/* Author: Jason Johns, Sallie Hutchinson
* Project: COS 399 Line Follower 1
* Date: 1-23-2013
* Description:
* This class executes the requirements for the Line Follower 1 project
* for COS 399 Robotics using the Lejos API. Currently, only the
* DriveForward and OffLine behaviors work as advertised. FollowLine
* and FindLine are broken functionality in an attempt to directly control
* the motors themselves to increase speed.
* Current project is broken, despite duplicating the functionality of LineFollower.java.
* Unknown reasons why.
package com.cos399.LineFollower;
import com.cos399.LineFollower.Robot;
import lejos.nxt.*;
import lejos.robotics.subsumption.*;
public class Line {
public Arbitrator lineFollower;
public String behaviorType;
public static int curvature = 0;
//type == true, execute with DriveForward and OffLine behaviors.
//type == false, execute with FindLine and FollowLine behaviors
public Line(Robot robot, boolean type){
Behavior onLine = new DriveForward(robot);
Behavior offLine = new OffLine(robot);
Behavior[] behaviors = {onLine, offLine};
behaviorType = "Pilot.rotate";
lineFollower = new Arbitrator(behaviors, true);
//execution function for line follower
private void execute(){
LCD.drawString("Line Follower", 0, 0);
LCD.drawString("Type: " + behaviorType, 0, 1);
LCD.drawString("Press any button", 0, 2);
LCD.drawString("to begin", 0, 3);
/* Main function for line follower program. User presses left or right buttons
* to select type of behaviors to use. The appropriate constructor args
* are passed to the constructor and robot begins executing.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
Robot robot = new Robot();
LCD.drawString("Line Follower", 0, 0);
LCD.drawString("Select Type: ", 0, 1);
LCD.drawString("L button: Pilot", 0, 2);
LCD.drawString("R button: Direct", 0, 3);
Line line = new Line(robot, true);