Package soc.qase.file.dm2

Source Code of soc.qase.file.dm2.DM2Parser

// Name:
// Author:

package soc.qase.file.dm2;

import java.util.Vector;

import soc.qase.state.World;

/**  Quake 2's inbuilt client, used by human players to connect
*  to the game server, facilitates the recording of matches from
*  the perspective of each individual player. These demo or
*  DM2 files contain an edited copy of the network packet
*  stream received by the client during the game session,
*  capturing the player�s actions and the state of all entities at
*  each discrete time step. The DM2Parser allows QASE to read and
*  analyse such recordings; it treats the demo file as a virtual server,
*  'connecting' to it and reading blocks of data in exactly the
*  same manner as it receives network packets during an online
*  session. A copy of the gamestate is returned for each recorded
*  frame, and the programmer may query it to retrieve whatever
*  information (s)he requires. */
public class DM2Parser extends ServerMessageHandler
  private byte[] blockLength = null;
  private byte[] incomingData = null;

  private File dm2File = null;
  private String fName = null;
  private RandomAccessFile bufIn = null;

  private int mapNumber = -1;
  private int worldNumber = -1;

  private int fileOffset = 0;
  private byte[] fileContents = null;

  private boolean EOF = false;
  private boolean fileOpen = false;

/**  Default constructor. Prepares the DM2Parser for file loading. */
  public DM2Parser()
    world = new World(true);
    blockLength = new byte[4];   

/**  Constructor. Instantiates the DM2Parser and loads the specified file. */
  public DM2Parser(String filename)
    world = new World(true);
    blockLength = new byte[4];

    if(filename != null)

/**  Load the specified DM2 file from disk.
@return true if the file was successfully opened, false otherwise.*/
  public synchronized boolean open(String filename)

      fName = filename;
      dm2File = new File(fName);

      bufIn = new RandomAccessFile(dm2File, "r");
      fileOpen = true;
    catch(IOException ioe)
    {  }

    return fileOpen;

/**  Close the open DM2 file when finished reading from it. */
  public synchronized void close()

    EOF = false;
    fName = null;
    fileOpen = false;

    fileOffset = 0;
    fileContents = null;

    bufIn = null;
    dm2File = null;

/**  Reopen the DM2 file and reset the file pointer to the first block. */
  public synchronized void reset()
    EOF = false;

    server = null;
    mapNumber = -1;
    worldNumber = -1;
    world = new World(true);

    catch(IOException ioe)
    {  }

  private synchronized boolean processNextBlock()
    if(!fileOpen || EOF)
      return false;


      if(Utils.intValue(blockLength, 0) == -1)
        EOF = true;
        return false;
      incomingData = new byte[Utils.intValue(blockLength, 0)];;

      int dataIndex = 0;

      while(dataIndex != incomingData.length)
        ServerPacket packet = new ServerPacket(incomingData, dataIndex);

        dataIndex += packet.getLength();
    catch(IOException ioe)
      return false;

    return true;

/**  Obtain the gamestate for the next frame in the demo.
@return a World object representing the gamestate at the next frame */
  public synchronized World getNextWorld()
    int currentFrame = (world == null ? 0 : world.getFrame());

        return null;
    while(world.getFrame() == currentFrame);


    return world;

/**  Skip to a particular gamestate (world) in the demo. Note that this
*   is NOT the frame number, which may start at any number depending
*   on how much time elapsed between the time the server was started
*   and the time the client connected. Note also that the worldNum
*   is zero-indexed. In short, passing b will return the (b+1)th
*   gamestate in the demo.
@param worldNum the gamestate to which the parser should skip
@return the specified gamestate, or null if no such world exists */
  public synchronized World goToWorld(int worldNum)
    return goToWorld(-1, worldNum);

/**  Skip to a particular gamestate (world) in a particular map of a
*   multi-map demo. Note that this is NOT the frame number, which may
*   start at any number depending on how much time elapsed between the
*   time the server was started and the time the client connected. Note
*   also that mapNum and worldNum are zero-indexed. In short, passing
*   (m, b) will return the (b+1)th gamestate of the (m+1)th map in the
*   demo. Passing -1 for mapNum will ignore the map number, rendering the
*  method identical to goToWorld(int).
@param mapNum the map within the demo to which the parser should skip
@param worldNum the gamestate within the map to which the parser should skip
@return the specified gamestate, or null if no such world exists */
  public synchronized World goToWorld(int mapNum, int worldNum)
      return null;
    else if(mapNum < 0 && worldNum < 0)
      return null;

// --------------------------------------------------------------
    // save the current state of various params for quick-reset
    // if skipping to the specified gamestate fails
    int oldMapNum = mapNumber;
    int oldWorldNum = worldNumber;
    boolean tempVerbose = verbose;

// --------------------------------------------------------------

    verbose = false;

    do  // attempt to skip to the specified gamestate
      world = getNextWorld();
    while(world != null && (mapNumber != mapNum || worldNumber != worldNum));

// --------------------------------------------------------------

    verbose = tempVerbose;

    // if the user tried to skip to a non-existent
    // index, reset to the previous position
    if(world == null)
      goToWorld(oldMapNum, oldWorldNum);
      return null;

    return world;

/**  Gets information about the maps contained within the current DM2,
*  then moves the file point back to its previous position.
@return an array of integer values; [0] indicates the number of
*  maps in the DM2, while subsequent elements indicate the number
*  of gamestates in the corresponding map. */
  public synchronized int[] getMapWorldInfo()
      return null;

// --------------------------------------------------------------
    // save the current state of various params for quick-reset
    int oldMapNum = mapNumber;
    int oldWorldNum = worldNumber;
    boolean tempVerbose = verbose;

// --------------------------------------------------------------

    verbose = false;

    int curWorldNum = -1;

    // Vector for temporary storage of map info
    Vector mbInfo = new Vector();

    do  // collect map info
      world = getNextWorld();

      // worldNumber resets on each map change; if it has,
      // then add the current count to the list and continue
      if(world == null || worldNumber < curWorldNum)
        mbInfo.add(new Integer(curWorldNum+1));

      curWorldNum = worldNumber;
    while(world != null && !isEOF());

// --------------------------------------------------------------

    // create the int array to be returned and populate it
    int[] mapWorldInfo = new int[mapNumber+2];

    // [0] indicates the number of maps
    mapWorldInfo[0] = mapNumber + 1;

    // [1.. n] indicates the number of gamestates in each map
    for(int i = 0; i < mbInfo.size(); i++)
      mapWorldInfo[i+1] = ((Integer)mbInfo.elementAt(i)).intValue();

// --------------------------------------------------------------

    // reset to the position before the method was called
    verbose = tempVerbose;
    goToWorld(oldMapNum, oldWorldNum);

    return mapWorldInfo;

/**  Gets the index of the current map within the DM2.
@return the number of the current map within the DM2 (zero-indexed). */
  public synchronized int getMapNumber()
    return mapNumber;

/**  Gets the index of the current world within the current map.
@return the number of the current world (zero-indexed). */
  public synchronized int getWorldNumber()
    return worldNumber;

/**  Check whether the DM2Parser has a file open.
@return true if a file is currently open, false otherwise */
  public synchronized boolean isFileOpen()
    return fileOpen;

/**  Check whether the DM2Parser has reached the end of the file.
@return true if end of file has been reached, false otherwise. */
  public synchronized boolean isEOF()
    return EOF;

/**  Overrides the default method in ServerMessageHandler. When notified
*  of a server restart, the DM2Parser creates new World and Server
*  objects to handle the new map.
@param message the ServerReconnect message */
  protected void processServerReconnect(ServerReconnect message)
      System.out.println("Processing: ServerReconnect");

    server = null;
    world = new World(true);

/**  Overrides the default method in ServerMessageHandler. When entering
*  a new map, the client receives a ServerData message containing
*  information at the level. DM2Parser acts by recording this data and
*  incrementing the map number (used by the goToWorld methods).
@param message the ServerData message */
  protected void processServerData(ServerData message)
    worldNumber = -1;

Related Classes of soc.qase.file.dm2.DM2Parser

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