* Copyright 2013-15 by Szymon Bobek, Grzegorz J. Nalepa, Mateusz Ślażyński
* This file is part of HeaRTDroid.
* HeaRTDroid is a rule engine that is based on HeaRT inference engine,
* XTT2 representation and other concepts developed within the HeKatE project .
* HeaRTDroid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* HeaRTDroid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with HeaRTDroid. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package heart.parser.hml;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import heart.State;
import heart.StateElement;
import heart.alsvfd.*;
import heart.exceptions.BuilderException;
import heart.exceptions.NotInTheDomainException;
import heart.exceptions.RangeFormatException;
import heart.xtt.*;
public class HMLParser {
public static final String HML = "hml";
public static final String VERSION = "version";
public static final String HML_TYPE = "type";
public static final String HML_ATTRIBUTE = "attr";
public static final String HML_STATE = "state";
public static final String HML_TABLE = "table";
public static final String ID = "id";
public static final String NAME = "name";
public static final String ATTREF = "attref";
public static final String REF = "ref";
public static final String SET= "set";
public static final String TYPE_BASE = "base";
public static final String TYPE_LENGTH = "length";
public static final String TYPE_SCALE = "scale";
public static final String TYPE_DOMAIN = "domain";
public static final String TYPE_VALUE = "value";
public static final String TYPE_ORDERED = "ordered";
public static final String TYPE_DESC = "desc";
public static final String VALUE_IS = "is";
public static final String VALUE_FROM = "from";
public static final String VALUE_TO = "to";
public static final String VALUE_NUM = "num";
public static final String VALUE_IN = "in";
public static final String VALUE_NOTIN = "notin";
public static final String VALUE_SIM = "sim";
public static final String VALUE_NOTSIM = "sim";
public static final String VALUE_SUPSET = "supset";
public static final String VALUE_SUBSET = "subset";
public static final String ATTR_TYPE = "type";
public static final String ATTR_ABBREV = "abbrev";
public static final String ATTR_CLASS = "class";
public static final String ATTR_COMM = "comm";
public static final String ATTR_CLB = "clb";
public static final String TABLE_SCHM = "schm";
public static final String TABLE_RULE = "rule";
public static final String TABLE_PRECOND = "precondition";
public static final String TABLE_CONCLUSION = "conclusion";
public static final String RULE_COND = "condition";
public static final String RULE_REL = "relation";
public static final String RULE_REL_NAME = "name";
public static final String RULE_DEC = "decision";
public static final String RULE_TRANS = "trans";
public static final String RULE_LINK = "link";
public static final String RULE_TABREF = "tabref";
public static final String RULE_RULEREF = "ruleref";
public static final String RULE_EXPR = "expr";
public static final String RULE_EVAL= "eval";
public static XTTModel parseHML(InputStream is) throws BuilderException, NotInTheDomainException, RangeFormatException{
DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder dBuilder;
XTTModel model = new XTTModel(XTTModel.SOURCE_HML);
try {
dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document hml = dBuilder.parse(is);
NodeList hmlNodes = hml.getElementsByTagName(HML);
for(int index = 0; index < hmlNodes.getLength(); index++){
Node mainNode = hmlNodes.item(index);
//check if the node is element node. It should be HML Element.
//If it is not, continue to the main node
if (mainNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element eElement = (Element) mainNode;
String version = eElement.getAttribute(VERSION);
//read core elements of HML node
LinkedList<Type> types = readTypes(eElement,model);
LinkedList<Attribute> attributes = readAttributes(eElement,model);
LinkedList<Table> tables = readTables(eElement,model);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (SAXException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return model;
private static LinkedList<Table> readTables(Element hmlElement, XTTModel model) throws RangeFormatException {
NodeList tablesNodes = hmlElement.getElementsByTagName(HML_TABLE);
LinkedList<Table> tables = new LinkedList<Table>();
LinkedList<BlindRule> blindRules = new LinkedList<BlindRule>();
for(int index = 0; index < tablesNodes.getLength(); index++){
Node mainNode = tablesNodes.item(index);
Table table = new Table();
//check if the node is element node. It should be table Element.
//If it is not, continue to the main node
if (mainNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
//Read basic information about the table, like id and name
Element tableElement = (Element) mainNode;
//Now, go deeper and check schema of the table
NodeList tableChilds = tableElement.getChildNodes();
for(int n = 0; n < tableChilds.getLength(); n++){
Node tableChildNode = tableChilds.item(n);
if (tableChildNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element tableChildElement = (Element)tableChildNode;
NodeList preconditionNodeList = tableChildElement.getElementsByTagName(TABLE_PRECOND);
for(int p = 0; p < preconditionNodeList.getLength(); p++){
Node precondNode = preconditionNodeList.item(p);
if (precondNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element precondElement = (Element) precondNode;
LinkedList<Attribute> precondition = readAttrefs(precondElement, model);
NodeList conclusionNodeList = tableChildElement.getElementsByTagName(TABLE_CONCLUSION);
for(int c = 0; c < preconditionNodeList.getLength(); c++){
Node conclNode = conclusionNodeList.item(c);
if (conclNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element conclElement = (Element) conclNode;
LinkedList<Attribute> conclusions = readAttrefs(conclElement, model);
}else if(tableChildElement.getNodeName().equals(TABLE_RULE)){
//Now, go further and read rules
//Do not go deeper, as they are defined on the same level as schm
//Create BlindRule and assign rule ID
BlindRule br = new BlindRule();
br.id = tableChildElement.getAttribute(ID);
//Read conditions
LinkedList<Formulae> conditions = readConditions(tableChildElement,model);
br.conditions = conditions;
LinkedList<Decision> decisions = readDecisions(tableChildElement,model);
br.decisions = decisions;
//Read Links
LinkedList<String> tabLinks = new LinkedList<String>();
LinkedList<String> ruleLinks = new LinkedList<String>();
NodeList tabLinksNodeList = tableChildElement.getElementsByTagName(RULE_TABREF);
for(int tl = 0; tl < tabLinksNodeList.getLength(); tl++){
Node tabLinkNode = tabLinksNodeList.item(tl);
if (tabLinkNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element tablinkElement = (Element) tabLinkNode;
br.tabLinks = tabLinks;
NodeList ruleLinksNodeList = tableChildElement.getElementsByTagName(RULE_RULEREF);
for(int rl = 0; rl < ruleLinksNodeList.getLength(); rl++){
Node ruleLinkNode = ruleLinksNodeList.item(rl);
if (ruleLinkNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element rulelinkElement = (Element) ruleLinkNode;
br.ruleLinks = ruleLinks;
br.ownerTableId = table.getId();
if(table != null) tables.add(table);
return connectModel(blindRules, tables);
private static LinkedList<Decision> readDecisions(Element ruleElement, XTTModel model) throws RangeFormatException {
LinkedList<Decision> decisions = new LinkedList<Decision>();
NodeList transitionNodes = ruleElement.getElementsByTagName(RULE_TRANS);
for(int index = 0; index < transitionNodes.getLength(); index++){
Node mainNode = transitionNodes.item(index);
//check if the node is element node. It should be transition Element.
//If it is not, continue to the main node
if (mainNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element transitionElement = (Element) mainNode;
Attribute left = null;
Decision d = new Decision();
NodeList transitionChildNodes = transitionElement.getChildNodes();
for(int n = 0; n < transitionChildNodes.getLength(); n++){
Node transitionChildNode = transitionChildNodes.item(n);
if (transitionChildNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element transitionChildElement = (Element) transitionChildNode;
//Now, get the left hand side of transition which has to be attref.
//TODO However, this also can be a right hand side as we may allow att = att
String attrId = transitionChildElement.getAttribute(REF);
//This is the case, when we read first attref which is left hand side.
if(left == null){
left = model.getAttributeById(attrId);
//This is the case whe we assign other
Attribute right = model.getAttributeById(attrId);
d.setDecision(new RuntimeExpression(right, Expression.OP_END, null));
//read complex expression
Expression e = readComplexExpression(transitionElement, d.getAttribute(), model);
return decisions;
private static Expression readComplexExpression(Element transRootElement, Attribute lhs, XTTModel model) throws RangeFormatException{
Expression complexExpression = null;
NodeList transitionChildNodes = transRootElement.getChildNodes();
for(int n = 0; n < transitionChildNodes.getLength(); n++){
Node transitionChildNode = transitionChildNodes.item(n);
if (transitionChildNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element transitionChildElement = (Element) transitionChildNode;
String attrId = transitionChildElement.getAttribute(REF);
Attribute right = model.getAttributeById(attrId);
complexExpression = new RuntimeExpression(right, Expression.OP_END, null);
}else if(transitionChildElement.getNodeName().equals(SET)){
//This is static expression, so read values
ArrayList<Value> values = parseValues(transitionChildElement, lhs.getType().getBase());
if(values.size() > 1 || lhs.getXTTClass().equals(Attribute.CLASS_GENERAL) ){
complexExpression= new StaticExpression(new SetValue(values), Expression.OP_END, null);
}else {
complexExpression = new StaticExpression(values.get(0), Expression.OP_END, null);
}else if(transitionChildElement.getNodeName().equals(RULE_EXPR)){
//TODO: Not yet supported
}else if(transitionChildElement.getNodeName().equals(RULE_EVAL)){
String operation = transitionChildElement.getAttribute(NAME);
Expression innerExpr = readComplexExpression(transitionChildElement, lhs, model);
if(complexExpression != null){
complexExpression = innerExpr;
return complexExpression;
private static LinkedList<Formulae> readConditions(Element ruleElement, XTTModel model) throws RangeFormatException {
LinkedList<Formulae> conditions = new LinkedList<Formulae>();
NodeList relationNodes = ruleElement.getElementsByTagName(RULE_REL);
for(int index = 0; index < relationNodes.getLength(); index++){
Node mainNode = relationNodes.item(index);
//check if the node is element node. It should be relation Element.
//If it is not, continue to the main node
if (mainNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
//check for relation name
Formulae f = new Formulae();
Element relationElement = (Element) mainNode;
NodeList relationChilds = mainNode.getChildNodes();
for(int n = 0; n < relationChilds.getLength(); n++){
Node relationChildNode = relationChilds.item(n);
if (relationChildNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
//check which noe are we investigating
Element relationChildElement = (Element) relationChildNode;
//read the name of the attribute we are comparing to
String attributeId = relationChildElement.getAttribute(REF);
Attribute att = model.getAttributeById(attributeId);
}else if(relationChildElement.getNodeName().equals(SET)){
//read values that we are comparing to
//TODO: This in fact can be either value or attref, when we allow to compare
// attributes against other attributes.
ArrayList<Value> values = parseValues(relationChildElement, f.getAttribute().getType().getBase());
//Depending on the number of read attributes either create general or simple value
if(values.size() > 1 ||
f.getOp().equals(VALUE_IN) ||
f.getOp().equals(VALUE_NOTIN) ||
f.setValue(new SetValue(values));
return conditions;
* This method reads all attribute references that are on the level below the element given as an {@code eElement} parameter.
* It does not read any of the attributes references that are nested within the {@code eElement} parameter.
* @param eElement {@link Element} that should point exactly the level above the attribute references tags
* @param model {@link XTT2Model} that is currently build
* @return {@link LinkedList} of all {@link Attributes} that were referenced by the attref tags, and are present in {@code model} parameter.
private static LinkedList<Attribute> readAttrefs(Element eElement, XTTModel model) {
NodeList attrefNodes = eElement.getElementsByTagName(ATTREF);
LinkedList<Attribute> attributes = new LinkedList<Attribute>();
for(int index = 0; index < attrefNodes.getLength(); index++){
Node mainNode = attrefNodes.item(index);
//check if the node is element node. It should be attref Element.
//If it is not, continue to the main node
if (mainNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element attrefElement = (Element)mainNode;
if(attrefElement.hasAttribute(REF) && attrefElement.getParentNode() == eElement){
String attId = attrefElement.getAttribute(REF);
Attribute a = model.getAttributeById(attId);
return attributes;
private static LinkedList<Table> connectModel(LinkedList<BlindRule> brules, LinkedList<Table> tables){
ArrayList<Rule> rules = new ArrayList<Rule>(brules.size());
//Fill the rules list with real rules, but without links
for(BlindRule currentRule : brules){
Rule rule = new Rule();
int currentRuleIndex = 0;
for(BlindRule currentRule : brules){
for(String toLinkRuleId : currentRule.ruleLinks){
for(Rule other : rules){
for(String toLinkTableId : currentRule.tabLinks){
for(Table table : tables){
for(Table table: tables){
return tables;
private static LinkedList<State> readStates(Element hmlElement, XTTModel model) throws RangeFormatException {
NodeList stateNodes = hmlElement.getElementsByTagName(HML_STATE);
LinkedList<State> states = new LinkedList<State>();
for(int index = 0; index < stateNodes.getLength(); index++){
Node mainNode = stateNodes.item(index);
State state = new State();
Attribute attr = null;
//check if the node is element node. It should be state Element.
//If it is not, continue to the main node
if (mainNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element stateElement = (Element) mainNode;
//Get a list of state elements frm this element
NodeList stateElements = stateElement.getChildNodes();
StateElement stateElementObject = null;
for(int se = 0; se < stateElements.getLength(); se++){
Node finalStateNode = stateElements.item(se);
if (finalStateNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element finalStateElement = (Element) finalStateNode;
stateElementObject = new StateElement();
String attrId = finalStateElement.getAttribute(REF);
attr = model.getAttributeById(attrId);
}else if(finalStateElement.getNodeName().equals(SET)){
Type corresponginType = attr.getType();
ArrayList<Value> values = parseValues(finalStateElement, corresponginType.getBase());
if(values.size() > 1){
stateElementObject.setValue(new SetValue(values));
if(state != null) states.add(state);
return states;
private static LinkedList<Attribute> readAttributes(Element hmlElement, XTTModel model) throws BuilderException, NotInTheDomainException {
NodeList attrNodes = hmlElement.getElementsByTagName(HML_ATTRIBUTE);
LinkedList<Attribute> attributes = new LinkedList<Attribute>();
for(int index = 0; index < attrNodes.getLength(); index++){
Node mainNode = attrNodes.item(index);
//check if the node is element node. It should be attribute Element.
//If it is not, continue to the main node
if (mainNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element attrElement = (Element) mainNode;
String id = null;
String name = null;
String comm = null;
String XTTClass = null;
String description = null;
String abbreviation = null;
String callback = null;
Type type = null;
id = attrElement.getAttribute(ID);
//Add type by searching in types that has already been added
String typeId = attrElement.getAttribute(ATTR_TYPE);
LinkedList<Type> types = model.getTypes();
for(Type t : types){
type = t;
name = attrElement.getAttribute(NAME);
abbreviation = attrElement.getAttribute(ATTR_ABBREV);
XTTClass = attrElement.getAttribute(ATTR_CLASS);
comm = attrElement.getAttribute(ATTR_COMM);
callback = attrElement.getAttribute(ATTR_CLB);
Attribute attr = new Attribute.Builder().setId(id)
return attributes;
private static LinkedList<Type> readTypes(Element hmlElement, XTTModel model) throws BuilderException, RangeFormatException {
NodeList typeNodes = hmlElement.getElementsByTagName(HML_TYPE);
LinkedList<Type> types = new LinkedList<Type>();
for(int index = 0; index < typeNodes.getLength(); index++){
Node mainNode = typeNodes.item(index);
//check if the node is element node. It should be type Element.
//If it is not, continue to the main node
if (mainNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element eElement = (Element) mainNode;
String id = eElement.getAttribute(ID);
String name = eElement.getAttribute(NAME);
String base = eElement.getAttribute(TYPE_BASE);
String desc = null;
String ordered = null;
int length = 0;
int precision = 0;
ArrayList<Value> values = null;
length = Integer.parseInt(eElement.getAttribute(TYPE_LENGTH));
precision = Integer.parseInt(eElement.getAttribute(TYPE_SCALE));
//read description of a type
NodeList description = eElement.getElementsByTagName(TYPE_DESC);
for(int n = 0; n < description.getLength(); n++){
Node descNode = description.item(n);
if (descNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
desc = descNode.getTextContent().trim();
//read domain of a type
NodeList domainList = eElement.getElementsByTagName(TYPE_DOMAIN);
for(int n = 0; n < domainList.getLength(); n++){
Node domainNode = domainList.item(n);
if (domainNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element domainElement = (Element) domainNode;
//Check if the type is ordered
ordered = domainElement.getAttribute(TYPE_ORDERED);
//Read domain values
values = parseValues(domainElement, base);
//All information are collecetd, so create a type and add it to the list
Type newType = new Type.Builder().setId(id)
.setDomain(new SetValue(values)).build();
return types;
private static ArrayList<Value> parseValues(Element parentElement, String typeBase) throws RangeFormatException{
ArrayList<Value> values = new ArrayList<Value>();
NodeList valueNodes = parentElement.getElementsByTagName(TYPE_VALUE);
//Iterate through all values and add them to the list
for(int n = 0; n < valueNodes.getLength(); n++){
Node valueNode = valueNodes.item(n);
if (valueNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element valueElement = (Element) valueNode;
String is = null;
String num = null;
String from = null;
String to = null;
Value value = null;
is = valueElement.getAttribute(VALUE_IS);
value = new Any();
}else if(is.toLowerCase().equals(Value.NULL)){
value = new Null();
}else if(valueElement.hasAttribute(VALUE_NUM)){
num = valueElement.getAttribute(VALUE_NUM);
}else if(valueElement.hasAttribute(VALUE_FROM)){
from = valueElement.getAttribute(VALUE_FROM);
to = valueElement.getAttribute(VALUE_TO);
//depending on the type base and class, create an exact value
// range numeric
if(from != null && to != null){
SimpleNumeric snfrom = new SimpleNumeric(Double.parseDouble(from));
SimpleNumeric snto = new SimpleNumeric(Double.parseDouble(to));
Range rnvalue = new Range(snfrom,snto);
value = rnvalue;
SimpleNumeric snvalue = new SimpleNumeric();
value = snvalue;
//range symbolic (this apply only when the type is ordered)
if(from != null && to != null){
SimpleSymbolic ssfrom = new SimpleSymbolic(from);
SimpleSymbolic ssto = new SimpleSymbolic(to);
Range rsvalue = new Range(ssfrom,ssto);
value = rsvalue;
SimpleSymbolic ssvalue = new SimpleSymbolic(is);
if(num != null) ssvalue.setOrder(Integer.valueOf(num));
value = ssvalue;
//Check if the value is not null and add it to the list
if(value != null){
return values;
* This class represents a rule, but without references to other rules and tables.
* This connections re defined by the ruleLinks and tabLinks variables, and in the
* model they should be references to real objects.
* Because during parsing, there is no possibility to link rules and tables with objects that do not exists,
* first all links are read as String references, and later this BlindRule objects are transformed into real Rule objects.
* @author sbk
class BlindRule {
String id;
String ownerTableId;
LinkedList<String> ruleLinks;
LinkedList<String> tabLinks;
LinkedList<Formulae> conditions;
LinkedList<Decision> decisions;
public BlindRule() {
ruleLinks = new LinkedList<String>();
tabLinks = new LinkedList<String>();
conditions = new LinkedList<Formulae>();
decisions = new LinkedList<Decision>();