// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.rpc.text;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import nexj.core.meta.Primitive;
import nexj.core.meta.PrivilegeSet;
import nexj.core.persistence.OID;
import nexj.core.rpc.CharacterStreamUnmarshaller;
import nexj.core.rpc.RPCUtil;
import nexj.core.rpc.Request;
import nexj.core.rpc.Response;
import nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject;
import nexj.core.rpc.UnmarshallerException;
import nexj.core.runtime.Context;
import nexj.core.runtime.ContextAware;
import nexj.core.runtime.ValidationException;
import nexj.core.scripting.Machine;
import nexj.core.scripting.PCodeFunction;
import nexj.core.scripting.PCodeMacro;
import nexj.core.scripting.Pair;
import nexj.core.scripting.SchemeParser;
import nexj.core.scripting.Symbol;
import nexj.core.scripting.object.ClassObject;
import nexj.core.scripting.object.ObjectOriented;
import nexj.core.util.Base64Util;
import nexj.core.util.Binary;
import nexj.core.util.DetachableByteArrayOutputStream;
import nexj.core.util.GenericException;
import nexj.core.util.LocaleUtil;
import nexj.core.util.StringId;
* Text format unmarshaller.
public class TextUnmarshaller implements CharacterStreamUnmarshaller, ContextAware
// attributes
* The serialization format version.
protected int m_nVersion;
// associations
* The unmarshaller array, indexed by type character.
private final static Unmarshaller[] s_unmshArray = new Unmarshaller[128];
s_unmshArray[Text.NULL] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
return null;
s_unmshArray[Text.REFERENCE] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
return unmsh.m_objectList.get(nCount);
s_unmshArray[Text.INTEGER] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
return Primitive.createInteger(Integer.parseInt(unmsh.read(nCount)));
s_unmshArray[Text.LONG] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
return Primitive.createLong(Long.parseLong(unmsh.read(nCount)));
s_unmshArray[Text.FLOAT] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
return Primitive.createFloat(Float.parseFloat(unmsh.read(nCount)));
s_unmshArray[Text.DOUBLE] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
return Primitive.createDouble(Double.parseDouble(unmsh.read(nCount)));
s_unmshArray[Text.DECIMAL] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
return new BigDecimal(unmsh.read(nCount));
s_unmshArray[Text.TIMESTAMP] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
return new Timestamp(Long.parseLong(unmsh.read(nCount)));
s_unmshArray[Text.BOOLEAN] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
return Boolean.valueOf(nCount != 0);
s_unmshArray[Text.STRING] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
return unmsh.read(nCount);
s_unmshArray[Text.STRING_OBJECT] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
String s = unmsh.read(nCount);
return s;
s_unmshArray[Text.STRING_ID] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller msh) throws IOException
StringId id = new StringId(msh.read(nCount));
return id;
s_unmshArray[Text.CHARACTER] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
return Primitive.createCharacter(unmsh.read());
s_unmshArray[Text.BINARY] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
Binary bin = new Binary(unmsh.readBase64(nCount));
return bin;
s_unmshArray[Text.LOCALE] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
Locale locale = LocaleUtil.parse(unmsh.read(nCount));
return locale;
s_unmshArray[Text.TIME_ZONE] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(unmsh.read(nCount));
return timeZone;
s_unmshArray[Text.ARRAY] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
ArrayList list = new ArrayList(nCount);
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
return list;
s_unmshArray[Text.SEQUENCE] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller msh) throws IOException
ArrayList list = new ArrayList(nCount);
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
return list;
s_unmshArray[Text.TRANSFER_OBJECT] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
TransferObject tobj = new TransferObject(nCount - 4); // -4 for non-setValue() objects
OID oid = (OID)unmsh.unmarshal();
if (oid != null)
String sKey;
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
sKey = (String)unmsh.unmarshal();
tobj.setValue(sKey, unmsh.unmarshal());
return tobj;
s_unmshArray[Text.BASIC_OBJECT] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
int nObjIndex = unmsh.m_objectList.size();
Symbol className = (Symbol)unmsh.unmarshal();
Machine machine = unmsh.m_context.getMachine();
ClassObject classObj = machine.getGlobalEnvironment().findClass(className);
ObjectOriented bobj = classObj.createObject();
unmsh.m_objectList.set(nObjIndex, bobj);
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
bobj.setValue(i, unmsh.unmarshal(), machine);
return bobj;
s_unmshArray[Text.OID] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
OID oid = new OID(null);
nCount = unmsh.readPrefix(Text.SEQUENCE);
Object[] valueArray = new Object[nCount];
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
valueArray[i] = unmsh.unmarshal();
return oid;
s_unmshArray[Text.SYMBOL] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
Symbol sym = Symbol.define(unmsh.read(nCount));
return sym;
s_unmshArray[Text.PAIR] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
Pair pair = new Pair(null);
return pair;
s_unmshArray[Text.BVECTOR] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
byte[] nArray = unmsh.readBase64(nCount);
return nArray;
s_unmshArray[Text.CVECTOR] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
char[] cbuf = new char[nCount];
unmsh.read(cbuf, 0, cbuf.length);
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
if (cbuf[i] == '\uFFFF')
cbuf[i] = 0;
return cbuf;
s_unmshArray[Text.SVECTOR] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
String[] array = new String[nCount];
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
array[i] = (String)unmsh.unmarshal();
return array;
s_unmshArray[Text.VECTOR] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
Object[] array = new Object[nCount];
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
array[i] = unmsh.unmarshal();
return array;
s_unmshArray[Text.PRIVILEGE_SET] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
byte[] mask = new byte[(nCount + 1) >> 1];
if (Binary.read(unmsh.m_reader, mask, 0, nCount) != nCount)
throw new TextUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.unmshEOF");
PrivilegeSet privilegeSet = new PrivilegeSet(mask);
return privilegeSet;
s_unmshArray[Text.FUNCTION] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
PCodeFunction fun = new PCodeFunction();
fun.code = (char[])unmsh.unmarshal();
fun.constants = (Object[])unmsh.unmarshal();
return fun;
s_unmshArray[Text.MACRO] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
PCodeFunction fun = new PCodeMacro();
fun.code = (char[])unmsh.unmarshal();
fun.constants = (Object[])unmsh.unmarshal();
return fun;
s_unmshArray[Text.REQUEST] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
Request req = new Request();
int nVersion = unmsh.m_nVersion;
if (nVersion >= 2)
if (nVersion <= 3)
nCount = unmsh.readPrefix(Text.SEQUENCE);
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
TransferObject tobj = (TransferObject)unmsh.unmarshal();
if (nVersion <= 3)
String sEventName = (String)unmsh.unmarshal();
Object args = unmsh.unmarshal();
Pair attributes = (Pair)unmsh.unmarshal();
req.addInvocation(tobj, sEventName, (args instanceof Collection) ?
((Collection)args).toArray() : (Object[])args, attributes);
if (nVersion <= 3)
if (nVersion == 3)
nCount = unmsh.readPrefix(Text.SEQUENCE);
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
Object args = unmsh.unmarshal();
req.getInvocation(i).setArguments((args instanceof Collection) ?
((Collection)args).toArray() : (Object[])args);
nCount = unmsh.readPrefix(Text.SEQUENCE);
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
nCount = unmsh.readPrefix(Text.SEQUENCE);
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
return req;
s_unmshArray[Text.RESPONSE] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
Response resp = new Response();
nCount = unmsh.readPrefix(Text.SEQUENCE);
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
nCount = unmsh.readPrefix(Text.SEQUENCE);
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
return resp;
s_unmshArray[Text.EXCEPTION] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
int nObjIndex = unmsh.m_objectList.size();
String sErrCode = (String)unmsh.unmarshal();
String sMessage = (String)unmsh.unmarshal();
int nArgCount = unmsh.readPrefix(Text.SEQUENCE);
Object[] argArray = (nArgCount == 0) ? null : new Object[nArgCount];
for (int i = 0; i < nArgCount; ++i)
argArray[i] = unmsh.unmarshal();
String sClassName = (String)unmsh.unmarshal();
GenericException e;
if (sClassName != null)
e = new ValidationException(sErrCode, argArray);
else if (nArgCount != 0)
e = new GenericException(sErrCode, argArray);
e = new GenericException(sErrCode, new Object[]{sMessage});
e.setStackTrace(new StackTraceElement[0]);
unmsh.m_objectList.set(nObjIndex, e);
OID oid = (OID)unmsh.unmarshal();
int nOrdinal = (int)unmsh.unmarshalLong();
int nAttrCount = unmsh.readPrefix(Text.SEQUENCE);
if (sClassName != null)
ValidationException x = (ValidationException)e;
for (int i = 0; i < nAttrCount; i += 2)
String sName = (String)unmsh.unmarshal();
((ValidationException)e).addException(sName, (Throwable)unmsh.unmarshal());
int nExcCount = unmsh.readPrefix(Text.SEQUENCE);
for (int i = 0; i < nExcCount; ++i)
return e;
s_unmshArray[Text.EXPRESSION] = new Unmarshaller()
public Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
Object expr = RPCUtil.parse(new SchemeParser(unmsh.getContext().getMachine().getGlobalEnvironment()),
unmsh.read(nCount), null);
return expr;
* The character stream reader.
private Reader m_reader;
* The working character buffer.
private char[] m_buffer = new char[32];
* The Base64 output stream.
private DetachableByteArrayOutputStream m_ostream64;
* The object reference list.
private List m_objectList;
* The runtime context.
private Context m_context;
// constructors
* Creates the unmarshaller with a given runtime context.
* @param context The runtime context.
public TextUnmarshaller(Context context)
m_context = context;
// operations
* Sets the runtime context.
* @param context The runtime context to set.
public void setContext(Context context)
m_context = context;
* @return The runtime context.
public Context getContext()
return m_context;
* @return The detected serialization format version.
public int getVersion()
return m_nVersion;
* Reads the specified number of characters from the input stream.
* @param nCount The number of characters to read.
* @return The read string.
protected String read(int nCount) throws IOException
if (nCount > m_buffer.length)
m_buffer = new char[Math.max(nCount, m_buffer.length << 1)];
read(m_buffer, 0, nCount);
return new String(m_buffer, 0, nCount);
* Reads characters until a character buffer is filled.
* @param cbuf The character buffer, which on return contains the read characters.
* @param nStart The start offset of the buffer.
* @param nEnd The end offset of the buffer.
protected void read(char[] cbuf, int nStart, int nEnd) throws IOException
while (nStart < nEnd)
int nCount = m_reader.read(cbuf, nStart, nEnd - nStart);
if (nCount < 0)
if (nStart < nEnd)
throw new TextUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.unmshEOF");
nStart += nCount;
* Reads a single character.
* @return The read character.
protected char read() throws IOException
int ch = m_reader.read();
if (ch < 0)
throw new TextUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.unmshEOF");
return (char)ch;
* Reads the specified number of Base64-encoded characters from the input stream.
* @param int nCount The number of characters to read.
* @return The read byte array.
protected byte[] readBase64(int nCount) throws IOException
int nLength = ((nCount + 3) >> 2) * 3;
if (m_ostream64 == null)
m_ostream64 = new DetachableByteArrayOutputStream(nLength);
long lReadCount = Base64Util.decode(m_reader, m_ostream64, nCount, false);
if (lReadCount != nCount)
throw new TextUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.base64");
if (m_ostream64.size() == m_ostream64.length())
return m_ostream64.detach();
return m_ostream64.toByteArray();
* Reads a prefix count from the input stream.
* @param chType The prefix data type. Must match this.
* @return The prefix count value.
* @throws TextUnmarshallerException if the prefix data type does not match chType.
protected int readPrefix(char chType) throws IOException, TextUnmarshallerException
int nCount = 0;
int ch = m_reader.read();
while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
nCount = nCount * 10 + (ch - '0');
ch = m_reader.read();
if (ch != chType &&
(chType != Text.LONG || ch != Text.INTEGER && ch != Text.DOUBLE && ch != Text.DECIMAL && ch != Text.STRING) &&
(chType != Text.SEQUENCE || ch != Text.NULL || nCount != 0) &&
(chType != Text.VERSION || ch != Text.VECTOR && ch != Text.EXCEPTION))
if (ch < 0)
throw new TextUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.mshEOF");
if (chType == Text.VERSION)
throw new TextUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.mshHeader", new Object[]{Primitive.createCharacter(ch)});
throw new TextUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.text.unexpectedUnmshType",
new Object[]{Primitive.createCharacter(ch), Primitive.createCharacter(chType)});
return nCount;
* Adds an object at the end of the object list.
* @param obj The object to add.
protected void addObj(Object obj)
* Unmarshals a long value from the input stream.
* @return The unmarshalled long value.
protected long unmarshalLong() throws IOException
return Long.parseLong(read(readPrefix(Text.LONG)));
* Unmarshals a boolean value from the input stream.
* @return The unmarshalled boolean value.
protected boolean unmarshalBoolean() throws IOException
return readPrefix(Text.BOOLEAN) != 0;
* Unmarshals the next available object from the input stream.
* @return The unmarshalled object.
protected Object unmarshal() throws IOException
int nCount = 0;
int ch = m_reader.read();
while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
nCount = nCount * 10 + (ch - '0');
ch = m_reader.read();
if (ch < 0 || ch > 127 || s_unmshArray[ch] == null)
throw new TextUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.unmshType",
new Object[]{Primitive.createCharacter(ch)});
return s_unmshArray[ch].unmarshal(nCount, this);
* Deserializes an object from a character stream containing a message.
* @param reader The character stream reader.
* @return The deserialized object.
public Object deserialize(Reader reader) throws IOException, UnmarshallerException
m_reader = reader;
m_objectList = new ArrayList(256);
int nVersion = readPrefix(Text.VERSION);
if (nVersion < 1 || nVersion > 4)
throw new TextUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.mshVersion",
new Object[]{Primitive.createInteger(nVersion)});
// Only set the detected version if it is supported
m_nVersion = nVersion;
Object obj = unmarshal();
m_reader = null; // free memory not used after unmarshal()
m_objectList = null; // free memory not used after unmarshal()
return obj;
// inner classes
* Interface implemented by text unmarshallers.
private interface Unmarshaller
* Unmarshals an object of a specific type from the input stream.
* @param nCount The count parameter of the text to be unmarshalled.
* @param msh The text unmarshaller.
* @return The unmarshalled object.
Object unmarshal(int nCount, TextUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException;