* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is "Simplenlg".
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt and Dave Westwater.
* Portions created by Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt and Dave Westwater are Copyright (C) 2010-11 The University of Aberdeen. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt, Dave Wewstwater, Roman Kutlak, Margaret Mitchell.
package simplenlg.test.syntax;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import simplenlg.features.Feature;
import simplenlg.features.Tense;
import simplenlg.framework.CoordinatedPhraseElement;
import simplenlg.framework.DocumentElement;
import simplenlg.framework.LexicalCategory;
import simplenlg.framework.NLGElement;
import simplenlg.framework.NLGFactory;
import simplenlg.framework.PhraseElement;
import simplenlg.phrasespec.SPhraseSpec;
* Test added to break the realiser
* @author portet
public class FPTest extends SimpleNLG4Test {
NLGFactory docFactory = new NLGFactory(this.lexicon);
* Instantiates a new text spec test.
* @param name
* the name
public FPTest(String name) {
* Basic tests.
public void testHerLover() {
// Create the pronoun 'she'
NLGElement she = phraseFactory.createWord("she",LexicalCategory.PRONOUN);
// Set possessive on the pronoun to make it 'her'
she.setFeature(Feature.POSSESSIVE, true);
// Create a noun phrase with the subject lover and the determiner
// as she
PhraseElement herLover = phraseFactory.createNounPhrase(she,"lover");
// Create a clause to say 'he be her lover'
PhraseElement clause = phraseFactory.createClause("he", "be", herLover);
// Add the cue phrase need the comma as orthography
// currently doesn't handle this.
// This could be expanded to be a noun phrase with determiner
// 'two' and noun 'week', set to plural and with a premodifier of
// 'after'
clause.setFeature(Feature.CUE_PHRASE, "after two weeks,");
// Add the 'for a fortnight' as a post modifier. Alternatively
// this could be added as a prepositional phrase 'for' with a
// complement of a noun phrase ('a' 'fortnight')
clause.addPostModifier("for a fortnight");
// Set 'be' to 'was' as past tense
// Add the clause to a sentence.
DocumentElement sentence1 = docFactory.createSentence(clause);
// Realise the sentence
NLGElement realised = this.realiser.realise(sentence1);
// Retrieve the realisation and dump it to the console
// System.out.println(realised.getRealisation());
Assert.assertEquals("After two weeks, he was her lover for a fortnight.",
* Basic tests.
public void testHerLovers() {
// Create the pronoun 'she'
NLGElement she = phraseFactory.createWord("she",LexicalCategory.PRONOUN);
// Set possessive on the pronoun to make it 'her'
she.setFeature(Feature.POSSESSIVE, true);
// Create a noun phrase with the subject lover and the determiner
// as she
PhraseElement herLover = phraseFactory.createNounPhrase(she,"lover");
// Create the pronoun 'he'
NLGElement he = phraseFactory.createNounPhrase(LexicalCategory.PRONOUN,"he");
// Create a clause to say 'they be her lovers'
PhraseElement clause = phraseFactory.createClause(he, "be", herLover);
clause.setFeature(Feature.POSSESSIVE, true);
// Add the cue phrase need the comma as orthography
// currently doesn't handle this.
// This could be expanded to be a noun phrase with determiner
// 'two' and noun 'week', set to plural and with a premodifier of
// 'after'
clause.setFeature(Feature.CUE_PHRASE, "after two weeks,");
// Add the 'for a fortnight' as a post modifier. Alternatively
// this could be added as a prepositional phrase 'for' with a
// complement of a noun phrase ('a' 'fortnight')
clause.addPostModifier("for a fortnight");
// Set 'be' to 'was' as past tense
// Add the clause to a sentence.
DocumentElement sentence1 = docFactory.createSentence(clause);
// Realise the sentence
NLGElement realised = this.realiser.realise(sentence1);
// Retrieve the realisation and dump it to the console
// System.out.println(realised.getRealisation());
Assert.assertEquals("After two weeks, they were her lovers for a fortnight.", //$NON-NLS-1$
* combine two S's using cue phrase and gerund.
public void testDavesHouse() {
PhraseElement born = phraseFactory.createClause("Dave Bus", "be", "born");
born.setFeature(Feature.COMPLEMENTISER, "which");
PhraseElement theHouse = phraseFactory.createNounPhrase("the", "house");
PhraseElement clause = phraseFactory.createClause(theHouse, "be", phraseFactory.createPrepositionPhrase("in", "Edinburgh"));
DocumentElement sentence = docFactory.createSentence(clause);
NLGElement realised = realiser.realise(sentence);
// System.out.println(realised.getRealisation());
// Retrieve the realisation and dump it to the console
Assert.assertEquals("The house which Dave Bus was born in is in Edinburgh.",
* combine two S's using cue phrase and gerund.
public void testDaveAndAlbertsHouse() {
NLGElement dave = phraseFactory.createWord("Dave Bus", LexicalCategory.NOUN);
NLGElement albert = phraseFactory.createWord("Albert", LexicalCategory.NOUN);
CoordinatedPhraseElement coord1 = new CoordinatedPhraseElement(
dave, albert);
PhraseElement born = phraseFactory.createClause(coord1, "be", "born");
born.setFeature(Feature.COMPLEMENTISER, "which");
PhraseElement theHouse = phraseFactory.createNounPhrase("the", "house");
PhraseElement clause = phraseFactory.createClause(theHouse, "be", phraseFactory.createPrepositionPhrase("in", "Edinburgh"));
DocumentElement sentence = docFactory.createSentence(clause);
NLGElement realised = realiser.realise(sentence);
// System.out.println(realised.getRealisation());
// Retrieve the realisation and dump it to the console
Assert.assertEquals("The house which Dave Bus and Albert were born in is in Edinburgh.",
public void testEngineerHolidays() {
// Inner clause is 'I' 'make' 'sentence' 'for'.
PhraseElement inner = phraseFactory.createClause("I","make", "sentence for");
// Inner clause set to progressive.
//Complementiser on inner clause is 'whom'
inner.setFeature(Feature.COMPLEMENTISER, "whom");
// create the engineer and add the inner clause as post modifier
PhraseElement engineer = phraseFactory.createNounPhrase("the engineer");
// Outer clause is: 'the engineer' 'go' (preposition 'to' 'holidays')
PhraseElement outer = phraseFactory.createClause(engineer,"go",phraseFactory.createPrepositionPhrase("to","holidays"));
// Outer clause tense is Future.
outer.setFeature(Feature.TENSE, Tense.FUTURE);
// Possibly progressive as well not sure.
//Outer clause postmodifier would be 'tomorrow'
DocumentElement sentence = docFactory.createSentence(outer);
NLGElement realised = realiser.realise(sentence);
// System.out.println(realised.getRealisation());
// Retrieve the realisation and dump it to the console
Assert.assertEquals("The engineer whom I am making sentence for will be going to holidays tomorrow.",
public void testHousePoker() {
PhraseElement inner = phraseFactory.createClause("I", "play", "poker");
inner.setFeature(Feature.COMPLEMENTISER, "where");
PhraseElement house = phraseFactory.createNounPhrase("the", "house");
SPhraseSpec outer = phraseFactory.createClause(null, "abandon", house);
outer.addPostModifier("since 1986");
outer.setFeature(Feature.PASSIVE, true);
outer.setFeature(Feature.PERFECT, true);
DocumentElement sentence = docFactory.createSentence(outer);
NLGElement realised = realiser.realise(sentence);
// System.out.println(realised.getRealisation());
// Retrieve the realisation and dump it to the console
Assert.assertEquals("The house where I played poker has been abandoned since 1986.",
public void testMayonnaise() {
NLGElement sandwich = phraseFactory.createNounPhrase(LexicalCategory.NOUN, "sandwich");
PhraseElement first = phraseFactory.createClause("I", "make", sandwich);
PhraseElement second = phraseFactory.createClause("the mayonnaise", "run out");
second.setFeature(Feature.COMPLEMENTISER, "when");
DocumentElement sentence = docFactory.createSentence(first);
NLGElement realised = realiser.realise(sentence);
// System.out.println(realised.getRealisation());
// Retrieve the realisation and dump it to the console
Assert.assertEquals("I was making sandwiches when the mayonnaise ran out.",