Create a wrapper for a node in this document
@param node the DOM node to be wrapped. This must be a node within the document wrapped by thisXMLDocumentWrapper
@throws IllegalArgumentException if the node is not a descendant of the Document node wrapped bythis XMLDocumentWrapper
Wraps the object with a template model that is most specific for the object's class. Specifically:
- if the object is null, returns the {@link #setNullModel(TemplateModel) null model},
- if the object is a Number returns a {@link NumberModel} for it,
- if the object is a Date returns a {@link DateModel} for it,
- if the object is a Boolean returns {@link freemarker.template.TemplateBooleanModel#TRUE} or {@link freemarker.template.TemplateBooleanModel#FALSE}
- if the object is already a TemplateModel, returns it unchanged,
- if the object is an array, returns a {@link ArrayModel} for it
- if the object is a Map, returns a {@link MapModel} for it
- if the object is a Collection, returns a {@link CollectionModel} for it
- if the object is an Iterator, returns a {@link IteratorModel} for it
- if the object is an Enumeration, returns a {@link EnumerationModel} for it
- if the object is a String, returns a {@link StringModel} for it
- otherwise, returns a generic {@link BeanModel} for it.
Makes a {@link TemplateModel} out of a non-{@link TemplateModel} object, usually by "wrapping" it into a{@link TemplateModel} implementation that delegates to the original object.
@param obj The object to wrap into a {@link TemplateModel}. If it already implements {@link TemplateModel}, it should just return the object as is.
@return a {@link TemplateModel} wrapper of the object passed in. To support un-wrapping, you may consider thereturn value to implement {@link WrapperTemplateModel} and {@link AdapterTemplateModel}. The default expectation is that the {@link TemplateModel} isn't less thread safe than the wrapped object.If the {@link ObjectWrapper} returns less thread safe objects, that should be clearly documented, as itrestricts how it can be used, like, then it can't be used to wrap "shared variables" ( {@link Configuration#setSharedVaribles(Map)}).
Returns a security context-restoring PrivilegedAction
that wraps the given action, or returns the action itself if the security context does not include any non-AccessControlContext
state to restore. The run
method of the "wrapper" action (if any) restores the non-AccessControlContext
state of the security context before invoking the run
method of the wrapped action, and unrestores that state after the wrapped action's run
method has completed (normally or otherwise). The value returned or exception thrown by the wrapped action's run
method is propagated through the run
method of the wrapper action.
@param action the action to be wrapped
@return security context-restoring action wrapping action
,or action
if no wrapping is necessary
@throws NullPointerException if action
is null
Same functionality as {@link #setWrap(boolean true)} only this method returns
for chaining multiple calls.
For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at www.migcomponents.com.
@return this
so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new ComponentConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill()
@see #setWrap(boolean)
Create a wrapper for a node in this document
@param node the DOM node to be wrapped. This must be a node within the document wrapped by thisDocumentWrapper
@throws IllegalArgumentException if the node is not a descendant of the Document node wrapped bythis DocumentWrapper
Create a wrapped node within this document
Wrap a node in the XOM document.
@param node The node to be wrapped. This must be a node in the same document (the system does not check for this).
@return the wrapping NodeInfo object
Used by the {@link DispatcherServlet} to wrap a block of lifecycle code in{@link Interceptor} calls.
@param target a block of lifecycle/request processing code that is contained insidea class that implements Interceptor
@return a Resolution instance or null depending on what is returned by the lifecyclecode and any interceptors which intercept the execution
@throws Exception if the lifecycle code or an interceptor throws an Exception
wrap Creates a jaxb object that is initialized with the child objects.
Note that the jaxbClass must be the class the represents the complexType. (It should never be JAXBElement)
@param jaxbClass
@param childNames list of xml child names as String
@param childObjects, component type objects
@param pdMap PropertyDescriptorMap describing the jaxbObject
wrap Creates a jaxb object that is initialized with one child object.
Note that the jaxbClass must be the class the represents the complexType. (It should never be JAXBElement)
@param jaxbClass
@param childName xml child name as String or null if no child
@param childObject component type object
@param declaredClass declared class
@param pd PropertyDescriptor for this jaxbObject
Wraps any applicable interceptors around the given processor
@param processor the processor to be intercepted
@return either the original processor or a processor wrapped in one or more interceptors
Wraps this NodeTypeCache
around the passed storage
and exposes itself again as a NodeTypeStorage
@param storage the node type storage to wrap.
@return node type storage instance using this cache.
Time stamps, encrypts, and signs a blob.
@param in name/value pairs to encrypt
@return a base64 encoded blob
@throws BlobCrypterException when crypto errors occur
Method wrap
@param contentKey
@param wrapKey
@throws XMLSecurityException
Method wrap
@param keyToBeWrappedK
@param wrapKey
@param IV
@throws XMLSecurityException
Wraps the given object, if it needs to be, in a Wrapper
Method wrap
@param in
@param inOff
@param inLen
@return the wrapped bytes.
Wrap the given WebSocket object instance in a suitable EventDriver
@param websocket the websocket instance to wrap. Must either implement {@link WebSocketListener} or be annotated with {@link WebSocket @WebSocket}
@return appropriate EventDriver for this websocket instance.
Wrap the given blob in a serializable wrapper.
@param blob The blob to be wrapped.
@return The wrapped blob which will be castable to {@link Blob} as well as {@link WrappedBlob}.
Applies per-message security services over the established security context. The method will return a token with the application supplied data and a cryptographic MIC over it. The data may be encrypted if confidentiality (privacy) was requested.
The MessageProp object is instantiated by the application and used to specify a QOP value which selects cryptographic algorithms, and a privacy service to optionally encrypt the message. The underlying mechanism that is used in the call may not be able to provide the privacy service. It sets the actual privacy service that it does provide in this MessageProp object which the caller should then query upon return. If the mechanism is not able to provide the requested QOP, it throws a GSSException with the BAD_QOP code.
Since some application-level protocols may wish to use tokens emitted by wrap to provide "secure framing", implementations should support the wrapping of zero-length messages.
The application will be responsible for sending the token to the peer.
@param inBuf application data to be protected.
@param offset the offset within the inBuf where the data begins.
@param len the length of the data
@param msgProp instance of MessageProp that is used by theapplication to set the desired QOP and privacy state. Set the desired QOP to 0 to request the default QOP. Upon return from this method, this object will contain the the actual privacy state that was applied to the message by the underlying mechanism.
@return a byte[] containing the token to be sent to the peer.
@throws GSSException containing the following major error codes: {@link GSSException#CONTEXT_EXPIRED GSSException.CONTEXT_EXPIRED}, {@link GSSException#BAD_QOP GSSException.BAD_QOP}, {@link GSSException#FAILURE GSSException.FAILURE}
Wrap a Javassist interceptor around an instance of the component
@param < T>
@param controlClass
@param control
@return Wrap
Returns wrap
Returns wrap
Wrap the supplied HTML around this element.
@param html HTML to wrap around this element, e.g. {@code
}. Can be arbitralily deep.
@return this element, for chaining.
打包数据. 每个操作符都有相应的操作数,这个方法目的在于,根据操作符自身的需求,从operand中读取相应的操作数
@param operand 操作数
Create a wrapper for a node in this document
@param node the DOM node to be wrapped. This must be a node within the document wrapped by thisDocumentWrapper
@throws IllegalArgumentException if the node is not a descendant of the Document node wrapped bythis DocumentWrapper
Create a wrapped node within this document
Wraps the specified runnable into an equivalent runnable that will allow forwarding of uncaught errors.
@param runnable The runnable from which to forward errors, must not be {@code null}.
@return The error-forwarding runnable to eventually execute, never {@code null}.
Return an Advisor wrapping the given advice.
Should by default at least support {@link org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor}, {@link org.springframework.aop.MethodBeforeAdvice}, {@link org.springframework.aop.AfterReturningAdvice}, {@link org.springframework.aop.ThrowsAdvice}.
@param advice object that should be an advice
@return an Advisor wrapping the given advice. Never returns null
.If the advice parameter is an Advisor, return it.
@throws UnknownAdviceTypeException if no registered advisor adaptercan wrap the supposed advice
Creates a new {@link EmbeddedWrapper} that
@param source
Wraps an OutputStream with a SerializationHandler.
@param o The OutputStream to output XML.
@return The SerializationHandler to send SAX-events to.
Wraps this error message into a new one that is returned as a parent error message. A parent message is set the error code of this error message, a new error description and this error message as its child.
@param parentMessage a parent error description
@return a parent error message
Wraps self in the given tag, with length adjusted to 1
@param tagName
@return this for convenience
May be used to integrate your application tags.
@param str Your tags
@return The ASCII XML key containing the key tag and your tags
Push frame plus empty frame to front of message, before 1st frame. Message takes ownership of frame, will destroy it when message is sent.
@param frame