PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder(
new FormLayout("default:grow,default,default:grow",
JLabel l = pb.addLabel(mLocalizer.msg("header","Important informations about TV-Browser functionality!"), cc.xy(2,1));
l.setForeground(new Color(200,0,0));
JEditorPane pane = UiUtilities.createHtmlHelpTextArea(mLocalizer.msg("text","<div style=\"font-size:medium;text-align:justify\"><p>TV-Browser can be extended with additional functions (Plugins), for instance to control hardware, other data sources, to load ratings from ImdB and much more.</p><p>You also can find more Plugins <a href=\"\">on our website</a>, that are currently not available to download from TV-Browser, but are mostly already usable.</p><p>Do you want to see the list with the Plugins available through download from TV-Browser?<br>(You also can always open that list over the Plugins menu.)</p></div>"),