{@link BeesClient} must be constructed with OAuth client ID and client secret as the username and password. @param token non-null token @param scopes array of scope that are expected to be granted for this token @return null if the token is invalid such as expired or unknown to the CloudBees OAuth server or the expectedscopes are not found.
Evaluates the validity of the token contained in the specified request context and sets the result in the context itself. The result can be a status, a new token, or both.
@param context the {@code ProtocolContext} that contains the token to be validated. @throws WSTrustException if an error occurs while validating the security token.Evaluates the validity of the token contained in the specified request context and sets the result in the context itself. The result can be a status, a new token, or both.
@param protocolContext the {@code ProtocolContext} that contains the token to be validated. @throws ProcessingException if an error occurs while validating the security token. @throws {@link SecurityException} if the caller does not have a runtime permission for "org.picketlink.sts"