* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai;
import static com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE;
import static com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK;
import static com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_CAST;
import static com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_FOLLOW;
import static com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE;
import static com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_INTERACT;
import static com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO;
import static com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_PICK_UP;
import static com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_REST;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.L2PlayerAI.IntentionCommand;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.Inventory;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Attackable;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Character;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Object;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Skill;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2BoatInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2DoorInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2ItemInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2ItemInstance.ItemLocation;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2NpcInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PlayableInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.position.L2CharPosition;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.AutoAttackStop;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.taskmanager.AttackStanceTaskManager;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.templates.L2WeaponType;
* This class manages AI of L2Character.<BR>
* <BR>
* L2CharacterAI :<BR>
* <BR>
* <li>L2AttackableAI</li> <li>L2DoorAI</li> <li>L2PlayerAI</li> <li>L2SummonAI</li><BR>
* <BR>
public class L2CharacterAI extends AbstractAI
private static final int ZONE_PVP = 1;
/** The skill we are curently casting by INTENTION_CAST */
private L2Skill _skill;
protected void onEvtAttacked(L2Character attacker)
* Constructor of L2CharacterAI.<BR>
* <BR>
* @param accessor The AI accessor of the L2Character
public L2CharacterAI(L2Character.AIAccessor accessor)
* Manage the Idle Intention : Stop Attack, Movement and Stand Up the actor.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Set the AI Intention to AI_INTENTION_IDLE</li> <li>Init cast and attack target</li> <li>Stop the actor
* auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)</li> <li>Stop the actor
* movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation (broadcast)</li> <li>
* Stand up the actor server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet ChangeWaitType (broadcast)</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onIntentionIdle()
// Set the AI Intention to AI_INTENTION_IDLE
changeIntention(AI_INTENTION_IDLE, null, null);
// Init cast and attack target
// Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation (broadcast)
// Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)
* Manage the Active Intention : Stop Attack, Movement and Launch Think Event.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> : <I>if the Intention is not already Active</I></B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Set the AI Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE</li> <li>Init cast and attack target</li> <li>Stop the actor
* auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)</li> <li>Stop the actor
* movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation (broadcast)</li> <li>
* Launch the Think Event</li><BR>
* <BR>
* @param target
protected void onIntentionActive(L2Character target)
if(target instanceof L2PcInstance && _actor instanceof L2PcInstance)
if(((L2PcInstance) _actor).getKarma() > 0 && _actor.getLevel() - target.getLevel() >= 10 && ((L2PlayableInstance) target).getProtectionBlessing() && !target.isInsideZone(ZONE_PVP))
//If attacker have karma and have level >= 10 than his target and target have Newbie Protection Buff,
// Check if the Intention is not already Active
if(getIntention() != AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE)
// Set the AI Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE
changeIntention(AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE, null, null);
// Init cast and attack target
// Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation (broadcast)
// Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)
// Also enable random animations for this L2Character if allowed
// This is only for mobs - town npcs are handled in their constructor
if(_actor instanceof L2Attackable)
((L2NpcInstance) _actor).startRandomAnimationTimer();
// Launch the Think Event
* Manage the Rest Intention.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> : </B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Set the AI Intention to AI_INTENTION_IDLE</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onIntentionRest()
// Set the AI Intention to AI_INTENTION_IDLE
* Manage the Attack Intention : Stop current Attack (if necessary), Start a new Attack and Launch Think Event.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> : </B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)</li> <li>Set the Intention of this AI to AI_INTENTION_ATTACK</li> <li>Set or change the AI attack target</li> <li>Start the actor Auto Attack client side by sending Server->Client packet
* AutoAttackStart (broadcast)</li> <li>Launch the Think Event</li><BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Overridden in</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>L2AttackableAI : Calculate attack timeout</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onIntentionAttack(L2Character target)
if (target == null)
if (getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_REST)
// Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance actor
if (_actor.isAllSkillsDisabled() || _actor.isAfraid())
// Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance actor
// Check if the Intention is already AI_INTENTION_ATTACK
if (getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_ATTACK)
// Check if the AI already targets the L2Character
if (getAttackTarget() != target)
// Set the AI attack target (change target)
// Launch the Think Event
notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_THINK, null);
clientActionFailed(); // else client freezes until cancel target
// Set the Intention of this AbstractAI to AI_INTENTION_ATTACK
changeIntention(AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, target, null);
// Set the AI attack target
// Launch the Think Event
notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_THINK, null);
* Manage the Cast Intention : Stop current Attack, Init the AI in order to cast and Launch Think Event.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> : </B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Set the AI cast target</li> <li>Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet
* AutoAttackStop (broadcast)</li> <li>Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to
* the L2PcInstance actor</li> <li>Set the AI skill used by INTENTION_CAST</li> <li>Set the Intention of this AI to
* AI_INTENTION_CAST</li> <li>Launch the Think Event</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onIntentionCast(L2Skill skill, L2Object target)
if(getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_REST && skill.isMagic())
if(_actor.isAllSkillsDisabled() && !skill.isPotion())
// Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance actor
// can't cast if muted
if(_actor.isMuted() && skill.isMagic())
// Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance actor
if(target instanceof L2PcInstance && _actor instanceof L2PcInstance)
if(((L2PcInstance) _actor).getKarma() > 0 && _actor.getLevel() - ((L2PcInstance) target).getLevel() >= 10 && ((L2PlayableInstance) target).getProtectionBlessing() && !((L2Character) target).isInsideZone(ZONE_PVP))
//If attacker have karma and have level >= 10 than his target and target have Newbie Protection Buff,
// Set the AI cast target
setCastTarget((L2Character) target);
// Stop actions client-side to cast the skill
if(skill.getHitTime() > 50)
// Abort the attack of the L2Character and send Server->Client ActionFailed packet
// Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance actor
// no need for second ActionFailed packet, abortAttack() already sent it
// Set the AI skill used by INTENTION_CAST
// Change the Intention of this AbstractAI to AI_INTENTION_CAST
changeIntention(AI_INTENTION_CAST, skill, target);
// Launch the Think Event
notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_THINK, null);
* Manage the Move To Intention : Stop current Attack and Launch a Move to Location Task.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> : </B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Stop the actor auto-attack server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)</li> <li>Set the Intention of this AI to AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO</li> <li>Move the actor to Location (x,y,z) server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet
* CharMoveToLocation (broadcast)</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onIntentionMoveTo(L2CharPosition pos)
if (getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_REST)
// Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance actor
// Set the Intention of this AbstractAI to AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO
changeIntention(AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, pos, null);
// Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)
// Abort the attack of the L2Character and send Server->Client ActionFailed packet
if (_actor instanceof L2PcInstance)
L2ItemInstance rhand = ((L2PcInstance) _actor).getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND);
if ((rhand != null && rhand.getItemType() == L2WeaponType.BOW))
if (!_actor.isAttackingNow())
// case Npc
// Move the actor to Location (x,y,z) server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet CharMoveToLocation (broadcast)
moveTo(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.AbstractAI#onIntentionMoveToInABoat(com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2CharPosition, com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2CharPosition)
protected void onIntentionMoveToInABoat(L2CharPosition destination, L2CharPosition origin)
if(getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_REST)
// Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance actor
// Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance actor
// Set the Intention of this AbstractAI to AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO
//changeIntention(AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(((L2PcInstance)_actor).getBoat().getX() - destination.x, ((L2PcInstance)_actor).getBoat().getY() - destination.y, ((L2PcInstance)_actor).getBoat().getZ() - destination.z, 0) , null);
// Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)
// Abort the attack of the L2Character and send Server->Client ActionFailed packet
// Move the actor to Location (x,y,z) server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet CharMoveToLocation (broadcast)
moveToInABoat(destination, origin);
* Manage the Follow Intention : Stop current Attack and Launch a Follow Task.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> : </B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Stop the actor auto-attack server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop
* (broadcast)</li> <li>Set the Intention of this AI to AI_INTENTION_FOLLOW</li> <li>Create and Launch an AI Follow
* Task to execute every 1s</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onIntentionFollow(L2Character target)
if(getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_REST)
// Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance actor
// Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance actor
if(_actor.isImobilised() || _actor.isRooted())
// Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance actor
// Dead actors can`t follow
// do not follow yourself
if(_actor == target)
// Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)
// Set the Intention of this AbstractAI to AI_INTENTION_FOLLOW
changeIntention(AI_INTENTION_FOLLOW, target, null);
// Create and Launch an AI Follow Task to execute every 1s
* Manage the PickUp Intention : Set the pick up target and Launch a Move To Pawn Task (offset=20).<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> : </B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Set the AI pick up target</li> <li>Set the Intention of this AI to AI_INTENTION_PICK_UP</li> <li>Move the
* actor to Pawn server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet MoveToPawn (broadcast)</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onIntentionPickUp(L2Object object)
if(getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_REST)
// Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance actor
if(_actor.isAllSkillsDisabled() || _actor.isCastingNow())
// Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance actor
// Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)
if (object instanceof L2ItemInstance && ((L2ItemInstance)object).getLocation() != ItemLocation.VOID)
// Set the Intention of this AbstractAI to AI_INTENTION_PICK_UP
changeIntention(AI_INTENTION_PICK_UP, object, null);
// Set the AI pick up target
if(object.getX() == 0 && object.getY() == 0) // TODO: Find the drop&spawn bug
L2Character player_char = getActor();
if(player_char instanceof L2PcInstance)
object.setXYZ(getActor().getX(), getActor().getY(), getActor().getZ() + 5);
// Move the actor to Pawn server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet MoveToPawn (broadcast)
moveToPawn(object, 20);
* Manage the Interact Intention : Set the interact target and Launch a Move To Pawn Task (offset=60).<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> : </B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)</li> <li>
* Set the AI interact target</li> <li>Set the Intention of this AI to AI_INTENTION_INTERACT</li> <li>Move the actor
* to Pawn server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet MoveToPawn (broadcast)</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onIntentionInteract(L2Object object)
if(getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_REST)
// Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance actor
// Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance actor
// Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)
if(getIntention() != AI_INTENTION_INTERACT)
// Set the Intention of this AbstractAI to AI_INTENTION_INTERACT
changeIntention(AI_INTENTION_INTERACT, object, null);
// Set the AI interact target
// Move the actor to Pawn server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet MoveToPawn (broadcast)
moveToPawn(object, 60);
* Do nothing.<BR>
* <BR>
protected void onEvtThink()
// do nothing
* Do nothing.<BR>
* <BR>
protected void onEvtAggression(L2Character target, int aggro)
// do nothing
* Launch actions corresponding to the Event Stunned then onAttacked Event.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)</li> <li>
* Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation
* (broadcast)</li> <li>Break an attack and send Server->Client ActionFailed packet and a System Message to the
* L2Character</li> <li>Break a cast and send Server->Client ActionFailed packet and a System Message to the
* L2Character</li> <li>Launch actions corresponding to the Event onAttacked (only for L2AttackableAI after the
* stunning periode)</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onEvtStunned(L2Character attacker)
// Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)
_actor.broadcastPacket(new AutoAttackStop(_actor.getObjectId()));
// Stop Server AutoAttack also
// Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation (broadcast)
// Launch actions corresponding to the Event onAttacked (only for L2AttackableAI after the stunning periode)
* Launch actions corresponding to the Event Sleeping.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)</li> <li>
* Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation
* (broadcast)</li> <li>Break an attack and send Server->Client ActionFailed packet and a System Message to the
* L2Character</li> <li>Break a cast and send Server->Client ActionFailed packet and a System Message to the
* L2Character</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onEvtSleeping(L2Character attacker)
// Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)
_actor.broadcastPacket(new AutoAttackStop(_actor.getObjectId()));
// stop Server AutoAttack also
// Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation (broadcast)
* Launch actions corresponding to the Event Rooted.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation
* (broadcast)</li> <li>Launch actions corresponding to the Event onAttacked</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onEvtRooted(L2Character attacker)
// Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)
//_actor.broadcastPacket(new AutoAttackStop(_actor.getObjectId()));
//if (AttackStanceTaskManager.getInstance().getAttackStanceTask(_actor))
// AttackStanceTaskManager.getInstance().removeAttackStanceTask(_actor);
// Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation (broadcast)
// Launch actions corresponding to the Event onAttacked
* Launch actions corresponding to the Event Confused.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation
* (broadcast)</li> <li>Launch actions corresponding to the Event onAttacked</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onEvtConfused(L2Character attacker)
// Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation (broadcast)
// Launch actions corresponding to the Event onAttacked
* Launch actions corresponding to the Event Muted.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Break a cast and send Server->Client ActionFailed packet and a System Message to the L2Character</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onEvtMuted(L2Character attacker)
// Break a cast and send Server->Client ActionFailed packet and a System Message to the L2Character
* Launch actions corresponding to the Event ReadyToAct.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Launch actions corresponding to the Event Think</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onEvtReadyToAct()
// Launch actions corresponding to the Event Think
* Do nothing.<BR>
* <BR>
protected void onEvtUserCmd(Object arg0, Object arg1)
// do nothing
* Launch actions corresponding to the Event Arrived.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>If the Intention was AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, set the Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE</li> <li>Launch actions
* corresponding to the Event Think</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onEvtArrived()
// Launch an explore task if necessary
if(_accessor.getActor() instanceof L2PcInstance)
((L2PcInstance) _accessor.getActor()).revalidateZone(true);
// If the Intention was AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, set the Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE
if(getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO)
// Launch actions corresponding to the Event Think
if(_actor instanceof L2BoatInstance)
((L2BoatInstance) _actor).evtArrived();
* Launch actions corresponding to the Event ArrivedRevalidate.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Launch actions corresponding to the Event Think</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onEvtArrivedRevalidate()
// Launch actions corresponding to the Event Think
* Launch actions corresponding to the Event ArrivedBlocked.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation
* (broadcast)</li> <li>If the Intention was AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, set the Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE</li> <li>
* Launch actions corresponding to the Event Think</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onEvtArrivedBlocked(L2CharPosition blocked_at_pos)
// If the Intention was AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, set the Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE
if ((getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO) || (getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_CAST))
// Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation (broadcast)
// Launch actions corresponding to the Event Think
* Launch actions corresponding to the Event ForgetObject.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>If the object was targeted and the Intention was AI_INTENTION_INTERACT or AI_INTENTION_PICK_UP, set the
* Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE</li> <li>If the object was targeted to attack, stop the auto-attack, cancel
* target and set the Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE</li> <li>If the object was targeted to cast, cancel target
* and set the Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE</li> <li>If the object was targeted to follow, stop the movement,
* cancel AI Follow Task and set the Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE</li> <li>If the targeted object was the actor
* , cancel AI target, stop AI Follow Task, stop the movement and set the Intention to AI_INTENTION_IDLE</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onEvtForgetObject(L2Object object)
// If the object was targeted and the Intention was AI_INTENTION_INTERACT or AI_INTENTION_PICK_UP, set the Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE
if(getTarget() == object)
if(getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_INTERACT)
else if(getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_PICK_UP)
// Check if the object was targeted to attack
if(getAttackTarget() == object)
// Cancel attack target
// Set the Intention of this AbstractAI to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE
// Check if the object was targeted to cast
if(getCastTarget() == object)
// Cancel cast target
// Set the Intention of this AbstractAI to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE
// Check if the object was targeted to follow
if(getFollowTarget() == object)
// Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation (broadcast)
// Stop an AI Follow Task
// Set the Intention of this AbstractAI to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE
// Check if the targeted object was the actor
if(_actor == object)
// Cancel AI target
// Stop an AI Follow Task
// Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation (broadcast)
// Set the Intention of this AbstractAI to AI_INTENTION_IDLE
changeIntention(AI_INTENTION_IDLE, null, null);
* Launch actions corresponding to the Event Cancel.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Stop an AI Follow Task</li> <li>Launch actions corresponding to the Event Think</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onEvtCancel()
// Stop an AI Follow Task
_actor.broadcastPacket(new AutoAttackStop(_actor.getObjectId()));
// Launch actions corresponding to the Event Think
* Launch actions corresponding to the Event Dead.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Stop an AI Follow Task</li> <li>Kill the actor client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop,
* StopMove/StopRotation, Die (broadcast)</li><BR>
* <BR>
protected void onEvtDead()
// Stop an AI Follow Task
// Kill the actor client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop, StopMove/StopRotation, Die (broadcast)
if(!(_actor instanceof L2PcInstance))
* Launch actions corresponding to the Event Fake Death.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Stop an AI Follow Task</li>
protected void onEvtFakeDeath()
// Stop an AI Follow Task
// Stop the actor movement and send Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation (broadcast)
// Init AI
* Do nothing.<BR>
* <BR>
protected void onEvtFinishCasting()
// do nothing
* Manage the Move to Pawn action in function of the distance and of the Interact area.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Get the distance between the current position of the L2Character and the target (x,y)</li> <li>If the
* distance > offset+20, move the actor (by running) to Pawn server side AND client side by sending Server->Client
* packet MoveToPawn (broadcast)</li> <li>If the distance <= offset+20, Stop the actor movement server side AND
* client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation (broadcast)</li><BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Example of use </U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>L2PLayerAI, L2SummonAI</li><BR>
* <BR>
* @param target The targeted L2Object
* @param offset The Interact area radius
* @return True if a movement must be done
protected boolean maybeMoveToPawn(L2Object target, int offset)
// Get the distance between the current position of the L2Character and the target (x,y)
if(target == null)
_log.warning("maybeMoveToPawn: target == NULL!");
return false;
// skill radius -1
if(offset < 0)
return false;
offset += _actor.getTemplate().collisionRadius;
if(target instanceof L2Character)
offset += ((L2Character) target).getTemplate().collisionRadius;
if(!_actor.isInsideRadius(target, offset, false, false))
final L2Character follow = getFollowTarget();
// Caller should be L2Playable and thinkAttack/thinkCast/thinkInteract/thinkPickUp
if(follow != null)
// prevent attack-follow into peace zones
if(getAttackTarget() != null && _actor instanceof L2PlayableInstance && target instanceof L2PlayableInstance)
if(getAttackTarget() == follow)
// allow GMs to keep following
boolean isGM = _actor instanceof L2PcInstance ? ((L2PcInstance) _actor).isGM() : false;
if(L2Character.isInsidePeaceZone(_actor, target) && !isGM)
return true;
// if the target is too far (maybe also teleported)
if(!_actor.isInsideRadius(target, 2000, false, false))
return true;
// allow larger hit range when the target is moving (check is run only once per second)
if(!_actor.isInsideRadius(target, offset + 100, false, false))
return true;
return false;
return true;
// If not running, set the L2Character movement type to run and send Server->Client packet ChangeMoveType to all others L2PcInstance
if(!_actor.isRunning() && !(this instanceof L2PlayerAI))
if(target instanceof L2Character && !(target instanceof L2DoorInstance))
if(((L2Character) target).isMoving())
offset -= 100;
if(offset < 5)
offset = 5;
startFollow((L2Character) target, offset);
// Move the actor to Pawn server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet MoveToPawn (broadcast)
moveToPawn(target, offset);
return true;
if(getFollowTarget() != null)
// Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation (broadcast)
// clientStopMoving(null);
return false;
* Modify current Intention and actions if the target is lost or dead.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> : <I>If the target is lost or dead</I></B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)</li> <li><BR>
* Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation<BR>
* (broadcast)</li> <li>Set the Intention of this AbstractAI to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE</li><BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Example of use </U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>L2PLayerAI, L2SummonAI</li><BR>
* <BR>
* @param target The targeted L2Object
* @return True if the target is lost or dead (false if fakedeath)
protected boolean checkTargetLostOrDead(L2Character target)
if (target == null || target.isAlikeDead())
// check if player is fakedeath
if (target != null && target.isFakeDeath())
// target.stopFakeDeath(null);
return false;
// Set the Intention of this AbstractAI to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE
return true;
return false;
* Modify current Intention and actions if the target is lost.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> : <I>If the target is lost</I></B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)</li> <li>
* Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation
* (broadcast)</li> <li>Set the Intention of this AbstractAI to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE</li><BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Example of use </U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>L2PLayerAI, L2SummonAI</li><BR>
* <BR>
* @param target The targeted L2Object
* @return True if the target is lost
protected boolean checkTargetLost(L2Object target)
// check if player is fakedeath
if(target instanceof L2PcInstance)
L2PcInstance target2 = (L2PcInstance) target; //convert object to chara
return false;
target2 = null;
if(target == null)
// Set the Intention of this AbstractAI to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE
return true;
return false;
* @see com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.AbstractAI#onIntentionActive()
protected void onIntentionActive()
// Check if the Intention is not already Active
if(getIntention() != AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE)
// Set the AI Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE
changeIntention(AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE, null, null);
// Init cast and attack target
// Stop the actor movement server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet StopMove/StopRotation (broadcast)
// Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop (broadcast)
// Also enable random animations for this L2Character if allowed
// This is only for mobs - town npcs are handled in their constructor
if(_actor instanceof L2Attackable)
((L2NpcInstance) _actor).startRandomAnimationTimer();
// Launch the Think Event
* @return the _skill
public synchronized L2Skill get_skill()
return _skill;
* @param _skill the _skill to set
public synchronized void set_skill(L2Skill _skill)
this._skill = _skill;
public IntentionCommand getNextIntention()
return null;