package center.task;
import java.util.*;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import ru.vassaev.core.Expression;
import ru.vassaev.core.util.Strings;
import ru.vassaev.core.exception.SysException;
* @author Vassaev A.V.
* @version 1.0
public class TaskInfo extends ATaskInfo implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -9220722504188872520L;
public TaskInfo() throws SysException {
public static class MailInfo {
public MailInfo(Element e) {
to = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "TO");
bcc = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "BCC");
subject = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "SUBJECT");
body = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "BODY");
sender = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "SENDER");
smtphost = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "SMTPHOST");
smtpport = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "SMTPPORT");
smtpuser = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "SMTPUSER");
smtppwd = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "SMTPPWD");
public String to = "";
public String bcc = "";
public String subject = "";
public String body = "";
public String sender = "";
public String smtphost = "";
public String smtpport = "";
public String smtpuser = "";
public String smtppwd = "";
public static class Cntxt implements {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8468641133170385673L;
public enum Time {
public boolean isPartOf(Time x) {
return x.equals(BOTH);
public boolean isPartOf(Time x) {
return (x.equals(BOTH) || this.equals(x));
public String cls = null;
public String dt = null;
public String duration = null;
public String block_duration = null;
public Map<String, Object> prms = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
public Time time = Time.BOTH;
public static class DNF extends center.system.DNF<Cntxt> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3978682914209979006L;
public java.util.Set<String> flds = new java.util.HashSet<String>();
private Cntxt cntx = new Cntxt();
public Cntxt getContext() {
return cntx;
public ArrayList<DNF> dnf = new ArrayList<DNF>();
public Cntxt _else = new Cntxt();
public Map<String, Object> mails = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
public String clsName = null;
public Class<?> cls = null;
public NewTaskInfo child;
public TaskPlanTree task_plan;
public void load(ATaskInfo parent, ATaskInfo extend, Element el) throws SysException {
super.load(parent, extend, el);
// Имя класса задачи
clsName = Strings.getXMLValue(el, "#name");
if (extend != null) {
processor = extend.processor;
owndnf = extend.owndnf;
// Класс JAVA по выполнению задачи
String processor_ = Strings.getXMLValue(el, "#processor");
if (processor_ != null)
processor = processor_;
try {
ClassLoader CL = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
cls = Class.forName(processor, true, CL);
Object o = cls.newInstance();
if (!(o instanceof AProcessor))
throw new SysException("The class by name '" + processor + "' is not AProcessor");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new SysException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new SysException(e);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new SysException(e);
// Загрузить информацию о параметрах
if (extend != null)
prms = new TreeMap<String, Object>(extend.prms);
prms = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
loadParams(prms, el);
// Загрузить информацию о рассылке сообщений
// Загрузить DNF для запуска задачи после выполнения текущей
// Условия и параметры дочернего задания
Element child = (Element) Strings.getXMLObject(el, "child");
if (child != null) {
this.child = new NewTaskInfo();
this.child.load(this, null, child);
//task_plan = new TaskPlanTree(this);
* Получить список параметров
* @param prm_
* @param pnl Element
* @throws SysException исключение
private void loadParams(Map<String, Object> prm_, Element pnl) throws SysException {
NodeList nl = pnl.getChildNodes();
PrmFactory fact = new PrmFactory();
for (int i = nl.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Node n = nl.item(i);
if (n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
Element e = (Element) n;
String nn = n.getNodeName();
if (nn.equals("param")) {
n = fact.getParamDBTS(e); // Поддержка параметров DBTS
} else if (nn.equals("prm")) {
String name = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "#name");
String grp = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "#grp");
String fn = (grp == null || grp.length() == 0) ? name : grp + "/"
+ name;
prm_.put(fn, fact.getParam(e, this));
* Получить условия информирования о результатах выполнения задания
* @param pnl
* Element
private void loadMailInfo(Element pnl) {
Element emi = (Element) Strings.getXMLObject(pnl, "mailinfo[0]");
if (emi != null) {
Element a;
State[] states = State.values();
for (int i = 0; i < states.length; i++) {
String n = states[i].name();
a = (Element) Strings.getXMLObject(emi, n + "[0]");
if (a != null) {
mails.put(n, new MailInfo(a));
private String prefix = "$$";
private String suffix = null;
* Получить dnf для выбора следующей задачи на основе данной
* @param pnl
* Element
* @throws SysException
private void loadDNF(Element pnl) throws SysException {
Element ednf = (Element) Strings.getXMLObject(pnl, "dnf[0]");
if (ednf != null) {
suffix = Strings.getXMLValue(ednf, "#suffix");
if ((suffix != null) && (suffix.trim().equals("")))
suffix = null;
prefix = Strings.getXMLValue(ednf, "#prefix");
if ((prefix == null) || (prefix.trim().equals("")))
prefix = "$$";
NodeList nl = ednf.getChildNodes();
for (int i = nl.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Node n = nl.item(i);
if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element e = (Element) n;
String nm = e.getNodeName();
if (nm.equals("or")) {
DNF o = new DNF();
o.cntx.cls = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "#cls");
o.cntx.dt = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "#dt");
o.cntx.duration = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "#duration");
o.cntx.block_duration = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "#block_duration");
try {
o.cntx.time = Cntxt.Time.valueOf(Strings
.getXMLValue(e, "#time"));
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
o.cntx.time = Cntxt.Time.BOTH;
} catch (Exception ex) {
o.cntx.time = Cntxt.Time.BOTH;
NodeList nl_and = e.getChildNodes();
for (int j = nl_and.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
Node n_and = nl_and.item(j);
if (n_and.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
if (!n_and.getNodeName().equals("and"))
Element e_and = (Element) n_and;
center.system.DNF.Conjunct or = new center.system.DNF.Conjunct();
NodeList nl_e = e_and.getChildNodes();
for (int k = nl_e.getLength() - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
Node n_e = nl_e.item(k);
if (n_e.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
if (!n_e.getNodeName().equals("e"))
Element e_e = (Element) n_e;
String tp = Strings.getXMLValue(e_e, "#type");
Expression ex = new Expression(e_e.getTextContent(), prefix);
Iterator<String> prs = ex.getParams();
if ("ordinal".equals(tp)) {
while (prs.hasNext()) {
String nmpr =;
String xFld = nmpr
+ ((suffix == null) ? "" : (prefix + suffix));
ex.setValue(nmpr, "\"" + xFld + "\"");
} else {
while (prs.hasNext()) {
String nmpr =;
ex.setValue(nmpr, "\"" + nmpr + "\"");
loadParams(o.cntx.prms, e);
} else if (nm.equals("else")) {
_else.cls = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "#cls");
_else.dt = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "#dt");
_else.duration = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "#duration");
_else.block_duration = Strings.getXMLValue(e, "#block_duration");
try {
_else.time = Cntxt.Time
.valueOf(Strings.getXMLValue(e, "#time"));
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
_else.time = Cntxt.Time.BOTH;
} catch (Exception ex) {
_else.time = Cntxt.Time.BOTH;
loadParams(_else.prms, e);
* Получить список DNF
* @throws SysException
public synchronized ArrayList<DNF> getDNF(Context cntx) throws SysException {
ArrayList<DNF> dnfs = new ArrayList<DNF>();
for (int i = 0; i < dnf.size(); i++) {
DNF d = (DNF) dnf.get(i).clone();
Object[] flds = d.flds.toArray();
for (int j = flds.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
Expression ex = new Expression(flds[j].toString(), prefix);
Iterator<String> ps = ex.getParams();
while (ps.hasNext()) {
String k =;
Object o = cntx.getPrmByFullName(k);
if (o != null) {
ex.setValue(k, o.toString());
} else
ex.setValue(k, "");
for (int j = d.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
Object o = d.getItem(j);
Expression ex = new Expression(o.toString(), prefix);
Iterator<String> ps = ex.getParams();
while (ps.hasNext()) {
String k =;
o = cntx.getPrmByFullName(k);
if (o != null) {
ex.setValue(k, o.toString());
} else
ex.setValue(k, "");
d.setItem(j, ex.toString());
return dnfs;
public final AProcessor newProcessorInstance() throws SysException {
try {
return (AProcessor) cls.newInstance();
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new SysException(e);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new SysException(e);