WARNING: Should be in sync with {@link DataAdapter#writeTo(java.nio.ByteBuffer)} {@link #totalSize()} should be updated whenever writeData method is changed.
This method is called to write data to the data source that is backing the rowset.
@param caller the calling rowset
@return true if the row was written, false if not due to a conflict
@exception SQLException if a database-access error occur
Write data to the file that is specified by fileSessionID.
@param sessionID user session ID.
@param fileSessionID file session ID for write or append.
@param data byte array of data.
@param size number of bytes.
@return number of actual wrote bytes.
@throws NullPointerException Throws if these parameters was null.
@throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Throws if the size parameter larger than data.length, or the size parameter smaller than zero.
@throws VfsIOException Throws if could not write by an error or system limitation.
@throws SessionException Throws if the session is invalidated or timeout.
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