package me.daddychurchill.CityWorld;
import java.util.HashMap;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Clipboard.ClipboardLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Context.DataContext;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.PlatLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.PlatLot.LotStyle;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.PlatMap;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.WorldGenerator;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
public class CityWorldAPI {
// This class was created by Sablednah
// (but with some changes)
private CityWorld plugin;
public CityWorldAPI(CityWorld plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
public CityWorld getWorld() {
return plugin;
public HashMap<String, String> getFullInfo(Chunk c) throws IllegalArgumentException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
//Unneeded debug info
//plugin.reportMessage(CityWorld.pluginName + " API Full info called");
HashMap<String, String> info = new HashMap<String, String>();
String classname;
WorldGenerator gen = (WorldGenerator) c.getWorld().getGenerator();
int chunkX = c.getX();
int chunkZ = c.getZ();
// Setup info - seams to require this to prevent NPE's when server is restarted.
// figure out what everything looks like. Again :/
PlatMap platmap = gen.getPlatMap(chunkX, chunkZ);
if (platmap == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PlatMap not found for specified chunk");
// figure out the lot
PlatLot lot = platmap.getMapLot(chunkX, chunkZ);
// add context type to returned hashmap
info.put("context", platmap.context.schematicFamily.toString());
// add last part of context classname to hashmap
classname = platmap.context.getClass().getName();
classname = classname.substring(classname.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
info.put("contextclass", classname);
// add lot style to hashmap
// add last part of lot style classname to hashmap
classname = lot.getClass().getName();
classname = classname.substring(classname.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
info.put("lotclass", classname);
// Now check if lot is a clipboardlot to get schematic name
if (lot instanceof ClipboardLot) {
ClipboardLot clot = (ClipboardLot) lot;
info.put("schematic", clot.getClip().name);
return info;
public int getRoadCount(Chunk c) throws IllegalArgumentException {
WorldGenerator gen = (WorldGenerator) c.getWorld().getGenerator();
int chunkX = c.getX();
int chunkZ = c.getZ();
// Setup info - seams to require this to prevent NPE's when server is restarted.
// figure out what everything looks like. Again :/
PlatMap platmap = gen.getPlatMap(chunkX, chunkZ);
if (platmap == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PlatMap not found for specified chunk");
return platmap.getNumberOfRoads();
public String getContextName(Chunk c) throws IllegalArgumentException {
WorldGenerator gen = (WorldGenerator) c.getWorld().getGenerator();
int chunkX = c.getX();
int chunkZ = c.getZ();
// Setup info - seams to require this to prevent NPE's when server is restarted.
// figure out what everything looks like. Again :/
PlatMap platmap = gen.getPlatMap(chunkX, chunkZ);
if (platmap == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PlatMap not found for specified chunk");
return platmap.context.schematicFamily.toString();
public DataContext getContext(Chunk c) throws IllegalArgumentException {
WorldGenerator gen = (WorldGenerator) c.getWorld().getGenerator();
int chunkX = c.getX();
int chunkZ = c.getZ();
// Setup info - seams to require this to prevent NPE's when server is restarted.
// figure out what everything looks like. Again :/
PlatMap platmap = gen.getPlatMap(chunkX, chunkZ);
if (platmap == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PlatMap not found for specified chunk");
return platmap.context;
public String getLotStyleName(Chunk c) throws IllegalArgumentException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
WorldGenerator gen = (WorldGenerator) c.getWorld().getGenerator();
int chunkX = c.getX();
int chunkZ = c.getZ();
// Setup info - seams to require this to prevent NPE's when server is restarted.
// figure out what everything looks like. Again :/
PlatMap platmap = gen.getPlatMap(chunkX, chunkZ);
if (platmap == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PlatMap not found for specified chunk");
// figure out the lot
PlatLot lot = platmap.getMapLot(chunkX, chunkZ);
public LotStyle getLotStyle(Chunk c) throws IllegalArgumentException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
WorldGenerator gen = (WorldGenerator) c.getWorld().getGenerator();
int chunkX = c.getX();
int chunkZ = c.getZ();
// Setup info - seams to require this to prevent NPE's when server is restarted.
// figure out what everything looks like. Again :/
PlatMap platmap = gen.getPlatMap(chunkX, chunkZ);
if (platmap == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PlatMap not found for specified chunk");
// figure out the lot
PlatLot lot = platmap.getMapLot(chunkX, chunkZ);
public String getSchematicName(Chunk c) throws IllegalArgumentException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
String name = null;
WorldGenerator gen = (WorldGenerator) c.getWorld().getGenerator();
int chunkX = c.getX();
int chunkZ = c.getZ();
// Setup info - seams to require this to prevent NPE's when server is restarted.
// figure out what everything looks like. Again :/
PlatMap platmap = gen.getPlatMap(chunkX, chunkZ);
if (platmap == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PlatMap not found for specified chunk");
// figure out the lot
PlatLot lot = platmap.getMapLot(chunkX, chunkZ);
// Now check if lot is a clipboardlot to get schematic name
if (lot instanceof ClipboardLot) {
ClipboardLot clot = (ClipboardLot) lot;
name = clot.getClip().name;
return name;