The new model need not be of the same type as either this model or the argument model: typically it will be a memory-based model, even if this model is a database model. @return A new model containing all the statements that are in either model @param model The other model whose statements are to be included.
representing all the points in this Geometry
and other
@param other the Geometry
with which to compute the union
@return a set combining the points of this Geometry
andthe points of other
@throws TopologyException if a robustness error occurs
@throws IllegalArgumentException if either input is a non-empty GeometryCollection
@param span2 second span to fuse (may be null
@return a new span whose extensioncovers both span1 and span2, or null
if both span1
and span2
are null
The union of two rectangles is the smallest single rectangle that completely covers both of the areas covered by the two given rectangles.
@param rect the rectangle to perform union with @return the union of the receiver and the argument @exception IllegalArgumentExceptionthis
and set
@param ds