package com.starlight.intrepid;
import com.starlight.intrepid.auth.UserContextInfo;
import com.starlight.intrepid.exception.MethodInvocationFailedException;
import com.starlight.intrepid.message.IMessage;
import com.starlight.intrepid.message.InvokeAckIMessage;
import com.starlight.intrepid.message.InvokeIMessage;
import com.starlight.intrepid.spi.UnitTestHook;
import com.starlight.thread.ThreadKit;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
public class MethodAckTest extends TestCase {
public void testSystemProperty() {
assertEquals( "System property 'intrepid.req_invoke_ack_rate_sec' must be set " +
"to '1' when running unit tests.", "1",
System.getProperty( "intrepid.req_invoke_ack_rate_sec" ) );
private Intrepid client_instance = null;
private Intrepid server_instance = null;
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
// Re-enable
IntrepidTesting.setInterInstanceBridgeDisabled( false );
if ( client_instance != null ) client_instance.close();
if ( server_instance != null ) server_instance.close();
// This test will drop incoming Invoke messages to the server, so calls should hang
// on the client. Since an ack is not sent, the call should blow out.
public void testDroppedInitialAck() throws Exception {
IntrepidTesting.setInterInstanceBridgeDisabled( true );
UnitTestHook hook = new UnitTestHook() {
public boolean dropMessageSend( VMID destination, IMessage message )
throws IOException {
return false;
public boolean dropMessageReceive( VMID source, IMessage message )
throws IOException {
// Non-invoke messages are okay
if ( !( message instanceof InvokeIMessage ) ) return false;
InvokeIMessage invoke = ( InvokeIMessage ) message;
// Don't receive any invokes (unless it's to the registry)
return invoke.getObjectID() != 0;
server_instance = Intrepid.create(
new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint( "server" ).openServer().unitTestHook( hook ) );
final AtomicBoolean run_called = new AtomicBoolean( false );
Runnable server_impl = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
run_called.set( true );
server_instance.getLocalRegistry().bind( "server", server_impl );
client_instance = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint( "client" ) );
VMID server_vmid = client_instance.connect( InetAddress.getByName( "" ),
server_instance.getServerPort().intValue(), null, null );
Runnable proxy = ( Runnable ) client_instance.getRemoteRegistry(
server_vmid ).lookup( "server" );
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {;
catch( MethodInvocationFailedException ex ) {
// Never received any acks
assertEquals( "Initial message acknowledgement timeout exceeded",
ex.getMessage() );
long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
System.out.println( "Ack abort duration: " + duration );
assertFalse( "Server method was invoked (should have been dropped)",
run_called.get() );
assertTrue( "Duration < 2500 or > 5000: " + duration,
duration >= 2500 && duration < 5000 );
// This test will only send the FIRST ACK message from the server. So, the method call
// should blow out after the second missing ack
public void testDroppedSecondAck() throws Exception {
IntrepidTesting.setInterInstanceBridgeDisabled( true );
UnitTestHook hook = new UnitTestHook() {
boolean sent_one_ack = false;
public boolean dropMessageSend( VMID destination, IMessage message )
throws IOException {
if ( message instanceof InvokeAckIMessage ) {
System.out.println( "Saw ack message: " + message );
if ( !sent_one_ack ) {
sent_one_ack = true;
return false;
else return true;
return false;
public boolean dropMessageReceive( VMID source, IMessage message )
throws IOException {
return false;
server_instance = Intrepid.create(
new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint( "server" ).openServer().unitTestHook( hook ) );
Runnable server_impl = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ThreadKit.sleep( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS );
server_instance.getLocalRegistry().bind( "server", server_impl );
client_instance = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint( "client" ) );
VMID server_vmid = client_instance.connect( InetAddress.getByName( "" ),
server_instance.getServerPort().intValue(), null, null );
Runnable proxy = ( Runnable ) client_instance.getRemoteRegistry(
server_vmid ).lookup( "server" );
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {;
catch( MethodInvocationFailedException ex ) {
// Never received any acks
assertEquals( "Message acknowledgement timeout exceeded", ex.getMessage() );
long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
System.out.println( "Ack abort duration: " + duration );
assertTrue( "Duration < 3500 or > 6000: " + duration,
duration >= 3500 && duration < 6000 );
// Test a normal method call that blocks long enough that it will be aborted by
// an ack timeout if ack receives aren't being handled properly
public void testAckedCall() throws Exception {
IntrepidTesting.setInterInstanceBridgeDisabled( true );
server_instance = Intrepid.create(
new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint( "server" ).openServer() );
Runnable server_impl = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ThreadKit.sleep( 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS );
server_instance.getLocalRegistry().bind( "server", server_impl );
client_instance = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint( "client" ) );
VMID server_vmid = client_instance.connect( InetAddress.getByName( "" ),
server_instance.getServerPort().intValue(), null, null );
Runnable proxy = ( Runnable ) client_instance.getRemoteRegistry(
server_vmid ).lookup( "server" );
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {;
catch( MethodInvocationFailedException ex ) {
// Never received any acks
assertEquals( "Initial message acknowledgement timeout exceeded",
ex.getMessage() );
long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
assertTrue( "Duration < 5000 or > 6000: " + duration,
duration >= 5000 && duration < 6000 );
// Test a fast-returning method call to ensure no ack message is sent.
public void testFastReturn() throws Exception {
IntrepidTesting.setInterInstanceBridgeDisabled( true );
final AtomicBoolean sent_ack = new AtomicBoolean( false );
PerformanceListener perf_listener = new PerformanceListener() {
public void messageSent( VMID destination_vmid, IMessage message ) {
if ( message instanceof InvokeAckIMessage ) {
sent_ack.set( true );
public void remoteCallStarted( VMID instance_vmid, long time, int call_id,
VMID destination_vmid, int object_id, int method_id, Method method,
Object[] args, UserContextInfo user_context, String persistent_name ) {}
public void remoteCallCompleted( VMID instance_vmid, long time, int call_id,
Object result, boolean result_was_thrown, Long server_time ) {}
public void inboundRemoteCallStarted( VMID instance_vmid, long time,
int call_id, VMID source_vmid, int object_id, int method_id,
Method method, Object[] args, UserContextInfo user_context,
String persistent_name ) {}
public void inboundRemoteCallCompleted( VMID instance_vmid, long time,
int call_id, Object result, boolean result_was_thrown ) {}
public void virtualChannelOpened( VMID instance_vmid, VMID peer_vmid,
short channel_id ) {}
public void virtualChannelClosed( VMID instance_vmid, VMID peer_vmid,
short channel_id ) {}
public void virtualChannelDataReceived( VMID instance_vmid, VMID peer_vmid,
short channel_id, int bytes ) {}
public void virtualChannelDataSent( VMID instance_vmid, VMID peer_vmid,
short channel_id, int bytes ) {}
public void messageReceived( VMID source_vmid, IMessage message ) {}
public void leaseInfoUpdated( VMID vmid, int object_id,
String delegate_tostring, boolean holding_strong_reference,
int leasing_vm_count, boolean renew, boolean release ) {}
public void leasedObjectRemoved( VMID vmid, int object_id ) {}
server_instance = Intrepid.create(
new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint( "server" ).openServer().performanceListener(
perf_listener ) );
Runnable server_impl = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Return immediately
server_instance.getLocalRegistry().bind( "server", server_impl );
client_instance = Intrepid.create( new IntrepidSetup().vmidHint( "client" ) );
VMID server_vmid = client_instance.connect( InetAddress.getByName( "" ),
server_instance.getServerPort().intValue(), null, null );
Runnable proxy = ( Runnable ) client_instance.getRemoteRegistry(
server_vmid ).lookup( "server" );
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();;
long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
assertTrue( "Duration > 1000: " + duration, duration < 1000 );
ThreadKit.sleep( 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // give time for the message to be sent
assertEquals( false, sent_ack.get() );