Package org.xhtmlrenderer.render

Source Code of org.xhtmlrenderer.render.BorderPainter$DoubleBorderInfo

* {{{ header & license
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Joshua Marinacci
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* }}}
package org.xhtmlrenderer.render;

import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Polygon;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Path2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;

import org.xhtmlrenderer.css.constants.IdentValue;
import org.xhtmlrenderer.css.parser.FSColor;
import org.xhtmlrenderer.css.parser.FSRGBColor;
import org.xhtmlrenderer.extend.OutputDevice;

public class BorderPainter {
    public static final int TOP = 1;
    public static final int LEFT = 2;
    public static final int BOTTOM = 4;
    public static final int RIGHT = 8;
    public static final int ALL = TOP + LEFT + BOTTOM + RIGHT;
     * Generates a full round rectangle that is made of bounds and border
     * @param bounds Dimmensions of the rect
     * @param border The border specs
     * @param Set true if you want the inner bounds of borders
     * @return A Path that is all sides of the round rectangle
    public static Path2D generateBorderBounds(Rectangle bounds, BorderPropertySet border, boolean inside) {
        Path2D path = generateBorderShape(bounds, TOP, border, false, inside ? 1 : 0, 1);
        path.append(generateBorderShape(bounds, RIGHT, border, false, inside ? 1 : 0, 1), true);
        path.append(generateBorderShape(bounds, BOTTOM, border, false, inside ? 1 : 0, 1), true);
        path.append(generateBorderShape(bounds, LEFT, border, false, inside ? 1 : 0, 1), true);
        return path;
    // helper function for bezier curves
    private static Point2D subT(double t, Point2D a, Point2D b) {
        return new Point2D.Double(a.getX() + t*(b.getX()-a.getX()),
                a.getY() + t*(b.getY()-a.getY()));
     * Cubic bezier curve function, takes in points and spits out the location of b(t) and 2 new bezier curves that both start and end at b(t)
     * @param t as defined for bezier curves
     * @param P0 start point
     * @param P1 ctrl pt 1
     * @param P2 ctrl pt 2
     * @param P3 end point
     * @return [[curve 1 starting at P0 and ending at B(t)], [curve 2 starting at P(3) and ending at B(t)]]
    private static Point2D[][] getSubCurve(double t, Point2D P0, Point2D P1, Point2D P2, Point2D P3) {
        Point2D P4 = subT(t, P0, P1);
        Point2D P5 = subT(t, P1, P2);
        Point2D P6 = subT(t, P2, P3);
        Point2D P7 = subT(t, P4, P5);
        Point2D P8 = subT(t, P5, P6);
        Point2D P9 = subT(t, P7, P8);
        return new Point2D [][] {
                new Point2D[]{P0, P4, P7, P9},
                new Point2D[]{P3, P6, P8, P9}};

     * Generates one side of a border
     * @param bounds bounds of the container
     * @param side what side you want
     * @param border border props
     * @param drawInterior if you want it to be 2d or not, if false it will be just a line
     * @return a path for the side chosen!
    public static Path2D generateBorderShape(Rectangle bounds, int side, BorderPropertySet border, boolean drawInterior) {
        return generateBorderShape(bounds, side, border, drawInterior, 0, 1);
     * Generates one side of a border
     * @param bounds bounds of the container
     * @param side what side you want
     * @param border border props
     * @param drawInterior if you want it to be 2d or not, if false it will be just a line
     * @param scaledOffset insets the border by multipling border widths by this variable, best use would be 1 or .5, cant see it for much other than that
     * @return a path for the side chosen!
    public static Path2D generateBorderShape(Rectangle bounds, int side, BorderPropertySet border, boolean drawInterior, float scaledOffset) {
        return generateBorderShape(bounds, side, border, drawInterior, scaledOffset, 1);
     * Generates one side of a border
     * @param bounds bounds of the container
     * @param side what side you want
     * @param border border props
     * @param drawInterior if you want it to be 2d or not, if false it will be just a line
     * @param scaledOffset insets the border by multipling border widths by this variable, best use would be 1 or .5, cant see it for much other than that
     * @param widthScale scales the border widths by this factor, useful for drawing half borders for border types like groove or double
     * @return a path for the side chosen!
    public static Path2D generateBorderShape(Rectangle bounds, int side, BorderPropertySet border, boolean drawInterior, float scaledOffset, float widthScale) {
         * Function overview: Prior to creating the path we check what side were building this on. All the coordinates in this function assume its building a top border
         * the border is then rotated and translated to its appropriate side. Uses of "left" and "right" are assuming a perspective of inside the shape looking out.
        float sideWidth = -1, topWidth = widthScale, leftWidth = widthScale, rightWidth = widthScale;
        double rotation = 0;
        float interiorWidth = 0, interiorHeight = 0,
                exteriorWidth = 0, exteriorHeight = 0;
        BorderRadiusCorner leftRadius = null, rightRadius = null;
        int xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0;
        // check what side of the border we are using, then set local variables to the appropriate values.
        // EG: if were doing bottom border then left would be bottom right corner of the rectangle and right would be bottom left...
        if ((side & BorderPainter.TOP) == BorderPainter.TOP) {
            sideWidth = bounds.width;
            topWidth = widthScale*;
            leftWidth = widthScale*border.left();
            rightWidth = widthScale*border.right();
            leftRadius = border.getTopLeft();
            rightRadius = border.getTopRight();

            interiorWidth = bounds.width - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.left() - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.right();
            interiorHeight = bounds.height - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale* - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.bottom();
            exteriorWidth = bounds.width - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.left() - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.right();
            exteriorHeight = bounds.height - scaledOffset*widthScale* - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.bottom();
            rotation = 0;
        } else if ((side & BorderPainter.RIGHT) == BorderPainter.RIGHT) {
            sideWidth = bounds.height;
            topWidth = widthScale*border.right();
            leftWidth = widthScale*;
            rightWidth = widthScale*border.bottom();
            leftRadius = border.getTopRight();
            rightRadius = border.getBottomRight();

            interiorHeight = bounds.width - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.left() - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.right();
            interiorWidth = bounds.height - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale* - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.bottom();
            exteriorHeight = bounds.width - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.left() - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.right();
             exteriorWidth = bounds.height - scaledOffset*widthScale* - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.bottom();

            xOffset = bounds.width;
            yOffset = 0;
            rotation = Math.PI / 2;
        } else if ((side & BorderPainter.BOTTOM) == BorderPainter.BOTTOM) {
            sideWidth = bounds.width;
            topWidth = widthScale*border.bottom();
            leftWidth = widthScale*border.right();
            rightWidth = widthScale*border.left();
            leftRadius = border.getBottomRight();
            rightRadius = border.getBottomLeft();

            interiorWidth = bounds.width - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.left() - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.right();
            interiorHeight = bounds.height - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale* - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.bottom();
            exteriorWidth = bounds.width - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.left() - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.right();
            exteriorHeight = bounds.height - scaledOffset*widthScale* - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.bottom();

            xOffset = bounds.width;
            yOffset = bounds.height;
            rotation = Math.PI;
        } else if ((side & BorderPainter.LEFT) == BorderPainter.LEFT) {
            sideWidth = bounds.height;
            topWidth = widthScale*border.left();
            leftWidth = widthScale*border.bottom();
            rightWidth = widthScale*;
            leftRadius = border.getBottomLeft();
            rightRadius = border.getTopLeft();
            interiorHeight = bounds.width - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.left() - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.right();
            interiorWidth = bounds.height - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale* - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.bottom();
            exteriorHeight = (bounds.width - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.left() - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.right());
             exteriorWidth = bounds.height - scaledOffset*widthScale* - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.bottom();
            xOffset = 0;
            yOffset = bounds.height;
            rotation = 3 * Math.PI / 2;
        float tco = scaledOffset*topWidth;
        float lco = scaledOffset*leftWidth;
        float rco = scaledOffset*rightWidth;
        // a magic number that represents the curvature of the radius. 0 would be a square corner with no arc at all (0 border radius) and 1 would be a straight angled corner like a /
        // somewhere in the middle is an arc. This number is arbitrary. We need this because i used a bezier function because I couldnt figure out the equation for the "perfect" border radius
        // so instead I use this silly hack with a bezier curve.
        float curveConstant = .44f;

        // top left corner % of side space
        float lp = 1;
        if(leftWidth != 0) {
          // subtracting 1 percent causes the borders to overlap slightly, reducing the integer roundoff error in painting. This removes the tiny white line
          // between the 2 different borders. The better way would be to calculate the end location of the other border side and use that instead.
            lp = leftWidth / (topWidth + leftWidth)-.01f;
        } else {
            lp = 0;

        // top right corner % of side space
        float rp = 1;
        if(rightWidth != 0) {
          // subtracting 1 percent causes the borders to overlap slightly, reducing the integer roundoff error in painting. This removes the tiny white line
          // between the 2 different borders. The better way would be to calculate the end location of the other border side and use that instead.
            rp = rightWidth / (topWidth + rightWidth)-.01f;
        } else {
            rp = 0;
        Path2D path = new Path2D.Float();
        // top left outside, check that theres a radius to be had
        if(leftRadius.getMaxRight(exteriorWidth) > 0) {
            Point2D [][] leftCurvePoints = getSubCurve(1-lp,
                new Point2D.Double(    leftRadius.getMaxRight(exteriorWidth) + lco,                     tco),
                new Point2D.Double(    curveConstant*(leftRadius.getMaxRight(exteriorWidth)) + lco,     tco),
                new Point2D.Double(    lco,                                                             tco+curveConstant*(leftRadius.getMaxLeft(exteriorHeight))),
                new Point2D.Double(    lco,                                                             tco+leftRadius.getMaxLeft(exteriorHeight)));
            path.moveTo(    (leftCurvePoints[0][3].getX()),         (leftCurvePoints[0][3].getY()));
            path.curveTo(    leftCurvePoints[0][2].getX(),         leftCurvePoints[0][2].getY(),
                            leftCurvePoints[0][1].getX(),        leftCurvePoints[0][1].getY(),
                            leftCurvePoints[0][0].getX(),        leftCurvePoints[0][0].getY());
        } else {
            path.moveTo(    lco,                 tco);
        // top right outside
        if(rightRadius.getMaxLeft(exteriorWidth) > 0) {
            Point2D [][] rightCurvePoints = getSubCurve(1-rp,
                    new Point2D.Double(    sideWidth - rightRadius.getMaxLeft(exteriorWidth) - rco,                         tco),
                    new Point2D.Double(    sideWidth - curveConstant*(rightRadius.getMaxLeft(exteriorWidth)) - rco,         tco),
                    new Point2D.Double(    sideWidth - rco,                                                                 tco + curveConstant*(rightRadius.getMaxRight(exteriorHeight))),
                    new Point2D.Double(    sideWidth - rco,                                                                 tco + rightRadius.getMaxRight(exteriorHeight)));
            path.lineTo(     rightCurvePoints[0][0].getX(), rightCurvePoints[0][0].getY());
            path.curveTo(    rightCurvePoints[0][1].getX(), rightCurvePoints[0][1].getY(),
                            rightCurvePoints[0][2].getX(), rightCurvePoints[0][2].getY(),
                            (rightCurvePoints[0][3].getX()), (rightCurvePoints[0][3].getY()));
        } else {
            path.lineTo(sideWidth - rightRadius.getMaxLeft(exteriorWidth/2) - rco,         tco);

        // check if we draw the interior
        if(drawInterior) {
            // start drawing interior
            tco = (1+scaledOffset)*topWidth;
            lco = (1+scaledOffset)*leftWidth;
            rco = (1+scaledOffset)*rightWidth;

            // top right interior, check we have a radius
            if(rightRadius.getMaxLeft(interiorWidth) > 0) {
                Point2D [][] rightCurvePoints = getSubCurve(1-rp,
                        new Point2D.Double(    sideWidth - rightRadius.getMaxLeft(interiorWidth) - rco,                             tco),
                        new Point2D.Double(    sideWidth - curveConstant*(rightRadius.getMaxLeft(interiorWidth)) - rco,             tco),
                        new Point2D.Double(    sideWidth - rco,                                                                     tco + curveConstant*(rightRadius.getMaxRight(interiorHeight))),
                        new Point2D.Double(    sideWidth - rco,                                                                     tco + rightRadius.getMaxRight(interiorHeight)));
                path.lineTo((rightCurvePoints[0][3].getX()), (rightCurvePoints[0][3].getY()));
                path.curveTo(    rightCurvePoints[0][2].getX(), rightCurvePoints[0][2].getY(),
                                rightCurvePoints[0][1].getX(), rightCurvePoints[0][1].getY(),
                                rightCurvePoints[0][0].getX(), rightCurvePoints[0][0].getY());
            } else {
                path.lineTo(sideWidth - rco,                 tco);
            // top left interior, check we have a radius
            if(leftRadius.getMaxRight(interiorWidth) > 0) {
                Point2D [][] leftCurvePoints = getSubCurve(1-lp,
                    new Point2D.Double(    leftRadius.getMaxRight(interiorWidth) + lco,                         tco),
                    new Point2D.Double(    curveConstant*(leftRadius.getMaxRight(interiorWidth)) + lco,         tco),
                    new Point2D.Double(    lco,                                                                 tco + curveConstant*(leftRadius.getMaxLeft(interiorHeight))),
                    new Point2D.Double(    lco,                                                                 tco + leftRadius.getMaxLeft(interiorHeight)));
                path.lineTo(leftCurvePoints[0][0].getX(), leftCurvePoints[0][0].getY());
                path.curveTo(    leftCurvePoints[0][1].getX(), leftCurvePoints[0][1].getY(),
                        leftCurvePoints[0][2].getX(), leftCurvePoints[0][2].getY(),
                        (leftCurvePoints[0][3].getX()), (leftCurvePoints[0][3].getY()));
            } else {
                path.lineTo(leftRadius.getMaxRight(interiorHeight) +  lco,                 tco);
            // only close the path if its a full 2d path. If its just the exterior line we leave it open
        // rotate and translate our border to the correct side.
        path.transform(AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(rotation, 0, 0));
        path.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(bounds.x + xOffset, bounds.y + yOffset));
        return path;
     * @param xOffset for determining starting point for patterns
    public static void paint(
            Rectangle bounds, int sides, BorderPropertySet border,
            RenderingContext ctx, int xOffset, boolean bevel) {
        if ((sides & BorderPainter.TOP) == BorderPainter.TOP && border.noTop()) {
            sides -= BorderPainter.TOP;
        if ((sides & BorderPainter.LEFT) == BorderPainter.LEFT && border.noLeft()) {
            sides -= BorderPainter.LEFT;
        if ((sides & BorderPainter.BOTTOM) == BorderPainter.BOTTOM && border.noBottom()) {
            sides -= BorderPainter.BOTTOM;
        if ((sides & BorderPainter.RIGHT) == BorderPainter.RIGHT && border.noRight()) {
            sides -= BorderPainter.RIGHT;

        //Now paint!
        if ((sides & BorderPainter.TOP) == BorderPainter.TOP && border.topColor() != FSRGBColor.TRANSPARENT) {
                    border, bounds, sides, BorderPainter.TOP, border.topStyle(), xOffset, bevel);
        if ((sides & BorderPainter.BOTTOM) == BorderPainter.BOTTOM && border.bottomColor() != FSRGBColor.TRANSPARENT) {
                    border, bounds, sides, BorderPainter.BOTTOM, border.bottomStyle(), xOffset, bevel);
        if ((sides & BorderPainter.LEFT) == BorderPainter.LEFT && border.leftColor() != FSRGBColor.TRANSPARENT) {
                    border, bounds, sides, BorderPainter.LEFT, border.leftStyle(), xOffset, bevel);
        if ((sides & BorderPainter.RIGHT) == BorderPainter.RIGHT && border.rightColor() != FSRGBColor.TRANSPARENT) {
                    border, bounds, sides, BorderPainter.RIGHT, border.rightStyle(), xOffset, bevel);

     * Unused, remove?
    private static Rectangle shrinkRect(final Rectangle rect, final BorderPropertySet border, int sides) {
        Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle();
        r2.x = rect.x + ((sides & BorderPainter.LEFT) == 0 ? 0 : (int) border.left());
        r2.width = rect.width - ((sides & BorderPainter.LEFT) == 0 ? 0 : (int) border.left()) - ((sides & BorderPainter.RIGHT) == 0 ? 0 : (int) border.right());
        r2.y = rect.y + ((sides & BorderPainter.TOP) == 0 ? 0 : (int);
        r2.height = rect.height - ((sides & BorderPainter.TOP) == 0 ? 0 : (int) - ((sides & BorderPainter.BOTTOM) == 0 ? 0 : (int) border.bottom());
        return r2;

    private static void paintBorderSide(OutputDevice outputDevice,
            final BorderPropertySet border, final Rectangle bounds, final int sides,
            int currentSide, final IdentValue borderSideStyle, int xOffset, boolean bevel) {
        if (borderSideStyle == IdentValue.RIDGE || borderSideStyle == IdentValue.GROOVE) {
            BorderPropertySet bd2 = new BorderPropertySet((int) ( / 2),
                    (int) (border.right() / 2),
                    (int) (border.bottom() / 2),
                    (int) (border.left() / 2));
           if (borderSideStyle == IdentValue.RIDGE) {
                       outputDevice, bounds, bd2, border.lighten(borderSideStyle),
                       0, 1, sides, currentSide, bevel);
                        outputDevice, bounds, border, border.darken(borderSideStyle),
                        1, .5f, sides, currentSide, bevel);
            } else {
                        outputDevice, bounds, bd2, border.darken(borderSideStyle),
                        0, 1, sides, currentSide, bevel);
                        outputDevice, bounds, border, border.lighten(borderSideStyle),
                        1, .5f, sides, currentSide, bevel);
        } else if (borderSideStyle == IdentValue.OUTSET) {
            paintBorderSideShape(outputDevice, bounds, border,
                    0, 1, sides, currentSide, bevel);
        } else if (borderSideStyle == IdentValue.INSET) {
            paintBorderSideShape(outputDevice, bounds, border,
                    0, 1, sides, currentSide, bevel);
        } else if (borderSideStyle == IdentValue.SOLID) {
            outputDevice.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1f));
            if(currentSide == TOP) {
                outputDevice.fill(generateBorderShape(bounds, TOP, border, true, 0, 1));
            if(currentSide == RIGHT) {
                outputDevice.fill(generateBorderShape(bounds, RIGHT, border, true, 0, 1));
            if(currentSide == BOTTOM) {
                outputDevice.fill(generateBorderShape(bounds, BOTTOM, border, true, 0, 1));
            if(currentSide == LEFT) {
                outputDevice.fill(generateBorderShape(bounds, LEFT, border, true, 0, 1));
        } else if (borderSideStyle == IdentValue.DOUBLE) {
            paintDoubleBorder(outputDevice, border, bounds, sides, currentSide, bevel);
        } else {
            int thickness = 0;
            if (currentSide == BorderPainter.TOP) thickness = (int);
            if (currentSide == BorderPainter.BOTTOM) thickness = (int) border.bottom();
            if (currentSide == BorderPainter.RIGHT) thickness = (int) border.right();
            if (currentSide == BorderPainter.LEFT) thickness = (int) border.left();
            if (borderSideStyle == IdentValue.DASHED) {
                outputDevice.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF);
                paintPatternedRect(outputDevice, bounds, border, border, new float[]{8.0f + thickness * 2, 4.0f + thickness}, sides, currentSide, xOffset);
                outputDevice.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
            if (borderSideStyle == IdentValue.DOTTED) {
                // turn off anti-aliasing or the dots will be all blurry
                outputDevice.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF);
                paintPatternedRect(outputDevice, bounds, border, border, new float[]{thickness, thickness}, sides, currentSide, xOffset);
                outputDevice.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    private static DoubleBorderInfo calcDoubleBorderInfo(int width) {
        DoubleBorderInfo result = new DoubleBorderInfo();
        if (width == 1) {
        } else if (width == 2) {
        } else {
            int extra = width % 3;
            switch (extra) {
                case 0:
                    result.setOuter(width / 3);
                    result.setCenter(width / 3);
                    result.setInner(width / 3);
                case 1:
                    result.setOuter((width + 2) / 3 - 1);
                    result.setCenter((width + 2) / 3);
                    result.setInner((width + 2) / 3 - 1);
                case 2:
                    result.setOuter((width + 1) / 3);
                    result.setCenter((width + 1) / 3 - 1);
                    result.setInner((width + 1) / 3);
        return result;

    private static void paintDoubleBorder(
            OutputDevice outputDevice, BorderPropertySet border,
            Rectangle bounds, int sides, int currentSide, boolean bevel) {
        // draw outer border
        paintSolid(outputDevice, bounds, border, 0, .5f, sides, currentSide, bevel);
        // draw inner border
        paintSolid(outputDevice, bounds, border, 2, .5f, sides, currentSide, bevel);

     * @param xOffset     for inline borders, to determine dash_phase of top and bottom
    private static void paintPatternedRect(OutputDevice outputDevice,
            final Rectangle bounds, final BorderPropertySet border,
            final BorderPropertySet color, final float[] pattern,
            final int sides, final int currentSide, int xOffset) {
        Stroke old_stroke = outputDevice.getStroke();

        Path2D path = generateBorderShape(bounds, currentSide, border, false, .5f, 1);
        Path2D clip = generateBorderShape(bounds, currentSide, border, true, 0, 1);
        Shape old_clip = outputDevice.getClip();
        if (currentSide == BorderPainter.TOP) {
            outputDevice.setStroke(new BasicStroke((int), BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL, 0, pattern, xOffset));
                    path, BorderPainter.TOP, (int), false);
        } else if (currentSide == BorderPainter.LEFT) {
            outputDevice.setStroke(new BasicStroke((int) border.left(), BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL, 0, pattern, 0));
                    path, BorderPainter.LEFT, (int)border.left(), false);
        } else if (currentSide == BorderPainter.RIGHT) {
            outputDevice.setStroke(new BasicStroke((int) border.right(), BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL, 0, pattern, 0));
                    path, BorderPainter.RIGHT, (int)border.right(), false);
        } else if (currentSide == BorderPainter.BOTTOM) {
            outputDevice.setStroke(new BasicStroke((int) border.bottom(), BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL, 0, pattern, xOffset));
                    path, BorderPainter.BOTTOM, (int)border.bottom(), false);


    private static void paintBorderSideShape(OutputDevice outputDevice,
            final Rectangle bounds, final BorderPropertySet border,
            final BorderPropertySet high, final BorderPropertySet low,
            final float offset, final float scale,
            final int sides, int currentSide, boolean bevel) {
        if (currentSide == BorderPainter.TOP) {
            paintSolid(outputDevice, bounds, high, offset, scale, sides, currentSide, bevel);
        } else if (currentSide == BorderPainter.BOTTOM) {
            paintSolid(outputDevice, bounds, low, offset, scale, sides, currentSide, bevel);
        } else if (currentSide == BorderPainter.RIGHT) {
            paintSolid(outputDevice, bounds, low, offset, scale, sides, currentSide, bevel);
        } else if (currentSide == BorderPainter.LEFT) {
            paintSolid(outputDevice, bounds, high, offset, scale, sides, currentSide, bevel);

    private static void paintSolid(OutputDevice outputDevice,
            final Rectangle bounds, final BorderPropertySet border,
            final float offset, final float scale, final int sides, int currentSide,
            boolean bevel) {
        if (currentSide == BorderPainter.TOP) {
            // draw a 1px border with a line instead of a polygon
            if ((int) == 1) {
                Shape line = generateBorderShape(bounds, currentSide, border, false, offset, scale);
            } else {
                Shape line = generateBorderShape(bounds, currentSide, border, true, offset, scale);
                // use polygons for borders over 1px wide
        } else if (currentSide == BorderPainter.BOTTOM) {
            if ((int) border.bottom() == 1) {
                Shape line = generateBorderShape(bounds, currentSide, border, false, offset, scale);
            } else {
                Shape line = generateBorderShape(bounds, currentSide, border, true, offset, scale);
                // use polygons for borders over 1px wide
        } else if (currentSide == BorderPainter.RIGHT) {
            if ((int) border.right() == 1) {
                Shape line = generateBorderShape(bounds, currentSide, border, false, offset, scale);
            } else {
                Shape line = generateBorderShape(bounds, currentSide, border, true, offset, scale);
                // use polygons for borders over 1px wide
        } else if (currentSide == BorderPainter.LEFT) {
            if ((int) border.left() == 1) {
                Shape line = generateBorderShape(bounds, currentSide, border, false, offset, scale);
            } else {
                Shape line = generateBorderShape(bounds, currentSide, border, true, offset, scale);
                // use polygons for borders over 1px wide
    private static class DoubleBorderInfo {
        private int _outer;
        private int _center;
        private int _inner;
        public int getCenter() {
            return _center;
        public void setCenter(int center) {
            _center = center;
        public int getInner() {
            return _inner;
        public void setInner(int inner) {
            _inner = inner;
        public int getOuter() {
            return _outer;
        public void setOuter(int outer) {
            _outer = outer;

* $Id$
* $Log$
* Revision 1.48  2008/07/27 00:21:47  peterbrant
* Implement CMYK color support for PDF output, starting with patch from Mykola Gurov / Banish java.awt.Color from FS core layout classes
* Revision 1.47  2007/04/24 17:04:31  peterbrant
* Method name improvements
* Revision 1.46  2007/03/01 18:00:10  peterbrant
* Fix rounding problems with double borders / Light BorderPainter cleanup (more needed) / Don't bevel collapsed table borders
* Revision 1.45  2007/02/07 16:33:25  peterbrant
* Initial commit of rewritten table support and associated refactorings
* Revision 1.44  2007/01/17 17:50:54  peterbrant
* Clean out unused code
* Revision 1.43  2006/02/21 18:09:17  peterbrant
* Fix call to BorderPropertySet constructor
* Revision 1.42  2006/02/01 01:30:14  peterbrant
* Initial commit of PDF work
* Revision 1.41  2006/01/27 01:15:36  peterbrant
* Start on better support for different output devices
* Revision 1.40  2005/12/15 20:04:13  peterbrant
* Don't paint transparent borders
* Revision 1.39  2005/11/08 20:02:14  peterbrant
* Fix off by one errors for borders with an odd width
* Revision 1.38  2005/10/27 00:09:02  tobega
* Sorted out Context into RenderingContext and LayoutContext
* Revision 1.37  2005/10/21 18:49:44  pdoubleya
* Fixed border painting bug.
* Revision 1.36  2005/10/21 18:10:52  pdoubleya
* Support for cachable borders. Still buggy on some pages, but getting there.
* Revision 1.35  2005/06/22 23:48:45  tobega
* Refactored the css package to allow a clean separation from the core.
* Revision 1.34  2005/06/04 16:04:12  tobega
* just playing with border colors a bit more
* Revision 1.33  2005/06/04 14:47:43  tobega
* Just for fun: took more control over darkening/brightening colors. Looks nice, though.
* Revision 1.32  2005/06/03 01:08:58  tobega
* Fixed bug in painting double borders
* Revision 1.31  2005/05/29 23:49:15  tobega
* Did it right, this time, so that inline borders also look nice
* Revision 1.30  2005/05/29 23:43:28  tobega
* Removed tendency for white diagonal line in corners
* Revision 1.29  2005/05/29 20:13:20  tobega
* Cleaned up duplicate code
* Revision 1.28  2005/05/29 19:37:58  tobega
* Fixed up using different style borders.
* Fixed patterned borders to work right.
* Revision 1.27  2005/05/16 08:07:09  tobega
* Border painting for inlines works beautifully (tested only solid borders)
* Revision 1.26  2005/05/13 11:49:59  tobega
* Started to fix up borders on inlines. Got caught up in refactoring.
* Boxes shouldn't cache borders and stuff unless necessary. Started to remove unnecessary references.
* Hover is not working completely well now, might get better when I'm done.
* Revision 1.25  2005/05/13 08:46:17  tobega
* A line is drawn to the right and below the coordinate. Needed to adjust when drawing lines for 1-pixel borders
* Revision 1.24  2005/05/12 06:24:16  joshy
* more very minor border and background tweaks
* Issue number:
* Obtained from:
* Submitted by:
* Reviewed by:
* Revision 1.23  2005/05/12 04:55:57  joshy
* fix for issues 76
* Issue number:
* Obtained from:
* Submitted by:
* Reviewed by:
* Revision 1.22  2005/05/08 14:36:58  tobega
* Refactored away the need for having a context in a CalculatedStyle
* Revision 1.21  2005/01/29 20:24:23  pdoubleya
* Clean/reformat code. Removed commented blocks, checked copyright.
* Revision 1.20  2005/01/25 10:56:56  pdoubleya
* Added warning on possible duplicate code.
* Revision 1.19  2005/01/25 10:55:15  pdoubleya
* Added warning on possible duplicate code.
* Revision 1.18  2005/01/24 22:46:42  pdoubleya
* Added support for ident-checks using IdentValue instead of string comparisons.
* Revision 1.17  2005/01/24 14:36:34  pdoubleya
* Mass commit, includes: updated for changes to property declaration instantiation, and new use of DerivedValue. Removed any references to older XR... classes (e.g. XRProperty). Cleaned imports.
* Revision 1.16  2005/01/09 15:22:49  tobega
* Prepared improved handling of margins, borders and padding.
* Revision 1.15  2004/12/29 10:39:34  tobega
* Separated current state Context into LayoutContext and the rest into SharedContext.
* Revision 1.14  2004/12/27 09:40:48  tobega
* Moved more styling to render stage. Now inlines have backgrounds and borders again.
* Revision 1.13  2004/12/27 07:43:32  tobega
* Cleaned out border from box, it can be gotten from current style. Is it maybe needed for dynamic stuff?
* Revision 1.12  2004/12/13 02:12:53  tobega
* Borders are working again
* Revision 1.11  2004/12/12 04:18:57  tobega
* Now the core compiles at least. Now we must make it work right. Table layout is one point that really needs to be looked over
* Revision 1.10  2004/12/12 03:33:00  tobega
* Renamed x and u to avoid confusing IDE. But that got cvs in a twist. See if this does it
* Revision 1.9  2004/12/11 23:36:49  tobega
* Progressing on cleaning up layout and boxes. Still broken, won't even compile at the moment. Working hard to fix it, though.
* Revision 1.8  2004/12/05 00:48:58  tobega
* Cleaned up so that now all property-lookups use the CalculatedStyle. Also added support for relative values of top, left, width, etc.
* Revision 1.7  2004/11/09 15:53:49  joshy
* initial support for hover (currently disabled)
* moved justification code into it's own class in a new subpackage for inline
* layout (because it's so blooming complicated)
* Issue number:
* Obtained from:
* Submitted by:
* Reviewed by:
* Revision 1.6  2004/11/07 16:23:18  joshy
* added support for lighten and darken to bordercolor
* added support for different colored sides
* Issue number:
* Obtained from:
* Submitted by:
* Reviewed by:
* Revision 1.5  2004/11/06 22:49:52  joshy
* cleaned up alice
* initial support for inline borders and backgrounds
* moved all of inlinepainter back into inlinerenderer, where it belongs.
* Issue number:
* Obtained from:
* Submitted by:
* Reviewed by:
* Revision 1.4  2004/11/02 17:14:00  joshy
* implemented double borders
* Issue number:
* Obtained from:
* Submitted by:
* Reviewed by:
* Revision 1.3  2004/10/23 13:50:26  pdoubleya
* Re-formatted using JavaStyle tool.
* Cleaned imports to resolve wildcards except for common packages (, java.util, etc).
* Added CVS log comments at bottom.

Related Classes of org.xhtmlrenderer.render.BorderPainter$DoubleBorderInfo

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