// Name: DM2Recorder.java
// Author: Bernard.Gorman@computing.dcu.ie
package soc.qase.file.dm2;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import soc.qase.com.message.Message;
import soc.qase.com.message.ServerData;
import soc.qase.com.message.ServerDownload;
import soc.qase.com.message.ServerReconnect;
import soc.qase.com.message.ServerStuffText;
import soc.qase.com.packet.ServerPacket;
import soc.qase.tools.Utils;
/** The DM2Recorder allows the agent to automatically record a demo of
* itself during play. Improves upon Quake 2�s standard recording
* facilities by allowing demos spanning multiple maps to be recorded
* in playable format. The incoming network stream is sampled, edited
* as necessary, and saved to file when the agent disconnects from
* the server or as an intermediate step whenever the map is changed. */
public class DM2Recorder
protected File dm2File = null;
protected String filename = null;
protected byte[] inData = null;
protected byte[] blockLength = null;
protected BufferedInputStream bufIn = null;
protected BufferedOutputStream bufOut = null;
protected ByteArrayOutputStream store = null;
protected ByteArrayOutputStream storeHeader = null;
protected boolean recording = false;
/** Default constructor. Prepares the DM2Recorder to start saving the
* session. */
public DM2Recorder()
/** Constructor. Instantiates the DM2Recorder and creates the specified
* file.
* @param fName the filename under which to save the recording */
public DM2Recorder(String fName)
private void initRecorder()
blockLength = new byte[4];
store = new ByteArrayOutputStream(500 * 1024);
storeHeader = new ByteArrayOutputStream(500 * 1024);
/** Start recording to the specified file. Called by Proxy if the user
* stipulates that the session should be saved while connecting to
* the game server.
* @param fName the filename under which to save the recording
* @return true if the file was successfully created, false otherwise
* @see soc.qase.com.Proxy#connect(String, int, String) */
public synchronized boolean startRecording(String fName)
filename = fName;
{ bufOut = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename)); }
catch(Exception e)
{ return false; }
return (recording = true);
/** Add a block of data to the recording. Called by Proxy to record a
* block of normal in-game data, as distinct from header data.
* @param block the block of data to be added
* @see #addHeader(byte[])
* @see soc.qase.com.Proxy#processIncomingDataPacket(byte[]) */
public synchronized void addData(byte[] block)
block = filterData(block);
Utils.intToByteArray(block.length, blockLength, 0);
catch(IOException ioe)
{ }
/** Add a block of header data to the recording. Called by Proxy to
* record the header data received upon entering a new map, as distinct
* from normal in-game data.
* @param block the block of header data to be added
* @see #addData(byte[])
* @see soc.qase.com.Proxy#processIncomingDataPacket(byte[]) */
public synchronized void addHeader(byte[] block)
block = filterData(block);
Utils.intToByteArray(block.length, blockLength, 0);
catch(IOException ioe)
{ }
private byte[] filterData(byte[] incomingData)
byte[] temp = new byte[0];
byte[] result = new byte[0];
byte[] curData = new byte[0];
if(incomingData != null)
int dataIndex = 8;
while(dataIndex != incomingData.length)
ServerPacket sPacket = new ServerPacket(incomingData, dataIndex);
Message msg = sPacket.getMessage();
if(msg instanceof ServerStuffText)
String text = Utils.stringValue(incomingData, dataIndex + 1, Utils.stringLength(incomingData, dataIndex + 1));
if(text.indexOf("precache") != -1)
curData = new byte[]{11, 'p', 'r', 'e', 'c', 'a', 'c', 'h', 'e', '\n', '\0'};
else if(text.indexOf("cmd configstring") != -1 || text.indexOf("cmd baseline") != -1 || text.indexOf("record") != -1)
curData = null;
curData = Utils.extractBytes(incomingData, dataIndex, sPacket.getLength());
else if(msg instanceof ServerData)
curData = Utils.extractBytes(incomingData, dataIndex, sPacket.getLength());
Utils.intToByteArray(65578, curData, 5);
curData[9] = 1;
else if(msg instanceof ServerReconnect || msg instanceof ServerDownload)
curData = null;
curData = Utils.extractBytes(incomingData, dataIndex, sPacket.getLength());
if(curData != null)
result = Utils.concatBytes(result, curData);
dataIndex += sPacket.getLength();
return result;
/** Signal to the DM2Recorder that the agent has entered a new map. The
* data recorded thus far is dumped to file, in preparation for the
* data to be received from the new map. Called by the Proxy upon
* receipt of a ServerReconnect message.
* @see soc.qase.com.Proxy#run */
public synchronized void newMap()
/** Stop recording and close the specified file. Called by Proxy when the
* agent disconnects from the game server.
* @return true if the file was successfully closed, false otherwise
* @see soc.qase.com.Proxy#disconnect(boolean) */
public synchronized boolean stopRecording()
return false;
Utils.intToByteArray(-1, blockLength, 0);
catch(IOException ioe)
return false;
recording = false;
return true;
private boolean writeCurrentData()
if(store.size() < 5) // no game data was recorded, only an endblock
return true;
{ storeHeader.writeTo(bufOut);
catch(Exception e)
return false;
return true;
/** Check whether the DM2Recorder is currently recording to file.
* @return true if the DM2Recorder is recording, false otherwise */
public boolean isRecording()
return recording;