filter = "{\"priceFacet\":[\"$200.00 and Under\"]}";
} else{
filter = "{\"priceFacet\":[\"$200.00 and Over\"]}";
JsonFacetObj facetobj = new JsonFacetObj();
//API call that returns a Json object that consists of counts of the products of a particular price.
facetobj = mapper.readValue(restTemplate.getForObject("[{facetexcludeterms}]&includes=[\"facets\"]&facets=[\"price\"]&filters={filter}&facetSort=name&key={apikey}", String.class, facetexcludeterms, filter, apikey), JsonFacetObj.class);
catch(HttpClientErrorException e){
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("index");
mv.addObject("error", "Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again!");
return mv;
//Zappos API call ends here
//Displays error to the user if the call fails due to some reason.
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("index");
mv.addObject("error", facetobj.getError());
return mv;
ArrayList<Values> facetvalues = facetobj.getFacets().get(0).getValues(); //the objects containing the counts of products of a particular price are stored in an array list
HashMap<Double, Integer> facethash = new HashMap<Double, Integer>();
ArrayList<Double> searchlist = new ArrayList<Double>();
Iterator<Values> it = facetvalues.iterator();
//the objects copied to a hash map with cost as key and count as value. The costs are also copied into an array list which will be used later