Examples of writeFile()

Examples of javassist.CtClass.writeFile()




    private Component createComponent(Class componentClass)
        String classname = componentClass.getName();
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Examples of jimm.datavision.Report.writeFile()

  report.read(EXAMPLE_REPORT); // Must come after setting password

  File f = File.createTempFile("xml-writer-test", ".xml");
    catch (Exception e) {
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Examples of net.sourceforge.jarbundler.PropertyListWriter.writeFile()

  private void writeInfoPlist() throws BuildException {
    PropertyListWriter listWriter = new PropertyListWriter(bundleProperties);
    File infoPlist = new File(mContentsDir, "Info.plist");

    if (mVerbose)
      log("Creating \"" + bundlePath(infoPlist) + "\" file");

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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile.Sorter.writeFile()

          segmentStart = finalOut.getPos();
          RawKeyValueIterator kvIter = sorter.merge(segmentList, new Path(getTaskId()));
          SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(job, finalOut,
                                                                 job.getMapOutputKeyClass(), job.getMapOutputValueClass(),
                                                                 compressionType, codec);
          sorter.writeFile(kvIter, writer);
          //close the file - required esp. for block compression to ensure
          //partition data don't span partition boundaries
          //when we write the offset/length to the final index file, we write
          //longs for both. This helps us to reliably seek directly to the
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile.Sorter.writeFile()

          segmentStart = finalOut.getPos();
          SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(job, finalOut,
                                                                 job.getMapOutputKeyClass(), job.getMapOutputValueClass(),
                                                                 compressionType, codec);
          sorter.writeFile(sorter.merge(segmentList, new Path(getTaskId())),
          //add a sync block - required esp. for block compression to ensure
          //partition data don't span partition boundaries
          //when we write the offset/length to the final index file, we write
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile.Sorter.writeFile()

          segmentStart = finalOut.getPos();
          RawKeyValueIterator kvIter = sorter.merge(segmentList, new Path(getTaskId()));
          SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(job, finalOut,
                                                                 job.getMapOutputKeyClass(), job.getMapOutputValueClass(),
                                                                 compressionType, codec);
          sorter.writeFile(kvIter, writer);
          //close the file - required esp. for block compression to ensure
          //partition data don't span partition boundaries
          //when we write the offset/length to the final index file, we write
          //longs for both. This helps us to reliably seek directly to the
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile.Sorter.writeFile()

          segmentStart = finalOut.getPos();
          RawKeyValueIterator kvIter = sorter.merge(segmentList, new Path(getTaskId()));
          SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(job, finalOut,
                                                                 job.getMapOutputKeyClass(), job.getMapOutputValueClass(),
                                                                 compressionType, codec);
          sorter.writeFile(kvIter, writer);
          //close the file - required esp. for block compression to ensure
          //partition data don't span partition boundaries
          //when we write the offset/length to the final index file, we write
          //longs for both. This helps us to reliably seek directly to the
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile.Sorter.writeFile()

          segmentStart = finalOut.getPos();
          RawKeyValueIterator kvIter = sorter.merge(segmentList, new Path(getTaskId()));
          SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(job, finalOut,
                                                                 job.getMapOutputKeyClass(), job.getMapOutputValueClass(),
                                                                 compressionType, codec);
          sorter.writeFile(kvIter, writer);
          //close the file - required esp. for block compression to ensure
          //partition data don't span partition boundaries
          //when we write the offset/length to the final index file, we write
          //longs for both. This helps us to reliably seek directly to the
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile.Sorter.writeFile()

          segmentStart = finalOut.getPos();
          RawKeyValueIterator kvIter = sorter.merge(segmentList, new Path(getTaskId()));
          SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(job, finalOut,
                                                                 job.getMapOutputKeyClass(), job.getMapOutputValueClass(),
                                                                 compressionType, codec);
          sorter.writeFile(kvIter, writer);
          //close the file - required esp. for block compression to ensure
          //partition data don't span partition boundaries
          //when we write the offset/length to the final index file, we write
          //longs for both. This helps us to reliably seek directly to the
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile.Sorter.writeFile()

          segmentStart = finalOut.getPos();
          SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(job, finalOut,
              job.getMapOutputKeyClass(), job.getMapOutputValueClass(),
              compressionType, codec);
          sorter.writeFile(sorter.merge(segmentList, new Path(getTaskId())),
          //add a sync block - required esp. for block compression to ensure
          //partition data don't span partition boundaries
          //when we write the offset/length to the final index file, we write
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