package org.gbcpainter.main;
import net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy;
import org.gbcpainter.env.GameSettings;
import org.gbcpainter.env.GraphicsEnv;
import org.gbcpainter.env.LanguageDictionary;
import org.gbcpainter.loaders.textures.TextureNotFoundException;
import org.gbcpainter.loaders.textures.ResolutionTextureLoader;
import org.gbcpainter.view.ErrorDialog;
import org.gbcpainter.view.ExitListener;
import org.gbcpainter.view.PCViewHolder;
import org.gbcpainter.view.ViewManager;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.*;
* The entry point for the PC application
* <p/>
* It initializes the graphics environment, game settings and creates the main view with the main menu
* @author Lorenzo Pellegrini
public class MainPC extends WindowAdapter implements ExitListener, PCViewHolder {
/* Global logger data */
private static final String LOGGING_PACKAGE_SUFFIX_SUPPRESSION = "org.gbcpainter.";
private static final String PAINTER_LOG_FILE = "PainterLog.log";
private static FileHandler fileTxt;
private static Formatter formatterTxt;
//private static Logger LOGGER;
/* Window data */
private static final double PERCENTAGE_HEADER_HEIGHT = 0.25;
private static final int SIZE_REFRESH_MILLIS = 500;
private static final int DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE = 500;
private static final String WINDOW_TITLE = "Painter";
private static final String HEADER_TEXTURE = "Header";
private final Frame gameView;
private int previousClientHeight = DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE;
private final Component header;
/* Start ViewHolder data */
private final Set<ExitListener> listeners = new HashSet<>( 1 );
The Frame, when in 'menu view', keeps an 'holder' panel that contains:
-the header in its upper part
-the view component in its lower part.
If the Frame is in 'full view', the holder is detached and the view component is attached
directly to the frame
private final Panel holder;
private Component currentComponent;
* True if the frame is in 'full view' mode, false if in 'menu view'
private boolean fullView;
/* End ViewHolder data */
public MainPC() {
this.addListener( this );
ViewManager.setMainView( this );
this.gameView = new Frame( WINDOW_TITLE );
this.gameView.setLayout( null );
this.gameView.setLocationRelativeTo( null );
GraphicsEnv.getInstance().setWindowSize( this.gameView.getWidth(), this.gameView.getHeight() );
GraphicsEnv.getInstance().setGraphicsConfiguration( this.gameView.getGraphicsConfiguration() );
GraphicsEnv.getInstance().setTextureLoader( new ResolutionTextureLoader() );
this.fullView = false;
this.currentComponent = new MainMenu();
try {
GraphicsEnv.getInstance().getTextureLoader().loadTexture( HEADER_TEXTURE, false );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
final TextureNotFoundException textureException = new TextureNotFoundException( e );
new ErrorDialog( this.gameView, LanguageDictionary.ERROR_STRING, LanguageDictionary.ERROR_LOAD_HEADER, textureException, true );
throw textureException;
this.header = new Label() {
public void paint( Graphics g ) {
super.paint( g );
if ( this.getHeight() != 0 && this.getWidth() != 0 ) {
try {
Image img = GraphicsEnv.getInstance().getTextureLoader().loadTexture( HEADER_TEXTURE, false );
g.drawImage( img.getScaledInstance( - 1, this.getHeight(), Image.SCALE_SMOOTH ),
null );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
final TextureNotFoundException textureException = new TextureNotFoundException( e );
new ErrorDialog( MainPC.this.gameView, LanguageDictionary.ERROR_STRING,
LanguageDictionary.ERROR_LOAD_HEADER, textureException, true );
this.holder = new Panel();
this.holder.setLayout( null );
this.holder.add( this.header );
this.holder.add( this.currentComponent );
this.gameView.add( this.holder );
this.gameView.setBackground( Color.BLACK );
this.gameView.setFont( GraphicsEnv.getInstance().getBigElementsFont() );
this.gameView.addWindowListener( this );
this.gameView.setVisible( true );
this.currentComponent.setFocusable( true );
new Thread( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while(MainPC.this.gameView.isVisible()) {
try {
EventQueue.invokeAndWait( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} );
} catch ( Exception ignored ) { }
try {
Thread.sleep( SIZE_REFRESH_MILLIS );
} catch ( InterruptedException ignored ) {}
} ).start();
public static void main( String[] args ) {
/*try {
} catch ( IOException e ) {
System.exit( 1 );
try {
//if (System.getProperty("").contains("Mac")) {
if ( GameSettings.getInstance().getInstanceValue( GameSettings.INTEGER_SETTINGS_TYPE.OPENGL ) != 0 ) {
System.setProperty( "sun.java2d.opengl", "true" );
//System.setProperty( "sun.java2d.transaccel", "true" );
//System.setProperty( "sun.java2d.ddforcevram", "True" );
if ( GameSettings.getInstance().getInstanceValue( GameSettings.INTEGER_SETTINGS_TYPE.ANTIALIAS ) != 0 ) {
System.setProperty( "awt.useSystemAAFontSettings", "on" );
new MainPC();
} catch ( Throwable e ) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append( LanguageDictionary.EXCEPTION_AT_INITIALIZATION );
builder.append( System.lineSeparator() );
Throwable cause = e;
while ( cause != null ) {
builder.append( cause.getMessage() );
builder.append( System.lineSeparator() );
for (StackTraceElement stackTraceElement : cause.getStackTrace()) {
builder.append( stackTraceElement );
builder.append( System.lineSeparator() );
cause = cause.getCause();
if ( cause != null ) {
builder.append( "-----------------------------------------" );
builder.append( System.lineSeparator() );
System.exit( 1 );
public static void setupLogger() throws IOException {
// Get the global logger to configure it
Logger logger = Logger.getGlobal();//Logger(Logger.GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME);
logger.setLevel( Level.ALL );
fileTxt = new FileHandler( PAINTER_LOG_FILE, false );
// create txt Formatter
formatterTxt = new Formatter() {
public String format( LogRecord record ) {
String className = record.getSourceClassName();
className = className.substring( LOGGING_PACKAGE_SUFFIX_SUPPRESSION.length() );
return new StringBuilder()
.append( record.getLevel().getName() )
.append( "(" )
.append( className )
.append( "):" )
.append( record.getMessage() )
.append( System.lineSeparator() )
fileTxt.setFormatter( formatterTxt );
logger.addHandler( fileTxt );
public void exitTriggered( @Nullable final Object source ) {
EventQueue.invokeLater( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} );
public void windowClosing( final WindowEvent e ) {
this.triggerExit( this );
public synchronized void swap( @NotNull final Component newComponent ) {
if ( this.isFullView() ) {
this.swapToFullView( newComponent );
} else {
this.swapToMenuView( newComponent );
public synchronized void swapToFullView( @NotNull final Component newComponent ) {
final Component previousComponent = this.getCurrentComponent();
this.currentComponent = newComponent;
if ( ! this.isFullView() ) {
this.holder.remove( previousComponent );
this.gameView.remove( this.holder );
this.fullView = true;
} else {
this.gameView.remove( previousComponent );
this.gameView.add( this.currentComponent );
this.currentComponent.setFocusable( true );
this.currentComponent.setVisible( true );
public synchronized void swapToMenuView( @NotNull final Component newComponent ) {
final Component previousComponent = this.getCurrentComponent();
this.currentComponent = newComponent;
this.currentComponent.setVisible( false );
if ( this.isFullView() ) {
this.fullView = false;
this.gameView.remove( previousComponent );
this.holder.add( this.currentComponent );
this.gameView.add( this.holder );
} else {
this.holder.remove( previousComponent );
this.holder.add( this.currentComponent );
this.currentComponent.setFocusable( true );
this.currentComponent.setVisible( true );
public synchronized Component getCurrentComponent() {
return this.currentComponent;
public synchronized void addListener( @NotNull ExitListener listener ) {
this.listeners.add( listener );
public synchronized boolean removeListener( @NotNull ExitListener listener ) {
return this.listeners.remove( listener );
public synchronized void triggerExit( @Nullable Object source ) {
for (ExitListener listener : this.listeners) {
listener.exitTriggered( source );
public synchronized void switchToFullView( final boolean fullView ) {
this.fullView = fullView;
public synchronized boolean isFullView() {
return this.fullView;
private void adjustViewSize( ) {
final Insets frameInsets = MainPC.this.gameView.getInsets();
final Dimension realDimension = MainPC.this.gameView.getSize();
int viewHeight = Math.max( 1, realDimension.height - ( frameInsets.bottom + ));
int viewWidth = Math.max( 1, realDimension.width - ( frameInsets.left + frameInsets.right ));
Rectangle b = MainPC.this.gameView.getBounds();
if( viewHeight != viewWidth ) {
/* height and width mismatch, select the highest and make the client a square with that size */
viewHeight = Math.max( viewWidth, viewHeight );
final Rectangle maxSize = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getMaximumWindowBounds();
/* Height and width must not exceed screen bounds */
viewHeight = Math.min( viewHeight + + frameInsets.bottom, maxSize.height )
- ( + frameInsets.bottom);
viewHeight = Math.min( viewHeight + frameInsets.left + frameInsets.right, maxSize.width )
- (frameInsets.left + frameInsets.right);
viewWidth = viewHeight;
MainPC.this.gameView.setBounds( b.x, b.y,
viewWidth + frameInsets.left + frameInsets.right,
viewHeight + + frameInsets.bottom );
if( viewHeight != MainPC.this.previousClientHeight) {
GraphicsEnv.getInstance().setWindowSize( viewWidth, viewHeight );
this.previousClientHeight = viewHeight;
@GuardedBy( "this" )
private void adaptComponentsSizes() {
final Insets frameInsets = this.gameView.getInsets();
final Dimension realDimension = this.gameView.getSize();
final int viewHeight = realDimension.height - ( frameInsets.bottom + );
final int viewWidth = realDimension.width - ( frameInsets.left + frameInsets.right );
realDimension.width = viewWidth;
realDimension.height = viewHeight;
if ( this.isFullView() ) {
final Dimension componentDimension = new Dimension( viewWidth, viewHeight );
this.currentComponent.setPreferredSize( componentDimension );
this.currentComponent.setBounds( frameInsets.left,, componentDimension.width, componentDimension.height );
} else {
final int headerHeight = (int) ( viewHeight * PERCENTAGE_HEADER_HEIGHT );
final int componentHeight = viewHeight - headerHeight;
final Dimension headerDimension = new Dimension( viewWidth, headerHeight );
final Dimension componentDimension = new Dimension( viewWidth, componentHeight );
this.holder.setPreferredSize( realDimension );
this.holder.setMaximumSize( realDimension );
this.holder.setBounds( frameInsets.left,, realDimension.width, realDimension.height );
this.header.setPreferredSize( headerDimension );
this.header.setBounds( 0, 0, headerDimension.width, headerDimension.height );
this.currentComponent.setPreferredSize( componentDimension );
this.currentComponent.setBounds( 0, headerHeight, componentDimension.width, componentDimension.height );
public Frame getFrame() {
return this.gameView;