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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import org.apache.airavata.common.exception.UtilsException;
import org.apache.airavata.common.utils.WSConstants;
import org.apache.airavata.common.utils.WSDLUtil;
import org.apache.airavata.common.utils.XMLUtil;
import org.apache.airavata.xbaya.component.Component;
import org.apache.airavata.xbaya.component.ComponentControlPort;
import org.apache.airavata.xbaya.component.ComponentException;
import org.apache.airavata.xbaya.gpel.DSCUtil;
import org.apache.airavata.xbaya.graph.Graph;
import org.apache.airavata.xbaya.graph.Node;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.xmlpull.infoset.XmlCharacters;
import org.xmlpull.infoset.XmlElement;

import xsul5.wsdl.WsdlDefinitions;
import xsul5.wsdl.WsdlDocumentation;
import xsul5.wsdl.WsdlMessage;
import xsul5.wsdl.WsdlMessagePart;
import xsul5.wsdl.WsdlPortType;
import xsul5.wsdl.WsdlPortTypeInput;
import xsul5.wsdl.WsdlPortTypeOperation;
import xsul5.wsdl.WsdlPortTypeOutput;

public class WSComponent extends Component {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WSComponent.class);

    protected WsdlDefinitions wsdl;

    protected QName wsdlQName;

     * The list of output component ports.
    protected List<WSComponentPort> inputs;

     * The list of input component ports.
    protected List<WSComponentPort> outputs;

    private String description;

    private String operationName;

    private String targetNamespace;

    private QName portTypeQName;

    private String inputPartName;

    private String outputPartName;

    private String inputTypeName;

    private String outputTypeName;

    protected WSComponent() {


     * Constructs a WSComponent.
     * @param componentPath
     * @param wsdl
     * @throws ComponentException
    public WSComponent(WsdlDefinitions wsdl) throws ComponentException {
        // This constructor is called only from WorkflowComponent where we know
        // that there is only one operation in WSDL.
        this(wsdl, null, null);

     * Constructs a WSComponent.
     * @param wsdl
     * @param portTypeQName
     * @param operationName
     * @throws ComponentException
    public WSComponent(WsdlDefinitions wsdl, QName portTypeQName, String operationName) throws ComponentException {
        this.inputs = new ArrayList<WSComponentPort>();
        this.outputs = new ArrayList<WSComponentPort>();

        try {
            this.wsdl = wsdl;
            if (portTypeQName == null) {
                portTypeQName = WSDLUtil.getFirstPortTypeQName(wsdl);
            this.portTypeQName = portTypeQName;
            if (operationName == null) {
                operationName = WSDLUtil.getFirstOperationName(wsdl, this.portTypeQName);
            this.operationName = operationName;
            this.description = ""; // To prevent to show null

            setName(this.portTypeQName.getLocalPart() + ":" + this.operationName);

        } catch (UtilsException e) {

        this.controlInPort = new ComponentControlPort();
        this.controlOutPorts.add(new ComponentControlPort());

     * @return The WSDL
    public WsdlDefinitions getWSDL() {
        return this.wsdl;

    public WsdlDefinitions getConcreteWSDL(URI dscUri) {
        if (WSDLUtil.isAWSDL(this.wsdl)) {
            return DSCUtil.convertToCWSDL(this.wsdl, dscUri);
        } else {
            return this.wsdl;

     * Returns the QName of the WSDL.
     * @return The QName of the WSDL.
    public QName getWSDLQName() {
        return this.wsdlQName;

     * Returns the QName of the portType.
     * @return The QName of the portType
    public QName getPortTypeQName() {
        return this.portTypeQName;

     * Returns the operation name.
     * @return The operation name
    public String getOperationName() {
        return this.operationName;

     * Returns the inputPartName.
     * @return The inputPartName
    public String getInputPartName() {
        return this.inputPartName;

     * Returns the outputPartName.
     * @return The outputPartName
    public String getOutputPartName() {
        return this.outputPartName;

     * Returns the inputTypeName.
     * @return The inputTypeName
    public String getInputTypeName() {
        return this.inputTypeName;

     * Returns the outputTypeName.
     * @return The outputTypeName
    public String getOutputTypeName() {
        return this.outputTypeName;

    // TODO inputAppinfo, outputAppinfo

     * @return The list of input WSComponentPorts
    public List<WSComponentPort> getInputPorts() {
        return this.inputs;

     * @return The list of output WSComponentPorts
    public List<WSComponentPort> getOutputPorts() {
        return this.outputs;

     * @see org.apache.airavata.xbaya.component.Component#createNode(org.apache.airavata.xbaya.graph.Graph)
    public Node createNode(Graph graph) {
        return createNode(graph, new WSNode(graph));

    protected Node createNode(Graph graph, WSNode node) {

        // Copy some infomation from the component

        // node.setWSDLQName(this.wsdlQName);

        // Creates a unique ID for the node. This has to be after setName().

        // Creat ports

        return node;

     * @see org.apache.airavata.xbaya.component.Component#toHTML()
    public String toHTML() {

        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        buf.append("<h1>Service: " + getName() + "</h1>\n");


        buf.append("<h2>Operation: " + this.operationName + "</h2>\n");

        if (getInputPorts().size()>0) {
      buf.append("<h3>Input parameter(s)</h3>\n");
      messageToHtml(getInputPorts(), buf);
    if (getOutputPorts().size()>0) {
      buf.append("<h3>Output parameter(s)</h3>\n");
      messageToHtml(getOutputPorts(), buf);
        return buf.toString();

     * @return The XML Element.
    public XmlElement toXML() {
        return this.wsdl.xml();

     * @return The WSDL in String.
    public String toXMLText() {
        return this.wsdl.xmlStringPretty();

    private void messageToHtml(List<WSComponentPort> ports, StringBuffer buf) {
        for (WSComponentPort port : ports) {
            buf.append("<dt><strong>" + port.getName() + "</strong></dt>\n");
            buf.append("<dd>Type: " + port.getType().getLocalPart() + "</dd>\n");
            if (port.getDescription() != null && !port.getDescription().equals("")) {
                buf.append("<dd>Description: " + port.getDescription() + "</dd>\n");

    private void parse() throws ComponentException {

        // The name of WSDL changes even with the same portType.
        // = this.definitions.getAttributeValue(null, "name");

        this.targetNamespace = this.wsdl.getTargetNamespace();

        String wsdlName = this.wsdl.xml().attributeValue(WSConstants.NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (wsdlName == null) {
            wsdlName = "NoName"; // TODO
        this.wsdlQName = new QName(this.targetNamespace, wsdlName);

        WsdlDocumentation documentation = this.wsdl.getDocumentation();
        if (documentation != null) {
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
            for (Object child : documentation.xml().children()) {
                if (child instanceof String) {
                } else if (child instanceof XmlCharacters) {
                    buf.append(((XmlCharacters) child).getText());
            this.description = buf.toString();

        WsdlPortType portType = this.wsdl.getPortType(this.portTypeQName.getLocalPart());
        if (portType == null) {
            throw new ComponentException("portType, " + this.portTypeQName + " is not defined.");

    private void parsePortType(WsdlPortType portType) throws ComponentException {
        WsdlPortTypeOperation operation = portType.getOperation(this.operationName);
        if (operation == null) {
            throw new ComponentException("Operation, " + this.operationName + " is not defined.");

    private void parseOperation(WsdlPortTypeOperation operation) throws ComponentException {

        WsdlPortTypeInput input = operation.getInput();
        // No input is possible.
        if (input != null) {
            WsdlMessage inputMessage = input.lookupMessage();
            this.inputs = parseMessage(inputMessage, true);

        WsdlPortTypeOutput output = operation.getOutput();
        // No output is possible.
        if (output != null) {
            WsdlMessage outputMessage = output.lookupMessage();
            this.outputs = parseMessage(outputMessage, false);

    private List<WSComponentPort> parseMessage(WsdlMessage message, boolean input) throws ComponentException {
        List<WSComponentPort> parts = new ArrayList<WSComponentPort>();
        for (WsdlMessagePart part : {
            String partName = part.getName();
            if (input) {
                this.inputPartName = partName;
            } else {
                this.outputPartName = partName;

            QName partElement = part.getElement();
            if (partElement == null) {
                // In case type is used directly. This is an old way.
                QName partType = part.getType();
                if (partType != null) {
                    parts.add(new WSComponentPort(partName, partType, this));

            } else {
                String typeName = partElement.getLocalPart();
                if (input) {
                    this.inputTypeName = typeName;
                } else {
                    this.outputTypeName = typeName;
                parseType(typeName, parts);
        return parts;

    private void parseType(String typeName, List<WSComponentPort> parts) throws ComponentException {

        XmlElement typesElement = this.wsdl.getTypes();
        if (typesElement == null) {
            throw new ComponentException("No types is defined.");

        if (typesElement.element(null, WSConstants.SCHEMA_TAG) == null) {
            throw new ComponentException("No schema is defined.");

        XmlElement elementElement = null;
        XmlElement schemaElement = null;

        Iterable<XmlElement> schemaElements = typesElement.elements(null, WSConstants.SCHEMA_TAG);
        for (XmlElement elemt : schemaElements) {
            schemaElement = elemt;
            elementElement = findElementElement(typeName, elemt);
            if (null != elementElement) {

        if (elementElement == null) {
            throw new ComponentException("No element is defined for " + typeName);
        String typesTargetNamespace = schemaElement.attributeValue(WSConstants.TARGET_NAMESPACE_ATTRIBUTE);
        String elementType = elementElement.attributeValue(WSConstants.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE);

        XmlElement sequenceElement;
        if (elementType == null) {
            // anonymous type
            XmlElement complexElement = elementElement.element(null, WSConstants.COMPLEX_TYPE_TAG);
            if (complexElement == null) {
                throw new ComponentException("We only support complexType as annonymous type: "
                        + XMLUtil.xmlElementToString(elementElement));
            sequenceElement = complexElement.element(null, WSConstants.SEQUENCE_TAG);
            // TODO Check if there is any other defined.
        } else {
            // named complexType
            String elementTypeName = XMLUtil.getLocalPartOfQName(elementType);
            XmlElement typeElement = findTypeElement(elementTypeName, schemaElement);
            sequenceElement = typeElement.element(null, WSConstants.SEQUENCE_TAG);
            // TODO Check if there is any other defined.

        if (sequenceElement == null) {
            // Assume that there is no input/output.
  "There is no sequence defined.");
        } else {
            // Only supports elements in the sequence now.
            for (XmlElement element : sequenceElement.elements(null, WSConstants.ELEMENT_TAG)) {
                WSComponentPort componentPort = new WSComponentPort(element, typesTargetNamespace, this);
                // Check if the type is defined in types
                QName paramType = componentPort.getType();
                if (!(WSConstants.XSD_NS_URI.equalsIgnoreCase(paramType.getNamespaceURI()))) {
                    XmlElement typeDefinition = null;
                    try {
                        typeDefinition = WSDLUtil.getTypeDefinition(this.wsdl, paramType);
                    } catch (UtilsException e) {
                    if (typeDefinition == null) {
                        throw new ComponentException("could not find definition for type " + paramType + " in "
                                + this.wsdlQName);

     * @param typeName
     * @param schemaElement
     * @return The XmlElement
    private XmlElement findElementElement(String typeName, XmlElement schemaElement) {
        for (XmlElement element : schemaElement.elements(null, WSConstants.ELEMENT_TAG)) {
            String elementName = element.attributeValue(WSConstants.NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
            if (typeName.equals(elementName)) {
                return element;
        return null;

     * @param typeName
     * @param schemaElement
     * @return The XmlElement
    private XmlElement findTypeElement(String typeName, XmlElement schemaElement) {
        // Only supports complexType now
        for (XmlElement complexTypeElement : schemaElement.elements(null, WSConstants.COMPLEX_TYPE_TAG)) {
            String elementName = complexTypeElement.attributeValue(WSConstants.NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
            if (typeName.equals(elementName)) {
                return complexTypeElement;
        return null;

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