This method deserializes elements into instances of classes which implement the ExtensibilityElement interface. The return value should be explicitly cast to the more-specific implementing type.
@param parentType a class object indicating where in the WSDLdocument this extensibility element was encountered. For example, javax.wsdl.Binding.class would be used to indicate this element was encountered as an immediate child of a element.
@param elementType the qname of the extensibility element
@param el the extensibility element to deserialize
@param def the definition this extensibility element wasencountered in
@param extReg the ExtensionRegistry to use (if needed again)
Unmarshalls the packet data from the given byte[] array
@param data byte[] array to unmarshall the packet from
@return the new Packetunmarshalled from the givenbyte[] array
Save the content of the package in the stream
@param in The input stream from which the part will be unmarshall.
@return The part freshly unmarshall from the input stream.
@throws OpenXML4JException Throws only if any other exceptions are thrown by inner methods.
This method deserializes elements into instances of classes which implement the ExtensionElement interface. The return value should be explicitly cast to the more-specific implementing type.
@param parentType a class object indicating where in the WSDLdocument this extension element was encountered. For example, org.apache.woden.Binding.class would be used to indicate this element was encountered as an immediate child of a <wsdl:binding> element.
@param parent the parent object of this extension element
@param extType the qname of the extension element to deserialize
@param extEl the extension element
@param desc the <description> this extension element wasencountered in
@param extReg the ExtensionRegistry to use (if needed again)
Creates StatefulKnowledgeSession using default KnowledgeSessionConfiguration and Environment. It will then unmarshall the stream into the session. Either KnowledgeSessionConfiguration or Environment may be null and it will use the default.
@param stream
@throws IOException
@throws ClassNotFoundException
This method deserializes elements into instances of classes which implement the ExtensibilityElement interface. The return value should be explicitly cast to the more-specific implementing type.
Inverse operation of marshall : read a feature from a stream.
@param s the stream to read from
@return the unmarshalled feature
@throws IOException
@throws ClassNotFoundException
@throws IllegalAttributeException
Will unmarshall the the HttpServletRequest into an instance of type T
@param request the {@link HttpServletRequest}.
@param type the type that the request should be unmarshalled to.
@return {@code T} an instance of type T.
Unmarshalls the given W3C DOM element into a XMLObject.
@param element the DOM Element
@return the unmarshalled XMLObject
@throws UnmarshallingException thrown if an error occurs unmarshalling the DOM element into the XMLObject
Save the content of the package in the stream
@param in The input stream from which the part will be unmarshall.
@return The part freshly unmarshall from the input stream.
@throws OpenXML4JException Throws only if any other exceptions are thrown by inner methods.
Unmarshall the specified XML data into a SWORD Entry.
@param xml The XML data as a string.
@throws UnmarshallException If there was an error unmarshalling the data.
Convert the specified XML string into a set of objects used within the service. A new Service object will be created and stored. This will dispose of any previous Service object associated with this object.
@param xml The XML string.
@throws UnmarshallException If there was a problem unmarshalling the data. This might be as a result of an error in parsing the XML string, extracting information.
Unmarshall json into an equivalent java object.
@param state can be used to hold state while unmarshalling throughrecursive levels.
@param clazz optional java class to unmarshall to.
@param json JSONObject or JSONArray that contains the json to unmarshall.
@return the java object representing the json that was unmarshalled.
@throws UnmarshallException if there is a problem unmarshalling json tojava.
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream( rsession.bytes );
Marshaller marshaller = MarshallerFactory.newMarshaller( new KnowledgeBaseImpl( this ), new ObjectMarshallingStrategy[] { MarshallerFactory.newSerializeMarshallingStrategy() } );
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