package me.daddychurchill.CityWorld;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plugins.TreeProvider;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plugins.TreeProvider.TreeStyle;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.MaterialStack;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.Odds;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
public class CityWorldSettings {
public boolean darkEnvironment;
public boolean includeRoads = true;
public boolean includeRoundabouts = true;
public boolean includeSewers = true;
public boolean includeCisterns = true;
public boolean includeBasements = true;
public boolean includeMines = true;
public boolean includeBunkers = true;
public boolean includeBuildings = true;
public boolean includeHouses = true;
public boolean includeFarms = true;
public boolean includeCaves = true;
public boolean includeLavaFields = true;
public boolean includeSeas = true;
public boolean includeMountains = true;
public boolean includeOres = true;
public boolean treasuresInSewers = true;
public boolean spawnersInSewers = true;
public boolean treasuresInMines = true;
public boolean spawnersInMines = true;
public boolean treasuresInBunkers = true;
public boolean spawnersInBunkers = true;
public boolean includeUndergroundFluids = true;
public boolean includeAbovegroundFluids = true;
public boolean includeWorkingLights = true;
public boolean includeNamedRoads = true;
public boolean includeDecayedRoads = false;
public boolean includeDecayedBuildings = false;
public boolean includeDecayedNature = false;
public boolean includeBuildingInteriors = true;
public boolean includeFloatingSubsurface = true;
public boolean forceLoadWorldEdit = false;
public boolean broadcastSpecialPlaces = false;
public TreeStyle treeStyle = TreeStyle.NORMAL;
public int centerPointOfChunkRadiusX = 0;
public int centerPointOfChunkRadiusZ = 0;
public int constructChunkRadius = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public boolean checkConstructRange = false;
public int roadChunkRadius = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public boolean checkRoadRange = false;
public int cityChunkRadius = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public boolean checkCityRange = false;
public double oddsOfTreasureInSewers = Odds.oddsLikely;
public double oddsOfTreasureInBunkers = Odds.oddsLikely;
public double oddsOfTreasureInMines = Odds.oddsLikely;
public double oddsOfTreasureInMineAlcove = Odds.oddsSomewhatLikely;
public double oddsOfSpawnerInSewers = Odds.oddsSomewhatUnlikely;
public double oddsOfSpawnerInBunkers = Odds.oddsSomewhatUnlikely;
public double oddsOfSpawnerInMines = Odds.oddsSomewhatUnlikely;
public double oddsOfSpawnerInMineAlcove = Odds.oddsSomewhatLikely;
public double oddsOfAlcoveInMines = Odds.oddsVeryLikely;
public MaterialStack itemsTreasureInSewers;
public MaterialStack itemsTreasureInBunkers;
public MaterialStack itemsTreasureInMines;
public final static String tagIncludeRoads = "IncludeRoads";
public final static String tagIncludeRoundabouts = "IncludeRoundabouts";
public final static String tagIncludeSewers = "IncludeSewers";
public final static String tagIncludeCisterns = "IncludeCisterns";
public final static String tagIncludeBasements = "IncludeBasements";
public final static String tagIncludeMines = "IncludeMines";
public final static String tagIncludeBunkers = "IncludeBunkers";
public final static String tagIncludeBuildings = "IncludeBuildings";
public final static String tagIncludeHouses = "IncludeHouses";
public final static String tagIncludeFarms = "IncludeFarms";
public final static String tagIncludeCaves = "IncludeCaves";
public final static String tagIncludeLavaFields = "IncludeLavaFields";
public final static String tagIncludeSeas = "IncludeSeas";
public final static String tagIncludeMountains = "IncludeMountains";
public final static String tagIncludeOres = "IncludeOres";
public final static String tagTreasuresInSewers = "TreasuresInSewers";
public final static String tagSpawnersInSewers = "SpawnersInSewers";
public final static String tagTreasuresInMines = "TreasuresInMines";
public final static String tagSpawnersInMines = "SpawnersInMines";
public final static String tagTreasuresInBunkers = "TreasuresInBunkers";
public final static String tagSpawnersInBunkers = "SpawnersInBunkers";
public final static String tagIncludeUndergroundFluids = "IncludeUndergroundFluids";
public final static String tagIncludeAbovegroundFluids = "IncludeAbovegroundFluids";
public final static String tagIncludeWorkingLights = "IncludeWorkingLights";
public final static String tagIncludeNamedRoads = "IncludeNamedRoads";
public final static String tagIncludeDecayedRoads = "IncludeDecayedRoads";
public final static String tagIncludeDecayedBuildings = "IncludeDecayedBuildings";
public final static String tagIncludeDecayedNature = "IncludeDecayedNature";
public final static String tagIncludeBuildingInteriors = "IncludeBuildingInteriors";
public final static String tagIncludeFloatingSubsurface = "IncludeFloatingSubsurface";
public final static String tagForceLoadWorldEdit = "ForceLoadWorldEdit";
public final static String tagBroadcastSpecialPlaces = "BroadcastSpecialPlaces";
public final static String tagTreeStyle = "TreeStyle";
public final static String tagCenterPointOfChunkRadiusX = "CenterPointOfChunkRadiusX";
public final static String tagCenterPointOfChunkRadiusZ = "CenterPointOfChunkRadiusZ";
public final static String tagConstructChunkRadius = "ConstructChunkRadius";
public final static String tagRoadChunkRadius = "RoadChunkRadius";
public final static String tagCityChunkRadius = "CityChunkRadius";
public CityWorldSettings(WorldGenerator generator) {
String worldname = generator.worldName;
generator.worldEnvironment = generator.getWorld().getEnvironment();
// get the right defaults
switch (generator.worldEnvironment) {
case NORMAL:
darkEnvironment = false;
treeStyle = TreeStyle.NORMAL;
case NETHER:
darkEnvironment = true;
includeWorkingLights = false;
includeDecayedRoads = true;
includeDecayedBuildings = true;
includeDecayedNature = true;
treeStyle = TreeStyle.SPOOKY;
case THE_END:
darkEnvironment = true;
treeStyle = TreeStyle.CRYSTAL;
// intialize based world style settings
// stacks of materials
itemsTreasureInSewers = new MaterialStack("Treasure_In_Sewers");
itemsTreasureInBunkers = new MaterialStack("Treasure_In_Bunkers");
itemsTreasureInMines = new MaterialStack("Treasure_In_Mines");
// see if the new configuration is out there?
// // find the files
// File pluginFolder = generator.getPlugin().getDataFolder();
// if (pluginFolder.isDirectory()) {
// // forget all those shape and ore type and just go for the world name
// schematicsFolder = findFolder(pluginFolder, "Schematics for " + generator.worldName);
// add/get the configuration
CityWorld plugin = generator.getPlugin();
FileConfiguration config = plugin.getConfig();
config.options().header("CityWorld Plugin Options");
// get the right section
ConfigurationSection section = null;
// see if we can find the specific world
if (config.isConfigurationSection(worldname))
section = config.getConfigurationSection(worldname);
// if not then create it
if (section == null)
section = config.createSection(worldname);
/* Create a config in the world's folder
* Find the generation section
* Does the global config contain a world section?
* Load from that world section
* Copy that world section over to the generation section of the world's config
* Delete the world section in the global config
* Save the global config
* Read from the generation section
* Save the generation section
// did we get a section?
if (section != null) {
// create items stacks
// set up the defaults if needed
section.addDefault(tagIncludeRoads, includeRoads);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeRoundabouts, includeRoundabouts);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeSewers, includeSewers);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeCisterns, includeCisterns);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeBasements, includeBasements);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeMines, includeMines);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeBunkers, includeBunkers);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeBuildings, includeBuildings);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeHouses, includeHouses);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeFarms, includeFarms);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeCaves, includeCaves);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeLavaFields, includeLavaFields);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeSeas, includeSeas);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeMountains, includeMountains);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeOres, includeOres);
section.addDefault(tagTreasuresInSewers, treasuresInSewers);
section.addDefault(tagSpawnersInSewers, spawnersInSewers);
section.addDefault(tagTreasuresInMines, treasuresInMines);
section.addDefault(tagSpawnersInMines, spawnersInMines);
section.addDefault(tagTreasuresInBunkers, treasuresInBunkers);
section.addDefault(tagSpawnersInBunkers, spawnersInBunkers);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeUndergroundFluids, includeUndergroundFluids);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeAbovegroundFluids, includeAbovegroundFluids);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeWorkingLights, includeWorkingLights);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeNamedRoads, includeNamedRoads);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeDecayedRoads, includeDecayedRoads);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeDecayedBuildings, includeDecayedBuildings);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeDecayedNature, includeDecayedNature);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeBuildingInteriors, includeBuildingInteriors);
section.addDefault(tagIncludeFloatingSubsurface, includeFloatingSubsurface);
section.addDefault(tagForceLoadWorldEdit, forceLoadWorldEdit);
section.addDefault(tagBroadcastSpecialPlaces, broadcastSpecialPlaces);
section.addDefault(tagCenterPointOfChunkRadiusX, centerPointOfChunkRadiusX);
section.addDefault(tagCenterPointOfChunkRadiusZ, centerPointOfChunkRadiusZ);
section.addDefault(tagConstructChunkRadius, constructChunkRadius);
section.addDefault(tagRoadChunkRadius, roadChunkRadius);
section.addDefault(tagCityChunkRadius, cityChunkRadius);
// now read the bits
includeRoads = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeRoads, includeRoads);
includeRoundabouts = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeRoundabouts, includeRoundabouts);
includeSewers = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeSewers, includeSewers);
includeCisterns = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeCisterns, includeCisterns);
includeBasements = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeBasements, includeBasements);
includeMines = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeMines, includeMines);
includeBunkers = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeBunkers, includeBunkers);
includeBuildings = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeBuildings, includeBuildings);
includeHouses = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeHouses, includeHouses);
includeFarms = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeFarms, includeFarms);
includeCaves = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeCaves, includeCaves);
includeLavaFields = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeLavaFields, includeLavaFields);
includeSeas = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeSeas, includeSeas);
includeMountains = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeMountains, includeMountains);
includeOres = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeOres, includeOres);
treasuresInSewers = section.getBoolean(tagTreasuresInSewers, treasuresInSewers);
spawnersInSewers = section.getBoolean(tagSpawnersInSewers, spawnersInSewers);
treasuresInMines = section.getBoolean(tagTreasuresInMines, treasuresInMines);
spawnersInMines = section.getBoolean(tagSpawnersInMines, spawnersInMines);
treasuresInBunkers = section.getBoolean(tagTreasuresInBunkers, treasuresInBunkers);
spawnersInBunkers = section.getBoolean(tagSpawnersInBunkers, spawnersInBunkers);
includeUndergroundFluids = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeUndergroundFluids, includeUndergroundFluids);
includeAbovegroundFluids = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeAbovegroundFluids, includeAbovegroundFluids);
includeWorkingLights = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeWorkingLights, includeWorkingLights);
includeNamedRoads = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeNamedRoads, includeNamedRoads);
includeDecayedRoads = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeDecayedRoads, includeDecayedRoads);
includeDecayedBuildings = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeDecayedBuildings, includeDecayedBuildings);
includeDecayedNature = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeDecayedNature, includeDecayedNature);
includeBuildingInteriors = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeBuildingInteriors, includeBuildingInteriors);
includeFloatingSubsurface = section.getBoolean(tagIncludeFloatingSubsurface, includeFloatingSubsurface);
forceLoadWorldEdit = section.getBoolean(tagForceLoadWorldEdit, forceLoadWorldEdit);
broadcastSpecialPlaces = section.getBoolean(tagBroadcastSpecialPlaces, broadcastSpecialPlaces);
treeStyle = TreeProvider.toTreeStyle(section.getString(tagTreeStyle,, treeStyle);
centerPointOfChunkRadiusX = section.getInt(tagCenterPointOfChunkRadiusX, centerPointOfChunkRadiusX);
centerPointOfChunkRadiusZ = section.getInt(tagCenterPointOfChunkRadiusZ, centerPointOfChunkRadiusZ);
centerPointOfChunkRadius = new Vector(centerPointOfChunkRadiusX, 0, centerPointOfChunkRadiusZ);
constructChunkRadius = Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Math.max(0, section.getInt(tagConstructChunkRadius, constructChunkRadius)));
checkConstructRange = constructChunkRadius > 0 && constructChunkRadius < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
roadChunkRadius = Math.min(constructChunkRadius, Math.max(0, section.getInt(tagRoadChunkRadius, roadChunkRadius)));
checkRoadRange = roadChunkRadius > 0 && roadChunkRadius < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (roadChunkRadius == 0) {
includeRoads = false;
includeSewers = false;
cityChunkRadius = Math.min(roadChunkRadius, Math.max(0, section.getInt(tagCityChunkRadius, cityChunkRadius)));
checkCityRange = cityChunkRadius > 0 && cityChunkRadius < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (cityChunkRadius == 0) {
includeCisterns = false;
includeBasements = false;
includeMines = false;
includeBunkers = false;
includeBuildings = false;
includeHouses = false;
includeFarms = false;
// validate settings against world style settings
// write things back out with corrections
section.set(tagIncludeRoads, includeRoads);
section.set(tagIncludeRoundabouts, includeRoundabouts);
section.set(tagIncludeSewers, includeSewers);
section.set(tagIncludeCisterns, includeCisterns);
section.set(tagIncludeBasements, includeBasements);
section.set(tagIncludeMines, includeMines);
section.set(tagIncludeBunkers, includeBunkers);
section.set(tagIncludeBuildings, includeBuildings);
section.set(tagIncludeHouses, includeHouses);
section.set(tagIncludeFarms, includeFarms);
section.set(tagIncludeCaves, includeCaves);
section.set(tagIncludeLavaFields, includeLavaFields);
section.set(tagIncludeSeas, includeSeas);
section.set(tagIncludeMountains, includeMountains);
section.set(tagIncludeOres, includeOres);
section.set(tagTreasuresInSewers, treasuresInSewers);
section.set(tagSpawnersInSewers, spawnersInSewers);
section.set(tagTreasuresInMines, treasuresInMines);
section.set(tagSpawnersInMines, spawnersInMines);
section.set(tagTreasuresInBunkers, treasuresInBunkers);
section.set(tagSpawnersInBunkers, spawnersInBunkers);
section.set(tagIncludeUndergroundFluids, includeUndergroundFluids);
section.set(tagIncludeAbovegroundFluids, includeAbovegroundFluids);
section.set(tagIncludeWorkingLights, includeWorkingLights);
section.set(tagIncludeNamedRoads, includeNamedRoads);
section.set(tagIncludeDecayedRoads, includeDecayedRoads);
section.set(tagIncludeDecayedBuildings, includeDecayedBuildings);
section.set(tagIncludeDecayedNature, includeDecayedNature);
section.set(tagIncludeBuildingInteriors, includeBuildingInteriors);
section.set(tagIncludeFloatingSubsurface, includeFloatingSubsurface);
section.set(tagForceLoadWorldEdit, forceLoadWorldEdit);
section.set(tagBroadcastSpecialPlaces, broadcastSpecialPlaces);
section.set(tagCenterPointOfChunkRadiusX, centerPointOfChunkRadiusX);
section.set(tagCenterPointOfChunkRadiusZ, centerPointOfChunkRadiusZ);
section.set(tagConstructChunkRadius, constructChunkRadius);
section.set(tagRoadChunkRadius, roadChunkRadius);
section.set(tagCityChunkRadius, cityChunkRadius);
// note the depreciations
deprecateOption(section, "IncludeWoolRoads", "DEPRECATED: CityWorld now uses stained clay and quartz for roads");
deprecateOption(section, "IncludePavedRoads", "DEPRECATED: See deprecated note for IncludeWoolRoads");
deprecateOption(section, "RoadRange", "DEPRECATED: Use RoadChunkRadius instead");
deprecateOption(section, "CityRange", "DEPRECATED: Use CityChunkRadius instead");
deprecateOption(section, "IncludeTekkitMaterials", "DEPRECATED: ForgeTekkit is auto-recognized");
deprecateOption(section, "ForceLoadTekkit", "DEPRECATED: Direct Tekkit support removed as of 3.0");
// write it back out
private void validateSettingsAgainstWorldStyle(WorldGenerator generator) {
// now get the right defaults for the world style
// anything commented out is up for user modification
switch (generator.worldStyle) {
case NORMAL:
includeFloatingSubsurface = false; // DIFFERENT
includeDecayedRoads = true; // DIFFERENT
includeDecayedBuildings = true; // DIFFERENT
includeDecayedNature = true; // DIFFERENT
includeFloatingSubsurface = false; // DIFFERENT
case ASTRAL:
// includeRoads = true;
includeRoundabouts = false; // DIFFERENT
includeSewers = false; // DIFFERENT
includeCisterns = false; // DIFFERENT
includeBasements = false; // DIFFERENT
includeMines = false; // DIFFERENT
includeBunkers = false; // DIFFERENT
// includeBuildings = true;
// includeHouses = true;
includeFarms = false; // DIFFERENT
// includeCaves = false;
// includeLavaFields = false;
includeSeas = true; // THIS MUST BE SET TO TRUE
includeMountains = true; // THIS MUST BE SET TO TRUE
// includeOres = false;
treasuresInSewers = false; // DIFFERENT
spawnersInSewers = false; // DIFFERENT
treasuresInMines = false; // DIFFERENT
spawnersInMines = false; // DIFFERENT
treasuresInBunkers = false; // DIFFERENT
spawnersInBunkers = false; // DIFFERENT
includeUndergroundFluids = false; // THIS MUST BE SET TO FALSE
includeAbovegroundFluids = false; // THIS MUST BE SET TO FALSE
// includeWorkingLights = true;
// includeNamedRoads = true;
// includeDecayedRoads = false;
// includeDecayedBuildings = false;
// includeDecayedNature = false;
// includeBuildingInteriors = true;
includeFloatingSubsurface = false; // DIFFERENT
// includeRoads = true;
// includeRoundabouts = true;
// includeSewers = true;
// includeCisterns = true;
// includeBasements = true;
includeMines = false; // DIFFERENT
includeBunkers = false; // DIFFERENT
// includeBuildings = true;
// includeHouses = true;
// includeFarms = true;
includeCaves = false; // DIFFERENT
includeLavaFields = false; // DIFFERENT
includeSeas = false; // DIFFERENT
includeMountains = true; // THIS MUST BE SET TO TRUE
includeOres = false; // DIFFERENT
treasuresInSewers = false; // DIFFERENT
spawnersInSewers = false; // DIFFERENT
treasuresInMines = false; // DIFFERENT
spawnersInMines = false; // DIFFERENT
treasuresInBunkers = false; // DIFFERENT
spawnersInBunkers = false; // DIFFERENT
includeUndergroundFluids = false; // DIFFERENT
includeAbovegroundFluids = true; // THIS MUST BE SET TO TRUE
// includeWorkingLights = true;
// includeNamedRoads = true;
// includeDecayedRoads = false;
// includeDecayedBuildings = false;
// includeDecayedNature = false;
// includeBuildingInteriors = true;
includeFloatingSubsurface = true;
// includeRoads = true;
includeRoundabouts = false; // DIFFERENT
includeSewers = false; // DIFFERENT
// includeCisterns = true;
// includeBasements = true;
includeMines = false; // DIFFERENT
includeBunkers = false; // DIFFERENT
// includeBuildings = true;
// includeHouses = true;
// includeFarms = true;
includeCaves = false; // DIFFERENT
includeLavaFields = false; // DIFFERENT
includeSeas = true; // THIS MUST BE SET TO TRUE
includeMountains = true; // THIS MUST BE SET TO TRUE
// includeOres = true;
treasuresInSewers = false; // DIFFERENT
spawnersInSewers = false; // DIFFERENT
treasuresInMines = false; // DIFFERENT
spawnersInMines = false; // DIFFERENT
treasuresInBunkers = false; // DIFFERENT
spawnersInBunkers = false; // DIFFERENT
includeUndergroundFluids = false; // DIFFERENT
includeAbovegroundFluids = true; // THIS MUST BE SET TO TRUE
// includeWorkingLights = true;
includeNamedRoads = false; // DIFFERENT
// includeDecayedRoads = false;
// includeDecayedBuildings = false;
// includeDecayedNature = false;
// includeBuildingInteriors = true;
includeFloatingSubsurface = false; // DIFFERENT
// includeRoads = true;
includeRoundabouts = false; // DIFFERENT
includeSewers = false; // DIFFERENT
// includeCisterns = true;
// includeBasements = true;
includeMines = false; // DIFFERENT
includeBunkers = false; // DIFFERENT
// includeBuildings = true;
// includeHouses = true;
// includeFarms = true;
includeCaves = false; // DIFFERENT
includeLavaFields = false; // DIFFERENT
includeSeas = true; // THIS MUST BE SET TO TRUE
includeMountains = true; // THIS MUST BE SET TO TRUE
// includeOres = true;
treasuresInSewers = false; // DIFFERENT
spawnersInSewers = false; // DIFFERENT
treasuresInMines = false; // DIFFERENT
spawnersInMines = false; // DIFFERENT
treasuresInBunkers = false; // DIFFERENT
spawnersInBunkers = false; // DIFFERENT
// includeUndergroundFluids = false;
includeAbovegroundFluids = false; // THIS MUST BE SET TO FALSE
includeWorkingLights = false; // DIFFERENT
includeNamedRoads = false; // DIFFERENT
// includeDecayedRoads = false;
// includeDecayedBuildings = false;
includeDecayedNature = true; // DIFFERENT
includeBuildingInteriors = false; // DIFFERENT
includeFloatingSubsurface = false; // DIFFERENT
// includeRoads = true;
includeRoundabouts = false; // DIFFERENT
includeSewers = false; // DIFFERENT
// includeCisterns = true;
// includeBasements = true;
includeMines = false; // DIFFERENT
includeBunkers = false; // DIFFERENT
// includeBuildings = true;
// includeHouses = true;
// includeFarms = true;
includeCaves = false; // DIFFERENT
includeLavaFields = false; // DIFFERENT
includeSeas = true; // THIS MUST BE SET TO TRUE
includeMountains = true; // THIS MUST BE SET TO TRUE
// includeOres = true;
treasuresInSewers = false; // DIFFERENT
spawnersInSewers = false; // DIFFERENT
treasuresInMines = false; // DIFFERENT
spawnersInMines = false; // DIFFERENT
treasuresInBunkers = false; // DIFFERENT
spawnersInBunkers = false; // DIFFERENT
// includeUndergroundFluids = false;
includeAbovegroundFluids = true; // THIS MUST BE SET TO TRUE
includeWorkingLights = false; // DIFFERENT
includeNamedRoads = false; // DIFFERENT
// includeDecayedRoads = false;
// includeDecayedBuildings = false;
// includeDecayedNature = false;
includeBuildingInteriors = false; // DIFFERENT
includeFloatingSubsurface = false; // DIFFERENT
// private File findFolder(File parent, String name) throws Exception {
// name = toCamelCase(name);
// File result = new File(parent, name);
// if (!result.isDirectory())
// if (!result.mkdir())
// throw new UnsupportedOperationException("[WorldEdit] Could not create/find the folder: " + parent.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + name);
// return result;
// }
// private String toCamelCase(String text) {
// return text.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + text.substring(1, text.length()).toLowerCase();
// }
private void deprecateOption(ConfigurationSection section, String oldOption, String message) {
if (section.contains(oldOption))
section.set(oldOption, message);
private Vector centerPointOfChunkRadius;
public boolean inConstructRange(int x, int z) {
return !checkConstructRange || centerPointOfChunkRadius.distance(new Vector(x, 0, z)) <= constructChunkRadius;
public boolean inRoadRange(int x, int z) {
return !checkRoadRange || centerPointOfChunkRadius.distance(new Vector(x, 0, z)) <= roadChunkRadius;
public boolean inCityRange(int x, int z) {
return !checkCityRange || centerPointOfChunkRadius.distance(new Vector(x, 0, z)) <= cityChunkRadius;
// private HashMap<String, ItemStack[]> materials;
// public void addMaterials(String name, Material low, Material high) {
// // build the collection
// int base = low.getId();
// int count = high.getId() - base;
// ItemStack[] collection = new ItemStack[count];
// for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// collection[i] = new ItemStack(base + i);
// // remember it
// materials.put(name, collection);
// }
// public void addMaterials(String name, Material ... items) {
// // build the collection
// int count = items.length;
// ItemStack[] collection = new ItemStack[count];
// for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// collection[i] = new ItemStack(items[i]);
// // remember it
// materials.put(name, collection);
// }
// public Material getRandomMaterial(String name, Odds odds) {
// ItemStack[] collection = materials.get(name);
// return collection == null ? Material.AIR : collection[odds.getRandomInt(collection.length)].getType();
// }
// public Byte getRandomTypeId(String name, Odds odds) {
// ItemStack[] collection = materials.get(name);
// return (byte) ((collection == null ? Material.AIR : collection[odds.getRandomInt(collection.length)].getType()).getId());
// }