catch(Throwable t) {
log.error("couldn't deliver OOB message " + msg, t);
final AtomicBoolean processing=win.getProcessing();
if(!processing.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
// try to remove (from the AckReceiverWindow) as many messages as possible and pass them up
// Prevents concurrent passing up of messages by different threads (;
// this is all the more important once we have a concurrent stack (,
// where lots of threads can come up to this point concurrently, but only 1 is allowed to pass at a time
// We *can* deliver messages from *different* senders concurrently, e.g. reception of P1, Q1, P2, Q2 can result in
// delivery of P1, Q1, Q2, P2: FIFO (implemented by UNICAST) says messages need to be delivered only in the
// order in which they were sent by their senders
boolean released_processing=false;
try {
while(true) {
List<Message> msgs=win.removeMany(processing, true, max_msg_batch_size); // remove my own messages
if(msgs == null || msgs.isEmpty()) {
for(Message m: msgs) {
// discard OOB msg: it has already been delivered (
try {
up_prot.up(new Event(Event.MSG, m));
catch(Throwable t) {
log.error("couldn't deliver message " + m, t);
finally {
// processing is always set in win.remove(processing) above and never here ! This code is just a
// 2nd line of defense should there be an exception before win.remove(processing) sets processing