* Created on Feb 28, 2005
package org.flexdock.plaf;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.flexdock.plaf.resources.ResourceHandler;
import org.flexdock.plaf.resources.ResourceHandlerFactory;
import org.flexdock.util.ResourceManager;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
* @author Christopher Butler
public final class Configurator implements XMLConstants {
public static final String DEFAULT_PREFS_URI = "org/flexdock/plaf/flexdock-themes-default.xml";
public static final String PREFS_URI = "flexdock-themes.xml";
private Configurator() {
//does nothing
public static Document loadUserPrefs() {
return ResourceManager.getDocument(PREFS_URI);
public static Document loadDefaultPrefs() {
return ResourceManager.getDocument(DEFAULT_PREFS_URI);
public static HashMap getNamedElementsByTagName(String tagName) {
return null;
HashMap cache = new HashMap(256);
// load defaults
Document defaults = Configurator.loadDefaultPrefs();
loadNamedElementsByTagName(defaults, tagName, cache);
// overwrite/add with user prefs
Document user = Configurator.loadUserPrefs();
loadNamedElementsByTagName(user, tagName, cache);
return cache;
private static void loadNamedElementsByTagName(Document document, String tagName, HashMap cache) {
NodeList elements = document.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
for(int i=0; i<elements.getLength(); i++) {
Element elem = (Element)elements.item(i);
String key = elem.getAttribute(NAME_KEY);
boolean inherit = "true".equals(elem.getAttribute(INHERITS_KEY));
if(!isNull(key)) {
if(inherit) {
// mark as overridden, so we don't overwrite it in the cache
Element oldValue = (Element)cache.get(key);
if(oldValue!=null) {
cache.put(OVERRIDDEN_KEY + key, oldValue);
cache.put(key, elem);
public static PropertySet[] getProperties(String tagName) {
HashMap map = getNamedElementsByTagName(tagName);
return new PropertySet[0];
String[] names = (String[])map.keySet().toArray(new String[0]);
return getProperties(names, map);
public static PropertySet getProperties(String name, String tagName) {
HashMap map = getNamedElementsByTagName(tagName);
return null;
return getProperties(name, map);
public static PropertySet[] getProperties(String[] names, String tagName) {
HashMap map = names==null? null: getNamedElementsByTagName(tagName);
return new PropertySet[0];
return getProperties(names, map);
public static PropertySet[] getProperties(String[] names, HashMap cache) {
PropertySet[] properties = new PropertySet[names.length];
for(int i=0; i<names.length; i++) {
properties[i] = getProperties(names[i], cache);
return properties;
private static PropertySet getProperties(String elemName, HashMap cache) {
Element elem = isNull(elemName)? null: (Element)cache.get(elemName);
return null;
PropertySet set = new PropertySet();
// load all the parent properties first, so we can add/overwrite our own later
String parentName = elem.getAttribute(EXTENDS_KEY);
PropertySet parent = isNull(parentName)? null: getProperties(parentName, cache);
// check to see if we're supposed to inherit from an overridden element
if("true".equalsIgnoreCase(elem.getAttribute(INHERITS_KEY))) {
PropertySet overridden = getProperties(OVERRIDDEN_KEY + elemName, cache);
// get the default handler name
String propertyHandlerName = getPropertyHandlerName(elem);
NodeList list = elem.getElementsByTagName(PROPERTY_KEY);
int len = list.getLength();
for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
elem = (Element)list.item(i);
String key = elem.getAttribute(NAME_KEY);
if(!isNull(key)) {
String value = elem.getAttribute(VALUE_KEY);
String handler = elem.getAttribute(HANDLER_KEY);
Object resource = getResource(value, handler, propertyHandlerName);
if(resource!=null) {
set.setProperty(key, resource);
return set;
private static String getPropertyHandlerName(Element elem) {
String handlerName = elem.getAttribute(PROP_HANDLER_KEY);
handlerName = ResourceHandlerFactory.getPropertyHandler(elem.getTagName());
return isNull(handlerName)? null: handlerName;
public static Object getResource(String stringValue, String currentHandlerName, String defaultHandlerName) {
String handlerName = isNull(currentHandlerName)? defaultHandlerName: currentHandlerName;
return nullify(stringValue);
ResourceHandler handler = ResourceHandlerFactory.getResourceHandler(handlerName);
return handler==null? nullify(stringValue): handler.getResource(stringValue);
private static String nullify(String data) {
return isNull(data)? null: data;
public static boolean isNull(String data) {
return data == null || data.trim().length() == 0;