// Name: BasicBot.java
// Author: Bernard.Gorman@computing.dcu.ie
package soc.qase.bot;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Vector;
import soc.qase.ai.waypoint.Waypoint;
import soc.qase.ai.waypoint.WaypointMap;
import soc.qase.ai.waypoint.WaypointMapGenerator;
import soc.qase.com.Proxy;
import soc.qase.file.bsp.BSPBrush;
import soc.qase.file.bsp.BSPEntity;
import soc.qase.file.bsp.BSPLeaf;
import soc.qase.file.bsp.BSPParser;
import soc.qase.file.pak.PAKParser;
import soc.qase.info.Server;
import soc.qase.info.User;
import soc.qase.state.Action;
import soc.qase.state.Angles;
import soc.qase.state.Entity;
import soc.qase.state.Inventory;
import soc.qase.state.Origin;
import soc.qase.state.Player;
import soc.qase.state.PlayerGun;
import soc.qase.state.Velocity;
import soc.qase.state.World;
import soc.qase.tools.Utils;
import soc.qase.tools.vecmath.Vector2f;
import soc.qase.tools.vecmath.Vector3f;
/** An abstract class which provides all the base functionality needed
* by the game agent. All that is required is to provide a means of
* handling server updates, as in the ObserverBot and PollingBot classes.
* BasicBot also provides tailored, embedded access to the BSPParser and
* WaypointMap classes - methods in this class simply relay calls to the
* the BSPParser or Waypoint object as appropriate, with certain parameters
* pre-defined to the most useful values from the perspective of game
* agents (e.g. the bounding box used to trace through the level is set to
* the size of the agent's in-game character's bounding box). Users can
* also obtain a pointer to the underlying object, thereby allowing full
* access to all their facilities.
* @see ObserverBot
* @see PollingBot */
public abstract class BasicBot extends Thread implements Bot
private User user = null;
protected Proxy proxy = null;
private Angles angles = new Angles(0, 0, 0);
private Angles delta_Angles = new Angles(0, 0, 0);
private Velocity velocity = new Velocity(0, 0, 0);
private Action action = new Action(false, false, false);
private boolean connected = false;
private boolean threadSafe = false;
private boolean traceFromView = false;
protected boolean ctfTeamAssigned = false;
private boolean mapNotFound = false;
private static String q2HomeDir = null;
protected WaypointMap wpMap = null;
protected BSPParser bsp = new BSPParser();
private float sphereRadius = 18.0f;
private boolean globalAngles = true;
private static final Vector3f BOUNDING_MAX = new Vector3f(9, 25, 9);
private static final Vector3f BOUNDING_MIN = new Vector3f(-9, -25, -9);
/** Default constructor. Creates the agent using default parameters. */
public BasicBot()
user = new User("QASE_Bot", "female/athena", 65535, 1, 90, User.HAND_RIGHT, "");
commonSetup(false, true);
/** Constructor allowing the user to specify a name and skin (appearance)
* for the agent.
* @param botName name of the character during game session
* @param botSkin specifies the character's in-game appearance */
public BasicBot(String botName, String botSkin)
user = new User((botName == null ? "QASE_BasicBot" : botName), (botSkin == null ? "female/athena" : botSkin), 65535, 1, 90, User.HAND_RIGHT, "");
commonSetup(false, true);
/** Constructor allowing the user to specify a name, skin, and whether
* it should manually track its inventory.
* @param botName name of the character during game session
* @param botSkin specifies the character's in-game appearance
* @param trackInv if true, the agent will manually track its inventory */
public BasicBot(String botName, String botSkin, boolean trackInv)
user = new User((botName == null ? "QASE_BasicBot" : botName), (botSkin == null ? "female/athena" : botSkin), 65535, 1, 90, User.HAND_RIGHT, "");
commonSetup(false, trackInv);
/** Constructor allowing the user to specify a name, skin, whether the
* agent should operate in high thread safety mode, and whether it
* should manually track its inventory.
* @param botName name of the character during game session
* @param botSkin specifies the character's in-game appearance
* @param highThreadSafety if true, enables high thread safety mode
* @param trackInv if true, the agent will manually track its inventory */
public BasicBot(String botName, String botSkin, boolean highThreadSafety, boolean trackInv)
user = new User((botName == null ? "QASE_BasicBot" : botName), (botSkin == null ? "female/athena" : botSkin), 65535, 1, 90, User.HAND_RIGHT, "");
commonSetup(highThreadSafety, trackInv);
/** Constructor allowing the user to specify a name, skin, server password,
* whether the agent should operate in high thread safety mode, and whether
* it should manually track its inventory.
* @param botName name of the character during game session
* @param botSkin specifies the character's in-game appearance
* @param password the password of the server, if necessary
* @param highThreadSafety if true, enables high thread safety mode
* @param trackInv if true, the agent will manually track its inventory */
public BasicBot(String botName, String botSkin, String password, boolean highThreadSafety, boolean trackInv)
user = new User((botName == null ? "QASE_BasicBot" : botName), (botSkin == null ? "female/athena" : botSkin), 65535, 1, 90, User.HAND_RIGHT, password);
commonSetup(highThreadSafety, trackInv);
/** Constructor allowing the user to specify a name, skin, connection
* receive rate, type of messages received from server, field of view,
* which hand the agent should hold its gun in, server password,
* whether the agent should operate in high thread safety mode, and whether
* it should manually track its inventory.
* @param botName name of the character during game session
* @param botSkin specifies the character's in-game appearance
* @param recvRate rate at which the client communicates with server
* @param msgLevel specifies which server messages to register interest in
* @param fov specifies the agent's field of vision
* @param hand specifies the hand in which the agent hold its gun
* @param password the password of the server, if necessary
* @param highThreadSafety if true, enables high thread safety mode
* @param trackInv if true, the agent will manually track its inventory */
public BasicBot(String botName, String botSkin, int recvRate, int msgLevel, int fov, int hand, String password, boolean highThreadSafety, boolean trackInv)
user = new User((botName == null ? "QASE_BasicBot" : botName), (botSkin == null ? "female/athena" : botSkin), (recvRate < 0 ? 65535 : recvRate), (msgLevel < 0 ? 1 : msgLevel), (fov < 0 ? 90 : fov), (hand < 0 ? User.HAND_RIGHT : hand), (password == null ? "" : password));
commonSetup(highThreadSafety, trackInv);
private void commonSetup(boolean highThreadSafety, boolean trackInv)
threadSafe = highThreadSafety;
proxy = new Proxy(user, highThreadSafety, trackInv);
// all abstract methods to be supplied by derived classes
// custom bots should synchronize on World if high thread safety is enabled
/** Connect to a game server. To be implemented by derived classes.
* @param host a String representation of the host machine's IP address
* @param port the port on which the game server is running */
public abstract boolean connect(String host, int port);
/** Connect to a CTF game server. To be implemented by derived classes.
* @param host a String representation of the host machine's IP address
* @param port the port on which the game server is running
* @param ctfTeam the team to join; one of the CTF constants found in
* soc.qase.info.Server */
public abstract boolean connect(String host, int port, int ctfTeam);
/** Disconnect from the server. To be implemented by derived classes.*/
public abstract void disconnect();
/** The core AI routine. To be implemented by derived classes.
* @param world a World object representing the current gamestate */
public abstract void runAI(World world);
/** Flag the agent as being connected to or disconnected from the game server.
* @param value true if the agent is connected, false otherwise */
protected void setConnected(boolean value)
connected = value;
/** Check whether the agent is connected to the server.
* @return value true if the agent is connected, false otherwise */
public boolean isConnected()
return connected;
/** Set the agent to operate in low or high thread safety mode. In
* high thread safety mode, the gamestate object is locked while
* QASE is reading from it, preventing errors which may occur due to
* updates arriving in the middle of the AI cycle. Since BasicBot does
* not implement a server-handling mechanism, it is the responsibility
* of derived classes to correctly observe this contract (as is the case
* with ObserverBot and PollingBot). Note that, because the Proxy object
* is implicitly locked while updating all registered ObserverBots, high
* thread safety is not required except in cases where external threads
* may intervene in mid-AI cycle.
* @param highThreadSafety true to enable high safety mode, false to disable
* @see ObserverBot
* @see PollingBot*/
public void setHighThreadSafety(boolean highThreadSafety)
threadSafe = highThreadSafety;
/** Check whether the agent is operating in high thread-safety mode.
* @return true if the agent is in high safety mode, false otherwise */
public boolean getHighThreadSafety()
return threadSafe;
/** Specifies whether the agent should automatically request a full
* listing of its inventory on each frame. This can be used in place
* of manual inventory tracking - it ensures complete accuracy, at
* the cost of increasing the amount of network traffic per update.
* Also note that recorded DM2 files of agents using this approach
* will display an inventory window every second frame.
* @param refresh turn auto inventory refresh on/off */
public void setAutoInventoryRefresh(boolean refresh)
/** Returns the User object associated with this bot, which contains
* information regarding the agent's in-game name, skin, FoV, etc.
* @return the User object containing details of the bot's
* configuration, or null if no such object exists */
protected User getPlayerInfo()
return user;
/** Returns the Player object associated with this bot, which can then
* be further queried for information.
* @return the Player object containing full details of the bot's
* current state, or null if no such object exists */
protected Player getPlayerState()
return ((proxy == null || proxy.getWorld() == null) ? null : proxy.getWorld().getPlayer());
/** Returns the Server object associated with the current game session,
* which contains information such as the server version, the map name,
* and whether the server is running CTF or a regular deathmatch.
* @return the Server object associated with the current session */
protected Server getServerInfo()
return (proxy == null ? null : proxy.getServer());
/** Check whether the agent is currently alive and active in the game.
* @return true if the agent is active and alive, false otherwise */
protected boolean isBotAlive()
return proxy != null && proxy.inGame() && proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().isAlive();
/** Get the agent's current position.
* @return the current position, or null if the agent is not
* currently connected */
protected Origin getPosition()
return ((proxy == null || proxy.getWorld() == null) ? null : proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().getPosition());
/** Get the agent's current orientation.
* @return the current orientation, or null if the agent is not
* currently connected */
protected Angles getOrientation()
return ((proxy == null || proxy.getWorld() == null) ? null : proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().getOrientation());
/** Get the agent's current health.
* @return the agent's health value, or Integer.MIN_VALUE if the agent
* is not currently connected */
protected int getHealth()
return ((proxy != null && proxy.inGame()) ? proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().getHealth() : Integer.MIN_VALUE);
/** Get the amount of armor currently held by the agent.
* @return the current armor value, or Integer.MIN_VALUE if the agent
* is not currently connected */
protected int getArmor()
return ((proxy != null && proxy.inGame()) ? proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().getArmor() : Integer.MIN_VALUE);
/** Get the inventory index of the current weapon.
* @return the index of the current weapon as indicated by the constants
* in the Inventory class, or Integer.MIN_VALUE if the agent is not
* currently connected */
protected int getWeaponIndex()
return ((proxy != null && proxy.inGame()) ? proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().getWeaponIndex() : Integer.MIN_VALUE);
/** Get the amount of ammo the agent has for the current weapon.
* @return the current ammo, or Integer.MIN_VALUE if the agent
* is not currently connected */
protected int getAmmo()
return ((proxy != null && proxy.inGame()) ? proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().getAmmo() : Integer.MIN_VALUE);
/** Determines whether the player is currently firing his gun.
* @return true if the player is firing, false otherwise. */
public boolean isFiring()
return proxy != null && proxy.inGame() && proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().isFiring();
/** Switch the agent to a specified team during a CTF match (assuming in-game
* team switching is enabled).
* @param ctfTeam the team to join; one of the CTF constants found in
* soc.qase.info.Server */
protected void setCTFTeam(int ctfTeam)
ctfTeamAssigned = true;
sendConsoleCommand("team " + Server.CTF_STRINGS[(Math.abs(ctfTeam) < 2 ? Math.abs(ctfTeam) : (int)Math.round(Math.random()))]);
/** Resolve the CTF team number of the local agent, if the current server
* is running the CTF mod.
* @return the team number of the local agent; 0 = RED, 1 = BLUE */
protected int getCTFTeamNumber()
return (proxy == null ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : proxy.getCTFTeamNumber());
/** Resolve the CTF team name of the local agent, if the current server
* is running the CTF mod.
* @return the team name of the local agent; either RED, BLUE or null
* if the agent is not currently on a team. */
protected String getCTFTeamString()
return (proxy == null ? null : proxy.getCTFTeamString());
/** Determined whether the given player Entity is on the same CTF team
* as the local agent.
* @param otherPlayer the Entity representing the player to be checked
* @return true if otherPlayer is on the same CTF team as the local agent,
* false otherwise */
protected boolean isOnSameCTFTeam(Entity otherPlayer)
return (getCTFTeamNumber() >= 0 && getCTFTeamNumber() == otherPlayer.getCTFTeamNumber());
/** Get the specified angle, as defined by the constants in the
* Angles class.
* @param angleType the angle to return
* @see soc.qase.state.Angles */
protected float getAngle(int angleType)
return angles.get(angleType);
/** Set the agent's angles in each plane.
* @param yaw the new yaw angle
* @param pitch the new pitch angle
* @param roll the new roll angle */
protected void setAngle(float yaw, float pitch, float roll)
angles.set(yaw, pitch, roll);
/** Set the agent's angles in the given plane, as defined by the constants
* in the Angles class.
* @param angleType the angle to change
* @param value the new angle to set
* @see soc.qase.state.Angles */
protected void setAngle(int angleType, float value)
angles.set(angleType, value);
/** Get the current velocity in the given direction, as specified by
* the constants in the Velocity class.
* @param velocityType the direction (forward/right) whose magnitude
* is required
* @return the magnitude of the agent's velocity in the given direction
* @see soc.qase.state.Velocity */
protected int getVelocity(int velocityType)
return velocity.get(velocityType);
/** Get the current walk state of the bot. This will be one of WALK_STOPPED,
* WALK_NORMAL or WALK_RUN, as specified in the PlayerMove class.
* @return the agent's current walk state
* @see soc.qase.state.PlayerMove */
protected int getWalkState()
return getPlayerState().getWalkState();
/** Set the agent's velocity in each direction.
* @param forward the new forward velocity
* @param right the new right velocity
* @param up the new vertical velocity */
protected void setVelocity(int forward, int right, int up)
velocity.set(forward, right, up);
/** Set the agent's velocity in a given direction, as given by the
* constants in the Velocity class.
* @param velocityType the direction whose velocity is to be set
* @param value the magnitude of the new velocity
* @see soc.qase.state.Velocity */
protected void setVelocity(int velocityType, int value)
velocity.set(velocityType, value);
/** Get the agent's current action settings, as specified by the constants
* in the Action class.
* @param actionType the action to return
* @return true if the given action is active, false otherwise
* @see soc.qase.state.Action */
protected boolean getAction(int actionType)
return action.get(actionType);
/** Set the agent's current actions.
* @param attack the action represents an attack
* @param use the action represents usage of current item
* @param any the action represents any button press
* @see soc.qase.state.Action */
protected void setAction(boolean attack, boolean use, boolean any)
action.set(attack, use, any);
/** Set one of the agent's actions, as specified by the constants in
* the Action class.
* @param actionType the action to return
* @param value true if the given action should be active, false otherwise
* @see soc.qase.state.Action */
protected void setAction(int actionType, boolean value)
action.set(actionType, value);
/** Specify whether the agent should fire its weapon on the next frame.
* @param attack true if the agent should fire, false otherwise
* @see soc.qase.state.Action */
protected void setAttack(boolean attack)
/** Specify whether the agent should use the current item
* @param use true if the agent should use the item, false otherwise
* @see soc.qase.state.Action */
protected void setUse(boolean use)
/** Set the agent's posture to POSTURE_CROUCH, POSTURE_STAND or
* POSTURE_JUMP; these constants are found in the PlayerMove class.
* @param postureState specifies the bot's posture (crouch/stand/jump)
* @see soc.qase.state.PlayerMove */
protected void setPosture(int postureState)
velocity.setUp(postureState * 300);
/** Specify whether the bot should jump. A value of 'true' causes the
* bot to jump, while 'false' returns it to a normal standing posture.
* @param jump indicates whether or not the agent should jump */
protected void setJump(boolean jump)
velocity.setUp(jump ? 300 : 0);
/** Specify whether the bot should crouch. A value of 'true' causes the
* bot to crouch, while 'false' returns it to a normal standing posture.
* @param crouch indicates whether or not the agent should crouch */
protected void setCrouch(boolean crouch)
velocity.setUp(crouch ? -300 : 0);
/** Check whether agent is currently jumping.
* @return true if jumping, false otherwise */
protected boolean isJumping()
return proxy != null && proxy.inGame() && proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().isJumping();
/** Check whether agent is currently crouching.
* @return true if crouching, false otherwise */
protected boolean isCrouching()
return proxy != null && proxy.inGame() && proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().isCrouching();
/** Get the agent's current posture, as one of the POSTURE constants
* in the PlayerMove class (POSTURE_CROUCH = -1, POSTURE_NORMAL = 0,
* @return one of the POSTURE constants in PlayerMove */
protected int getPosture()
return (proxy != null && proxy.inGame() ? proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().getPosture() : Integer.MIN_VALUE);
/** Check whether agent is currently in water.
* @return true if in water, false otherwise */
protected boolean isUnderWater()
return proxy != null && proxy.inGame() && proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().isUnderWater();
/** Determines the amount of time remaining until the player begins
* drowning, or Long.MIN_VALUE if the player is not underwater. If
* the player has a Rebreather or Environment Suit active - meaning
* that they can breathe underwater - the value returned will indicate
* the total amount of time until drowning, taking the active item
* into account.
* @return the time remaining until the player starts to drown in
* milliseconds, or Long.MIN_VALUE if the player is not underwater */
protected long timeUntilDrowning()
return (proxy != null && proxy.inGame() ? proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().timeUntilDrowning() : Long.MIN_VALUE);
/** Checks whether the agent is currently drowning.
* @return true if the player is drowning, false otherwise. */
protected boolean isDrowning()
return proxy != null && proxy.inGame() && proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().isDrowning();
/** Reactivate the agent in the game world upon its death. */
protected void respawn()
proxy.sendMovement(angles, velocity, action);
catch(InterruptedException ie)
{ }
/** Stop all agent activities. */
protected void pacify()
proxy.sendMovement(angles, velocity, action);
private float[] botAngles = new float[2];
private Vector2f perp = new Vector2f(0, 0);
private Vector2f moveDir2f = new Vector2f(0, 0), aimDir2f = new Vector2f(0, 0);
/** Convenience method to facilitate the separation of movement and
* aiming, and allow both to be specified in global co-ordinates. Also
* allows the programmer to specify the bot's 'posture' - that is, whether
* it is standing, crouching or jumping. The postureState parameter should
* from the PlayerMove class.
* @param moveDir the direction in which to move
* @param aimDir the direction in which to aim
* @param vel the agent's total velocity
* @param postureState indicates the bot's posture (crouch/stand/jump)
* @see soc.qase.state.PlayerMove */
protected void setBotMovement(Vector3f moveDir, Vector3f aimDir, float vel, int postureState)
if(moveDir == null && aimDir == null)
else if(moveDir == null)
moveDir = new Vector3f(aimDir);
else if(aimDir == null)
aimDir = new Vector3f(moveDir);
moveDir2f.set(moveDir.x, moveDir.y);
aimDir2f.set(aimDir.x, aimDir.y);
if(vel < 0)
vel = (int)moveDir2f.length();
perp.set(aimDir2f.y, -aimDir2f.x);
velocity.setForward((int)Math.round(aimDir2f.x * moveDir2f.x + aimDir2f.y * moveDir2f.y));
velocity.setRight((int)Math.round(perp.x * moveDir2f.x + perp.y * moveDir2f.y));
botAngles = Utils.calcAngles(aimDir);
/** Convenience method to facilitate the separation of movement and
* aiming, and allow both to be specified in global co-ordinates. Also
* allows the programmer to specify the bot's 'posture' - that is, whether
* it is standing, crouching or jumping. The postureState parameter should
* from the PlayerMove class.<br>
* <br>
* Instead of providing an explicit velocity as above, the programmer
* specifies the current walk state (WALK_STOPPED, WALK_NORMAL, WALK_RUN)
* using the constants defined in the PlayerMove class. The method computes
* the correct velocity based on whether the agent is on land or submerged,
* and then passes the call to setBotMovement(Vector3f, Vector3f, float).
* To account for the possibility of the programmer passing
* an explicit velocity as an int rather than float, the call will be
* passed directly to the above method if walkState exceeds the range
* of the constant values (i.e. 0, 1, 2).
* @param moveDir the direction in which to move
* @param aimDir the direction in which to aim
* @param walkState the discrete movement speed to use
* @param postureState indicates the bot's posture (crouch/stand/jump)
* @see soc.qase.state.PlayerMove */
protected void setBotMovement(Vector3f moveDir, Vector3f aimDir, int walkState, int postureState)
float vel = 0f; // assume stopped
if(walkState == 0 || walkState > 2)
vel = (float)walkState;
else if(proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().isUnderWater()) // in water
vel = (walkState == 1 ? 110f : 300f);
else // moving, on land
vel = (walkState == 1 ? 200f : 300f);
setBotMovement(moveDir, aimDir, vel, postureState);
/** Instruct the agent to use a global or local co-ordinate system. In
* Quake 2, the agent operates using a set of local axes that are rotated
* relative to the global co-ordinate system depending on the player's
* orientation when spawning. Generally, programmers are advised to work
* in global co-ordinates (the default setting), but may occasionally need
* or want to work using the local axes instead.
* @param use true if the agent should use global co-ordinates, false
* if it should use local */
public void useGlobalAngles(boolean use)
globalAngles = use;
/** Check whether the agent is using a global or local co-ordinate system.
* @return true if the agent is using global co-ordinates, false otherwise */
public boolean getUseGlobalAngles()
return globalAngles;
/** Activate the agent's hand grenades. */
protected void activateGrenades()
/** Change the active weapon. For use with the constants stored in the
* PlayerGun class.
* @param gun the index of the gun to activate
* @see soc.qase.state.PlayerGun */
protected void changeWeapon(int gun)
/** Change the current weapon by specifying a number from 0-9. The
* argument should be one of the KEY_WEAPON constants defined in the
* User class.
* @param gun the keyboard index of the weapon to activate */
protected void changeWeaponByKeyboardIndex(int gun)
useItem((gun >= 6 ? gun + 7 : (gun > 0 ? gun + 6 : 17)));
/** Change the current weapon by specifying an inventory index.
* Typically uses the constants from the Inventory class.
* @param gun the inventory index of the weapon to activate
* @see soc.qase.state.Inventory */
protected void changeWeaponByInventoryIndex(int gun)
/** Change the current weapon by specifying the index of the associated
* weapon model in the Model subsection of the Config table, i.e. the
* value returned by calling playerGun.getIndex().
* @param gun the index of the weapon to activate
* @see soc.qase.info.Config */
protected void changeWeaponByGunModelIndex(int gun)
/** Use the specified item. Items are specified by inventory index,
* using the constants from the Inventory class.
* @param item the inventory index of the weapon to activate
* @see soc.qase.state.Inventory */
protected void useItem(int item)
if (proxy != null && proxy.inGame())
/** Checks whether or not a particular timed buff (invulnerability,
* quad damage, environment suit, etc) is currently active on the
* bot; if so, returns the time remaining until the buff expires.
* If null is passed, then the time remaining for any active buff is
* returned. If no such buff is active, Integer.MIN_VALUE is returned.
* The string passed to this method should be one of the appropriate
* ICON_XYZ constants from the PlayerStatus class, e.g. ICON_INVULNERABILITY,
* ICON_ENVIRONMENT_SUIT, ICON_QUAD_DAMAGE; this is because the buff
* is checked by examining the contents of the TIMER_ICON field in
* the player's status array. Note that the time is a floored integer
* representation of the real value - that is, a 30-second buff will
* begin at 29 and end with 0 being returned for the final second it
* is active.
* @param buffIcon icon string of a particular timed buff, or null to check for
* any buff
* @return the time remaining on the active buff, in seconds; or
* Integer.MIN_VALUE if no such buff is found */
protected int checkTimedBuff(String buffIcon)
return (proxy != null && proxy.inGame() ? proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().getPlayerStatus().checkTimedBuff(buffIcon) : Integer.MIN_VALUE);
/** Request a full copy of the agent's current inventory. Used when
* auto inventory refresh is enabled.*/
protected void refreshInventory()
/** Get count for specified inventory item.
* @param itemIndex item index. Should be one of the constants defined
* in the Inventory class.
* @return item index count. */
protected int getInventoryItemCount(int itemIndex)
World world;
Inventory inv;
if(proxy == null || (world = proxy.getWorld()) == null || (inv = world.getInventory()) == null)
return -1;
return inv.getCount(itemIndex);
/** Get count for specified range of inventory items.
* @param startItemIndex item index at which to start. Should be one of
* the constants defined in the Inventory class.
* @param endItemIndex item index at which to end, inclusive. Should be
* one of the constants defined in the Inventory class.
* @return an array giving a count of each item in the range, or
* null if the inventory does not exist. */
protected int[] getInventoryItemCount(int startItemIndex, int endItemIndex)
World world;
Inventory inv;
if(proxy == null || (world = proxy.getWorld()) == null || (inv = world.getInventory()) == null)
return null;
return inv.getCount(startItemIndex, endItemIndex);
/** Get count for specified inventory item. Note that this string-matching
* method is somewhat slower that the index methods above.
* @param item plain english string of the item as seen in-game, e.g.
* rocket launcher, hyperblaster, chaingun.
* @return item count. */
protected int getInventoryItemCount(String item)
World world;
Inventory inv;
if(proxy == null || (world = proxy.getWorld()) == null || (inv = world.getInventory()) == null)
return -1;
return inv.getCount(item);
/** Determines whether the agent is in possession of the specified item.
* @param itemIndex item index. Should be one of the constants defined
* in the Inventory class.
* @return true if the agents possesses one or more of the specified
* item, false otherwise. */
protected boolean hasItem(int itemIndex)
return getInventoryItemCount(itemIndex) > 0;
/** Determines whether the agent is in possession of the specified item.
* Note that this string-matching method is somewhat slower that the
* index method above.
* @param item plain english string of the item as seen in-game, e.g.
* rocket launcher, hyperblaster, chaingun.
* @return true if the agents possesses one or more of the specified
* item, false otherwise. */
protected boolean hasItem(String item)
return getInventoryItemCount(item) > 0;
/** Send a non-blocking console message to connected host.
* @param command message to send */
protected void sendConsoleCommand(String command)
if(proxy != null && proxy.inGame())
/** Find the nearest entity in the game world. Returns only entities
* which are currently active.
* @return nearest entity */
protected Entity getNearestEntity()
if(proxy == null || proxy.getWorld() == null)
return null;
return getNearestEntity(proxy.getWorld().getEntities());
/** Find the nearest entity in the game world. Returns only entities
* which are currently active.
* @param cat the category of entity to search for. Should be one of
* the CAT_ constants in the Entity class, or null to search for all
* entity categories.
* @param type the type of entity to search for. Should be one of the
* TYPE_ constants in the Entity class, or null to search for all
* entity types.
* @param subType the subtype of entity to search for. Should be one
* of the SUBTYPE_ constants in the Entity class, or null to search
* for all entity subtypes.
* @return nearest entity */
protected Entity getNearestEntity(String cat, String type, String subType)
if(proxy == null || proxy.getWorld() == null)
return null;
return getNearestEntity(proxy.getWorld().getEntities(cat, type, subType, true));
/** Find the nearest entity in the game world from those contained in
* the argument Vector.
* @param filteredEntities a Vector containing a selection of entities
* from the gamestate.
* @return nearest entity */
protected Entity getNearestEntity(Vector filteredEntities)
Entity tempEntity = null;
Entity nearestEntity = null;
Origin currentPos = getPosition();
float tempDistance = 0;
float distance = Float.MAX_VALUE;
for(int i = 0; i < filteredEntities.size(); i++)
tempEntity = (Entity)filteredEntities.elementAt(i);
tempDistance = currentPos.distance(tempEntity.getOrigin());
if(tempDistance < distance && tempDistance > 0)
distance = tempDistance;
nearestEntity = tempEntity;
return nearestEntity;
/** Find the nearest enemy in the game world. Returns only entities
* which are currently active.
* @return nearest enemy */
protected Entity getNearestOpponent()
if(proxy == null || proxy.getWorld() == null)
return null;
return getNearestEntity(proxy.getWorld().getOpponents());
/** Find the nearest item in the game world. Returns only entities
* which are currently active.
* @param type the type of item to search for. Should be one of the
* TYPE_ constants in the Entity class, or null to search for all
* item types.
* @param subType the subtype of item to search for. Should be one of
* the SUBTYPE_ constants in the Entity class, or null to search for all
* item subtypes.
* @return nearest item */
protected Entity getNearestItem(String type, String subType)
if(proxy == null || proxy.getWorld() == null)
return null;
return getNearestEntity(proxy.getWorld().getEntities(Entity.CAT_ITEMS, type, subType, true));
/** Find the nearest item in the game world. Returns only entities
* which are currently active.
* @param type the type of weapon to search for. Should be one of the
* TYPE_ constants in the Entity class, or null to search for all
* weapon types.
* @return nearest weapon */
protected Entity getNearestWeapon(String type)
if(proxy == null || proxy.getWorld() == null)
return null;
return getNearestEntity(proxy.getWorld().getEntities(Entity.CAT_WEAPONS, type, null, true));
/** Find the nearest object in the game world. Returns only entities
* which are currently active.
* @param type the type of object to search for. Should be one of the
* TYPE_ constants in the Entity class, or null to search for all
* object types.
* @param subType the subtype of object to search for. Should be one of
* the SUBTYPE_ constants in the Entity class, or null to search for all
* object subtypes.
* @return nearest item */
protected Entity getNearestObject(String type, String subType)
if(proxy == null || proxy.getWorld() == null)
return null;
return getNearestEntity(proxy.getWorld().getEntities(Entity.CAT_OBJECTS, type, subType, true));
/** Set the agent's WaypointMap to be the specified WaypointMap.
* @param wp the WaypointMap that the agent should use */
protected void setWaypointMap(WaypointMap wp)
wpMap = wp;
/** Return the agent's WaypointMap, thereby allowing full access to its
* facilities.
* @return the agent's WaypointMap */
protected WaypointMap getWaypointMap()
return wpMap;
/** Load a WaypointMap object from a file created using the saveMap method.
* The resulting WaypointMap is set as the agent's navigation map, to be
* used when any waypoint-related BasicBot methods are invoked. A reference
* to the object is also returned for convenience.
* @param filename the path and name of the saved waypoint file
* @return the WaypointMap which was loaded from file, or null if the loading
* process failed
* @see soc.qase.ai.waypoint.WaypointMap#saveMap(String) */
protected WaypointMap loadWaypointMap(String filename)
return (wpMap = WaypointMap.loadMap(filename));
/** Generate a WaypointMap by analysing a recorded DM2 demo. The resulting
* WaypointMap is set as the agent's navigation map, to be used when
* any waypoint-related BasicBot methods are invoked. A reference to the
* object is also returned for convenience. This method records the
* positions at which items were collected in the demo, and holds these
* locations constant through the clustering process.
* @param dm2Filename filename of the DM2 demo to analyse
* @param fNumWaypoints the number of nodes to generate for the WaypointMap.
* If this number is less than 1, it is treated as a percentage of the
* total number of observed player positions. If it is 1 or greater, it
* is treated as an absolute number of nodes to generate.
* @return the resulting WaypointMap
* @see soc.qase.ai.waypoint.WaypointMapGenerator#generate(String, float) */
protected WaypointMap generateWaypointMap(String dm2Filename, float fNumWaypoints)
return (wpMap = WaypointMapGenerator.generate(dm2Filename, fNumWaypoints));
/** Get the closest Waypoint to the agent's current position at which
* an item of the the specified type resides. The category, type and
* subtype are typically passed using the constants found in the Entity
* class.
* @param cat the category of item to search for, or null to search for
* entities of any category
* @param type the type of item to search for, or null to search for
* entities of any type
* @param subType the subtype of item to search for, or null to search
* for entities of any subtype
* @return the closest Waypoint at which a matching item exists
* @see soc.qase.state.Entity */
protected Waypoint findClosestEntity(String cat, String type, String subType)
if(wpMap == null)
return null;
return wpMap.findClosestEntity(getPosition(), cat, type, subType);
/** Get the closest Waypoint to the agent's current position at which
* the closest enemy player is located.
* @return the closest Waypoint to the nearest enemy player
* @see soc.qase.state.Entity */
protected Waypoint findClosestOpponent()
Entity nearestOpponent = getNearestOpponent();
if(wpMap == null || nearestOpponent == null)
return null;
return wpMap.findClosestWaypoint(nearestOpponent.getOrigin());
/** Get the closest Waypoint to the agent's current position at which
* an item of the the given type resides. The item type is specified
* by inventory index; see the Inventory class for a list of inventory
* constants.
* @param itemInventoryIndex the inventory index corresponding to the
* item to search for
* @return the closest Waypoint at which a matching item exists
* @see soc.qase.state.Inventory */
protected Waypoint findClosestItem(int itemInventoryIndex)
if(wpMap == null)
return null;
return wpMap.findClosestItem(getPosition(), itemInventoryIndex);
/** Get the closest Waypoint to the agent's current position at which
* an item of the the specified type resides. The type and subtype are
* typically passed using the constants found in the Entity class.
* @param type the type of item to search for, or null to search for
* items of any type
* @param subType the subtype of item to search for, or null to search
* for items of any subtype
* @return the closest Waypoint at which a matching item exists
* @see soc.qase.state.Entity */
protected Waypoint findClosestItem(String type, String subType)
return findClosestEntity(Entity.CAT_ITEMS, type, subType);
/** Get the closest Waypoint to the agent's current position at which
* a weapon of the the specified type resides. The type is typically
* passed using the constants found in the Entity class.
* @param type the type of weapon to search for, or null to search for
* weapons of any type
* @return the closest Waypoint at which a matching weapon exists
* @see soc.qase.state.Entity */
protected Waypoint findClosestWeapon(String type)
return findClosestEntity(Entity.CAT_WEAPONS, type, null);
/** Get the closest Waypoint to the agent's current position at which
* an object of the the specified type resides. The type and subtype are
* typically passed using the constants found in the Entity class.
* @param type the type of object to search for, or null to search for
* objects of any type
* @param subType the subtype of object to search for, or null to search
* for objects of any subtype
* @return the closest Waypoint at which a matching object exists
* @see soc.qase.state.Entity */
protected Waypoint findClosestObject(String type, String subType)
return findClosestEntity(Entity.CAT_OBJECTS, type, subType);
/** Find the shortest path between the Waypoints closest to the agent's
* current position and the specified location. This uses the
* previously-generated cost and predecessor matrices.
* @param to the position to which we need a path
* @return a Waypoint array indicating the shortest path between the
* two Waypoints closest to the start and end positions */
protected Waypoint[] findShortestPath(Origin to)
if(wpMap == null)
return null;
return wpMap.findShortestPath(getPosition(), to);
/** Get the path through the waypoint graph from the current position to
* the closest Waypoint at which an entity of the the given type resides.
* The category, type and subtype are typically passed using the
* constants found in the Entity class.
* @param cat the category of entity to search for, or null to search for
* entities of any category
* @param type the type of entity to search for, or null to search for
* entities of any type
* @param subType the subtype of entity to search for, or null to search for
* entities of any subtype
* @return a Waypoint array indicating the shortest path
* @see soc.qase.state.Entity */
protected Waypoint[] findShortestPathToEntity(String cat, String type, String subType)
if(wpMap == null)
return null;
return wpMap.findShortestPathToEntity(getPosition(), cat, type, subType);
/** Get the path through the waypoint graph from the current position to
* the closest Waypoint at which an enemy player is located.
* @return a Waypoint array indicating the shortest path
* @see soc.qase.state.Entity */
protected Waypoint[] findShortestPathToOpponent()
Entity nearestOpponent = getNearestOpponent();
return (nearestOpponent == null ? null : findShortestPath(nearestOpponent.getOrigin()));
/** Get the path through the waypoint graph from the current position to
* the closest Waypoint at which an item of the the given type resides.
* The item type is specified by inventory index; see the Inventory class
* for a list of inventory constants
* @param itemInventoryIndex the inventory index corresponding to the
* item to search for
* @return a Waypoint array indicating the shortest path
* @see soc.qase.state.Inventory */
protected Waypoint[] findShortestPathToItem(int itemInventoryIndex)
if(wpMap == null)
return null;
return wpMap.findShortestPathToItem(getPosition(), itemInventoryIndex);
/** Get the path through the waypoint graph from the current position to
* the closest Waypoint at which an item of the the given type resides.
* The category, type and subtype are typically passed using the
* constants found in the Entity class.
* @param type the type of item to search for, or null to search for
* entities of any type
* @param subType the subtype of item to search for, or null to search for
* entities of any subtype
* @return a Waypoint array indicating the shortest path
* @see soc.qase.state.Entity */
protected Waypoint[] findShortestPathToItem(String type, String subType)
return findShortestPathToEntity(Entity.CAT_ITEMS, type, subType);
/** Get the path through the waypoint graph from the current position to
* the closest Waypoint at which a weapon of the the given type resides.
* The type is typically passed using the constants found in the Entity
* class.
* @param type the type of weapon to search for, or null to search for
* weapons of any type
* @return a Waypoint array indicating the shortest path
* @see soc.qase.state.Entity */
protected Waypoint[] findShortestPathToWeapon(String type)
return findShortestPathToEntity(Entity.CAT_WEAPONS, type, null);
/** Get the path through the waypoint graph from the current position to
* the closest Waypoint at which an object of the the given type resides.
* The type and subtype are typically passed using the constants found
* in the Entity class.
* @param type the type of object to search for, or null to search for
* objects of any type
* @param subType the subtype of object to search for, or null to search for
* objects of any subtype
* @return a Waypoint array indicating the shortest path
* @see soc.qase.state.Entity */
protected Waypoint[] findShortestPathToObject(String type, String subType)
return findShortestPathToEntity(Entity.CAT_OBJECTS, type, subType);
/** Return the BSP parser object, thereby allowing full access to its
* facilities.
* @return the agent's BSP parser */
protected BSPParser getBSPParser()
if(isBotAlive() && (bsp.isMapLoaded() || readMap()))
return bsp;
return null;
/** Returns all Item entities.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getItems(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getItems(vect); }
/** Returns all entities which possess in-game models.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getModels(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getModels(vect); }
/** Returns all Weapon entities.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getWeapons(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getWeapons(vect); }
/** Returns all Monster entities.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getMonsters(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getMonsters(vect); }
/** Returns all Door entities.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getDoors(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getDoors(vect); }
/** Returns all Lift entities.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getLifts(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getLifts(vect); }
/** Returns all Button entities.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getButtons(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getButtons(vect); }
/** Returns all Illusory entities (i.e. visible but non-interactive).
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getIllusion(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getIllusion(vect); }
/** Returns all Conveyor belts or trains.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getConveyors(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getConveyors(vect); }
/** Returns all Teleport entities, both single-player and DeathMatch.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getTeleports(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getTeleports(vect); }
/** Returns all single-player teleporters.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getNormalTeleports(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getNormalTeleports(vect); }
/** Returns DeathMatch teleporter entities.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getDMTeleports(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getDMTeleports(vect); }
/** Returns all Secret Door entities.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getSecretDoors(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getSecretDoors(vect); }
/** Returns all path corner entities.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getPathCorners(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getPathCorners(vect); }
/** Returns all walkover-button entities.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getWalkovers(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getWalkovers(vect); }
/** Returns all Teleport destination entities.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getTeleportDestinations(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getTeleportDestinations(vect); }
/** Returns all Misc object entities (exploding barrels, etc).
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getMiscObjects(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getMiscObjects(vect); }
/** Returns all spawn points, regardless of single or multi-player.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getStartPositions(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getStartPositions(vect); }
/** Returns all single-player spawn points.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getPlayerStartPositions(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getPlayerStartPositions(vect); }
/** Returns all deathmatch spawn points.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getDMStartPositions(Vector vect)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getDMStartPositions(vect); }
/** Returns an array of BSPLeaf objects representing the locations
* at which environmental features - water, lava, etc - matching
* the specified criteria are found. The argument should be a bitwise
* OR of one or more of the CONTENTS constants found in the BSPBrush
* BSPLeaf contains two Vector3f objects specifying the minimum and
* maximum extents of the space occupied by the feature. For
* convenience, separate getLavaLocations, getWaterLocations,
* getSlimeLocations, getMistLocations and getWindowLocations
* methods are provided.
* @param brushBits a bitwise OR of the features to search for
* @return the BSPLeaf objects which match said bitwise OR, null
* if no matching leaves were found */
protected BSPLeaf[] getEnvironmentFeatureLocations(int brushBits)
if(!isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()))
return null;
Vector envFeatureLeaves = new Vector();
BSPLeaf[] bspLeaves = bsp.leafLump.leaves;
for(int i = 0; i < bspLeaves.length; i++)
if((bspLeaves[i].brushOr & brushBits) != 0)
return (BSPLeaf[])envFeatureLeaves.toArray(new BSPLeaf[0]);
/** Returns an array of BSPLeaf objects representing the locations
* at which lava pools were found in the game environment.
* @return the BSPLeaf objects corresponding to lava pools, or null
* if no such pools were found */
protected BSPLeaf[] getLavaLocations()
return getEnvironmentFeatureLocations(BSPBrush.CONTENTS_LAVA);
/** Returns an array of BSPLeaf objects representing the locations
* at which water pools were found in the game environment.
* @return the BSPLeaf objects corresponding to water pools, or null
* if no such pools were found */
protected BSPLeaf[] getWaterLocations()
return getEnvironmentFeatureLocations(BSPBrush.CONTENTS_WATER);
/** Returns an array of BSPLeaf objects representing the locations
* at which poison slime pools were found in the game environment.
* @return the BSPLeaf objects corresponding to slime pools, or null
* if no such pools were found */
protected BSPLeaf[] getSlimeLocations()
return getEnvironmentFeatureLocations(BSPBrush.CONTENTS_SLIME);
/** Returns an array of BSPLeaf objects representing the locations
* at which mist coulds were found in the game environment.
* @return the BSPLeaf objects corresponding to mist clouds, or null
* if no such clouds were found */
protected BSPLeaf[] getMistLocations()
return getEnvironmentFeatureLocations(BSPBrush.CONTENTS_MIST);
/** Returns an array of BSPLeaf objects representing the locations
* at which windows were found in the game environment.
* @return the BSPLeaf objects corresponding to windows, or null
* if no windows were found */
protected BSPLeaf[] getWindowLocations()
return getEnvironmentFeatureLocations(BSPBrush.CONTENTS_WINDOW);
/** Returns all entities of the specified type. The supplied entity ID
* should match one of the integer constants found in BSPEntity.
* @param vect the Vector into which the entities will be added
* @param entID the type of entity to find and return; should be one
* of the integer constants from BSPEntity
* @return a reference to the newly-populated vect for convenience */
protected Vector getEntityType(Vector vect, int entID)
{ return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? null : bsp.getEntityType(vect, entID); }
private Origin o = null;
private Vector3f bbmin = null, bbmax = null;
/** Determines whether the agent is currently riding one of the lift
* entities specified in the BSP file of the map.
* @return a reference to the BSPEntity describing the lift if the
* agent is on one, null otherwise. */
protected BSPEntity isOnLift()
if(!isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()))
return null;
o = proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().getPlayerMove().getOrigin();
for(int i = 0; i < bsp.entitiesLump.entities.length; i++)
bbmin = bsp.entitiesLump.entities[i].model.bboxMin;
bbmax = bsp.entitiesLump.entities[i].model.bboxMax;
if(o.getX() >= bbmin.x && o.getX() <= bbmax.x && o.getY() >= bbmin.y && o.getY() <= bbmax.y && o.getZ() >= bbmin.z && o.getZ() <= bbmax.z + 50)
return bsp.entitiesLump.entities[i];
return null;
/** Indicate whether visibility-checking functions should simply start
* from the actual location of the player entity, or from its point-of-view
* (i.e. the "camera" position). Defaults to FALSE.
* @param useVO if true, checks visibility of other points in the game
* environment from the bot's POV; if false, from the bot's location in
* the game world (i.e. the centre of the agent model) */
protected void useViewOffset(boolean useVO)
traceFromView = useVO;
private Vector3f dir = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
private Vector3f pos = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
private Vector3f oppPos = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
/** Check whether a particular entity is visible from the player's
* current position.
* @param e the entity whose visibility will be checked
* @return true if visible, false otherwise */
protected boolean isVisible(Entity e)
return (e != null && isVisible(e.getOrigin()));
/** Check whether a particular point in the environment is visible from
* the player's current position.
* @param o the point whose visibility will be checked
* @return true if visible, false otherwise */
protected boolean isVisible(Origin o)
return (o != null && isVisible(new Vector3f(o)));
/** Check whether a particular point in the environment is visible from
* the player's current position.
* @param v the point whose visibility will be checked
* @return true if visible, false otherwise */
protected boolean isVisible(Vector3f v)
if(v == null || proxy == null || proxy.getWorld() == null) return false;
if(traceFromView) pos.add(proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().getPlayerView().getViewOffset());
return !isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()) ? false : bsp.isVisible(pos, v);
/** Check whether the nearest enemy in the game is currently visible.
* @return true if visible, false otherwise */
protected boolean isNearestOpponentVisible()
return isNearestOpponentVisible(false);
/** Check whether the nearest enemy in the game is currently visible.
* @param withinFOV if true, constrain visibility check to agent's
* line-of-sight
* @return true if visible, false otherwise */
protected boolean isNearestOpponentVisible(boolean withinFOV)
if(!isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()))
return false;
Entity nearestOpponent = getNearestOpponent();
if(nearestOpponent != null)
dir.sub(oppPos, pos);
if(traceFromView) pos.add(proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().getPlayerView().getViewOffset());
return (withinFOV ? Utils.calcAngles(dir)[0] <= proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().getPlayerView().getFOV() / 2.0 && bsp.isVisible(pos, oppPos) : bsp.isVisible(pos, oppPos));
return false;
/** Projects a bounding-box through the game world in a given direction
* from the agent's current position, and returns the location of the
* first collision with solid geometry. Finds and loads the current game
* map transparently when called, using BSPParser.
* @param dir direction to sweep bounding box
* @param maxDist maximum distance across which to sweep
* @return the location of the first collision
* @see soc.qase.file.bsp.BSPParser */
protected Vector3f getObstacleLocation(Vector3f dir, float maxDist)
return getObstacleLocation(dir, BSPParser.TRACE_BOX, BSPBrush.CONTENTS_SOLID, maxDist);
/** Get the radius of the sphere used to trace through the level. By
* default this is 18.0 units, or the same width as the player's
* bounding box.
* @return the sphere radius */
protected float getTraceSphereRadius()
return sphereRadius;
/** Set the radius of the sphere used to trace through the level. This
* is permitted to be variable to account for different projectile sizes.
* @param radius the new sphere radius */
protected void setTraceSphereRadius(float radius)
sphereRadius = radius;
/** Projects a bounding-box, sphere or line through the game world in
* a given direction from the agent's current position, and returns
* the location of the first collision with geometry matching the given
* type (specified using the constants in BSPBrush). Finds and loads
* the current game map transparently when called, using BSPParser.
* @param dir direction to sweep bounding box
* @param traceType the type of trace, specified using the constants
* found in BSPParser
* @param brushType the type of brush to check against, specified by
* the constants found in BSPBrush. Allows the agent to check for
* different types of terrain
* @param maxDist maximum distance across which to sweep
* @return the location of the first collision
* @see soc.qase.file.bsp.BSPParser
* @see soc.qase.file.bsp.BSPBrush*/
protected Vector3f getObstacleLocation(Vector3f dir, int traceType, int brushType, float maxDist)
if(!isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()))
return null;
if(traceFromView) pos.add(proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().getPlayerView().getViewOffset());
if(traceType == BSPParser.TRACE_LINE)
return bsp.getObstacleLocation(pos, dir, maxDist);
else if(traceType == BSPParser.TRACE_SPHERE)
return bsp.getObstacleLocation(pos, dir, sphereRadius, maxDist);
else if(traceType == BSPParser.TRACE_BOX)
return bsp.getObstacleLocation(pos, dir, BOUNDING_MIN, BOUNDING_MAX, maxDist);
return null;
/** Projects a bounding-box through the game world in a given direction
* from the agent's current position, and returns the distance to the
* nearest solid geometry. Finds and loads the current game map
* transparently when called, using BSPParser.
* @param dir direction to sweep bounding box
* @param maxDist maximum distance across which to sweep
* @return the location of the first collision
* @see soc.qase.file.bsp.BSPParser */
protected float getObstacleDistance(Vector3f dir, float maxDist)
return getObstacleDistance(dir, BSPParser.TRACE_BOX, BSPBrush.CONTENTS_SOLID, maxDist);
/** Projects a bounding-box, sphere or line through the game world in
* a given direction from the agent's current position, and returns
* the distance to the nearest geometry matching the given type
* (specified using the constants in BSPBrush). Finds and loads the
* current game map transparently when called, using BSPParser.
* @param dir direction to sweep bounding box
* @param traceType the type of trace, specified using the constants
* found in BSPParser
* @param brushType the type of brush to check against, specified by
* the constants found in BSPBrush. Allows the agent to check for
* different types of terrain
* @param maxDist maximum distance across which to sweep
* @return the location of the first collision
* @see soc.qase.file.bsp.BSPParser
* @see soc.qase.file.bsp.BSPBrush*/
protected float getObstacleDistance(Vector3f dir, int traceType, int brushType, float maxDist)
if(!isBotAlive() || (!bsp.isMapLoaded() && !readMap()))
return Float.NaN;
if(traceFromView) pos.add(proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().getPlayerView().getViewOffset());
if(traceType == BSPParser.TRACE_LINE)
return bsp.getObstacleDistance(pos, dir, maxDist);
else if(traceType == BSPParser.TRACE_SPHERE)
return bsp.getObstacleDistance(pos, dir, sphereRadius, maxDist);
else if(traceType == BSPParser.TRACE_BOX)
return bsp.getObstacleDistance(pos, dir, BOUNDING_MIN, BOUNDING_MAX, maxDist);
return Float.NaN;
/** Set the Quake 2 home directory. Used when locating the local BSP files
* containing the game geometry. Two alternatives to calling this method
* exist; the user can pass the folder location to the JVM as a variable
* called QUAKE2 using the -D switch (eg 'java -DQUAKE2="C:/quake2"'), or
* - the preferred approach - an environment variable called 'QUAKE2' can
* be declared which points to the home folder.
* @param q2hd the location of the Quake 2 home folder */
public static void setQuake2HomeDirectory(String q2hd)
q2HomeDir = q2hd;
/** Return the Quake 2 home folder location.
* @return the location of the Quake 2 home folder */
public static String getQuake2HomeDirectory()
return q2HomeDir;
/** Read a local geometry file into memory. The path to the BSP file can
* begin with the alias 'Q2HOME' (eg 'Q2HOME/maps/bsp1.bsp') which will
* automatically be resolved to the actual Quake 2 home folder using
* findQuake2HomeDirectory. If the correct BSP file is know before the
* agent connects to the server, this method can be used to pre-load it.
* @param filename the location of the BSP file
* @return true if the file was successfully read, false otherwise
* @see #setQuake2HomeDirectory
* @see #findQuake2HomeDirectory */
protected boolean readMap(String filename)
if(filename.substring(0, 6).equalsIgnoreCase("Q2HOME"))
if(q2HomeDir == null)
filename = q2HomeDir + filename.substring(6);
return bsp.load(filename);
/** Read the current game map into memory. This will automatically
* deduce the name of the map, and will then search all possible
* locations in decreasing order of likelihood, including within PAK
* archives. Uses PAKParser and BSPParser.
* @return true if the map was successfully found and loaded, false
* otherwise
* @see soc.qase.file.pak.BSPParser
* @see soc.qase.file.pak.PAKParser */
private boolean readMap()
if(!isBotAlive() || mapNotFound)
return false;
{ String pathAndFileName = null;
String gameDir = proxy.getServer().getGameDirectory();
String mapName = proxy.getServer().getMapName();
if(gameDir == null || gameDir.length() == 0)
gameDir = "baseq2";
if(q2HomeDir == null || q2HomeDir.length() == 0)
// try to load BSP assuming filename == mapName
if(!bsp.load(q2HomeDir + "/" + gameDir + "/maps/" + mapName + ".bsp"))
String pakBSPFilename = null;
String pakDir = q2HomeDir + "/" + gameDir + "/";
// search PAKs assuming filename == mapName
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
pakBSPFilename = PAKParser.findFileFromPAK(pakDir + "pak" + i + ".pak", mapName + ".bsp");
if(pakBSPFilename != null)
bsp.load(pakDir + "pak" + i + ".pak#" + pakBSPFilename);
// search in BSP files for map name
File bspDir = new File(q2HomeDir + "/" + gameDir + "/maps");
String[] fileList = bspDir.list();
for(int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++)
if(fileList[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(".bsp") != -1 && BSPParser.isMapNameInFile(q2HomeDir + "/" + gameDir + "/maps/" + fileList[i], mapName))
bsp.load(q2HomeDir + "/" + gameDir + "/maps/" + fileList[i]);
// search in PAK files for map name
String foundFile = null;
String pakDir = q2HomeDir + "/" + gameDir + "/";
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
foundFile = PAKParser.findBSPFileFromPAK(pakDir + "pak" + i + ".pak", mapName);
if(foundFile != null)
bsp.load(pakDir + "pak" + i + ".pak#" + foundFile);
mapNotFound = !bsp.isMapLoaded();
catch(Exception e)
{ }
return bsp.isMapLoaded();
private String findQuake2HomeDirectory()
q2HomeDir = System.getProperty("QUAKE2");
/* // System.getenv not valid on most J2SE platforms
if(q2Dir == null || q2Dir.length() == 0)
q2Dir = System.getenv("QUAKE2");
catch(Exception e)
{ }
if(q2HomeDir == null || q2HomeDir.length() == 0)
q2HomeDir = Utils.parseEnvironmentVariables("QUAKE2");
if(q2HomeDir == null || q2HomeDir.length() == 0)
q2HomeDir = "c:/quake2";
return q2HomeDir;
/** Check if the proxy is recording the current game.
* @return true if the proxy is recording the current game,
* otherwise false. */
public boolean isRecording()
return proxy.isRecording();
protected void sendMovement()
delta_Angles = proxy.getWorld().getPlayer().getPlayerMove().getDeltaAngles();
angles.setYaw(angles.getYaw() - delta_Angles.getYaw());
angles.setPitch(angles.getPitch() - delta_Angles.getPitch());
proxy.sendMovement(angles, velocity, action);