package com.starlight.intrepid;
import com.starlight.intrepid.auth.*;
import com.starlight.intrepid.spi.NoAuthenticationHandler;
import com.starlight.locale.ResourceKey;
import com.starlight.locale.UnlocalizableTextResourceKey;
import com.starlight.thread.ObjectSlot;
import com.starlight.thread.SharedThreadPool;
import com.starlight.thread.ThreadKit;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
* Test user session re-init (see
* {@link com.starlight.intrepid.auth.RequestUserCredentialReinit} for more info).
public class SessionReinitTest extends TestCase {
Intrepid server;
Intrepid client;
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
if ( server != null ) server.close();
if ( client != null ) client.close();
public void testNonsupportingAuthHandler() throws Exception {
// Just use a normal auth handler
server = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint(
"server" ).authHandler( new NoAuthenticationHandler() ).serverPort( 0 ) );
client = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint( "client" ) );
try {
client.connect( InetAddress.getLocalHost(),
server.getServerPort().intValue(), new RequestUserCredentialReinit(),
null );
fail( "Shouldn't have been able to connect" );
catch( IOException ex ) {
// This is good...
ex.getMessage() );
public void testRejectedConnection() throws Exception {
AuthenticationHandler handler = new UserCredentialReinitAuthenticationHandler() {
public UserCredentialsConnectionArgs getUserCredentials(
SocketAddress remote_address,
Object session_source ) throws ConnectionAuthFailureException {
throw new ConnectionAuthFailureException(
new UnlocalizableTextResourceKey( "Test rejection" ) );
public UserContextInfo checkConnection( ConnectionArgs connection_args,
SocketAddress remote_address, Object session_source )
throws ConnectionAuthFailureException {
throw new ConnectionAuthFailureException(
new UnlocalizableTextResourceKey( "Shouldn't get here" ) );
public void notifyUserCredentialFailure( ResourceKey<String> error ) {}
// Just use a normal auth handler
server = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint(
"server" ).authHandler( handler ).serverPort( 0 ) );
client = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint( "client" ) );
try {
client.connect( InetAddress.getLocalHost(),
server.getServerPort().intValue(), new RequestUserCredentialReinit(),
null );
fail( "Shouldn't have been able to connect" );
catch( IOException ex ) {
// This is good...
assertEquals( "Test rejection", ex.getMessage() );
public void testSuccessfulConnection() throws Exception {
IntrepidTesting.setInterInstanceBridgeDisabled( true );
// Client Server
// |---- connect ------->| (re-init request)
// | |
// |<--- session init ---| (user credentials)
// | |
// |---- session ack --->|
AuthenticationHandler handler = new UserCredentialReinitAuthenticationHandler() {
public UserCredentialsConnectionArgs getUserCredentials(
SocketAddress remote_address,
Object session_source ) throws ConnectionAuthFailureException {
// System.out.println( "--- getUserCredentials(" + remote_address + "," +
// session_source + ")" );
return new UserCredentialsConnectionArgs( "reden",
"password".toCharArray() );
public UserContextInfo checkConnection( ConnectionArgs connection_args,
SocketAddress remote_address, Object session_source )
throws ConnectionAuthFailureException {
throw new ConnectionAuthFailureException(
new UnlocalizableTextResourceKey( "Shouldn't get here" ) );
public void notifyUserCredentialFailure( ResourceKey<String> error ) {}
// Just use a normal auth handler
server = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint(
"server" ).authHandler( handler ).serverPort( 0 ) );
client = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint( "client" ).authHandler(
new AuthenticationHandler() {
public UserContextInfo checkConnection( ConnectionArgs connection_args,
SocketAddress remote_address, Object session_source )
throws ConnectionAuthFailureException {
// System.out.println( "--- checkConnection(" + connection_args +
// "," + remote_address + "," + session_source + ")" );
if ( connection_args instanceof UserCredentialsConnectionArgs ) {
UserCredentialsConnectionArgs uargs =
( UserCredentialsConnectionArgs ) connection_args;
return new SimpleUserContextInfo( uargs.getUser() );
return null;
} ) );
final AtomicReference<UserContextInfo> context_slot =
new AtomicReference<UserContextInfo>();
client.getLocalRegistry().bind( "test", new Runnable() {
public void run() {
System.out.println( "Proxy run() called: " + IntrepidContext.getUserInfo() );
System.out.println( " Active instance: " + IntrepidContext.getActiveInstance());
System.out.println( " Calling VMID: " + IntrepidContext.getCallingVMID());
context_slot.set( IntrepidContext.getUserInfo() );
} );
// Indicate that we want to use the server instance
Intrepid.setThreadInstance( server );
final ObjectSlot<VMID> server_connection_slot = new ObjectSlot<VMID>();
server.addConnectionListener( new ConnectionListener() {
public void connectionOpened( InetAddress host, int port, Object attachment,
VMID source_vmid,
VMID vmid,
UserContextInfo user_context, VMID previous_vmid,
Object connection_type_description, byte ack_rate_sec ) {
System.out.println( "Server connection opened: " + vmid );
server_connection_slot.set( vmid );
public void connectionClosed( InetAddress host, int port, VMID source_vmid,
VMID vmid, Object attachment, boolean will_attempt_reconnect ) {}
public void connectionOpenFailed( InetAddress host, int port,
Object attachment, Exception error, boolean will_retry ) {}
public void connectionOpening( InetAddress host, int port, Object attachment,
ConnectionArgs args, Object connection_type_description ) {}
} );
VMID server_vmid;
try {
server_vmid = client.connect( InetAddress.getLocalHost(),
server.getServerPort().intValue(), new RequestUserCredentialReinit(),
null );
System.out.println( "Connected to: " + server_vmid );
assertEquals( server.getLocalVMID(), server_vmid );
catch( IOException ex ) {
fail( "Should have been able to connect: " + ex );
VMID client_vmid = server_connection_slot.waitForValue();
// System.out.println( "Got client VMID: " + client_vmid );
assertEquals( client.getLocalVMID(), client_vmid );
Registry registry = server.getRemoteRegistry( client_vmid );
// System.out.println( "Got remote registry: " + registry );
Runnable server_proxy = ( Runnable ) registry.lookup( "test" );
// System.out.println( "calling proxy...");;
// System.out.println( "proxy called" );
UserContextInfo context = context_slot.get();
System.out.println( "User context: " + context );
assertNotNull( context );
assertEquals( "reden", context.getUserName() );
public void testSuccessfulConnectionLongWait() throws Exception {
IntrepidTesting.setInterInstanceBridgeDisabled( true );
// Client Server
// |---- connect ------->| (re-init request)
// | |
// |<--- session init ---| (user credentials)
// | |
// |---- session ack --->|
AuthenticationHandler handler = new UserCredentialReinitAuthenticationHandler() {
public UserCredentialsConnectionArgs getUserCredentials(
SocketAddress remote_address,
Object session_source ) throws ConnectionAuthFailureException {
// System.out.println( "--- getUserCredentials(" + remote_address + "," +
// session_source + ")" );
ThreadKit.sleep( 40000 );
return new UserCredentialsConnectionArgs( "reden",
"password".toCharArray() );
public UserContextInfo checkConnection( ConnectionArgs connection_args,
SocketAddress remote_address, Object session_source )
throws ConnectionAuthFailureException {
throw new ConnectionAuthFailureException(
new UnlocalizableTextResourceKey( "Shouldn't get here" ) );
public void notifyUserCredentialFailure( ResourceKey<String> error ) {}
// Just use a normal auth handler
server = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint(
"server" ).authHandler( handler ).serverPort( 0 ) );
client = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint( "client" ).authHandler(
new AuthenticationHandler() {
public UserContextInfo checkConnection( ConnectionArgs connection_args,
SocketAddress remote_address, Object session_source )
throws ConnectionAuthFailureException {
// System.out.println( "--- checkConnection(" + connection_args +
// "," + remote_address + "," + session_source + ")" );
if ( connection_args instanceof UserCredentialsConnectionArgs ) {
UserCredentialsConnectionArgs uargs =
( UserCredentialsConnectionArgs ) connection_args;
return new SimpleUserContextInfo( uargs.getUser() );
return null;
} ) );
final AtomicReference<UserContextInfo> context_slot =
new AtomicReference<UserContextInfo>();
client.getLocalRegistry().bind( "test", new Runnable() {
public void run() {
System.out.println( "Proxy run() called: " + IntrepidContext.getUserInfo() );
System.out.println( " Active instance: " + IntrepidContext.getActiveInstance());
System.out.println( " Calling VMID: " + IntrepidContext.getCallingVMID());
context_slot.set( IntrepidContext.getUserInfo() );
} );
// Indicate that we want to use the server instance
Intrepid.setThreadInstance( server );
final ObjectSlot<VMID> server_connection_slot = new ObjectSlot<VMID>();
server.addConnectionListener( new ConnectionListener() {
public void connectionOpened( InetAddress host, int port, Object attachment,
VMID source_vmid,
VMID vmid,
UserContextInfo user_context, VMID previous_vmid,
Object connection_type_description, byte ack_rate_sec ) {
System.out.println( "Server connection opened: " + vmid );
server_connection_slot.set( vmid );
public void connectionClosed( InetAddress host, int port, VMID source_vmid,
VMID vmid, Object attachment, boolean will_attempt_reconnect ) {}
public void connectionOpenFailed( InetAddress host, int port,
Object attachment, Exception error, boolean will_retry ) {}
public void connectionOpening( InetAddress host, int port, Object attachment,
ConnectionArgs args, Object connection_type_description ) {}
} );
VMID server_vmid;
try {
server_vmid = client.connect( InetAddress.getLocalHost(),
server.getServerPort().intValue(), new RequestUserCredentialReinit(),
null );
System.out.println( "Connected to: " + server_vmid );
assertEquals( server.getLocalVMID(), server_vmid );
catch( IOException ex ) {
fail( "Should have been able to connect: " + ex );
VMID client_vmid = server_connection_slot.waitForValue();
// System.out.println( "Got client VMID: " + client_vmid );
assertEquals( client.getLocalVMID(), client_vmid );
Registry registry = server.getRemoteRegistry( client_vmid );
// System.out.println( "Got remote registry: " + registry );
Runnable server_proxy = ( Runnable ) registry.lookup( "test" );
// System.out.println( "calling proxy...");;
// System.out.println( "proxy called" );
UserContextInfo context = context_slot.get();
System.out.println( "User context: " + context );
assertNotNull( context );
assertEquals( "reden", context.getUserName() );
public void testSuccessfulConnectionLongWaitTryConnect() throws Exception {
IntrepidTesting.setInterInstanceBridgeDisabled( true );
// Client Server
// |---- connect ------->| (re-init request)
// | |
// |<--- session init ---| (user credentials)
// | |
// |---- session ack --->|
final AuthenticationHandler handler = new UserCredentialReinitAuthenticationHandler() {
public UserCredentialsConnectionArgs getUserCredentials(
SocketAddress remote_address,
Object session_source ) throws ConnectionAuthFailureException {
// System.out.println( "--- getUserCredentials(" + remote_address + "," +
// session_source + ")" );
ThreadKit.sleep( 40000 );
return new UserCredentialsConnectionArgs( "reden",
"password".toCharArray() );
public UserContextInfo checkConnection( ConnectionArgs connection_args,
SocketAddress remote_address, Object session_source )
throws ConnectionAuthFailureException {
throw new ConnectionAuthFailureException(
new UnlocalizableTextResourceKey( "Shouldn't get here" ) );
public void notifyUserCredentialFailure( ResourceKey<String> error ) {}
// NOTE: Don't start the server yet
client = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint( "client" ).authHandler(
new AuthenticationHandler() {
public UserContextInfo checkConnection( ConnectionArgs connection_args,
SocketAddress remote_address, Object session_source )
throws ConnectionAuthFailureException {
// System.out.println( "--- checkConnection(" + connection_args +
// "," + remote_address + "," + session_source + ")" );
if ( connection_args instanceof UserCredentialsConnectionArgs ) {
UserCredentialsConnectionArgs uargs =
( UserCredentialsConnectionArgs ) connection_args;
return new SimpleUserContextInfo( uargs.getUser() );
return null;
} ) );
final AtomicReference<UserContextInfo> context_slot =
new AtomicReference<UserContextInfo>();
client.getLocalRegistry().bind( "test", new Runnable() {
public void run() {
System.out.println( "Proxy run() called: " + IntrepidContext.getUserInfo() );
System.out.println( " Active instance: " + IntrepidContext.getActiveInstance());
System.out.println( " Calling VMID: " + IntrepidContext.getCallingVMID());
context_slot.set( IntrepidContext.getUserInfo() );
} );
// Indicate that we want to use the server instance
Intrepid.setThreadInstance( server );
final ObjectSlot<VMID> server_connection_slot = new ObjectSlot<VMID>();
SharedThreadPool.INSTANCE.schedule( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
server = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint(
"server" ).authHandler( handler ).serverPort( 12345 ) );
server.addConnectionListener( new ConnectionListener() {
public void connectionOpened( InetAddress host,
int port, Object attachment, VMID source_vmid, VMID vmid,
UserContextInfo user_context, VMID previous_vmid,
Object connection_type_description, byte ack_rate_sec ) {
System.out.println( "Server connection opened: " + vmid );
server_connection_slot.set( vmid );
public void connectionClosed( InetAddress host, int port,
VMID source_vmid, VMID vmid, Object attachment,
boolean will_attempt_reconnect ) {}
public void connectionOpenFailed( InetAddress host, int port,
Object attachment, Exception error, boolean will_retry ) {}
public void connectionOpening( InetAddress host, int port,
Object attachment, ConnectionArgs args,
Object connection_type_description ) {}
} );
catch ( IOException e ) {
}, 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS );
VMID server_vmid;
try {
server_vmid = client.tryConnect( InetAddress.getLocalHost(),
12345, new RequestUserCredentialReinit(), null, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES );
System.out.println( "Connected to: " + server_vmid );
assertEquals( server.getLocalVMID(), server_vmid );
catch( IOException ex ) {
fail( "Should have been able to connect: " + ex );
VMID client_vmid = server_connection_slot.waitForValue();
// System.out.println( "Got client VMID: " + client_vmid );
assertEquals( client.getLocalVMID(), client_vmid );
Registry registry = server.getRemoteRegistry( client_vmid );
// System.out.println( "Got remote registry: " + registry );
Runnable server_proxy = ( Runnable ) registry.lookup( "test" );
// System.out.println( "calling proxy...");;
// System.out.println( "proxy called" );
UserContextInfo context = context_slot.get();
System.out.println( "User context: " + context );
assertNotNull( context );
assertEquals( "reden", context.getUserName() );
public void testReconnection() throws Exception {
IntrepidTesting.setInterInstanceBridgeDisabled( true );
// Client Server
// |---- connect ------->| (re-init request)
// | |
// |<--- session init ---| (user credentials)
// | |
// |---- session ack --->|
AuthenticationHandler handler = new UserCredentialReinitAuthenticationHandler() {
public UserCredentialsConnectionArgs getUserCredentials(
SocketAddress remote_address,
Object session_source ) throws ConnectionAuthFailureException {
// System.out.println( "--- getUserCredentials(" + remote_address + "," +
// session_source + ")" );
return new UserCredentialsConnectionArgs( "reden",
"password".toCharArray() );
public UserContextInfo checkConnection( ConnectionArgs connection_args,
SocketAddress remote_address, Object session_source )
throws ConnectionAuthFailureException {
throw new ConnectionAuthFailureException(
new UnlocalizableTextResourceKey( "Shouldn't get here" ) );
public void notifyUserCredentialFailure( ResourceKey<String> error ) {}
// Just use a normal auth handler
server = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint(
"server" ).authHandler( handler ).serverPort( 0 ) );
final int server_port = server.getServerPort().intValue();
VMID original_server_vmid = server.getLocalVMID();
System.out.println( "Server VMID: " + original_server_vmid );
client = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint( "client" ).authHandler(
new AuthenticationHandler() {
public UserContextInfo checkConnection( ConnectionArgs connection_args,
SocketAddress remote_address, Object session_source )
throws ConnectionAuthFailureException {
// System.out.println( "--- checkConnection(" + connection_args +
// "," + remote_address + "," + session_source + ")" );
if ( connection_args instanceof UserCredentialsConnectionArgs ) {
String user =
( ( UserCredentialsConnectionArgs ) connection_args ).getUser();
if ( !user.equals( "reden" ) ) {
throw new ConnectionAuthFailureException(
new UnlocalizableTextResourceKey( "Bad user: " + user ) );
UserCredentialsConnectionArgs uargs =
( UserCredentialsConnectionArgs ) connection_args;
return new SimpleUserContextInfo( uargs.getUser() );
return null;
} ) );
System.out.println( "Client VMID: " + client.getLocalVMID() );
final AtomicReference<UserContextInfo> context_slot =
new AtomicReference<UserContextInfo>();
client.getLocalRegistry().bind( "test", new Runnable() {
public void run() {
System.out.println( "Proxy run() called: " + IntrepidContext.getUserInfo() );
System.out.println( " Active instance: " + IntrepidContext.getActiveInstance());
System.out.println( " Calling VMID: " + IntrepidContext.getCallingVMID());
context_slot.set( IntrepidContext.getUserInfo() );
} );
// Indicate that we want to use the server instance
Intrepid.setThreadInstance( server );
final ObjectSlot<VMID> server_connection_slot = new ObjectSlot<VMID>();
ConnectionListener server_listener = new ConnectionListener() {
public void connectionOpened( InetAddress host, int port, Object attachment,
VMID source_vmid,
VMID vmid,
UserContextInfo user_context, VMID previous_vmid,
Object connection_type_description, byte ack_rate_sec ) {
System.out.println( "Server connection opened: " + vmid );
server_connection_slot.set( vmid );
public void connectionClosed( InetAddress host, int port, VMID source_vmid,
VMID vmid, Object attachment, boolean will_attempt_reconnect ) {}
public void connectionOpenFailed( InetAddress host, int port,
Object attachment, Exception error, boolean will_retry ) {}
public void connectionOpening( InetAddress host, int port, Object attachment,
ConnectionArgs args, Object connection_type_description ) {}
server.addConnectionListener( server_listener );
VMID server_vmid;
try {
server_vmid = client.connect( InetAddress.getLocalHost(),
server_port, new RequestUserCredentialReinit(),
null );
System.out.println( "Connected to: " + server_vmid );
assertEquals( server.getLocalVMID(), server_vmid );
catch( IOException ex ) {
fail( "Should have been able to connect: " + ex );
VMID client_vmid = server_connection_slot.waitForValue();
// System.out.println( "Got client VMID: " + client_vmid );
assertEquals( client.getLocalVMID(), client_vmid );
Registry registry = server.getRemoteRegistry( client_vmid );
// System.out.println( "Got remote registry: " + registry );
Runnable server_proxy = ( Runnable ) registry.lookup( "test" );
// System.out.println( "calling proxy...");;
// System.out.println( "proxy called" );
UserContextInfo context = context_slot.get();
System.out.println( "User context: " + context );
assertNotNull( context );
assertEquals( "reden", context.getUserName() );
System.out.println( "Shutting down connection from server side..." );
final ObjectSlot<VMID> client_connection_slot = new ObjectSlot<VMID>();
final AtomicBoolean connection_closed_flag = new AtomicBoolean( false );
client.addConnectionListener( new ConnectionListener() {
public void connectionOpened( InetAddress host, int port, Object attachment,
VMID source_vmid,
VMID vmid,
UserContextInfo user_context, VMID previous_vmid,
Object connection_type_description, byte ack_rate_sec ) {
client_connection_slot.set( vmid );
public void connectionClosed( InetAddress host, int port, VMID source_vmid,
VMID vmid,
Object attachment,
boolean will_attempt_reconnect ) {
connection_closed_flag.set( true );
System.out.println( "Client connection (" + vmid + ") closed: " +
will_attempt_reconnect );
public void connectionOpenFailed( InetAddress host, int port,
Object attachment, Exception error, boolean will_retry ) {}
public void connectionOpening( InetAddress host, int port, Object attachment,
ConnectionArgs args, Object connection_type_description ) {}
} );
// Now break the connection from the server side
// Make sure the client saw the connection go down
ThreadKit.sleep( 1000 );
assertTrue( connection_closed_flag.get() );
ThreadKit.sleep( 30000 );
// Make sure the client doesn't think it's connected yet
assertNull( client_connection_slot.get() );
System.out.println( "restarting server..." );
server = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint(
"server" ).authHandler( handler ).serverPort( server_port ) );
assertFalse( server.getLocalVMID().equals( original_server_vmid ) );
server.addConnectionListener( server_listener );
assertEquals( server_port, server.getServerPort().intValue() );
client_vmid = server_connection_slot.waitForValue( 30000 );
assertNotNull( client_vmid );
System.out.println( "Got RECONNECTED client VMID: " + client_vmid );
assertEquals( client.getLocalVMID(), client_vmid );
assertEquals( server.getLocalVMID(), client_connection_slot.waitForValue( 2000 ) );
public void testReconnectionWithBadUser() throws Exception {
IntrepidTesting.setInterInstanceBridgeDisabled( true );
// Client Server
// |---- connect ------->| (re-init request)
// | |
// |<--- session init ---| (user credentials)
// | |
// |---- session ack --->|
final AtomicReference<String> auth_user = new AtomicReference<String>( "reden" );
final ObjectSlot<ResourceKey<String>> auth_error_slot =
new ObjectSlot<ResourceKey<String>>();
AuthenticationHandler handler = new UserCredentialReinitAuthenticationHandler() {
public UserCredentialsConnectionArgs getUserCredentials(
SocketAddress remote_address,
Object session_source ) throws ConnectionAuthFailureException {
// System.out.println( "--- getUserCredentials(" + remote_address + "," +
// session_source + ")" );
return new UserCredentialsConnectionArgs( auth_user.get(),
"password".toCharArray() );
public UserContextInfo checkConnection( ConnectionArgs connection_args,
SocketAddress remote_address, Object session_source )
throws ConnectionAuthFailureException {
throw new ConnectionAuthFailureException(
new UnlocalizableTextResourceKey( "Shouldn't get here" ) );
public void notifyUserCredentialFailure( ResourceKey<String> error ) {
auth_error_slot.set( error );
// Just use a normal auth handler
server = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint(
"server" ).authHandler( handler ).serverPort( 0 ) );
final int server_port = server.getServerPort().intValue();
VMID original_server_vmid = server.getLocalVMID();
System.out.println( "Server VMID: " + original_server_vmid );
client = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint( "client" ).authHandler(
new AuthenticationHandler() {
public UserContextInfo checkConnection( ConnectionArgs connection_args,
SocketAddress remote_address, Object session_source )
throws ConnectionAuthFailureException {
// System.out.println( "--- checkConnection(" + connection_args +
// "," + remote_address + "," + session_source + ")" );
if ( connection_args instanceof UserCredentialsConnectionArgs ) {
String user =
( ( UserCredentialsConnectionArgs ) connection_args ).getUser();
if ( !user.equals( "reden" ) ) {
throw new ConnectionAuthFailureException(
new UnlocalizableTextResourceKey( "Bad user: " + user ) );
UserCredentialsConnectionArgs uargs =
( UserCredentialsConnectionArgs ) connection_args;
return new SimpleUserContextInfo( uargs.getUser() );
return null;
} ) );
System.out.println( "Client VMID: " + client.getLocalVMID() );
final AtomicReference<UserContextInfo> context_slot =
new AtomicReference<UserContextInfo>();
client.getLocalRegistry().bind( "test", new Runnable() {
public void run() {
System.out.println( "Proxy run() called: " + IntrepidContext.getUserInfo() );
System.out.println( " Active instance: " + IntrepidContext.getActiveInstance());
System.out.println( " Calling VMID: " + IntrepidContext.getCallingVMID());
context_slot.set( IntrepidContext.getUserInfo() );
} );
// Indicate that we want to use the server instance
Intrepid.setThreadInstance( server );
final ObjectSlot<VMID> server_connection_slot = new ObjectSlot<VMID>();
ConnectionListener server_listener = new ConnectionListener() {
public void connectionOpened( InetAddress host, int port, Object attachment,
VMID source_vmid,
VMID vmid,
UserContextInfo user_context, VMID previous_vmid,
Object connection_type_description, byte ack_rate_sec ) {
System.out.println( "Server connection opened: " + vmid );
server_connection_slot.set( vmid );
public void connectionClosed( InetAddress host, int port, VMID source_vmid,
VMID vmid, Object attachment, boolean will_attempt_reconnect ) {}
public void connectionOpenFailed( InetAddress host, int port,
Object attachment, Exception error, boolean will_retry ) {}
public void connectionOpening( InetAddress host, int port, Object attachment,
ConnectionArgs args, Object connection_type_description ) {}
server.addConnectionListener( server_listener );
VMID server_vmid;
try {
server_vmid = client.connect( InetAddress.getLocalHost(),
server_port, new RequestUserCredentialReinit(),
null );
System.out.println( "Connected to: " + server_vmid );
assertEquals( server.getLocalVMID(), server_vmid );
catch( IOException ex ) {
fail( "Should have been able to connect: " + ex );
VMID client_vmid = server_connection_slot.waitForValue();
// System.out.println( "Got client VMID: " + client_vmid );
assertEquals( client.getLocalVMID(), client_vmid );
Registry registry = server.getRemoteRegistry( client_vmid );
// System.out.println( "Got remote registry: " + registry );
Runnable server_proxy = ( Runnable ) registry.lookup( "test" );
// System.out.println( "calling proxy...");;
// System.out.println( "proxy called" );
UserContextInfo context = context_slot.get();
System.out.println( "User context: " + context );
assertNotNull( context );
assertEquals( "reden", context.getUserName() );
System.out.println( "Shutting down connection from server side..." );
final ObjectSlot<VMID> client_connection_slot = new ObjectSlot<VMID>();
final AtomicBoolean connection_closed_flag = new AtomicBoolean( false );
client.addConnectionListener( new ConnectionListener() {
public void connectionOpened( InetAddress host, int port, Object attachment,
VMID source_vmid,
VMID vmid,
UserContextInfo user_context, VMID previous_vmid,
Object connection_type_description, byte ack_rate_sec ) {
client_connection_slot.set( vmid );
public void connectionClosed( InetAddress host, int port, VMID source_vmid,
VMID vmid,
Object attachment,
boolean will_attempt_reconnect ) {
connection_closed_flag.set( true );
System.out.println( "Client connection (" + vmid + ") closed: " +
will_attempt_reconnect );
public void connectionOpenFailed( InetAddress host, int port,
Object attachment, Exception error, boolean will_retry ) {}
public void connectionOpening( InetAddress host, int port, Object attachment,
ConnectionArgs args, Object connection_type_description ) {}
} );
//noinspection ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored
assertNull( auth_error_slot.get() );
// Now break the connection from the server side
auth_user.set( "this_will_fail" );
// Make sure the client saw the connection go down
ThreadKit.sleep( 1000 );
assertTrue( connection_closed_flag.get() );
System.out.println( "restarting server..." );
server = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint(
"server" ).authHandler( handler ).serverPort( server_port ) );
assertFalse( server.getLocalVMID().equals( original_server_vmid ) );
server.addConnectionListener( server_listener );
assertEquals( server_port, server.getServerPort().intValue() );
// Should get an auth error
//noinspection ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored
assertNotNull( auth_error_slot.waitForValue( 10000 ) );
// Shouldn't see a connection
client_vmid = server_connection_slot.waitForValue( 2000 );
assertNull( client_vmid );