import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestClientException;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
//This the core part of the application the handles the requests and redirects to appropriate views.
public class MainController {
//The function redirects to the index page which requires input from the users.
@RequestMapping(value ="/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView showpage() {
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("index");
modelAndView.addObject("desired", new UserInput());
return modelAndView;
//This function is used to compute the results for the user's input.
@RequestMapping(value ="/", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView getresults(@ModelAttribute("desired") UserInput desired, BindingResult result) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, RestClientException, IOException, HttpClientErrorException {
//Validation of user input begins here.
boolean validate = true;
String error1 = null;
String error2 = null;
//validates input 1 that is the number of products
if(desired.getProductcount() <= 0){
System.out.println("Please enter a number greater than 0!");
error1 = "Please enter a number greater than 0!";
validate = false;
//validates input 2 that is the desired total amount
if(desired.getAmount() <= 1){
System.out.println("Please enter an amount greater than $1.00!");
error2 = "Please enter an amount greater than $1.00!";
validate = false;
//Displays errors to the user if any.
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("index");
modelAndView.addObject("error1", error1);
modelAndView.addObject("error2", error2);
return modelAndView;
//Validation of user input ends here.
System.out.println("No. of products: " + desired.getProductcount());
System.out.println("Total Amount: " + desired.getAmount());
//computes the average cost of a product
Double averagecost = desired.getAmount()/desired.getProductcount();
System.out.println("Average cost of a product: " + averagecost);
//Zappos API call begins here
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
//parameters of the API call using resttemplate
String apikey = "a73121520492f88dc3d33daf2103d7574f1a3166";
String facetexcludeterms = "\"facetField\",\"facetFieldDisplayName\",\"results\",\"limit\",\"originalTerm\",\"currentResultCount\",\"totalResultCount\",\"filters\"";
String filter;
//This filter is used to narrow down the results based on the product average cost.
if(averagecost <= 50){
filter = "{\"priceFacet\":[\"$50.00 and Under\"]}";
} else if(averagecost > 50 && averagecost <= 100){
filter = "{\"priceFacet\":[\"$100.00 and Under\"]}";
} else if(averagecost > 100 && averagecost <= 200){
filter = "{\"priceFacet\":[\"$200.00 and Under\"]}";
} else{
filter = "{\"priceFacet\":[\"$200.00 and Over\"]}";
JsonFacetObj facetobj = new JsonFacetObj();
//API call that returns a Json object that consists of counts of the products of a particular price.
facetobj = mapper.readValue(restTemplate.getForObject("[{facetexcludeterms}]&includes=[\"facets\"]&facets=[\"price\"]&filters={filter}&facetSort=name&key={apikey}", String.class, facetexcludeterms, filter, apikey), JsonFacetObj.class);
catch(HttpClientErrorException e){
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("index");
mv.addObject("error", "Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again!");
return mv;
//Zappos API call ends here
//Displays error to the user if the call fails due to some reason.
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("index");
mv.addObject("error", facetobj.getError());
return mv;
ArrayList<Values> facetvalues = facetobj.getFacets().get(0).getValues(); //the objects containing the counts of products of a particular price are stored in an array list
HashMap<Double, Integer> facethash = new HashMap<Double, Integer>();
ArrayList<Double> searchlist = new ArrayList<Double>();
Iterator<Values> it = facetvalues.iterator();
//the objects copied to a hash map with cost as key and count as value. The costs are also copied into an array list which will be used later
Values temp =;
facethash.put(Double.parseDouble(temp.getName()), temp.getCount());
int index = searchlist(averagecost, searchlist); //This function is used to retrieve the index of cost that is similar to the user's average product cost
System.out.println("index is " + index);
int count = facethash.get(searchlist.get(index));
System.out.println("Count of " + searchlist.get(index) + " is " + count);
ArrayList<Results> list = new ArrayList<Results>();
ArrayList<HashMap<Results[], Double>> combos = new ArrayList<HashMap<Results[], Double>>();
//This function gives the list of products without duplicates and are of cost similar to user's input that is retrieved above
list = productlist(averagecost, index, searchlist, desired, list);
if(list == null){
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("index");
mv.addObject("error", "Something went wrong. Please try again!");
return mv;
int downindex = index;
int upindex = index;
boolean godown = true;
//If the list generated above do not consists of sufficient number of products to create 5 combos, it will again call the api to get the next below desired price and next above desired price alternatively until the combo list is complete.
while(list.size() < 5*desired.getProductcount()){
//This will give the list of products with next below desired cost
if(downindex != 0){
list = productlist(averagecost, downindex, searchlist, desired, list);
if(list == null){
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("index");
mv.addObject("error", "Something went wrong. Please try again!");
return mv;
godown = false;
//This will give the list of products with next above desired cost
if(upindex != searchlist.size()-1){
list = productlist(averagecost, upindex, searchlist, desired, list);
if(list == null){
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("index");
mv.addObject("error", "Something went wrong. Please try again!");
return mv;
godown = true;
//This will generate 5 combos from the list generated above.
combos = combolist(list, desired, combos);
//Displays the combos to the user.
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("index");
modelAndView.addObject("combos", combos);
return modelAndView;
//This function is used to retrieve the cost that is similar to the user's average product cost
public int searchlist(double num, ArrayList<Double> list){
double temp;
Iterator<Double> itr = list.iterator();
int index = 0;
//This loop will check if the user's desired price exists in the list. If not present, it returns the cost below user's desired cost
temp = (double);
if(num == temp){
return index;
else if(temp > num){
if(index != 0)
return index-1;
return 0;
//This function gives the list of products which are of cost similar to user's input that is retrieved above
public ArrayList<Results> productlist(double averagecost, int index, ArrayList<Double> searchlist, UserInput desired, ArrayList<Results> list) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, RestClientException, IOException, HttpClientErrorException {
//parameters of the API call to get product list
String productrating = "{\"productRating\":\"desc\"}";
String pricefacet;
if(averagecost <= 50){
pricefacet = "{\"priceFacet\":[\"$50.00 and Under\"], \"price\" : \""+ searchlist.get(index) +"\"}";
} else if(averagecost > 50 && averagecost <= 100){
pricefacet = "{\"priceFacet\":[\"$100.00 and Under\"], \"price\" : \""+ searchlist.get(index) +"\"}";
} else if(averagecost > 100 && averagecost <= 200){
pricefacet = "{\"priceFacet\":[\"$200.00 and Under\"], \"price\" : \""+ searchlist.get(index) +"\"}";
} else{
pricefacet = "{\"priceFacet\":[\"$200.00 and Over\"], \"price\" : \""+ searchlist.get(index) +"\"}";
String excludeterms = "\"currentResultCount\", \"productId\",\"styleId\",\"colorId\",\"originalPrice\",\"limit\",\"originalTerm\",\"totalResultCount\",\"filters\"";
String apikey = "a73121520492f88dc3d33daf2103d7574f1a3166";
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
System.out.println("sending request...");
JsonObj obj = new JsonObj();
//This api call retrieves the products with a given cost and sorted by product rating.
obj = mapper.readValue(restTemplate.getForObject("[\"productRating\"]&excludes=[{excludeterms}]&filters={pricefacet}&sort={productrating}&key={apikey}", String.class, excludeterms, pricefacet, productrating, apikey), JsonObj.class);
catch(HttpClientErrorException e){
return null;
System.out.println("request sent...");
System.out.println("Status Code: "+obj.getStatusCode());
return null;
System.out.println("size of Arraylist with duplicates: " + obj.getResults().size());
Iterator<Results> itr = obj.getResults().iterator();
HashSet<Results> hs = new HashSet<Results>();
//This loop generates a list of products without any duplicates.
Results temp =;
else {
System.out.println("size of Arraylist with no duplicates: " + list.size());
return list;
//This will generate 5 combos from the list generated above.
public ArrayList<HashMap<Results[], Double>> combolist(ArrayList<Results> list, UserInput desired, ArrayList<HashMap<Results[], Double>> combos){
Results[][] arrobj = new Results[5][desired.getProductcount()];
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
double totalamount = 0;
//This loop also computes the total cost of the combo before placing them in a hashmap.
for(Results r : list){
arrobj[i][j] = r;
totalamount = totalamount + Double.parseDouble(r.getPrice().substring(1).replace(",", "")); //calculating total cost of the combo
if(j == desired.getProductcount()){
HashMap<Results[], Double> hm = new HashMap<Results[], Double>();
hm.put(arrobj[i], totalamount);
j = 0;
totalamount = 0;
return combos;