Examples of waitTillExportFinished()

Examples of org.apache.directory.studio.test.integration.ui.bots.ExportWizardBot.waitTillExportFinished()

        ExportWizardBot wizardBot = browserViewBot.openExportLdifWizard();
        assertTrue( wizardBot.isVisible() );
        wizardBot.typeFile( file );
        wizardBot.waitTillExportFinished( file, 200 ); // is actually 217 bytes

        List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines( new File( file ) );
        // verify that the first line of exported LDIF is "version: 1"
        assertEquals( "LDIF must start with version: 1", lines.get( 0 ), "version: 1" );
        // verify that the third line of exported LDIF is the Base64 encoded DN
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Examples of org.apache.directory.studio.test.integration.ui.bots.ExportWizardBot.waitTillExportFinished()

        assertTrue( wizardBot.isVisible() );
        wizardBot.typeFile( file );
        wizardBot.waitTillExportFinished( file, 600 ); // is actually 651 bytes

        // verify that exported DSML contains the Base64 encoded DN
        String content = FileUtils.readFileToString( new File( file ), "UTF-8" );
        assertTrue( "DSML must contain DN with umlaut.", content
            .contains( "dn=\"cn=Wolfgang K\u00f6lbel,ou=users,ou=system\"" ) );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.studio.test.integration.ui.bots.ExportWizardBot.waitTillExportFinished()

        ExportWizardBot wizardBot = browserViewBot.openExportLdifWizard();
        assertTrue( wizardBot.isVisible() );
        wizardBot.typeFile( file );
        wizardBot.waitTillExportFinished( file, 200 ); // is actually 217 bytes

        List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines( new File( file ) );
        // verify that the first line of exported LDIF is "version: 1"
        assertEquals( "LDIF must start with version: 1", lines.get( 0 ), "version: 1" );
        // verify that the third line of exported LDIF is the Base64 encoded DN
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Examples of org.apache.directory.studio.test.integration.ui.bots.ExportWizardBot.waitTillExportFinished()

        assertTrue( wizardBot.isVisible() );
        wizardBot.typeFile( file );
        wizardBot.waitTillExportFinished( file, 600 ); // is actually 651 bytes

        // verify that exported DSML contains the Base64 encoded DN
        String content = FileUtils.readFileToString( new File( file ), "UTF-8" );
        assertTrue( "DSML must contain DN with umlaut.",
            content.contains( "dn=\"cn=Wolfgang K\u00f6lbel,ou=users,ou=system\"" ) );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.studio.test.integration.ui.bots.ExportWizardBot.waitTillExportFinished()

        ExportWizardBot wizardBot = browserViewBot.openExportLdifWizard();
        assertTrue( wizardBot.isVisible() );
        wizardBot.typeFile( file );
        wizardBot.waitTillExportFinished( file, 200 ); // is actually 217 bytes

        List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines( new File( file ) );
        // verify that the first line of exported LDIF is "version: 1"
        assertEquals( "LDIF must start with version: 1", lines.get( 0 ), "version: 1" );
        // verify that the third line of exported LDIF is the Base64 encoded DN
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Examples of org.apache.directory.studio.test.integration.ui.bots.ExportWizardBot.waitTillExportFinished()

        assertTrue( wizardBot.isVisible() );
        wizardBot.typeFile( file );
        wizardBot.waitTillExportFinished( file, 600 ); // is actually 651 bytes

        // verify that exported DSML contains the Base64 encoded DN
        String content = FileUtils.readFileToString( new File( file ), "UTF-8" );
        assertTrue( "DSML must contain DN with umlaut.",
            content.contains( "dn=\"cn=Wolfgang K\u00f6lbel,ou=users,ou=system\"" ) );
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