* Copyright 2013 Matt Sicker and Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package atg.tools.dynunit.junit.nucleus;
import atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl;
import atg.xml.tools.DefaultErrorHandler;
import atg.xml.tools.DefaultXMLToolsFactory;
import atg.xml.tools.XMLToDOMParser;
import atg.xml.tools.XMLToolsFactory;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
* A utility class to help with common XML manipulation functions.
* @version 1.0
public class XmlUtils {
private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger();
* Initializes the XML file to be parsed and gets the Document tree for it.
* @param pXmlFile the XML file to parse
* @param pValidateDoc true if the file should be validated against its DTD; otherwise false.
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the specified file can not be located.
* @throws Exception if an error occurs parsing the file to a DOM.
public static Document initializeFile(File pXmlFile, boolean pValidateDoc)
throws Exception {
XMLToolsFactory factory = DefaultXMLToolsFactory.getInstance();
XMLToDOMParser parser = factory.createXMLToDOMParser();
// XXX: god damn logging
ApplicationLoggingImpl logger = new ApplicationLoggingImpl(
DefaultErrorHandler errorHandler = new DefaultErrorHandler(logger, true, true);
return parser.parse(new FileInputStream(pXmlFile), pValidateDoc, errorHandler);
* retrieves the Node(s) represented within the DOM hierarchy at the location
* designated by the 'nested' child nodes.
* @param pXmlFile the XML document in which to look
* @param pValidateDoc true if the file should be validated against its DTD; otherwise false.
* @param pChildren the nested child nodes to retrieve. for example, if you specified
* an array { "foo", "bar", "flippy" } this method would return all
* 'flippy'
* Nodes for the XML
* document:
* <pre>
* <foo<
* <bar<
* <flippy
* .../<
* <flippy
* .../<
* </bar<
* </foo<
* </pre>
* @return List the requested child Nodes. an empty List if no child Nodes exist.
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the specified file can not be located.
* @throws Exception if an error occurs parsing the file to a DOM.
public static List<Node> getNodes(File pXmlFile, boolean pValidateDoc, String[] pChildren)
throws Exception {
return getNodes(initializeFile(pXmlFile, pValidateDoc), pChildren);
* retrieves the Node(s) represented within the DOM hierarchy at the location
* designated by the 'nested' child nodes.
* @param pDocument the XML document parsed to a DOM
* @param pChildren the nested child nodes to retrieve. for example, if you specified
* an array { "foo", "bar", "flippy" } this method would return all 'flippy'
* Nodes for the XML
* document:
* <pre>
* <foo<
* <bar<
* <flippy .../<
* <flippy .../<
* </bar<
* </foo<
* </pre>
* @return List the requested child Nodes. an empty List if no child Nodes exist.
* null if the specified Document was null.
public static List<Node> getNodes(@Nullable Document pDocument, String[] pChildren) {
if ( pDocument == null ) {
return null;
return getNodes(pDocument.getDocumentElement(), pChildren);
* retrieves the Node(s) represented within the DOM hierarchy at the location
* designated by the 'nested' child nodes.
* @param pNode the Node at which to start searching
* @param pChildren the nested child nodes to retrieve. for example, if you specified
* an array { "foo", "bar", "flippy" } this method would return all 'flippy'
* Nodes for the XML
* document:
* <pre>
* <foo<
* <bar<
* <flippy .../<
* <flippy .../<
* </bar<
* </foo<
* </pre>
* @return List the requested child Nodes. an empty List if no child Nodes exist.
public static List<Node> getNodes(Node pNode, String[] pChildren) {
List<Node> nodes = new LinkedList<Node>();
if ( pNode == null ) {
// do nothing
} else if ( pChildren == null || pChildren.length == 0 ) {
// if there are no more children, just return this Node
} else {
// otherwise recurse and get the children nodes...
String[] children = new String[pChildren.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(pChildren, 1, children, 0, children.length);
NodeList nl = ((Element) pNode).getElementsByTagName(pChildren[0]);
for ( int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++ ) {
nodes.addAll(getNodes(nl.item(i), children));
return nodes;
* returns the Element NodeList for the specified child of the parent Node.
* @param pNode the parent node
* @param pChild the name of the child node(s)
* @return NodeList the children of the parent Node. null if pChild or pNode is null.
public static NodeList getNodes(Node pNode, String pChild) {
if ( pNode == null || pChild == null ) {
return null;
return ((Element) pNode).getElementsByTagName(pChild);
* Returns the String value of the content of the Node specified.
* @param pElement the node whose content to get.
* @return the value of the content of the Node. An empty String if the Node
* does not have any content.
public static String getNodeTextValue(Node pElement) {
NodeList children = pElement.getChildNodes();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for ( int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++ ) {
if ( children.item(i) instanceof Text ) {
Text n = (Text) children.item(i);
return sb.toString();
* gets the value of the named attribute.
* @param pNode the node whose attribute should be retrieved.
* @param pName the name of attribute whose value should be retrieved.
* @return the value of the attribute. null if the attribute is not defined
* or if a value has not been specified for it.
public static String getAttribute(Node pNode, String pName) {
return getAttribute(pNode, pName, null);
* returns the value of the named attribute, or the specified default if the attribute
* value is null.
* @param pNode the node whose attribute should be retrieved.
* @param pName the name of attribute whose value should be retrieved.
* @param pDefault the default value to return if a value does not exist for the specified
* attribute, or if the specified attribute is not defined in this Node.
* @return the value of the attribute.
public static String getAttribute(Node pNode, String pName, String pDefault) {
if ( pNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem(pName) == null ) {
return pDefault;
return pNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem(pName).getNodeValue();
* returns the value of the named attribute as an Integer object.
* @param pNode the node whose attribute should be retrieved.
* @param pName the name of attribute whose value should be retrieved.
* @param pAllowNull the default value to return if a value does not exist for the specified
* attribute, or if the specified attribute is not defined in this Node.
* @return the value of the attribute. If pAllowNull is true and
* no value is specified for the attribute then null is returned.
* @throws FileFormatException if the value specified by the attribute can not be converted to
* an Integer,
* or if pAllowNull is false and no value was specified for the
* attribute.
public static Integer getIntegerAttribute(Node pNode, String pName, boolean pAllowNull)
throws FileFormatException {
Node n = pNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem(pName);
if ( n == null && pAllowNull ) {
return null;
if ( n == null ) {
throw new FileFormatException(
"No value specified for required attribute '" + pName + "'."
return getIntegerValue(n.getNodeValue(), pName, pAllowNull);
* converts the specified String into an Integer.
* @param pValue the value to convert.
* @param pDescriptor a descriptor of what the value is for.
* @param pAllowNull true if the input value can be null; otherwise false.
* @return the Integer value of the String input value.
* @throws FileFormatException if the String can not be converted to an Integer or if it is
* null and pAllowNull is false.
public static Integer getIntegerValue(String pValue, String pDescriptor, boolean pAllowNull)
throws FileFormatException {
if ( (pValue == null || pValue.trim().length() == 0) && pAllowNull ) {
return null;
try {
return new Integer(pValue != null ? pValue.trim() : null);
} catch ( Throwable t ) {
throw new FileFormatException(
"Invalid Integer value '"
+ pValue
+ "' specified for attribute '"
+ pDescriptor
+ "'."
* returns the value of the named attribute as a Long object.
* @param pNode the node whose attribute should be retrieved.
* @param pName the name of attribute whose value should be retrieved.
* @param pAllowNull [FIXME] the default value to return if a value does not exist for the
* specified
* attribute, or if the specified attribute is not defined in this Node.
* @return Long the value of the attribute. If pAllowNull is true and
* no value is specified for the attribute then null is returned.
* @throws FileFormatException if the value specified by the attribute can not be converted to
* a Long,
* or if pAllowNull is false and no value was specified for the
* attribute.
public static Long getLongAttribute(Node pNode, String pName, boolean pAllowNull)
throws FileFormatException {
Node n = pNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem(pName);
if ( n == null && pAllowNull ) {
return null;
if ( n == null ) {
throw new FileFormatException(
"No value specified for required attribute '" + pName + "'."
return getLongValue(n.getNodeValue(), pName, pAllowNull);
* converts the specified String into a Long.
* @param pValue the value to convert.
* @param pDescriptor a descriptor of what the value is for.
* @param pAllowNull true if the input value can be null; otherwise false.
* @return the Long value of the String input value.
* @throws FileFormatException if the String can not be converted to a Long or if it is
* null and pAllowNull is false.
public static Long getLongValue(String pValue, String pDescriptor, boolean pAllowNull)
throws FileFormatException {
// TODO: StringUtils.trimToNull() would be great for this
if ( (pValue == null || pValue.trim().length() == 0) && pAllowNull ) {
return null;
try {
return new Long(pValue != null ? pValue.trim() : null);
} catch ( Throwable t ) {
throw new FileFormatException(
"Invalid Long value '"
+ pValue
+ "' specified for attribute '"
+ pDescriptor
+ "'."
* returns the value of the named attribute as a boolean.
* @param pNode the node whose attribute should be retrieved.
* @param pName the name of attribute whose value should be retrieved.
* @param pDefault the default value to return if a value does not exist for the specified
* attribute, or if the specified attribute is not defined in this Node.
* @return boolean the value of the attribute. If no value was specified for the
* attribute then the default value is returned.
* @throws FileFormatException if the value specified by the attribute can not be converted to
* a boolean.
public static boolean getBooleanAttribute(Node pNode, String pName, boolean pDefault)
throws FileFormatException {
Node n = pNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem(pName);
if ( n == null ) {
return pDefault;
return getBooleanValue(n.getNodeValue(), pName, pDefault);
* converts the specified value into a boolean.
* @param pValue the value which should be converted.
* @param pDescriptor a descriptor of what the value is for.
* @param pDefault the default value to return if the specified value is null or empty.
* @return boolean the converted value. If the specified value was null or empty
* then the default value is returned.
* @throws FileFormatException if the specified value can not be converted to a boolean.
public static boolean getBooleanValue(String pValue, String pDescriptor, boolean pDefault)
throws FileFormatException {
// XXX: what the fuck
if ( pValue == null || pValue.trim().length() == 0 ) {
return pDefault;
if ( !pValue.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("true") && !pValue.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("false") ) {
throw new FileFormatException(
"Invalid Boolean value '"
+ pValue
+ "' specified for attribute '"
+ pDescriptor
"'. Must be [true|false]"
return Boolean.parseBoolean(pValue.trim());
* returns the value of the named attribute as a Boolean object.
* @param pNode the node whose attribute should be retrieved.
* @param pName the name of attribute whose value should be retrieved.
* @param pDefault the default value to return if a value does not exist for the specified
* attribute, or if the specified attribute is not defined in this Node.
* @return Boolean the value of the attribute. If no value was specified for the
* attribute then the default value is returned.
* @throws FileFormatException if the value specified by the attribute can not be converted to
* a boolean.
public static Boolean getBooleanAttribute(Node pNode, String pName, Boolean pDefault)
throws FileFormatException {
Node n = pNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem(pName);
if ( n == null ) {
return pDefault;
String v = n.getNodeValue();
if ( v == null || v.length() == 0 ) {
return pDefault;
return getBooleanValue(
v, pName, true
); // the default 'true' passed to this call should not never to be used
/* a main method for testing these functions */
public static void main(String[] pArgs) {
String file = "C:\\temp\\registry.xml";
//String file = "/work/systest/qma/temp/registry.xml";
log.info("BEA's registry file: [{}]", file);
String[] children = { "host", "product", "release" };
try {
List<Node> nodes = getNodes(new File(file), false, children);
if ( nodes == null ) {
log.error("Nodes is null.");
} else if ( nodes.size() == 0 ) {
log.error("Nodes is empty.");
} else {
for ( Node n : nodes ) {
"Got Node: {}/{}",
getAttribute(n, "level"),
getAttribute(n, "ServicePackLevel")
} catch ( Throwable t ) {
log.info("BEA Version: " + TestUtils.getBeaVersion());
//log.info("BEA Version: " + atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils.getBeaVersion() );