
Examples of

            if (originalFromNode instanceof InputNode) {
                // notification that includes the input of the workflow.
                output = getWorkflowInput(fromNodeID);
            } else if (originalFromNode instanceof WSNode) {
                // Retrieve input value from notification.
                WSComponent component = ((WSNode) originalFromNode).getComponent();
                String messageName = component.getOutputTypeName();
                String parameterName = originalFromPort.getComponentPort().getName();
                output = getOutput(fromNodeID, messageName, parameterName);
            } else {
                // This should not happen.
                throw new XBayaRuntimeException(originalFromNode.getClass().getName());
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        int index = this.treeModel.getIndexOfChild(parent, selectedNode);
        this.treeModel.insertNodeInto(newNode, parent, index);

        for (Component component : components) {
            WSComponent wsComponent = (WSComponent) component;
            String operationName = wsComponent.getOperationName();
            ComponentOperationReference reference = new ComponentOperationReference(operationName, wsComponent);
            ComponentTreeNode child = new ComponentTreeNode(reference);
            this.treeModel.addNodeInto(child, newNode);
        // expand
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    private void writeInvocation(WSNode node, boolean thread, PrintWriter pw) {
        String id = node.getID();
        String wsdlID = getWSDLID(node);

        WSComponent component = node.getComponent();
        QName portTypeQName = component.getPortTypeQName();
        String operation = component.getOperationName();

        pw.println(TAB + "# Invoke " + id + ".");
        pw.println(TAB + id + QNAME_SUFFIX + " = QName('" + portTypeQName.getNamespaceURI() + "', '"
                + portTypeQName.getLocalPart() + "')");
        pw.println(TAB + wsdlID + " = " + PROPERTIES_VARIABLE + "." + GET_PROPERTY_METHOD + "('" + wsdlID + "')");
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            throw new GraphException("Number of out ports in WS node " + node.getName() + "is invalid:"
                    + node.getOutputPorts().size());
        DataPort outputPort = node.getOutputPort(0);

        WSComponent component = node.getComponent();
        String inputPartName = component.getInputPartName();
        String inputTypeName = component.getInputTypeName();

        XmlElement complexType = extensions.addElement(scuflNS, "complextype");
        complexType.addAttribute("optional", "false");
        complexType.addAttribute("unbounded", "false");
        complexType.addAttribute("typename", inputTypeName);

        String spliterName = inputPartName;
        complexType.addAttribute("name", spliterName);
        complexType.addAttribute("qname", inputName.toString());

        XmlElement element = complexType.addElement(scuflNS, "elements");
        for (DataPort port : inputPorts) {
            if ("".equals(port.getType().getNamespaceURI())) {
                XmlElement baseType = element.addElement(scuflNS, "basetype");
                baseType.addAttribute("optional", "false");
                baseType.addAttribute("unbounded", "false");
                baseType.addAttribute("typename", port.getType().getLocalPart());
                baseType.addAttribute("name", port.getName());
                baseType.addAttribute("qname", inputTypeName + ">" + port.getName());

            // all the sources are written here
            // the links from input nodes to the spiters are done here
            // links from the from node output splitter to the this service's
            // inputsplitter is done here

            if (port.getFromNode() instanceof InputNode) {
                XmlElement source = builder.newFragment(scuflNS, "source");
                source.addAttribute("name", port.getFromNode().getID());
                if (!sourceExist(port.getFromNode().getID())) {
                    this.sources.put(port.getFromNode().getID(), source);
                XmlElement link = builder.newFragment(scuflNS, "link");
                link.addAttribute("source", port.getFromNode().getID());
                link.addAttribute("sink", getValidName(node) + "InputMessagePartXML:" + port.getName());

            } else if (port.getFromNode() instanceof WSNode) {
                XmlElement link = builder.newFragment(scuflNS, "link");
                if (port.getFromNode().getOutputPorts().size() != 1) {
                    throw new GraphException("Number of out ports in from WS node " + port.getFromNode().getName()
                            + "is invalid:" + node.getOutputPorts().size());
                link.addAttribute("source", getValidName((WSNode) port.getFromNode()) + "OutputMessagePartXML:"
                        + port.getFromNode().getOutputPort(0).getName());
                link.addAttribute("sink", getValidName(node) + "InputMessagePartXML:" + port.getName());
            } else {
                throw new GraphException("Unhandled from node type:" + port.getFromNode() + " for node"
                        + node.getName());

        // link from the spliter to the service

        XmlElement link = builder.newFragment(scuflNS, "link");
        link.addAttribute("source", getValidName(node) + "InputMessagePartXML:output");
        link.addAttribute("sink", getValidName(node) + ":" + spliterName);

        // link from service out to the ouput spliter

        link = builder.newFragment(scuflNS, "link");
        link.addAttribute("source", getValidName(node) + ":" + node.getComponent().getOutputPartName());
        link.addAttribute("sink", getValidName(node) + "OutputMessagePartXML:input");

        // /outspiltor
        XmlElement outProcessor = scufl.addElement(scuflNS, "processor");
        outProcessor.addAttribute("name", getValidName(node) + "OutputMessagePartXML");
        XmlElement outLocal = outProcessor.addElement(scuflNS, "local");
        outLocal.addChild(0, "");
        XmlElement outExtensions = outLocal.addElement(scuflNS, "extensions");
        XmlElement outComplextype = outExtensions.addElement(scuflNS, "complextype");
        outComplextype.addAttribute("optional", "false");
        outComplextype.addAttribute("unbounded", "false");
        outComplextype.addAttribute("typename", component.getOutputTypeName());
        outComplextype.addAttribute("name", component.getOutputPartName());
        QName outputName = getOutputElementName(node);
        if (null == outputName) {
            throw new GraphException("No Valid output type found for WS Node" + node.getName());
        outComplextype.addAttribute("qname", outputName.toString());
        XmlElement elements = outComplextype.addElement(scuflNS, "elements");
        XmlElement outBaseType = elements.addElement(scuflNS, "basetype");
        outBaseType.addAttribute("optional", "false");
        outBaseType.addAttribute("unbounded", "false");

        outBaseType.addAttribute("typename", outputPort.getType().getLocalPart());
        String Z = component.getOutputPort(0).getName();
        outBaseType.addAttribute("name", Z);

        outBaseType.addAttribute("qname", component.getOutputTypeName() + ">" + Z);

        List<DataPort> outputPorts = node.getOutputPorts();
        for (DataPort port : outputPorts) {
            List<Node> toNodes = port.getToNodes();
            for (Node toNode : toNodes) {
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     * @param node
     * @return
     * @throws GraphException
    private QName getInputElementName(WSNode node) throws GraphException {
        WSComponent component = node.getComponent();
        String portTypeName = component.getPortTypeQName().getLocalPart();
        WsdlPortType portType = component.getWSDL().getPortType(portTypeName);
        WsdlPortTypeOperation operation = portType.getOperation(component.getOperationName());
        QName message = operation.getInput().getMessage();
        WsdlMessage wsdlMessage = component.getWSDL().getMessage(message.getLocalPart());
        Iterator<WsdlMessagePart> iterator =;
        QName inputName = null;
        if (iterator.hasNext()) {
            inputName =;
        } else {
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        return inputName;

    private QName getOutputElementName(WSNode node) throws GraphException {
        WSComponent component = node.getComponent();
        String portTypeName = component.getPortTypeQName().getLocalPart();
        WsdlPortType portType = component.getWSDL().getPortType(portTypeName);
        WsdlPortTypeOperation operation = portType.getOperation(component.getOperationName());
        QName message = operation.getOutput().getMessage();
        WsdlMessage wsdlMessage = component.getWSDL().getMessage(message.getLocalPart());
        Iterator<WsdlMessagePart> iterator =;
        QName inputName = null;
        if (iterator.hasNext()) {
            inputName =;
        } else {
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        try {
            for (WSNode node : GraphUtil.getWSNodes(this.workflow.getGraph())) {
                WSComponent component = node.getComponent();
                QName portTypeQName = component.getPortTypeQName();
                WsdlDefinitions wsdl = component.getWSDL();

                File file = File.createTempFile(".xbaya-" + portTypeQName.getLocalPart(), XBayaConstants.WSDL_SUFFIX);
                XMLUtil.saveXML(wsdl.xml(), file);
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    protected void parseComponent(XmlElement componentElement) throws GraphException {
        try {
            String componentString = componentElement.requiredText();
            WSComponent wsdlComponent = WSComponentFactory.createComponent(componentString);
        } catch (ComponentException e) {
            throw new GraphException(ErrorMessages.COMPONENT_FORMAT_ERROR, e);
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    public Collection<XmlElement> getWSDLs() {
        Collection<XmlElement> wsdls = new ArrayList<XmlElement>();
        for (Node node : this.graph.getNodes()) {
            if (node instanceof WSNode) {
                WSNode wsNode = (WSNode) node;
                WSComponent component = wsNode.getComponent();
        return wsdls;
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    private void addInvoke(WSNode node, GpelSequence sequence) throws GraphException {
        String id = node.getID();

        WSComponent wsdlComponent = node.getComponent();
        String operation = wsdlComponent.getOperationName();

        QName portTypeQName = wsdlComponent.getPortTypeQName();
        XmlNamespace namespace = XMLUtil.declareNamespaceIfNecessary(id.toLowerCase(), portTypeQName.getNamespaceURI(),
                false, this.process.xml());

        // Variable
        String inputVariableName = id + INPUT_SUFFIX;
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