/* Class controls the ultrasonic sensor and sweep motor. All data gathered
* is reported to the DataExchange object. */
package com.cos399.goalfind.sensors;
import com.cos399.goalfind.dataexchange.DataExchange;
import lejos.nxt.MotorPort;
import lejos.nxt.NXTRegulatedMotor;
import lejos.nxt.SensorPort;
import lejos.nxt.UltrasonicSensor;
public class GoalFindUltrasonicSensor extends Thread {
private static GoalFindUltrasonicSensor goalFindUltrasonic = null;
private static UltrasonicSensor ultrasonicSensor = null;
private static NXTRegulatedMotor sweepMotor = null;
private static DataExchange de = null;
private final static int securityDistance = 25, sweepAngle = 90, sweepSpeed = 50;
private boolean leftSweep = false;
private GoalFindUltrasonicSensor() {}
public static GoalFindUltrasonicSensor getInstance() {
if (goalFindUltrasonic == null) {
goalFindUltrasonic = new GoalFindUltrasonicSensor();
ultrasonicSensor = new UltrasonicSensor(SensorPort.S4);
sweepMotor = new NXTRegulatedMotor(MotorPort.B);
de = DataExchange.getInstance();
return goalFindUltrasonic;
/* Handles the execution of this class via a while loop to constantly check
* for the distance. If the distance is less than the boundary, the sweep
* motor stops and data values are updated. Once these operations are complete,
* the sweep action continues
public void run(){
while(ultrasonicSensor.getDistance() > securityDistance){
//handles the sweep of the motor in 180 degree rotations
private void executeContinuousSweep(){
if (leftSweep){
sweepMotor.rotate(-sweepAngle * 2, true);
leftSweep = false;
} else {
sweepMotor.rotate(sweepAngle * 2, true);
leftSweep = true;
/* Calculates the angle of incidence to the obstacle and records it to
* the data exchange object
private void updateDataValues(){
int angle = 0;
if (leftSweep){
angle = Math.abs(sweepAngle - sweepMotor.getPosition());
} else {
angle = Math.abs(sweepAngle + sweepMotor.getPosition());