* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is "Simplenlg".
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt and Dave Westwater.
* Portions created by Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt and Dave Westwater are Copyright (C) 2010-11 The University of Aberdeen. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt, Dave Wewstwater, Roman Kutlak, Margaret Mitchell.
package simplenlg.xmlrealiser;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
import simplenlg.features.ClauseStatus;
import simplenlg.features.DiscourseFunction;
import simplenlg.features.Feature;
import simplenlg.features.Form;
import simplenlg.features.Inflection;
import simplenlg.features.InternalFeature;
import simplenlg.features.LexicalFeature;
import simplenlg.features.Person;
import simplenlg.features.Tense;
import simplenlg.framework.CoordinatedPhraseElement;
import simplenlg.framework.DocumentCategory;
import simplenlg.framework.DocumentElement;
import simplenlg.framework.ElementCategory;
import simplenlg.framework.InflectedWordElement;
import simplenlg.framework.LexicalCategory;
import simplenlg.framework.NLGElement;
import simplenlg.framework.NLGFactory;
import simplenlg.framework.PhraseCategory;
import simplenlg.framework.PhraseElement;
import simplenlg.framework.WordElement;
import simplenlg.lexicon.Lexicon;
import simplenlg.phrasespec.AdjPhraseSpec;
import simplenlg.phrasespec.AdvPhraseSpec;
import simplenlg.phrasespec.NPPhraseSpec;
import simplenlg.phrasespec.PPPhraseSpec;
import simplenlg.phrasespec.SPhraseSpec;
import simplenlg.phrasespec.VPPhraseSpec;
// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
* UnWrapper maps from classes generated by xjc from RealizerSchema.xsd to
* SimpleNLG classes. There are classes of the same name in two packages. The
* xjc wrapper classes are in the simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper package, and are
* prefixed with the package name. The real simplenlg classes are referenced
* without package name prefix.
* @author Christopher Howell Agfa Healthcare Corporation
* @author Albert Gatt, University of Malta
public class UnWrapper {
* Create wrapper objects from xml for a request to realise, or the xml for
* a recording. Both are elements of NLGSpec.
* @param xmlReader
* the xml reader
* @return the nLG spec
* @throws XMLRealiserException
* the xML realiser exception
public static simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.NLGSpec getNLGSpec(
Reader xmlReader) throws XMLRealiserException {
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.NLGSpec wt = null;
try {
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext
Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller();
Object obj = u.unmarshal(xmlReader);
if (obj instanceof simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.NLGSpec) {
wt = (simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.NLGSpec) obj;
catch (Throwable e) {
throw new XMLRealiserException("XML unmarshal error", e);
return wt;
/** The factory. */
NLGFactory factory = null;
* Initialise an UnWrapper with a lexicon.
* @param lexicon
* the lexicon to use
public UnWrapper(Lexicon lexicon) {
factory = new NLGFactory(lexicon);
* Create simplenlg objects from wrapper objects.
* @param wt
* the wrapper DocumentElement object
* @return the document element
public DocumentElement UnwrapDocumentElement(
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlDocumentElement wt) {
DocumentElement t = factory.createDocument();
if (wt.getCat() != null) {
t.setCategory(Enum.valueOf(DocumentCategory.class, wt.getCat()
if (wt.getTitle() != null) {
for (simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlNLGElement wp : wt.getChild()) {
NLGElement p = UnwrapNLGElement(wp);
return t;
* Unwrap a <code>simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.NLGElement</code> and map it
* to a <code>simplenlg.framework.NLGElement</code>
* @param wps
* The wrapper object
* @return the NLGElement
public simplenlg.framework.NLGElement UnwrapNLGElement(
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlNLGElement wps) {
if (wps == null) {
return null;
if (wps instanceof simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlDocumentElement) {
return (NLGElement) UnwrapDocumentElement((simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlDocumentElement) wps);
// Handle coordinate phrase specs first, which will cause recursion.
NLGElement cp = UnwrapCoordinatePhraseSpec(wps);
if (cp != null) {
return cp;
// Literal text.
if (wps instanceof simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlStringElement) {
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlStringElement wp = (simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlStringElement) wps;
NLGElement p = factory.createStringElement(wp.getVal());
return p;
// WordElements (delegate to UnwrapWordElement) -- useful to have
// because it is called by unWrapPhraseComponents, and pre/post mods
// might be WordElements
if (wps instanceof simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlWordElement) {
return UnwrapWordElement((simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlWordElement) wps);
// Sentence
else if (wps instanceof simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlSPhraseSpec) {
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlSPhraseSpec wp = (simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlSPhraseSpec) wps;
SPhraseSpec sp = factory.createClause();
NLGElement vp = null;
ArrayList<NLGElement> subjects = new ArrayList<NLGElement>();
for (simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlNLGElement p : wp.getSubj()) {
NLGElement p1 = UnwrapNLGElement(p);
checkFunction(simplenlg.features.DiscourseFunction.SUBJECT, p1);
if (subjects.size() > 0) {
sp.setFeature(InternalFeature.SUBJECTS, subjects);
if (wp.getVp() != null) {
vp = UnwrapNLGElement(wp.getVp());
if (wp.getCuePhrase() != null) {
NLGElement cue = UnwrapNLGElement(wp.getCuePhrase());
sp.setFeature(Feature.CUE_PHRASE, cue);
if (wp.getCOMPLEMENTISER() != null) {
sp.setFeature(Feature.COMPLEMENTISER, wp.getCOMPLEMENTISER());
setSFeatures(wp, sp, vp);
// Common phrase components.
UnwrapPhraseComponents(sp, wps);
return sp;
// Phrases
else if (wps instanceof simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlPhraseElement) {
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlPhraseElement we = (simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlPhraseElement) wps;
PhraseElement hp = null;
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlWordElement w = we.getHead();
NLGElement head = UnwrapWordElement(w);
// Noun Phrase
if (wps instanceof simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlNPPhraseSpec) {
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlNPPhraseSpec wp = (simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlNPPhraseSpec) wps;
NPPhraseSpec p = factory.createNounPhrase(head);
hp = p;
if (wp.getSpec() != null) {
// p.setSpecifier(UnwrapWordElement(wp.getSpec()));
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlNLGElement spec = wp
if (spec instanceof simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlWordElement) {
WordElement specifier = (WordElement) UnwrapWordElement((simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlWordElement) spec);
if (specifier != null) {
} else {
setNPFeatures(wp, p);
// Adjective Phrase
else if (wps instanceof simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlAdjPhraseSpec) {
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlAdjPhraseSpec wp = (simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlAdjPhraseSpec) wps;
AdjPhraseSpec p = factory.createAdjectivePhrase(head);
hp = p;
p.setFeature(Feature.IS_COMPARATIVE, wp.isISCOMPARATIVE());
p.setFeature(Feature.IS_SUPERLATIVE, wp.isISSUPERLATIVE());
// Prepositional Phrase
else if (wps instanceof simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlPPPhraseSpec) {
PPPhraseSpec p = factory.createPrepositionPhrase(head);
hp = p;
// Adverb Phrase
else if (wps instanceof simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlAdvPhraseSpec) {
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlAdvPhraseSpec wp = (simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlAdvPhraseSpec) wps;
AdvPhraseSpec p = factory.createAdverbPhrase();
hp = p;
p.setFeature(Feature.IS_COMPARATIVE, wp.isISCOMPARATIVE());
p.setFeature(Feature.IS_SUPERLATIVE, wp.isISSUPERLATIVE());
// Verb Phrase
else if (wps instanceof simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlVPPhraseSpec) {
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlVPPhraseSpec wp = (simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlVPPhraseSpec) wps;
VPPhraseSpec p = factory.createVerbPhrase(head);
hp = p;
setVPFeatures(wp, p);
// Common phrase components.
UnwrapPhraseComponents(hp, wps);
// set the discourse function, if defined
if (we.getDiscourseFunction() != null) {
hp.setFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION, Enum.valueOf(
simplenlg.features.DiscourseFunction.class, we
return hp;
return null;
* Unwrap the common phrase components (premodifiers, postmodifiers etc)
* that any <code>simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.NLGElement</code> can have,
* and map it to a <code>simplenlg.framework.NLGElement</code>
* @param hp
* the <code>simplenlg.framework.NLGElement</code> which is
* cuurrently being constructed
* @param wps
* The wrapper object
public void UnwrapPhraseComponents(PhraseElement hp,
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlNLGElement wps) {
if (hp != null && wps != null) {
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlPhraseElement wp = (simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlPhraseElement) wps;
for (simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlNLGElement p : wp
.getFrontMod()) {
NLGElement p1 = UnwrapNLGElement(p);
simplenlg.features.DiscourseFunction.FRONT_MODIFIER, p1);
if (p1 != null) {
for (simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlNLGElement p : wp.getPreMod()) {
NLGElement p1 = UnwrapNLGElement(p);
simplenlg.features.DiscourseFunction.PRE_MODIFIER, p1);
if (p1 != null) {
for (simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlNLGElement p : wp
.getPostMod()) {
NLGElement p1 = UnwrapNLGElement(p);
simplenlg.features.DiscourseFunction.POST_MODIFIER, p1);
if (p1 != null) {
for (simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlNLGElement p : wp.getCompl()) {
NLGElement p1 = UnwrapNLGElement(p);
// NB: set function to object by default, unless user set
checkFunction(simplenlg.features.DiscourseFunction.OBJECT, p1);
if (p1 != null) {
* Unwraps a coordinate phrase.
* @param wps
* the <code>simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.NLGElement</code>
* representing the phrase
* @return a <code>simplenlg.framework.CoordinatedPhraseElement</code> or
* <code>null</code> if the wrapper element is not a coordinate
* phrase.
public NLGElement UnwrapCoordinatePhraseSpec(
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlNLGElement wps) {
NLGElement ret = null;
// CoordinatedPhraseElement
if (wps instanceof simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlCoordinatedPhraseElement) {
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlCoordinatedPhraseElement wp = (simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlCoordinatedPhraseElement) wps;
CoordinatedPhraseElement cp = new CoordinatedPhraseElement();
ElementCategory cat = UnwrapCategory(wp.getCat());
if (cat != null && cat instanceof PhraseCategory) {
if (wp.getConj() != null) {
String s = wp.getConj();
if (s != null) {
if (wp.getPERSON() != null) {
cp.setFeature(Feature.PERSON, wp.getPERSON());
cp.setFeature(Feature.POSSESSIVE, wp.isPOSSESSIVE());
for (simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlNLGElement p : wp.getCoord()) {
NLGElement p1 = UnwrapNLGElement(p);
if (p1 != null) {
ret = cp;
return ret;
* Unwrap word element.
* @param wordElement
* the word element
* @return the nLG element
private NLGElement UnwrapWordElement(
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlWordElement wordElement) {
if (wordElement == null) {
return null;
LexicalCategory lexCat = LexicalCategory.ANY;
ElementCategory cat = UnwrapCategory(wordElement.getCat());
if (cat != null && cat instanceof LexicalCategory) {
lexCat = (LexicalCategory) cat;
// String baseForm = getBaseWord(wordElement);
String baseForm = wordElement.getBase();
NLGElement word = null;
if (baseForm != null) {
word = factory.createWord(baseForm, lexCat);
if (word instanceof InflectedWordElement
&& ((InflectedWordElement) word).getBaseWord()
.getBaseForm().isEmpty()) {
word = null; // cch TESTING
} else if (word instanceof WordElement) {
WordElement we = (WordElement) word;
// Inflection
if (wordElement.getVar() != null) {
Inflection defaultInflection = Enum.valueOf(
Inflection.class, wordElement.getVar().toString());
// Spelling variant may have been given as base form in xml.
// If so, use that variant.
if (!baseForm.matches(we.getBaseForm())) {
return word;
// String getBaseWord(simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.WordElement lex) {
// // List<String> c = lex.getContent();
// // if (c.isEmpty())
// // return "";
// // else
// // return (String) c.get(0);
// return lex.getBase();
// }
* Unwrap category.
* @param cat
* the cat
* @return the element category
private ElementCategory UnwrapCategory(Object cat) {
if (cat == null) {
return null;
if (cat.getClass().equals(
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlLexicalCategory.class)) {
return Enum.valueOf(LexicalCategory.class, cat.toString());
} else if (cat.getClass().equals(
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlPhraseCategory.class)) {
return Enum.valueOf(PhraseCategory.class, cat.toString());
} else if (cat.getClass().equals(
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlDocumentCategory.class)) {
return Enum.valueOf(DocumentCategory.class, cat.toString());
} else {
return null;
* Sets the np features.
* @param wp
* the wp
* @param p
* the p
private void setNPFeatures(
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlNPPhraseSpec wp,
simplenlg.phrasespec.NPPhraseSpec p) {
if (wp.getNUMBER() != null) {
// map number feature from wrapper ~NumberAgr to actual NumberAgr
String numString = wp.getNUMBER().toString();
simplenlg.features.NumberAgreement simplenlgNum = simplenlg.features.NumberAgreement
// p.setFeature(Feature.NUMBER, wp.getNUMBER());
p.setFeature(Feature.NUMBER, simplenlgNum);
if (wp.getPERSON() != null) {
// map person feature from wrapper Person to actual Person
String perString = wp.getPERSON().toString();
simplenlg.features.Person simplenlgPers = simplenlg.features.Person
p.setFeature(Feature.PERSON, simplenlgPers);
if (wp.getGENDER() != null) {
// map gender feature from wrapper Gender to actual Gender
String genString = wp.getGENDER().toString();
simplenlg.features.Gender simplenlgGen = simplenlg.features.Gender
p.setFeature(LexicalFeature.GENDER, simplenlgGen);
p.setFeature(Feature.ELIDED, wp.isELIDED());
p.setFeature(Feature.POSSESSIVE, wp.isPOSSESSIVE());
p.setFeature(Feature.PRONOMINAL, wp.isPRONOMINAL());
* Sets the vp features.
* @param wp
* the wp
* @param p
* the p
private void setVPFeatures(
simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlVPPhraseSpec wp,
simplenlg.phrasespec.VPPhraseSpec p) {
if (wp.getFORM() != null) {
p.setFeature(Feature.FORM, Enum.valueOf(Form.class, wp.getFORM()
if (wp.getPERSON() != null) {
p.setFeature(Feature.PERSON, wp.getPERSON());
if (wp.getTENSE() != null) {
p.setFeature(Feature.TENSE, Enum.valueOf(Tense.class, wp.getTENSE()
if (wp.getMODAL() != null) {
p.setFeature(Feature.MODAL, wp.getMODAL());
p.setFeature(Feature.NEGATED, wp.isNEGATED());
p.setFeature(Feature.PASSIVE, wp.isPASSIVE());
p.setFeature(Feature.PERFECT, wp.isPERFECT());
p.setFeature(Feature.PROGRESSIVE, wp.isPROGRESSIVE());
* ~Set the features for a sentence. This method also checks whether any
* features have been set on the VP, in which case, they are set if they
* haven't been set on the S
* @param wp
* the wp
* @param sp
* the sp
* @param vp
* the vp
private void setSFeatures(simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlSPhraseSpec wp,
simplenlg.phrasespec.SPhraseSpec sp,
simplenlg.framework.NLGElement vp) {
if (wp.getCLAUSESTATUS() != null) {
sp.setFeature(InternalFeature.CLAUSE_STATUS, Enum.valueOf(
ClauseStatus.class, wp.getCLAUSESTATUS().toString()));
if (wp.getPERSON() != null) {
sp.setFeature(Feature.PERSON, Enum.valueOf(Person.class, wp
if (wp.getFORM() != null) {
sp.setFeature(Feature.FORM, Enum.valueOf(Form.class, wp.getFORM()
if (wp.getTENSE() != null) {
sp.setFeature(Feature.TENSE, Enum.valueOf(Tense.class, wp
} else if (vp != null && vp.hasFeature(Feature.TENSE)) {
sp.setFeature(Feature.TENSE, vp.getFeature(Feature.TENSE));
// modal -- set on S or inherited from VP
if (wp.getMODAL() != null) {
sp.setFeature(Feature.MODAL, wp.getMODAL());
} else if (vp != null && vp.hasFeature(Feature.MODAL)) {
sp.setFeature(Feature.MODAL, vp.getFeature(Feature.MODAL));
// interrogative
if (wp.getINTERROGATIVETYPE() != null) {
sp.setFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE, Enum.valueOf(
simplenlg.features.InterrogativeType.class, wp
} else if (vp != null && vp.hasFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE)) {
sp.setFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE, vp
// passive: can be set on S or VP
boolean sPass = wp.isPASSIVE() == null ? false : wp.isPASSIVE();
boolean vPass = vp == null ? false : vp.getFeatureAsBoolean(
sp.setFeature(Feature.PASSIVE, sPass || vPass);
// progressive: can be set on S or VP
boolean sProg = wp.isPROGRESSIVE() == null ? false : wp.isPROGRESSIVE();
boolean vProg = vp == null ? false : vp.getFeatureAsBoolean(
sp.setFeature(Feature.PROGRESSIVE, sProg || vProg);
// negation: can be set on S or VP
boolean sNeg = wp.isNEGATED() == null ? false : wp.isNEGATED();
boolean vNeg = vp == null ? false : vp.getFeatureAsBoolean(
sp.setFeature(Feature.NEGATED, sNeg || vNeg);
* Utility method to set the discourse function for phrase components,
* unless set by user
* @param function
* the function
* @param phrase
* the phrase
private void checkFunction(simplenlg.features.DiscourseFunction function,
simplenlg.framework.NLGElement phrase) {
if (!phrase.hasFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION)) {
phrase.setFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION, function);