
Examples of

        this._top = top;
        this._right = right;
        this._bottom = bottom;
        this._left = left;
        this._topLeft = new BorderRadiusCorner();
        this._topRight = new BorderRadiusCorner();
        this._bottomLeft = new BorderRadiusCorner();
        this._bottomRight = new BorderRadiusCorner();
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        this._topColor = top.color();
        this._rightColor = right.color();
        this._bottomColor = bottom.color();
        this._leftColor = left.color();      
        this._topLeft = new BorderRadiusCorner();
        this._topRight = new BorderRadiusCorner();
        this._bottomLeft = new BorderRadiusCorner();
        this._bottomRight = new BorderRadiusCorner();
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        _topLeft = new BorderRadiusCorner(style.valueByName(CSSName.BORDER_TOP_LEFT_RADIUS), ctx);
        _topRight = new BorderRadiusCorner(style.valueByName(CSSName.BORDER_TOP_RIGHT_RADIUS), ctx);
        _bottomLeft = new BorderRadiusCorner(style.valueByName(CSSName.BORDER_BOTTOM_LEFT_RADIUS), ctx);
        _bottomRight = new BorderRadiusCorner(style.valueByName(CSSName.BORDER_BOTTOM_RIGHT_RADIUS), ctx);
        _topLeft = new BorderRadiusCorner(CSSName.BORDER_TOP_LEFT_RADIUS, style, ctx);
        _topRight = new BorderRadiusCorner(CSSName.BORDER_TOP_RIGHT_RADIUS, style, ctx);
        _bottomLeft = new BorderRadiusCorner(CSSName.BORDER_BOTTOM_LEFT_RADIUS, style, ctx);
        _bottomRight = new BorderRadiusCorner(CSSName.BORDER_BOTTOM_RIGHT_RADIUS, style, ctx);
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        float sideWidth = -1, topWidth = widthScale, leftWidth = widthScale, rightWidth = widthScale;
        double rotation = 0;
        float interiorWidth = 0, interiorHeight = 0,
                exteriorWidth = 0, exteriorHeight = 0;
        BorderRadiusCorner leftRadius = null, rightRadius = null;
        int xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0;
        // check what side of the border we are using, then set local variables to the appropriate values.
        // EG: if were doing bottom border then left would be bottom right corner of the rectangle and right would be bottom left...
        if ((side & BorderPainter.TOP) == BorderPainter.TOP) {
            sideWidth = bounds.width;
            topWidth = widthScale*;
            leftWidth = widthScale*border.left();
            rightWidth = widthScale*border.right();
            leftRadius = border.getTopLeft();
            rightRadius = border.getTopRight();

            interiorWidth = bounds.width - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.left() - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.right();
            interiorHeight = bounds.height - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale* - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.bottom();
            exteriorWidth = bounds.width - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.left() - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.right();
            exteriorHeight = bounds.height - scaledOffset*widthScale* - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.bottom();
            rotation = 0;
        } else if ((side & BorderPainter.RIGHT) == BorderPainter.RIGHT) {
            sideWidth = bounds.height;
            topWidth = widthScale*border.right();
            leftWidth = widthScale*;
            rightWidth = widthScale*border.bottom();
            leftRadius = border.getTopRight();
            rightRadius = border.getBottomRight();

            interiorHeight = bounds.width - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.left() - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.right();
            interiorWidth = bounds.height - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale* - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.bottom();
            exteriorHeight = bounds.width - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.left() - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.right();
             exteriorWidth = bounds.height - scaledOffset*widthScale* - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.bottom();

            xOffset = bounds.width;
            yOffset = 0;
            rotation = Math.PI / 2;
        } else if ((side & BorderPainter.BOTTOM) == BorderPainter.BOTTOM) {
            sideWidth = bounds.width;
            topWidth = widthScale*border.bottom();
            leftWidth = widthScale*border.right();
            rightWidth = widthScale*border.left();
            leftRadius = border.getBottomRight();
            rightRadius = border.getBottomLeft();

            interiorWidth = bounds.width - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.left() - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.right();
            interiorHeight = bounds.height - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale* - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.bottom();
            exteriorWidth = bounds.width - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.left() - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.right();
            exteriorHeight = bounds.height - scaledOffset*widthScale* - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.bottom();

            xOffset = bounds.width;
            yOffset = bounds.height;
            rotation = Math.PI;
        } else if ((side & BorderPainter.LEFT) == BorderPainter.LEFT) {
            sideWidth = bounds.height;
            topWidth = widthScale*border.left();
            leftWidth = widthScale*border.bottom();
            rightWidth = widthScale*;
            leftRadius = border.getBottomLeft();
            rightRadius = border.getTopLeft();
            interiorHeight = bounds.width - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.left() - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.right();
            interiorWidth = bounds.height - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale* - (1+scaledOffset)*widthScale*border.bottom();
            exteriorHeight = (bounds.width - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.left() - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.right());
             exteriorWidth = bounds.height - scaledOffset*widthScale* - scaledOffset*widthScale*border.bottom();
            xOffset = 0;
            yOffset = bounds.height;
            rotation = 3 * Math.PI / 2;
        float tco = scaledOffset*topWidth;
        float lco = scaledOffset*leftWidth;
        float rco = scaledOffset*rightWidth;
        // a magic number that represents the curvature of the radius. 0 would be a square corner with no arc at all (0 border radius) and 1 would be a straight angled corner like a /
        // somewhere in the middle is an arc. This number is arbitrary. We need this because i used a bezier function because I couldnt figure out the equation for the "perfect" border radius
        // so instead I use this silly hack with a bezier curve.
        float curveConstant = .44f;

        // top left corner % of side space
        float lp = 1;
        if(leftWidth != 0) {
          // subtracting 1 percent causes the borders to overlap slightly, reducing the integer roundoff error in painting. This removes the tiny white line
          // between the 2 different borders. The better way would be to calculate the end location of the other border side and use that instead.
            lp = leftWidth / (topWidth + leftWidth)-.01f;
        } else {
            lp = 0;

        // top right corner % of side space
        float rp = 1;
        if(rightWidth != 0) {
          // subtracting 1 percent causes the borders to overlap slightly, reducing the integer roundoff error in painting. This removes the tiny white line
          // between the 2 different borders. The better way would be to calculate the end location of the other border side and use that instead.
            rp = rightWidth / (topWidth + rightWidth)-.01f;
        } else {
            rp = 0;
        Path2D path = new Path2D.Float();
        // top left outside, check that theres a radius to be had
        if(leftRadius.getMaxRight(exteriorWidth) > 0) {
            Point2D [][] leftCurvePoints = getSubCurve(1-lp,
                new Point2D.Double(    leftRadius.getMaxRight(exteriorWidth) + lco,                     tco),
                new Point2D.Double(    curveConstant*(leftRadius.getMaxRight(exteriorWidth)) + lco,     tco),
                new Point2D.Double(    lco,                                                             tco+curveConstant*(leftRadius.getMaxLeft(exteriorHeight))),
                new Point2D.Double(    lco,                                                             tco+leftRadius.getMaxLeft(exteriorHeight)));
            path.moveTo(    (leftCurvePoints[0][3].getX()),         (leftCurvePoints[0][3].getY()));
            path.curveTo(    leftCurvePoints[0][2].getX(),         leftCurvePoints[0][2].getY(),
                            leftCurvePoints[0][1].getX(),        leftCurvePoints[0][1].getY(),
                            leftCurvePoints[0][0].getX(),        leftCurvePoints[0][0].getY());
        } else {
            path.moveTo(    lco,                 tco);
        // top right outside
        if(rightRadius.getMaxLeft(exteriorWidth) > 0) {
            Point2D [][] rightCurvePoints = getSubCurve(1-rp,
                    new Point2D.Double(    sideWidth - rightRadius.getMaxLeft(exteriorWidth) - rco,                         tco),
                    new Point2D.Double(    sideWidth - curveConstant*(rightRadius.getMaxLeft(exteriorWidth)) - rco,         tco),
                    new Point2D.Double(    sideWidth - rco,                                                                 tco + curveConstant*(rightRadius.getMaxRight(exteriorHeight))),
                    new Point2D.Double(    sideWidth - rco,                                                                 tco + rightRadius.getMaxRight(exteriorHeight)));
            path.lineTo(     rightCurvePoints[0][0].getX(), rightCurvePoints[0][0].getY());
            path.curveTo(    rightCurvePoints[0][1].getX(), rightCurvePoints[0][1].getY(),
                            rightCurvePoints[0][2].getX(), rightCurvePoints[0][2].getY(),
                            (rightCurvePoints[0][3].getX()), (rightCurvePoints[0][3].getY()));
        } else {
            path.lineTo(sideWidth - rightRadius.getMaxLeft(exteriorWidth/2) - rco,         tco);

        // check if we draw the interior
        if(drawInterior) {
            // start drawing interior
            tco = (1+scaledOffset)*topWidth;
            lco = (1+scaledOffset)*leftWidth;
            rco = (1+scaledOffset)*rightWidth;

            // top right interior, check we have a radius
            if(rightRadius.getMaxLeft(interiorWidth) > 0) {
                Point2D [][] rightCurvePoints = getSubCurve(1-rp,
                        new Point2D.Double(    sideWidth - rightRadius.getMaxLeft(interiorWidth) - rco,                             tco),
                        new Point2D.Double(    sideWidth - curveConstant*(rightRadius.getMaxLeft(interiorWidth)) - rco,             tco),
                        new Point2D.Double(    sideWidth - rco,                                                                     tco + curveConstant*(rightRadius.getMaxRight(interiorHeight))),
                        new Point2D.Double(    sideWidth - rco,                                                                     tco + rightRadius.getMaxRight(interiorHeight)));
                path.lineTo((rightCurvePoints[0][3].getX()), (rightCurvePoints[0][3].getY()));
                path.curveTo(    rightCurvePoints[0][2].getX(), rightCurvePoints[0][2].getY(),
                                rightCurvePoints[0][1].getX(), rightCurvePoints[0][1].getY(),
                                rightCurvePoints[0][0].getX(), rightCurvePoints[0][0].getY());
            } else {
                path.lineTo(sideWidth - rco,                 tco);
            // top left interior, check we have a radius
            if(leftRadius.getMaxRight(interiorWidth) > 0) {
                Point2D [][] leftCurvePoints = getSubCurve(1-lp,
                    new Point2D.Double(    leftRadius.getMaxRight(interiorWidth) + lco,                         tco),
                    new Point2D.Double(    curveConstant*(leftRadius.getMaxRight(interiorWidth)) + lco,         tco),
                    new Point2D.Double(    lco,                                                                 tco + curveConstant*(leftRadius.getMaxLeft(interiorHeight))),
                    new Point2D.Double(    lco,                                                                 tco + leftRadius.getMaxLeft(interiorHeight)));
                path.lineTo(leftCurvePoints[0][0].getX(), leftCurvePoints[0][0].getY());
                path.curveTo(    leftCurvePoints[0][1].getX(), leftCurvePoints[0][1].getY(),
                        leftCurvePoints[0][2].getX(), leftCurvePoints[0][2].getY(),
                        (leftCurvePoints[0][3].getX()), (leftCurvePoints[0][3].getY()));
            } else {
                path.lineTo(leftRadius.getMaxRight(interiorHeight) +  lco,                 tco);
            // only close the path if its a full 2d path. If its just the exterior line we leave it open
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