// Name: World.java
// Author: Bernard.Gorman@computing.dcu.ie
// Author: Martin.Fredriksson@bth.se
package soc.qase.state;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Vector;
import soc.qase.com.message.ServerFrame;
import soc.qase.info.Config;
import soc.qase.info.Layout;
import soc.qase.info.Server;
import soc.qase.tools.vecmath.Vector3f;
/** The World class is used as a wrapper class for the complete
* environment state of a simulation. Each frame of execution, instances
* of this type can be extracted from the Proxy object, while the agent
* is part of an ongoing simulation. The World class is responsible for
* maintaining the consistency of the gamestate, for correctly tracking
* past frames, and for merging updates into the existing gamestate
* representation according to Quake 2's cumulative update protocols. */
public class World
private int currentFrame = 0;
private int previousFrame = 0;
private int currentDeltaFrame = 0;
private int mergeState = 16;
private int currentState = 16;
private Layout layout = null;
private Config config = null;
private Player players[] = null;
private Entity entities[][] = null;
private Vector messages = null;
private Vector tempEntities = new Vector();
private Inventory inventory = null;
private boolean inventoryUpdated = false;
private int pickupEntityNum = -1;
private int playerEntityNum = -1;
private boolean trackInventory = false;
private boolean drownSound = false;
private long drownTimer = Long.MIN_VALUE;
private long envSuitTimer = Long.MIN_VALUE;
private int[] respawnTimes = null;
private boolean[] respawnedEntities = null;
private boolean[] deactivatedEntities = null;
/** Default constructor. Sets up the required structures with default
* attributes. */
public World()
/** Constructor. Allows the programmer to specify whether QASE should
* manually track the inventory as the agent collects items in the game. */
public World(boolean trackInv)
trackInventory = trackInv;
private void commonSetup()
config = new Config();
entities = new Entity[17][1024];
respawnTimes = new int[1024];
respawnedEntities = new boolean[1024];
deactivatedEntities = new boolean[1024];
players = new Player[17];
inventory = new Inventory(config);
/** Accept and store the data received from the server at the beginning
* of each game session, and when a new map is entered.
* @param server a Server object containing the server information */
public void setServerData(Server server)
playerEntityNum = server.getClientEntity();
/** Add message to the internal mailbox.
* @param message message to add. */
public synchronized void setMessage(String message)
if(messages == null) messages = new Vector();
/** Get messages currently in the internal mailbox. After a call
* to this method the internal mailbox will be reset.
* @return messages currently in the internal mailbox. */
public synchronized Vector getMessages()
Vector result = messages;
messages = null;
return result;
/** Add a temporary entity. */
public synchronized void setTemporaryEntity(TemporaryEntity tempEnt)
/** Get the list of temporary entities for the current frame. Temporary
* entities are spawned instantaneously at a single frame; the list is
* cleared on each new update.
* @return the current list of temporary entities */
public synchronized Vector getTemporaryEntities()
return new Vector(tempEntities);
/** Set current frame information.
* @param frame current frame information. */
public synchronized void setFrame(ServerFrame frame)
previousFrame = currentFrame;
currentFrame = frame.getFrame();
currentDeltaFrame = frame.getDeltaFrame();
if((currentFrame - previousFrame) > 12)
currentState = 0;
currentState = (currentState + currentFrame - previousFrame) % 16;
if(currentDeltaFrame == -1)
mergeState = 16;
else if((currentFrame - previousFrame) <= 12)
mergeState = (currentState + currentDeltaFrame - currentFrame + 16) % 16;
for(int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
if(entities[mergeState][i] != null)
entities[currentState][i] = entities[mergeState][i];
pickupEntityNum = -1;
Arrays.fill(respawnedEntities, false);
Arrays.fill(deactivatedEntities, false);
/** Get current frame number.
* @return current frame number. */
public synchronized int getFrame()
return currentFrame;
/** Merge new player information into the current Player state.
* @param player player information. */
public synchronized void setPlayer(Player player)
players[currentState] = player;
// players[mergeState] = players[currentState];
for(int i = 0; i < players.length; i++)
if(players[i] != null)
if(trackInventory && isPlayerActive())
else if(trackInventory && !players[currentState].isAlive())
private void checkDrownStatus(Player player)
long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
PlayerStatus pStatus = player.getPlayerStatus();
if(pStatus.checkTimedBuff(PlayerStatus.ICON_ENVIRONMENT_SUIT) >= 0 || pStatus.checkTimedBuff(PlayerStatus.ICON_REBREATHER) >= 0)
envSuitTimer = (envSuitTimer == Long.MIN_VALUE || curTime - envSuitTimer > 30300 ? curTime : envSuitTimer);
drownTimer = (drownTimer == Long.MIN_VALUE || (envSuitTimer != Long.MIN_VALUE && curTime - envSuitTimer <= 28000) ? curTime : drownTimer);
drownTimer = Long.MIN_VALUE;
player.playerIsDrowning = drownSound = (drownSound && player.isUnderWater() && (envSuitTimer == Long.MIN_VALUE || curTime - envSuitTimer > 28000));
player.drownTTL = (drownTimer == Long.MIN_VALUE ? drownTimer : Math.max(drownTimer + 12000 - curTime + (envSuitTimer != Long.MIN_VALUE && curTime - envSuitTimer <= 28000 ? envSuitTimer + 28000 - curTime : 0), 0));
/* Get player information.
* @return current player information. */
public synchronized Player getPlayer()
return players[currentState];
public synchronized boolean isPlayerActive()
return getPlayer() != null && getPlayer().isAlive();
/** Set entity information.
* @param entities Vector of entities to add
public synchronized void setEntities(Vector entities)
for(int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++)
setEntity((Entity)entities.elementAt(i), false);
for(int i = 0; i < respawnTimes.length; i++)
if(respawnTimes[i] > 0 && respawnTimes[i] != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
respawnedEntities[i] = (respawnTimes[i] == 0);
/** Set entity information, merging updated data into the current
* gamestate representation.
* @param entity entity data to merge
* @param baseline true if the entity is a baseline ('master' entity
* into which subsequent updates are merged), false otherwise */
public synchronized void setEntity(Entity entity, boolean baseline)
entities[mergeState][entity.getNumber()] = entity;
respawnedEntities[entity.getNumber()] = entity.isRespawned();
deactivatedEntities[entity.getNumber()] = (entities[mergeState][entity.getNumber()] != null && entities[mergeState][entity.getNumber()].getActive() && !entity.getActive());
respawnTimes[entity.getNumber()] = 0;
entities[currentState][entity.getNumber()] = entity;
/** Check whether the current entity has been collected by the agent,
* if it is an item.
* @param entityNum the entity number
* @return true if the item has been collected, false otherwise */
public boolean isCollected(int entityNum)
return respawnTimes[entityNum] != 0;
/** Get a list of the entities which the agent has collected
* @return an integer array containing the entity numbers of the
* items which the agent has collected */
public int[] getCollectedEntityNumbers()
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < respawnTimes.length; i++)
if(respawnTimes[i] > 0)
int[] entNums = new int[count];
count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < respawnTimes.length; i++)
if(respawnTimes[i] > 0)
entNums[count++] = i;
return entNums;
/** Get the entities which the agent has collected.
* @return an Entity array containing the items which the agent
* has collected */
public Entity[] getCollectedEntities()
return getEntities(getCollectedEntityNumbers());
/** Get the entity numbers of the items which have respawned on this frame
* @return an integer array containing the entity numbers of the
* respawned items */
public int[] getRespawnedEntityNumbers()
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < respawnedEntities.length; i++)
int[] entNums = new int[count];
count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < respawnedEntities.length; i++)
entNums[count++] = i;
return entNums;
/** Get the item entities which have respawned on this frame
* @return an Entity array containing the respawned item entities */
public Entity[] getRespawnedEntities()
return getEntities(getRespawnedEntityNumbers());
/** Get the amount of time remaining, in frames (or tenths of seconds),
* before the given entity respawns
* @param entityNum the entity number
* @return the number of frames remaining before the item respawns */
public int getRespawnTimeRemaining(int entityNum)
return respawnTimes[entityNum];
/** Get the list of entity numbers of entities which were marked as
* inactive on this frame, due either to being collected or moving
* outside the maximum range at which the server notifies the agent
* of the entity's status.
* @return an array of entity numbers indicating the deactivated entities */
protected int[] getDeactivatedEntityNumbers()
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < deactivatedEntities.length; i++)
int[] entNums = new int[count];
count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < deactivatedEntities.length; i++)
entNums[count++] = i;
return entNums;
/** Get the collection of entities which deactivated on this frame,
* due either to being collected or moving outside the maximum range
* at which the server notifies the agent of the entity's status
* @return an array of deactivated entities */
protected Entity[] getDeactivatedEntities()
return getEntities(getDeactivatedEntityNumbers());
private synchronized void updateInventoryAmmo()
PlayerGun gun = players[currentState].getPlayerGun();
PlayerStatus status = players[currentState].getPlayerStatus();
int ammoIndex = gun.getAmmoInventoryIndex();
if(ammoIndex != -1)
inventory.setCount(ammoIndex, status.getStatus(PlayerStatus.AMMO));
/** Process the sounds received by the agent. Since Quake 2 does not
* send explicit notification when an item is picked up, this is used
* to determine whether or not the agent has just collected an item,
* and if so to deduce the entity type, number and respawn interval.
* Similarly, this method is used to determine whether a particular
* player has died during the current game frame.
* @param sound the Sound message received from the server */
public void processSound(Sound sound)
int pkup = players[currentState].getPlayerStatus().getStatus(PlayerStatus.PICKUP_STRING) - Config.SECTION_ITEM_NAMES;
if(sound.getEntityNumber() == playerEntityNum + 1 && pkup > 0 && config.getConfigString(sound.getConfigIndex()).indexOf("pkup") >= 0)
if(trackInventory && isPlayerActive())
{ PlayerGun gun = players[currentState].getPlayerGun();
if(pkup >= 8 && pkup <= 17)
if(pkup != 12)
inventory.setCount(pkup, inventory.getCount(pkup) + 1);
inventory.setCount(gun.getAmmoInventoryIndexByGun(pkup), Math.min(gun.getMaxAmmoByGun(pkup), inventory.getCount(gun.getAmmoInventoryIndexByGun(pkup)) + gun.getAmmoPerPickupByGun(pkup)));
else if(pkup >= 18 && pkup <= 22)
inventory.setCount(pkup, Math.min(gun.getMaxAmmo(pkup), inventory.getCount(pkup) + gun.getAmmoPerPickup(pkup)));
inventory.setCount(pkup, inventory.getCount(pkup) + 1);
inventoryUpdated = true;
Entity[] deactEnts = getDeactivatedEntities();
if(deactEnts != null)
Vector3f entOrigin = new Vector3f();
Vector3f playerOrigin = new Vector3f(getPlayer().getPlayerMove().getOrigin());
int index = -1;
float curDist = 0;
float minDist = Float.MAX_VALUE;
for(int i = 0; i < deactEnts.length; i++)
if(deactEnts[i].getNumber() != playerEntityNum + 1 && deactEnts[i].getNumber() > 0 && (curDist = playerOrigin.distance(entOrigin)) < minDist && deactEnts[i].getInventoryIndex() == pkup)
minDist = curDist;
index = deactEnts[i].getNumber();
pickupEntityNum = index;
if(pickupEntityNum > 0)
respawnTimes[index] = getEntity(index).getRespawnTime();
else if(sound.getEntityNumber() == playerEntityNum + 1 && config.getConfigString(sound.getConfigIndex()).indexOf("gurp") >= 0)
drownSound = true;
else if(config.getConfigString(sound.getConfigIndex()).indexOf("death") >= 0 && getEntity(sound.getEntityNumber()) != null)
getEntity(sound.getEntityNumber()).playerDied = true;
else if(config.getConfigString(sound.getConfigIndex()).indexOf("jump") >= 0 && getEntity(sound.getEntityNumber()) != null)
getEntity(sound.getEntityNumber()).playerJumped = true;
/** Get the entity number of the item picked up on the current frame.
* @return the entity number of the item picked up, or -1 if none */
public int getPickupEntityIndex()
return pickupEntityNum;
/** Get the item entity picked up on the current frame.
* @return the item entity picked up, or null if none */
public Entity getPickupEntity()
return getEntity(pickupEntityNum);
/** Record the effect of using an item on the inventory (ie decrement
* associated item by 1, if it isn't a weapon).
* @param itemIndex the number of the item used */
public void processUsedItem(int itemIndex)
if(trackInventory && itemIndex > 22 && itemIndex != 30 && itemIndex != 31 && isPlayerActive())
inventory.setCount(itemIndex, Math.max(0, inventory.getCount(itemIndex) - 1));
/** Set the player's current inventory values. */
public synchronized void setInventory(Inventory invent)
inventoryUpdated = Arrays.equals(inventory.getInventoryArrayReference(), invent.getInventoryArrayReference());
inventory = invent;
/** Check whether the inventory has changed (i.e. items picked up or
* weapons discharged, etc) since the last time the getInventory
* method was called.
* @return true if the inventory has changed, false utherwise */
public boolean isInventoryUpdated() // since last getInventory
return inventoryUpdated;
/** Get the player's current inventory values.
* @return Inventory object containing number of each item held */
public synchronized Inventory getInventory()
inventoryUpdated = false;
return inventory;
/** Get entity collection information.
* @param entityNum index number of entity to return */
public Entity getEntity(int entityNum)
if(entityNum < 0)
return null;
else if(entities[currentState][entityNum] != null)
return entities[currentState][entityNum];
/** Get a selection of entities based on entity number.
* @param entityNums indices of entities to return
* @return list of entities as defined by the entity number list */
public Entity[] getEntities(int[] entityNums)
Entity[] ents = new Entity[entityNums.length];
for(int i = 0; i < entityNums.length; i++)
ents[i] = getEntity(entityNums[i]);
return ents;
/** Get entity collection information based on specified category, type and subtype.
* Designed to be used with the Entity.CONSTANT values
* @return entity collection information matching the given criteria. */
public synchronized Vector getEntities(String cat, String type, String subType, boolean onlyActive)
Vector result = null;
Entity currentEntity = null;
result = new Vector();
for(int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
currentEntity = entities[currentState][i];
if(currentEntity != null)
if((cat == null || currentEntity.getCategory().equalsIgnoreCase(cat))
&& (type == null || currentEntity.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(type))
&& (subType == null || currentEntity.getSubType().equalsIgnoreCase(subType))
&& (currentEntity.getActive() || !onlyActive))
return result;
/** Get entity information.
* @param onlyActive if true, returns only those entities which are
* currently marked as active; if false, returns all entities
* regardless of whether they are marked active or inactive.
* @return entity list. */
public synchronized Vector getEntities(boolean onlyActive)
return getEntities(null, null, null, onlyActive);
/** Get entity information. Returns only entities which are currently active.
* @return entity list. */
public synchronized Vector getEntities()
return getEntities(true);
/** Get entity information on opposing players.
* @param onlyActive specifies whether inactive entities
* should be returned
* @return entity collection containing only opposing player
* entities. The entity corresponding to the local player is
* automatically removed. */
public synchronized Vector getOpponents(boolean onlyActive)
Vector playerEnts = getEntities(Entity.CAT_PLAYERS, null, null, onlyActive);
for(int i = 0; i < playerEnts.size(); i++)
if(((Entity)playerEnts.elementAt(i)).getNumber() == playerEntityNum + 1)
return playerEnts;
/** Get entity information on opposing players. Returns only entities
* which are currently active.
* @return entity collection containing only opposing player
* entities. The entity corresponding to the local player is
* automatically removed. */
public synchronized Vector getOpponents()
return getOpponents(true);
/** Get entity information on a particular opposing player by supplying
* that opponent's name.
* @return the Entity corresponding to the specified opponent. */
public synchronized Entity getOpponentByName(String oppName)
if(oppName == null)
return null;
Vector opps = getOpponents(false);
for(int i = 0; i < opps.size(); i++)
return (Entity)opps.elementAt(i);
return null;
/** Get item information.
* @return entity collection containing only item entities. */
public synchronized Vector getItems(boolean onlyActive)
return getEntities(Entity.CAT_ITEMS, null, null, onlyActive);
/** Get item information. Returns only entities which are currently active.
* @return entity collection containing only item entities. */
public synchronized Vector getItems()
return getItems(true);
/** Get weapon collection information.
* @return entity collection containing only weapon entities. */
public synchronized Vector getWeapons(boolean onlyActive)
return getEntities(Entity.CAT_WEAPONS, null, null, onlyActive);
/** Get weapon collection information. Returns only entities which are
* currently active.
* @return entity collection containing only weapon entities. */
public synchronized Vector getWeapons()
return getWeapons(true);
/** Get object collection information.
* @return entity collection containing only object entities. */
public synchronized Vector getObjects(boolean onlyActive)
return getEntities(Entity.CAT_OBJECTS, null, null, onlyActive);
/** Get object collection information. Returns only entities which are
* currently active.
* @return entity collection containing only object entities. */
public synchronized Vector getObjects()
return getObjects(true);
/** Set client HUD information.
* @param layout client HUD information. */
public synchronized void setLayout(Layout layout)
this.layout = layout;
/** Get client HUD information.
* @return client HUD information. */
public synchronized Layout getLayout()
return layout;
/** Set client config information.
* @param config client config information. */
public synchronized void setConfig(Config config)
this.config = config;
/** Get client config information.
* @return client config information. */
public synchronized Config getConfig()
return config;