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package transientlibs.preui.objects.gui.elements;
import transientlibs.preui.objects.gui.interfaces.IFont;
import transientlibs.preui.objects.gui.interfaces.IColour;
import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.BitmapFont;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.SpriteBatch;
import transientlibs.bindedobjects.core.GDXFonts;
import transientlibs.processors.misc.Detonator;
import transientlibs.slick2d.util.Log;
** @author kibertoad
public class TransientGDXFont implements IFont{
public BitmapFont font;
public SpriteBatch batch;
public GDXFonts fontInfo;
public GDXFonts getFontInfo() {
return fontInfo;
public TransientGDXFont (GDXFonts fromFonts) {
// this (fromFonts.file1, fromFonts.file2);
FileHandle path1 = new FileHandle (fromFonts.file1);
FileHandle path2 = new FileHandle (fromFonts.file2);
//if (fromFonts.font.font.isFlipped()) {
font = new BitmapFont (path1, path2, false);
//} else {
//font = new BitmapFont (path1, path2, true);
fontInfo = fromFonts;
public TransientGDXFont (String fromFile, String fromFile2) {
FileHandle path1 = new FileHandle (fromFile);
FileHandle path2 = new FileHandle (fromFile2);
font = new BitmapFont (path1, path2, false);
public TransientGDXFont (BitmapFont setFont) {
font = setFont;
public int getWidth(String forText) {
//Log.info("Width: "+((int) font.getBounds(forText).width));
return (int) font.getBounds(forText).width;
public int getHeight(String forText) {
//Log.info("Width: "+((int) font.getBounds(forText).height));
return (int) font.getBounds(forText).height;
public void setBatch(SpriteBatch toBatch) {
batch = toBatch;
public void drawString(int onx, int ony, String string) {
drawString(onx, ony, string, null);
public String getName() {
return fontInfo.LName.value;
public void drawString(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, int onx, int ony, String theLine) {
font.draw(spriteBatch, theLine, onx, ony);
public void drawString(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, int onx, int ony, String theLine, IColour colour) {
if (colour != null) {
//Log.info("Font not null: "+(font != null));
//Log.info("GDXC not null: "+(colour.getGDXColour() != null));
//Log.info("Color is not null: "+colour.toString()+", text:"+ theLine);
//else {
// Log.info("Color is null: "+", text:"+ theLine);
drawString(spriteBatch, onx, Detonator.INSTANCE.currentGenericGame.getScreenHeight() - ony, theLine);
public void drawString(float onX, float onY, String theLine, IColour colour) {
if (colour != null) {font.setColor(colour.getGDXColour());}
//Log.info("Font not null: "+(font != null));
//Log.info("Batch not null: "+(batch != null));
//Log.info("Line not null: "+(theLine != null));
font.draw(batch, theLine, onX, onY);