Package nexj.core.meta

Examples of nexj.core.meta.BinaryFunction

      Type type = first.getType();

      if (type.isPrimitive())
         Primitive primitiveType = (Primitive)type;
         BinaryFunction f = primitiveType.getEQFunction(primitiveType);

         for (int i = 1; i < m_nOperandCount; ++i)
            if (((Boolean)f.invoke(firstValue, m_operandArray[i].getValue())).booleanValue())
               return Boolean.TRUE;
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            if (left != null)
               Primitive leftType = Primitive.primitiveOf(left);
               Primitive rightType, resultType;
               BinaryFunction fun;
               Object right;

               for (int i = 1; i < nArgCount; ++i)
                  right = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);

                  if (right == null)
                     left = null;


                  rightType = Primitive.primitiveOf(right);
                  resultType = getCoercedType(leftType, rightType);

                  if (leftType != resultType)
                     left = resultType.getConverter(leftType).invoke(left);
                     leftType = resultType;

                  if (rightType != resultType)
                     right = resultType.getConverter(rightType).invoke(right);

                  if ((fun = m_functionArray[resultType.getOrdinal()]) == null)
                     throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

                  left = fun.invoke(left, right);

            machine.returnValue(left, nArgCount);
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         Object left = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);

         Primitive leftType = Primitive.primitiveOf(left);
         Primitive rightType, coercedType = null;
         BinaryFunction fun;
         Object right;

         for (int i = 1; i < nArgCount; ++i)
            right = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
            rightType = Primitive.primitiveOf(right);

            if (leftType == null)
               if (rightType != null)
                  coercedType = rightType;
            else if (rightType == null)
               coercedType = leftType;
               coercedType = getCoercedType(leftType, rightType);

            if (coercedType != null)
               if (leftType != coercedType)
                  left = coercedType.getConverter(leftType).invoke(left);
                  leftType = coercedType;

               if (rightType != coercedType)
                  right = coercedType.getConverter(rightType).invoke(right);

               if ((fun = m_functionArray[coercedType.getOrdinal()]) == null)
                  throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

               if (fun.invoke(left, right) == m_stopResult)
                  machine.returnValue(m_stopResult, nArgCount);

                  return false;
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         verifyMinArgCount(nArgCount, 1);

         Object left = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
         Primitive leftType = Primitive.primitiveOf(left);
         Primitive rightType, coercedType = null;
         BinaryFunction fun;
         Object right;

         for (int i = 1; i < nArgCount; ++i)
            right = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
            rightType = Primitive.primitiveOf(right);

            if (leftType == null)
               if (rightType != null)
                  coercedType = rightType;
            else if (rightType == null)
               coercedType = leftType;
               coercedType = getCoercedType(leftType, rightType);

            if (coercedType != null)
               if (leftType != coercedType)
                  left = coercedType.getConverter(leftType).invoke(left);
                  leftType = coercedType;

               if (rightType != coercedType)
                  right = coercedType.getConverter(rightType).invoke(right);

               if ((fun = m_functionArray[coercedType.getOrdinal()]) == null)
                  throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

               if (fun.invoke(left, right) == Boolean.TRUE)
                  left = right;
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