package l2p.gameserver.skills;
import l2p.Config;
import l2p.debug.StatsLimitDebugger;
import l2p.extensions.listeners.MaxHpMpCpListener;
import l2p.extensions.listeners.StatsChangeListener;
import l2p.extensions.listeners.StorageSizeListener;
import l2p.gameserver.model.L2Character;
import l2p.gameserver.skills.funcs.Func;
import l2p.gameserver.skills.funcs.FuncOwner;
* A calculator is created to manage and dynamically calculate the effect of a character property (ex : MAX_HP, REGENERATE_HP_RATE...).
* In fact, each calculator is a table of Func object in which each Func represents a mathematic function : <BR><BR>
* <p/>
* FuncAtkAccuracy -> Math.sqrt(_player.getDEX())*6+_player.getLevel()<BR><BR>
* <p/>
* When the calc method of a calculator is launched, each mathematic function is called according to its priority <B>_order</B>.
* Indeed, Func with lowest priority order is executed firsta and Funcs with the same order are executed in unspecified order.
* The result of the calculation is stored in the value property of an Env class instance.<BR><BR>
* <p/>
* Method addFunc and removeFunc permit to add and remove a Func object from a Calculator.<BR><BR>
public final class Calculator
* Empty Func table definition
private static final Func[] emptyFuncs = new Func[0];
* Table of Func object
private Func[] _functions;
private static final StatsChangeListener[] emptyListeners = new StatsChangeListener[0];
private StatsChangeListener[] _listeners = emptyListeners;
private Double _base = null;
private Double _last = null;
public final Stats _stat;
public final L2Character _character;
* Constructor<?> of Calculator (Init value : emptyFuncs).<BR><BR>
public Calculator(Stats stat, L2Character character)
_stat = stat;
_character = character;
_functions = emptyFuncs;
if(character.isPlayable() || !stat.isLimitOnlyPlayable())
if(Config.DEBUG_STAT_LIMITS && character.isPlayer())
addListener(new StatsLimitDebugger(stat));
if(stat == Stats.MAX_MP || stat == Stats.MAX_HP || stat == Stats.MAX_CP)
addListener(new MaxHpMpCpListener(stat));
if(character.isPlayer() && (stat == Stats.INVENTORY_LIMIT || stat == Stats.STORAGE_LIMIT || stat == Stats.TRADE_LIMIT || stat == Stats.COMMON_RECIPE_LIMIT || stat == Stats.DWARVEN_RECIPE_LIMIT))
addListener(new StorageSizeListener(stat));
* Check if 2 calculators are equals.<BR><BR>
public static boolean equalsCals(Calculator c1, Calculator c2)
if(c1 == c2)
return true;
if(c1 == null || c2 == null)
return false;
Func[] funcs1 = c1.getFunctions();
Func[] funcs2 = c2.getFunctions();
if(funcs1.length != funcs2.length)
return false;
if(funcs1 == funcs2)
return true;
if(funcs1.length == 0)
return true;
for(int i = 0; i < funcs1.length; i++)
if(funcs1[i] != funcs2[i])
return false;
return true;
* Return the number of Funcs in the Calculator.<BR><BR>
public int size()
return _functions.length;
public synchronized void addListener(StatsChangeListener l)
StatsChangeListener[] tmp_listeners = new StatsChangeListener[_listeners.length + 1];
if(_listeners.length > 0)
System.arraycopy(_listeners, 0, tmp_listeners, 0, _listeners.length);
tmp_listeners[_listeners.length] = l;
_listeners = tmp_listeners;
* Add a Func to the Calculator.<BR><BR>
public synchronized void addFunc(Func f)
Func[] funcs = _functions;
Func[] tmp = new Func[funcs.length + 1];
final int order = f._order;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < funcs.length && order >= funcs[i]._order; i++)
tmp[i] = funcs[i];
tmp[i] = f;
for(; i < funcs.length; i++)
tmp[i + 1] = funcs[i];
_functions = tmp;
* Remove a Func from the Calculator.<BR><BR>
public synchronized void removeFunc(Func f)
Func[] funcs = _functions;
if(funcs.length == 0)
if(funcs.length == 1)
if(funcs[0] == f)
_functions = emptyFuncs;
int size = funcs.length;
for(Func func : funcs)
if(func == f)
if(size == funcs.length)
if(size <= 0)
_functions = emptyFuncs;
Func[] tmp = new Func[size];
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < funcs.length; i++)
if(tmp.length > j && f != funcs[i])
tmp[j++] = funcs[i];
_functions = tmp;
* Remove each Func with the specified owner of the Calculator.<BR><BR>
public synchronized void removeOwner(Object owner)
Func[] funcs = _functions;
for(Func element : funcs)
if(element._funcOwner == owner)
* Run each Func of the Calculator.<BR><BR>
public void calc(Env env)
Func[] funcs = _functions;
_base = env.value;
boolean overrideLimits = false;
for(Func func : funcs)
if(func._funcOwner instanceof FuncOwner)
if(!((FuncOwner) func._funcOwner).isFuncEnabled())
if(((FuncOwner) func._funcOwner).overrideLimits())
overrideLimits = true;
if(func.getCondition() == null || func.getCondition().test(env))
if(_stat._min != null && env.value < _stat._min)
env.value = _stat._min;
if(_stat._max != null && env.value > _stat._max && (_character.isPlayer() || !_stat.isLimitOnlyPlayable()))
env.value = _stat._max;
if(_last == null || _last != env.value)
Double last = _last;
_last = env.value;
for(StatsChangeListener _listener : _listeners)
_listener.statChanged(last, env.value, _base, env);
* Для отладки
public Func[] getFunctions()
return _functions;
public Double getBase()
return _base;
public Double getLast()
return _last;