBlocks(0, 15 - i, y + i - 2, y + i, 15 - i, 16 - i, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialCross);
chunk.setBlocks(0, 15 - i, y + i - 2, y + i, 0, 15 - i, Material.AIR);
chunk.setBlocks(0, 15 - i, y + i - 3, 0, 15 - i, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialBase);
chunk.setBlocks(11, 14, 1, y + i - 3, 11, 14, AstralTownEmptyLot.materialSupport);
// now the map
for (int x = 0; x < 15; x++) {
for (int z = 0; z < 15; z++) {
int originX = x * 10;
int originZ = z * 10;
DataContext context = generator.shapeProvider.getContext(originX, originZ);
if (context != null) {
chunk.setBlock(x, y - 2, z, context.getMapRepresentation());
private Material getRoofMaterial(int i) {
if (i % 3 == 0)
return AstralTownEmptyLot.materialCross;
return Material.STAINED_GLASS;