* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is "Simplenlg".
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt and Dave Westwater.
* Portions created by Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt and Dave Westwater are Copyright (C) 2010-11 The University of Aberdeen. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt, Dave Wewstwater, Roman Kutlak, Margaret Mitchell.
package simplenlg.syntax.english;
import java.util.List;
import simplenlg.features.ClauseStatus;
import simplenlg.features.DiscourseFunction;
import simplenlg.features.Feature;
import simplenlg.features.Form;
import simplenlg.features.InternalFeature;
import simplenlg.features.InterrogativeType;
import simplenlg.features.NumberAgreement;
import simplenlg.features.Person;
import simplenlg.features.Tense;
import simplenlg.framework.CoordinatedPhraseElement;
import simplenlg.framework.LexicalCategory;
import simplenlg.framework.ListElement;
import simplenlg.framework.NLGElement;
import simplenlg.framework.NLGFactory;
import simplenlg.framework.PhraseCategory;
import simplenlg.framework.PhraseElement;
import simplenlg.phrasespec.VPPhraseSpec;
* <p>
* This is a helper class containing the main methods for realising the syntax
* of clauses. It is used exclusively by the <code>SyntaxProcessor</code>.
* </p>
* @author D. Westwater, University of Aberdeen.
* @version 4.0
abstract class ClauseHelper {
* The main method for controlling the syntax realisation of clauses.
* @param parent
* the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that called this
* method.
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representation of the clause.
* @return the <code>NLGElement</code> representing the realised clause.
static NLGElement realise(SyntaxProcessor parent, PhraseElement phrase) {
ListElement realisedElement = null;
NLGFactory phraseFactory = phrase.getFactory();
NLGElement splitVerb = null;
boolean interrogObj = false;
if (phrase != null) {
realisedElement = new ListElement();
NLGElement verbElement = phrase
if (verbElement == null) {
verbElement = phrase.getHead();
checkSubjectNumberPerson(phrase, verbElement);
copyFrontModifiers(phrase, verbElement);
addComplementiser(phrase, parent, realisedElement);
addCuePhrase(phrase, parent, realisedElement);
if (phrase.hasFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE)) {
Object inter = phrase.getFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE);
interrogObj = InterrogativeType.WHAT_OBJECT.equals(inter)
|| InterrogativeType.WHO_OBJECT.equals(inter);
splitVerb = realiseInterrogative(phrase, parent,
realisedElement, phraseFactory, verbElement);
} else {
addSubjectsToFront(phrase, parent, realisedElement, splitVerb);
NLGElement passiveSplitVerb = addPassiveComplementsNumberPerson(
phrase, parent, realisedElement, verbElement);
if (passiveSplitVerb != null) {
splitVerb = passiveSplitVerb;
// realise verb needs to know if clause is object interrogative
realiseVerb(phrase, parent, realisedElement, splitVerb,
verbElement, interrogObj);
addPassiveSubjects(phrase, parent, realisedElement, phraseFactory);
addInterrogativeFrontModifiers(phrase, parent, realisedElement);
addEndingTo(phrase, parent, realisedElement, phraseFactory);
return realisedElement;
* Adds <em>to</em> to the end of interrogatives concerning indirect
* objects. For example, <em>who did John give the flower <b>to</b></em>.
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
* @param parent
* the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
* realisation of the complementiser.
* @param realisedElement
* the current realisation of the clause.
* @param phraseFactory
* the phrase factory to be used.
private static void addEndingTo(PhraseElement phrase,
SyntaxProcessor parent, ListElement realisedElement,
NLGFactory phraseFactory) {
if (InterrogativeType.WHO_INDIRECT_OBJECT.equals(phrase
.getFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE))) {
NLGElement word = phraseFactory.createWord(
"to", LexicalCategory.PREPOSITION); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Adds the front modifiers to the end of the clause when dealing with
* interrogatives.
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
* @param parent
* the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
* realisation of the complementiser.
* @param realisedElement
* the current realisation of the clause.
private static void addInterrogativeFrontModifiers(PhraseElement phrase,
SyntaxProcessor parent, ListElement realisedElement) {
NLGElement currentElement = null;
if (phrase.hasFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE)) {
for (NLGElement subject : phrase
.getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.FRONT_MODIFIERS)) {
currentElement = parent.realise(subject);
if (currentElement != null) {
* Realises the subjects of a passive clause.
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
* @param parent
* the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
* realisation of the complementiser.
* @param realisedElement
* the current realisation of the clause.
* @param phraseFactory
* the phrase factory to be used.
private static void addPassiveSubjects(PhraseElement phrase,
SyntaxProcessor parent, ListElement realisedElement,
NLGFactory phraseFactory) {
NLGElement currentElement = null;
if (phrase.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.PASSIVE).booleanValue()) {
List<NLGElement> allSubjects = phrase
if (allSubjects.size() > 0
|| phrase.hasFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE)) {
.createPrepositionPhrase("by"))); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (NLGElement subject : allSubjects) {
subject.setFeature(Feature.PASSIVE, true);
if (subject.isA(PhraseCategory.NOUN_PHRASE)
|| subject instanceof CoordinatedPhraseElement) {
currentElement = parent.realise(subject);
if (currentElement != null) {
* Realises the verb part of the clause.
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
* @param parent
* the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
* realisation of the complementiser.
* @param realisedElement
* the current realisation of the clause.
* @param splitVerb
* an <code>NLGElement</code> representing the subjects that
* should split the verb
* @param verbElement
* the <code>NLGElement</code> representing the verb phrase for
* this clause.
* @param whObj
* whether the VP is part of an object WH-interrogative
private static void realiseVerb(PhraseElement phrase,
SyntaxProcessor parent, ListElement realisedElement,
NLGElement splitVerb, NLGElement verbElement, boolean whObj) {
setVerbFeatures(phrase, verbElement);
NLGElement currentElement = parent.realise(verbElement);
if (currentElement != null) {
if (splitVerb == null) {
} else {
if (currentElement instanceof ListElement) {
List<NLGElement> children = currentElement.getChildren();
currentElement = children.get(0);
for (int eachChild = 1; eachChild < children.size(); eachChild++) {
currentElement = children.get(eachChild);
} else {
if (whObj) {
} else {
* Ensures that the verb inherits the features from the clause.
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
* @param verbElement
* the <code>NLGElement</code> representing the verb phrase for
* this clause.
private static void setVerbFeatures(PhraseElement phrase,
NLGElement verbElement) {
// this routine copies features from the clause to the VP.
// it is disabled, as this copying is now done automatically
// when features are set in SPhraseSpec
// if (verbElement != null) {
// verbElement.setFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE, phrase
// .getFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE));
// verbElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.COMPLEMENTS, phrase
// .getFeature(InternalFeature.COMPLEMENTS));
// verbElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.PREMODIFIERS, phrase
// .getFeature(InternalFeature.PREMODIFIERS));
// verbElement.setFeature(Feature.FORM, phrase
// .getFeature(Feature.FORM));
// verbElement.setFeature(Feature.MODAL, phrase
// .getFeature(Feature.MODAL));
// verbElement.setNegated(phrase.isNegated());
// verbElement.setFeature(Feature.PASSIVE, phrase
// .getFeature(Feature.PASSIVE));
// verbElement.setFeature(Feature.PERFECT, phrase
// .getFeature(Feature.PERFECT));
// verbElement.setFeature(Feature.PROGRESSIVE, phrase
// .getFeature(Feature.PROGRESSIVE));
// verbElement.setTense(phrase.getTense());
// verbElement.setFeature(Feature.FORM, phrase
// .getFeature(Feature.FORM));
// verbElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.GENDER, phrase
// .getFeature(LexicalFeature.GENDER));
// }
* Realises the complements of passive clauses; also sets number, person for
* passive
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
* @param parent
* the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
* realisation of the complementiser.
* @param realisedElement
* the current realisation of the clause.
* @param verbElement
* the <code>NLGElement</code> representing the verb phrase for
* this clause.
private static NLGElement addPassiveComplementsNumberPerson(
PhraseElement phrase, SyntaxProcessor parent,
ListElement realisedElement, NLGElement verbElement) {
Object passiveNumber = null;
Object passivePerson = null;
NLGElement currentElement = null;
NLGElement splitVerb = null;
NLGElement verbPhrase = phrase
if (phrase.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.PASSIVE).booleanValue()
&& verbPhrase != null
&& !InterrogativeType.WHAT_OBJECT.equals(phrase
.getFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE))) {
// complements of a clause are stored in the VPPhraseSpec
for (NLGElement subject : verbPhrase
.getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.COMPLEMENTS)) {
// AG: complement needn't be an NP
// subject.isA(PhraseCategory.NOUN_PHRASE) &&
if (DiscourseFunction.OBJECT.equals(subject
.getFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION))) {
subject.setFeature(Feature.PASSIVE, true);
currentElement = parent.realise(subject);
if (currentElement != null) {
if (phrase.hasFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE)) {
splitVerb = currentElement;
} else {
if (passiveNumber == null) {
passiveNumber = subject.getFeature(Feature.NUMBER);
} else {
passiveNumber = NumberAgreement.PLURAL;
if (Person.FIRST.equals(subject.getFeature(Feature.PERSON))) {
passivePerson = Person.FIRST;
} else if (Person.SECOND.equals(subject
&& !Person.FIRST.equals(passivePerson)) {
passivePerson = Person.SECOND;
} else if (passivePerson == null) {
passivePerson = Person.THIRD;
if (Form.GERUND.equals(phrase.getFeature(Feature.FORM))
&& !phrase.getFeatureAsBoolean(
.booleanValue()) {
subject.setFeature(Feature.POSSESSIVE, true);
if (verbElement != null) {
if (passivePerson != null) {
verbElement.setFeature(Feature.PERSON, passivePerson);
// below commented out. for non-passive, number and person set
// by checkSubjectNumberPerson
// } else {
// verbElement.setFeature(Feature.PERSON, phrase
// .getFeature(Feature.PERSON));
if (passiveNumber != null) {
verbElement.setFeature(Feature.NUMBER, passiveNumber);
return splitVerb;
* Adds the subjects to the beginning of the clause unless the clause is
* infinitive, imperative or passive, or the subjects split the verb.
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
* @param parent
* the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
* realisation of the complementiser.
* @param realisedElement
* the current realisation of the clause.
* @param splitVerb
* an <code>NLGElement</code> representing the subjects that
* should split the verb
private static void addSubjectsToFront(PhraseElement phrase,
SyntaxProcessor parent, ListElement realisedElement,
NLGElement splitVerb) {
if (!Form.INFINITIVE.equals(phrase.getFeature(Feature.FORM))
&& !Form.IMPERATIVE.equals(phrase.getFeature(Feature.FORM))
&& !phrase.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.PASSIVE).booleanValue()
&& splitVerb == null) {
realisedElement.addComponents(realiseSubjects(phrase, parent)
* Realises the subjects for the clause.
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
* @param parent
* the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
* realisation of the complementiser.
* @param realisedElement
* the current realisation of the clause.
private static ListElement realiseSubjects(PhraseElement phrase,
SyntaxProcessor parent) {
NLGElement currentElement = null;
ListElement realisedElement = new ListElement();
for (NLGElement subject : phrase
.getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.SUBJECTS)) {
if (Form.GERUND.equals(phrase.getFeature(Feature.FORM))
&& !phrase.getFeatureAsBoolean(
Feature.SUPPRESS_GENITIVE_IN_GERUND).booleanValue()) {
subject.setFeature(Feature.POSSESSIVE, true);
currentElement = parent.realise(subject);
if (currentElement != null) {
return realisedElement;
* This is the main controlling method for handling interrogative clauses.
* The actual steps taken are dependent on the type of question being asked.
* The method also determines if there is a subject that will split the verb
* group of the clause. For example, the clause
* <em>the man <b>should give</b> the woman the flower</em> has the verb
* group indicated in <b>bold</b>. The phrase is rearranged as yes/no
* question as
* <em><b>should</b> the man <b>give</b> the woman the flower</em> with the
* subject <em>the man</em> splitting the verb group.
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
* @param parent
* the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
* realisation of the complementiser.
* @param realisedElement
* the current realisation of the clause.
* @param phraseFactory
* the phrase factory to be used.
* @param verbElement
* the <code>NLGElement</code> representing the verb phrase for
* this clause.
* @return an <code>NLGElement</code> representing a subject that should
* split the verb
private static NLGElement realiseInterrogative(PhraseElement phrase,
SyntaxProcessor parent, ListElement realisedElement,
NLGFactory phraseFactory, NLGElement verbElement) {
NLGElement splitVerb = null;
if (phrase.getParent() != null) {
phrase.getParent().setFeature(InternalFeature.INTERROGATIVE, true);
Object type = phrase.getFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE);
if (type instanceof InterrogativeType) {
switch ((InterrogativeType) type) {
case YES_NO:
splitVerb = realiseYesNo(phrase, parent, verbElement,
phraseFactory, realisedElement);
"who", LexicalCategory.PRONOUN, parent, realisedElement, //$NON-NLS-1$
realiseInterrogativeKeyWord("what", LexicalCategory.PRONOUN, parent, realisedElement, //$NON-NLS-1$
case HOW:
case WHY:
case WHERE:
realiseInterrogativeKeyWord(type.toString().toLowerCase(), LexicalCategory.PRONOUN,
parent, realisedElement, //$NON-NLS-1$
splitVerb = realiseYesNo(phrase, parent, verbElement,
phraseFactory, realisedElement);
case HOW_MANY:
realiseInterrogativeKeyWord("how", LexicalCategory.PRONOUN, parent, realisedElement, //$NON-NLS-1$
realiseInterrogativeKeyWord("many", LexicalCategory.ADVERB, parent, realisedElement, //$NON-NLS-1$
// realiseInterrogativeKeyWord("who", parent, realisedElement, //$NON-NLS-1$
// phraseFactory);
splitVerb = realiseObjectWHInterrogative("who", phrase, parent,
realisedElement, phraseFactory);
// if (!hasAuxiliary(phrase)) {
// addDoAuxiliary(phrase, parent, phraseFactory,
// realisedElement);
// }
splitVerb = realiseObjectWHInterrogative("what", phrase,
parent, realisedElement, phraseFactory);
return splitVerb;
* Check if a sentence has an auxiliary (needed to relise questions
* correctly)
private static boolean hasAuxiliary(PhraseElement phrase) {
return phrase.hasFeature(Feature.MODAL)
|| phrase.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.PERFECT).booleanValue()
|| phrase.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.PROGRESSIVE)
|| Tense.FUTURE.equals(phrase.getFeature(Feature.TENSE));
* Controls the realisation of <em>wh</em> object questions.
* @param keyword
* the wh word
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
* @param parent
* the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
* realisation of the complementiser.
* @param realisedElement
* the current realisation of the clause.
* @param phraseFactory
* the phrase factory to be used.
* @param subjects
* the <code>List</code> of subjects in the clause.
* @return an <code>NLGElement</code> representing a subject that should
* split the verb
private static NLGElement realiseObjectWHInterrogative(String keyword,
PhraseElement phrase, SyntaxProcessor parent,
ListElement realisedElement, NLGFactory phraseFactory) {
NLGElement splitVerb = null;
realiseInterrogativeKeyWord(keyword, LexicalCategory.PRONOUN, parent, realisedElement, //$NON-NLS-1$
// if (!Tense.FUTURE.equals(phrase.getFeature(Feature.TENSE)) &&
// !copular) {
if (!hasAuxiliary(phrase) && !VerbPhraseHelper.isCopular(phrase)) {
addDoAuxiliary(phrase, parent, phraseFactory, realisedElement);
} else if (!phrase.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.PASSIVE).booleanValue()) {
splitVerb = realiseSubjects(phrase, parent);
return splitVerb;
* Adds a <em>do</em> verb to the realisation of this clause.
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
* @param parent
* the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
* realisation of the complementiser.
* @param realisedElement
* the current realisation of the clause.
* @param phraseFactory
* the phrase factory to be used.
private static void addDoAuxiliary(PhraseElement phrase,
SyntaxProcessor parent, NLGFactory phraseFactory,
ListElement realisedElement) {
PhraseElement doPhrase = phraseFactory.createVerbPhrase("do"); //$NON-NLS-1$
doPhrase.setFeature(Feature.TENSE, phrase.getFeature(Feature.TENSE));
doPhrase.setFeature(Feature.PERSON, phrase.getFeature(Feature.PERSON));
doPhrase.setFeature(Feature.NUMBER, phrase.getFeature(Feature.NUMBER));
* Realises the key word of the interrogative. For example, <em>who</em>,
* <em>what</em>
* @param keyWord
* the key word of the interrogative.
* @param cat
* the category (usually pronoun, but not in the case of
* "how many")
* @param parent
* the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
* realisation of the complementiser.
* @param realisedElement
* the current realisation of the clause.
* @param phraseFactory
* the phrase factory to be used.
private static void realiseInterrogativeKeyWord(String keyWord,
LexicalCategory cat, SyntaxProcessor parent,
ListElement realisedElement, NLGFactory phraseFactory) {
if (keyWord != null) {
NLGElement question = phraseFactory.createWord(keyWord, cat);
NLGElement currentElement = parent.realise(question);
if (currentElement != null) {
* Performs the realisation for YES/NO types of questions. This may involve
* adding an optional <em>do</em> auxiliary verb to the beginning of the
* clause. The method also determines if there is a subject that will split
* the verb group of the clause. For example, the clause
* <em>the man <b>should give</b> the woman the flower</em> has the verb
* group indicated in <b>bold</b>. The phrase is rearranged as yes/no
* question as
* <em><b>should</b> the man <b>give</b> the woman the flower</em> with the
* subject <em>the man</em> splitting the verb group.
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
* @param parent
* the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
* realisation of the complementiser.
* @param realisedElement
* the current realisation of the clause.
* @param phraseFactory
* the phrase factory to be used.
* @param verbElement
* the <code>NLGElement</code> representing the verb phrase for
* this clause.
* @param subjects
* the <code>List</code> of subjects in the clause.
* @return an <code>NLGElement</code> representing a subject that should
* split the verb
private static NLGElement realiseYesNo(PhraseElement phrase,
SyntaxProcessor parent, NLGElement verbElement,
NLGFactory phraseFactory, ListElement realisedElement) {
NLGElement splitVerb = null;
if (!(verbElement instanceof VPPhraseSpec && VerbPhraseHelper
.isCopular(((VPPhraseSpec) verbElement).getVerb()))
&& !phrase.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.PROGRESSIVE)
&& !phrase.hasFeature(Feature.MODAL)
&& !Tense.FUTURE.equals(phrase.getFeature(Feature.TENSE))
&& !phrase.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.NEGATED).booleanValue()
&& !phrase.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.PASSIVE).booleanValue()) {
addDoAuxiliary(phrase, parent, phraseFactory, realisedElement);
} else {
splitVerb = realiseSubjects(phrase, parent);
return splitVerb;
* Realises the cue phrase for the clause if it exists.
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
* @param parent
* the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
* realisation of the complementiser.
* @param realisedElement
* the current realisation of the clause.
private static void addCuePhrase(PhraseElement phrase,
SyntaxProcessor parent, ListElement realisedElement) {
NLGElement currentElement = parent.realise(phrase
if (currentElement != null) {
* Checks to see if this clause is a subordinate clause. If it is then the
* complementiser is added as a component to the realised element
* <b>unless</b> the complementiser has been suppressed.
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
* @param parent
* the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
* realisation of the complementiser.
* @param realisedElement
* the current realisation of the clause.
private static void addComplementiser(PhraseElement phrase,
SyntaxProcessor parent, ListElement realisedElement) {
NLGElement currentElement;
if (ClauseStatus.SUBORDINATE.equals(phrase
&& !phrase
.booleanValue()) {
currentElement = parent.realise(phrase
if (currentElement != null) {
* Copies the front modifiers of the clause to the list of post-modifiers of
* the verb only if the phrase has infinitive form.
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
* @param verbElement
* the <code>NLGElement</code> representing the verb phrase for
* this clause.
private static void copyFrontModifiers(PhraseElement phrase,
NLGElement verbElement) {
List<NLGElement> frontModifiers = phrase
Object clauseForm = phrase.getFeature(Feature.FORM);
// bug fix by Chris Howell (Agfa) -- do not overwrite existing post-mods
// in the VP
if (verbElement != null) {
List<NLGElement> phrasePostModifiers = phrase
if (verbElement instanceof PhraseElement) {
List<NLGElement> verbPostModifiers = verbElement
for (NLGElement eachModifier : phrasePostModifiers) {
// need to check that VP doesn't already contain the
// post-modifier
// this only happens if the phrase has already been realised
// and later modified, with realiser called again. In that
// case, postmods will be copied over twice
if (!verbPostModifiers.contains(eachModifier)) {
((PhraseElement) verbElement)
// if (verbElement != null) {
// verbElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.POSTMODIFIERS, phrase
// .getFeature(InternalFeature.POSTMODIFIERS));
// }
if (Form.INFINITIVE.equals(clauseForm)) {
phrase.setFeature(Feature.SUPRESSED_COMPLEMENTISER, true);
for (NLGElement eachModifier : frontModifiers) {
if (verbElement instanceof PhraseElement) {
((PhraseElement) verbElement).addPostModifier(eachModifier);
if (verbElement != null) {
verbElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.NON_MORPH, true);
* Checks the discourse function of the clause and alters the form of the
* clause as necessary. The following algorithm is used: <br>
* <pre>
* If the clause represents a direct or indirect object then
* If form is currently Imperative then
* Set form to Infinitive
* Suppress the complementiser
* If form is currently Gerund and there are no subjects
* Suppress the complementiser
* If the clause represents a subject then
* Set the form to be Gerund
* Suppress the complementiser
* </pre>
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
private static void checkDiscourseFunction(PhraseElement phrase) {
List<NLGElement> subjects = phrase
Object clauseForm = phrase.getFeature(Feature.FORM);
Object discourseValue = phrase
if (DiscourseFunction.OBJECT.equals(discourseValue)
|| DiscourseFunction.INDIRECT_OBJECT.equals(discourseValue)) {
if (Form.IMPERATIVE.equals(clauseForm)) {
phrase.setFeature(Feature.SUPRESSED_COMPLEMENTISER, true);
phrase.setFeature(Feature.FORM, Form.INFINITIVE);
} else if (Form.GERUND.equals(clauseForm) && subjects.size() == 0) {
phrase.setFeature(Feature.SUPRESSED_COMPLEMENTISER, true);
} else if (DiscourseFunction.SUBJECT.equals(discourseValue)) {
phrase.setFeature(Feature.FORM, Form.GERUND);
phrase.setFeature(Feature.SUPRESSED_COMPLEMENTISER, true);
* Checks the subjects of the phrase to determine if there is more than one
* subject. This ensures that the verb phrase is correctly set. Also set
* person correctly
* @param phrase
* the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
* @param verbElement
* the <code>NLGElement</code> representing the verb phrase for
* this clause.
private static void checkSubjectNumberPerson(PhraseElement phrase,
NLGElement verbElement) {
NLGElement currentElement = null;
List<NLGElement> subjects = phrase
boolean pluralSubjects = false;
Person person = null;
if (subjects != null) {
switch (subjects.size()) {
case 0:
case 1:
currentElement = subjects.get(0);
// coordinated NP with "and" are plural (not coordinated NP with
// "or")
if (currentElement instanceof CoordinatedPhraseElement
&& ((CoordinatedPhraseElement) currentElement)
pluralSubjects = true;
else if (currentElement.getFeature(Feature.NUMBER) == NumberAgreement.PLURAL)
pluralSubjects = true;
else if (currentElement.isA(PhraseCategory.NOUN_PHRASE)) {
NLGElement currentHead = currentElement
person = (Person) currentElement.getFeature(Feature.PERSON);
if ((currentHead.getFeature(Feature.NUMBER) == NumberAgreement.PLURAL))
pluralSubjects = true;
else if (currentHead instanceof ListElement) {
pluralSubjects = true;
* } else if (currentElement instanceof
* CoordinatedPhraseElement &&
* "and".equals(currentElement.getFeatureAsString(
* //$NON-NLS-1$ Feature.CONJUNCTION))) { pluralSubjects
* = true;
pluralSubjects = true;
if (verbElement != null) {
pluralSubjects ? NumberAgreement.PLURAL : phrase
if (person != null)
verbElement.setFeature(Feature.PERSON, person);