package advanced.puzzle;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.mt4j.MTApplication;
import org.mt4j.components.MTComponent;
import org.mt4j.components.TransformSpace;
import org.mt4j.components.bounds.BoundsZPlaneRectangle;
import org.mt4j.components.visibleComponents.shapes.AbstractShape;
import org.mt4j.components.visibleComponents.shapes.MTComplexPolygon;
import org.mt4j.components.visibleComponents.shapes.MTPolygon;
import org.mt4j.input.gestureAction.InertiaDragAction;
import org.mt4j.input.inputProcessors.componentProcessors.dragProcessor.DragProcessor;
import org.mt4j.input.inputProcessors.componentProcessors.lassoProcessor.IdragClusterable;
import org.mt4j.input.inputProcessors.componentProcessors.scaleProcessor.ScaleProcessor;
import org.mt4j.util.MT4jSettings;
import org.mt4j.util.MTColor;
import org.mt4j.util.math.ToolsMath;
import org.mt4j.util.math.Vector3D;
import org.mt4j.util.math.Vertex;
import org.mt4j.util.opengl.GLTexture;
import org.mt4j.util.xml.svg.SVGLoader;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PImage;
public class PuzzleFactory {
- show mini picture of original picture for orientation
- snap pieces together? - how to break them apart again?
- clusterable tiles?
- if solved - set all tiles noStroke(true) to see image clearly
public enum TileSide{
private float tileHeight;
private float tileWidth;
private Vertex[] downUpOrderVerticalRightOut;
private Vertex[] upDownOrderVerticalLeftOut;
private Vertex[] downUpOrderVerticalLeftOut;
private Vertex[] leftRightHorizontalUpOut;
private Vertex[] rightLeftHorizontalUpOut;
private Vertex[] rightLeftOrderHorizontalDownOut;
private Vertex[] leftRightOrderHorizontalDownOut;
private Vertex[] upDownOrderVerticalRightOut;
private PImage image;
private float horizontalTileCount;
private PApplet app;
private float verticalTileCount;
public static String svgPath = "advanced"+MTApplication.separator+"puzzle"+MTApplication.separator+"data"+MTApplication.separator ;
public static String svgname = "knobOutRight.svg";
public PuzzleFactory(MTApplication app) { = app;
// public PuzzleFactory(PApplet app, float tileWidth, float tileHeight){
// }
private void init(float tileWidth, float tileHeight){
this.tileWidth = tileWidth;
this.tileHeight = tileHeight;
private void init(PImage p, int horizontalTileCount){
// if (MT4jSettings.getInstance().isOpenGlMode() && !(p instanceof GLTexture)){
// GLTexture tex = new GLTexture(app, p);
// this.image = tex;
// }else{
// this.image = p;
// }
// this.horizontalTileCount = horizontalTileCount;
// this.verticalTileCount = horizontalTileCount; //TODO
// this.tileWidth = (float)p.width/horizontalTileCount;
// this.tileHeight = (float)p.height/verticalTileCount;
// initTiles();
this.init(p, horizontalTileCount, horizontalTileCount);
private void init(PImage p, int horizontalTileCount, int verticalTileCount){
if (MT4jSettings.getInstance().isOpenGlMode() && !(p instanceof GLTexture)){
GLTexture tex = new GLTexture(app, p);
this.image = tex;
this.image = p;
this.horizontalTileCount = horizontalTileCount;
this.verticalTileCount = verticalTileCount; //TODO
this.tileWidth = (float)p.width/(float)horizontalTileCount;
this.tileHeight = (float)p.height/(float)verticalTileCount;
private void initTiles(){
SVGLoader l = new SVGLoader(app);
MTComponent knob = l.loadSvg(svgPath + svgname);
MTPolygon knobRight = (MTPolygon) knob.getChildByIndex(0).getChildByIndex(0);
float origHeight = knobRight.getHeightXY(TransformSpace.LOCAL);
//Snap to upper left 0,0
Vertex[] originalVerts = knobRight.getVerticesLocal();
originalVerts = Vertex.translateArray(originalVerts, Vector3D.ZERO_VECTOR.getSubtracted(new Vector3D(originalVerts[0])));
upDownOrderVerticalRightOut = Vertex.getDeepVertexArrayCopy(originalVerts);
//Scale to desired height
Vertex.scaleVectorArray(upDownOrderVerticalRightOut, Vector3D.ZERO_VECTOR, (1f/origHeight) * tileHeight, (1f/origHeight) * tileHeight, 1);
downUpOrderVerticalRightOut = getInvertOrderCopy(upDownOrderVerticalRightOut);
// MTPolygon p1 = new MTPolygon(getMTApplication(), downUpOrderVerticalRightOut);
// getCanvas().addChild(p1);
upDownOrderVerticalLeftOut = Vertex.getDeepVertexArrayCopy(upDownOrderVerticalRightOut);
Vertex.scaleVectorArray(upDownOrderVerticalLeftOut, new Vector3D(0,origHeight/2f), -1, 1, 1);
// MTPolygon p2 = new MTPolygon(getMTApplication(), vertsVerticalLeftOut);
// getCanvas().addChild(p2);
downUpOrderVerticalLeftOut = getInvertOrderCopy(upDownOrderVerticalLeftOut);
leftRightHorizontalUpOut = Vertex.getDeepVertexArrayCopy(originalVerts);
Vertex.rotateZVectorArray(leftRightHorizontalUpOut, Vector3D.ZERO_VECTOR, -90);
//Scale to desired width
Vertex.scaleVectorArray(leftRightHorizontalUpOut, Vector3D.ZERO_VECTOR, (1f/origHeight) * tileWidth, (1f/origHeight) * tileWidth, 1);
// MTPolygon p3 = new MTPolygon(getMTApplication(), leftRightHorizontalUpOut);
// getCanvas().addChild(p3);
rightLeftHorizontalUpOut = getInvertOrderCopy(leftRightHorizontalUpOut);
leftRightOrderHorizontalDownOut = Vertex.getDeepVertexArrayCopy(leftRightHorizontalUpOut);
Vertex.scaleVectorArray(leftRightOrderHorizontalDownOut, new Vector3D(origHeight/2f,0), 1, -1, 1);
// MTPolygon p4 = new MTPolygon(getMTApplication(), leftRightOrderHorizontalDownOut);
// getCanvas().addChild(p4);
rightLeftOrderHorizontalDownOut = getInvertOrderCopy(leftRightOrderHorizontalDownOut);
public AbstractShape[] createTiles(PImage p, int horizontalTileCount){
return createTiles(p, horizontalTileCount, horizontalTileCount);
public AbstractShape[] createTiles(PImage p, int horizontalTileCount, int verticalTileCount){
this.init(p, horizontalTileCount, verticalTileCount);
List<AbstractShape> tiles = new ArrayList<AbstractShape>();
TileSide[] sides = new TileSide[]{TileSide.pinIn, TileSide.pinOut};
for (int i = 0; i < verticalTileCount; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < horizontalTileCount; j++) {
TileSide top = TileSide.pinOut, right = TileSide.pinOut, bottom = TileSide.pinOut, left = TileSide.pinIn;
//left und top have to be checked against the previous tiles, right and bottom can be random (if not linear)
right = sides[Math.round(ToolsMath.getRandom(0, sides.length-1))];
bottom = sides[Math.round(ToolsMath.getRandom(0, sides.length-1))];
if (j == 0){
//Left side has to be linear
left = TileSide.linear;
if (i == 0){
//top side has to be linear
top = TileSide.linear;
// left = getFittingTileSideTo(getRightOfLeftTile(tiles, i, j));
}else if (i == verticalTileCount -1){
//Bottom side has to be linear
bottom = TileSide.linear;
top = getFittingTileSideTo(getBottomOfUpperTile(tiles, i, j));
// left = getFittingTileSideTo(getRightOfLeftTile(tiles, i, j));
//in a middle vetical - up or bottom side have to have a pin
top = getFittingTileSideTo(getBottomOfUpperTile(tiles, i, j));
// left = getFittingTileSideTo(getRightOfLeftTile(tiles, i, j));
}else if (j == horizontalTileCount -1){
right = TileSide.linear;
//Right side has to be linear
if (i == 0){
//top side has to be linear
top = TileSide.linear;
left = getFittingTileSideTo(getRightOfLeftTile(tiles, i, j));
}else if (i == verticalTileCount -1){
//Bottom side has to be linear
bottom = TileSide.linear;
top = getFittingTileSideTo(getBottomOfUpperTile(tiles, i, j));
left = getFittingTileSideTo(getRightOfLeftTile(tiles, i, j));
//in a middle vetical - up or bottom side have to have a pin
top = getFittingTileSideTo(getBottomOfUpperTile(tiles, i, j));
left = getFittingTileSideTo(getRightOfLeftTile(tiles, i, j));
//in a middle horizontal, left or right side have to have a pin
if (i == 0){
//top side has to be linear
top = TileSide.linear;
left = getFittingTileSideTo(getRightOfLeftTile(tiles, i, j));
}else if (i == verticalTileCount -1){
//Bottom side has to be linear
bottom = TileSide.linear;
top = getFittingTileSideTo(getBottomOfUpperTile(tiles, i, j));
left = getFittingTileSideTo(getRightOfLeftTile(tiles, i, j));
//in a middle vetical - up or bottom side have to have a pin
top = getFittingTileSideTo(getBottomOfUpperTile(tiles, i, j));
left = getFittingTileSideTo(getRightOfLeftTile(tiles, i, j));
MTComplexPolygon tile = getPolygon(app, top, right, bottom, left, this.tileWidth, this.tileHeight);
tile.setName(i + "" + j);
tile.setUserData("i", i);
tile.setUserData("j", j);
tile.setUserData("top", top);
tile.setUserData("right", right);
tile.setUserData("bottom", bottom);
tile.setUserData("left", left);
//Create some default texture coords
tile.setBounds(new BoundsZPlaneRectangle(tile));
if (tile != null && tile.hasBounds() && tile.getBounds() instanceof BoundsZPlaneRectangle){
BoundsZPlaneRectangle bounds = (BoundsZPlaneRectangle) tile.getBounds();
// float width = bounds.getWidthXY(TransformSpace.LOCAL);
// float height = bounds.getHeightXY(TransformSpace.LOCAL);
// float upperLeftX = bounds.getVectorsLocal()[0].x;
// float upperLeftY = bounds.getVectorsLocal()[0].y;
// float upperLeftX = bounds.getVectorsLocal()[0].x + j* tileWidth ;
// float upperLeftY = bounds.getVectorsLocal()[0].y + i * tileHeight;
Vertex[] verts = tile.getVerticesLocal();
for (int n = 0; n < verts.length; n++) {
Vertex vertex = verts[n];
// vertex.setTexCoordU((vertex.x-upperLeftX )/width);
// vertex.setTexCoordV((vertex.y-upperLeftY)/height);
// vertex.setTexCoordU((vertex.x - upperLeftX + (j * tileWidth)) / p.width);
// vertex.setTexCoordV((vertex.y - upperLeftY + (i * tileHeight)) / p.height);
vertex.setTexCoordU((vertex.x + (j * tileWidth)) / p.width);
vertex.setTexCoordV((vertex.y + (i * tileHeight)) / p.height);
//System.out.println("TexU:" + vertex.getTexCoordU() + " TexV:" + vertex.getTexCoordV());
//Set the texture
// tile.setNoStroke(true);
// tile.setStrokeColor(MTColor.GREY);
tile.setStrokeColor(new MTColor(80,80,80));
return tiles.toArray(new AbstractShape[tiles.size()]);
private TileSide getBottomOfUpperTile(List<AbstractShape> list, int currentI, int currentJ){
if (currentI-1 < 0){
return TileSide.linear;
for (Iterator<AbstractShape> iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
AbstractShape tile = (AbstractShape);
int i = (Integer) tile.getUserData("i");
int j = (Integer) tile.getUserData("j");
if (i == currentI -1 && j == currentJ){
return (TileSide) tile.getUserData("bottom");
return TileSide.linear;
private TileSide getRightOfLeftTile(List<AbstractShape> list, int currentI, int currentJ){
if (currentJ-1 < 0){
return TileSide.linear;
for (Iterator<AbstractShape> iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
AbstractShape tile = (AbstractShape);
int i = (Integer) tile.getUserData("i");
int j = (Integer) tile.getUserData("j");
if (i == currentI && j == currentJ-1){
return (TileSide) tile.getUserData("right");
return TileSide.linear;
private TileSide getFittingTileSideTo(TileSide otherSide){
TileSide fitting = TileSide.linear;
switch (otherSide) {
case linear:
fitting = TileSide.linear;
case pinIn:
fitting = TileSide.pinOut;
case pinOut:
fitting = TileSide.pinIn;
return fitting;
public MTComplexPolyClusterable getPolygon(PApplet app, TileSide top, TileSide right, TileSide bottom, TileSide left, float tileWidth, float tileHeight){
this.init(tileWidth, tileHeight);
Vertex[] v = getTile(top, right, bottom, left);
MTComplexPolyClusterable poly = new MTComplexPolyClusterable(app, v);
poly.addGestureListener(DragProcessor.class, new InertiaDragAction());
return poly;
private class MTComplexPolyClusterable extends MTComplexPolygon implements IdragClusterable{
public MTComplexPolyClusterable(PApplet app, Vertex[] vertices) {
super(app, vertices);
public boolean isSelected() {
return false;
public void setSelected(boolean selected) {
private Vertex[] getTile(TileSide top, TileSide right, TileSide bottom, TileSide left){
List<Vertex> list = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
switch (top) {
case linear:
list.add(new Vertex(0,0));
list.add(new Vertex(tileWidth, 0));
case pinIn:
addAll(Vertex.getDeepVertexArrayCopy(leftRightOrderHorizontalDownOut), list);
case pinOut:
addAll(Vertex.getDeepVertexArrayCopy(leftRightHorizontalUpOut), list);
switch (right) {
case linear:
// list.add(new Vertex(tileWidth,0));
list.add(new Vertex(tileWidth, tileHeight));
case pinIn:
addAll(getCopyOffset(this.upDownOrderVerticalLeftOut, tileWidth, 0), list);
case pinOut:
addAll(getCopyOffset(this.upDownOrderVerticalRightOut, tileWidth, 0), list);
switch (bottom) {
case linear:
// list.add(new Vertex(tileWidth, tileHeight));
list.add(new Vertex(0, tileHeight));
case pinIn:
addAll(getCopyOffset(this.rightLeftHorizontalUpOut, 0, tileHeight), list);
case pinOut:
addAll(getCopyOffset(this.rightLeftOrderHorizontalDownOut, 0, tileHeight), list);
switch (left) {
case linear:
// list.add(new Vertex(0, tileHeight));
list.add(new Vertex(0, 0));
case pinIn:
addAll(Vertex.getDeepVertexArrayCopy(this.downUpOrderVerticalRightOut), list);
case pinOut:
addAll(Vertex.getDeepVertexArrayCopy(this.downUpOrderVerticalLeftOut), list);
return list.toArray(new Vertex[list.size()]);
private void addAll(Vertex[] vertices, List<Vertex> list){
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
Vertex vertex = vertices[i];
private Vertex[] getCopyOffset(Vertex[] verts, float xOffset, float yOffset){
Vertex[] copy = new Vertex[verts.length];
// Vertex[] copy = Vertex.getDeepVertexArrayCopy(verts);
for (int i = 0; i < copy.length; i++) {
copy[i] = (Vertex) new Vertex(verts[i]).addLocal(new Vertex(xOffset, yOffset));
return copy;
private Vertex[] getInvertOrderCopyOffset(Vertex[] verts, float xOffset, float yOffset){
Vertex[] copy = new Vertex[verts.length];
// Vertex[] copy = Vertex.getDeepVertexArrayCopy(verts);
for (int i = 0; i < copy.length; i++) {
copy[i] = (Vertex) new Vertex(verts[verts.length -i -1]).addLocal(new Vertex(xOffset, yOffset));
return copy;
private Vertex[] getInvertOrderCopy(Vertex[] verts){
Vertex[] copy = new Vertex[verts.length];
// Vertex[] copy = Vertex.getDeepVertexArrayCopy(verts);
for (int i = 0; i < verts.length; i++) {
// copy[i] = copy[copy.length -i -1];
copy[i] = new Vertex(verts[verts.length -i -1]);
return copy;