// Set possessive on the pronoun to make it 'her'
she.setFeature(Feature.POSSESSIVE, true);
// Create a noun phrase with the subject lover and the determiner
// as she
PhraseElement herLover = phraseFactory.createNounPhrase(she,"lover");
// Create the pronoun 'he'
NLGElement he = phraseFactory.createNounPhrase(LexicalCategory.PRONOUN,"he");
// Create a clause to say 'they be her lovers'
PhraseElement clause = phraseFactory.createClause(he, "be", herLover);
clause.setFeature(Feature.POSSESSIVE, true);
// Add the cue phrase need the comma as orthography
// currently doesn't handle this.
// This could be expanded to be a noun phrase with determiner
// 'two' and noun 'week', set to plural and with a premodifier of
// 'after'
clause.setFeature(Feature.CUE_PHRASE, "after two weeks,");
// Add the 'for a fortnight' as a post modifier. Alternatively
// this could be added as a prepositional phrase 'for' with a
// complement of a noun phrase ('a' 'fortnight')
clause.addPostModifier("for a fortnight");
// Set 'be' to 'was' as past tense
// Add the clause to a sentence.
DocumentElement sentence1 = docFactory.createSentence(clause);
// Realise the sentence