When printing, this chronolgy will be used in preference to the chronology from the datetime that would otherwise be used.
When parsing, this chronology will be set on the parsed datetime.
A null chronology means no-override. If both an override chronology and an override zone are set, the override zone will take precedence over the zone in the chronology. @param chrono the chronology to use as an override @return the new formatter
When printing, this chronolgy will be used in preference to the chronology from the datetime that would otherwise be used.
When parsing, this chronology will be set on the parsed datetime.
A null chronology means no-override. If both an override chronology and an override zone are set, the override zone will take precedence over the zone in the chronology. @param chrono the chronology to use as an override @return the new formatter
The returned object will be either be a new instance or this
. Only the chronology will change, the millis are kept.
@param newChronology the new chronology, null means ISO default
@return a copy of this datetime with a different chronology
When printing, this chronolgy will be used in preference to the chronology from the datetime that would otherwise be used.
When parsing, this chronology will be set on the parsed datetime.
A null chronology means no-override. If both an override chronology and an override zone are set, the override zone will take precedence over the zone in the chronology. @param chrono the chronology to use as an override @return the new formatter