package net.lenkaspace.creeper.model;
import net.lenkaspace.creeper.vo.CRVector3d;
* Represents a model that is situated in a CRWorld, can be rendered and moves / updates
* @author Lenka Pitonakova
* @version 2.0
public class CRBaseDynamicModel extends CRBaseSituatedModel {
protected double thrustForce; //<-1..1> where 1 is maximum speed
protected double minThrustForce;
protected double maxThrustForce;
protected double maxSpeed; //multiplied by thurstForce to determine final speed
* Constructor
* @param id_ Id of the model
* @param position_ CRVector3d position [x,y,z]
* @param size_ CRVector3d size [width, height, depth]
* @param rotation_ Double rotation in degrees where 0 is pointing towards top
* @param shape_ SHAPE shape
* @param imageFileName_ String image name that is used for rendering. If empty or null, the instance doesn't render. Use your own image or one of CRRenderer constants
public CRBaseDynamicModel(int id_, CRVector3d position_, CRVector3d size_, double rotation_, SHAPE shape_, String imageFileName_) {
super(id_, position_, size_, rotation_, shape_, imageFileName_);
maxSpeed = 1;
thrustForce = 0;
minThrustForce = -1;
maxThrustForce = 1;
//==================================== SIMULATION EVENTS ====================================
* Set variables according to their initial values
* @param trialNumber_ int new trial number
* @param runNumber_ int new run number
public void onTrialStart(int trialNumber_, int runNumber_) {
super.onTrialStart(trialNumber_, runNumber_);
* Called from CRWorld before update() of all objects is called.
* Use this to reset any temporary variables.
public void onUpdateLoopStart() {
* Called from CRWorld after update() of all objects is called.
* Use this to save any necessary data
public void onUpdateLoopEnd() {
//==================================== UPDATE LOOP ==========================================
* Main update function.
public void update() {
* Calculation of new x y position based on thrust forces
public void applyThrusters() {
//-- calculate the position change:
double xVelocity = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(rotation)) * thrustForce * maxSpeed;
double yVelocity = -Math.cos(Math.toRadians(rotation)) * thrustForce * maxSpeed;
position.x += xVelocity;
position.y += yVelocity;
//-- adjust position if applicable:
if (world.isBorderless()) {
//==================================== ADJUSTMENTS ==========================================
* Turn by a certain angle, i.e. add to the current rotation
* @param angle_ value to add to the current rotation
public void turnByAngle(double angle_) {
setRotation(rotation + angle_);
//==================================== VECTORS ===============================================
* Get current velocity based on rotation and thrustforce.
* @return CRVector3d velocity that is always between <0;1>, i.e. does not take maxSpeed into account
public CRVector3d getVelocity() {
CRVector3d v = new CRVector3d(getRotationAsVectorComponent(), thrustForce, 0);
return v;
* Get normalised steering force vector
public CRVector3d getOrientationVector() {
CRVector3d v = new CRVector3d(getRotationAsVectorComponent(), thrustForce,0);
return v;
* Get vector that points in front of the situated model
public CRVector3d getLookAtVector() {
CRVector3d v = this.getOrientationVector();
return v;
//==================================== GETTERS / SETTERS==============================
double getMaxSpeed() { return maxSpeed; }
void setMaxSpeed(double value) { maxSpeed = value; }
double getRotationAsVectorComponent() { return rotation/180.0; }
public double getThrustForce() { return thrustForce; }
* Sets thrust force and makes sure it is within specified bounds.
* @param value thrust force
public void setThrustForce(double value) {
thrustForce = value;
if (thrustForce < minThrustForce) { thrustForce = minThrustForce; }
else if (thrustForce > maxThrustForce) { thrustForce = maxThrustForce; }