Deletes a market data subscription.
@param user the user credentials, not null
@param fullyQualifiedSpecification what market data you no longer want to subscribe to.
@param listener the listener that receives the results of the unsubscription request
Remove the subscription from the specified feed. The mechanism for removing the subscription (and even whether it is necessary) is at the sole discretion of the providers.
@param feedIDs opaque string representing a unique identifier for the feed (this string must be recognized uniquely among multiple feeds). A concrete example of this would be the URL for an ATOM feed.
Unsubscribe from a topic that the subscriberId user has previously subscribed to.
@param topic Topic name of the subscription
@param subscriberId ID of the subscriber
@throws CouldNotConnectException If we are not able to connect to the server host
@throws ClientNotSubscribedException If the client is not currently subscribed to the topic
@throws ServiceDownException If the server was down and unable to complete the request
@throws InvalidSubscriberIdException If the subscriberId is not valid. We may want to set aside certain formats of subscriberId's for different purposes. e.g. local vs. hub subscriber
Remove a subscription of a JID with a given subscription ID.
@param subscriptionID the subscription ID of the JID.
@param subscriber the JID of the subscriber.
@return true if the subscription has been removed, false otherwise.
Reverse the action of {@link #subscribe(String,MessageListener)}
@param topicName The topic to subscribe to.
@param listener The object to notify of matching calls to publish()
Unsubscribe the client from the durable subscription specified by subscriptionName
@param subscriptionName the Name of the durable subscription to unsubscribe from
@throws JMSException if the unsubscribe fails
Unsubscribe the client from the durable subscription specified by subscriptionName
@param subscriptionName the Name of the durable subscription to unsubscribe from
@throws JMSException if the unsubscribe fails
Remove the subscription related to the specified JID. This will only work if there is only 1 subscription. If there are multiple subscriptions, use {@link #unsubscribe(String,String)}.
@param jid The JID used to subscribe to the node
@throws XMPPException
Unsubscribe from SC with default operation timeout. Unsubscribe may be called multiple times. Nothing happens if the subscription turns inactive in meantime.
@throws SCServiceException unsubscribe from SC failed error message received from SC
@param message the message
@param callback the callback
@param timeoutMillis the timeout millis
@throws ConnectionPoolBusyException the connection pool busy exception">interface.unSubscribe requirement
@throws XmlBlasterException like ErrorCode.USER_NOT_CONNECTED and others
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