. May be either of: - NULL: A PdfNull
- BOOLEAN: A PdfBoolean
- NUMBER: A PdfNumber
- STRING: A PdfString
- NAME: A PdfName
- ARRAY: A PdfArray
- DICTIONARY: A PdfDictionary
- STREAM: A PdfStream
- INDIRECT: >PdfIndirectObject
@return The type
@return a type
Note: if the type of this variable is a reference type (class, interface, or array) and it has not been created or loaded by the class loader of the enclosing class, then ClassNotLoadedException will be thrown. Also, a reference type may have been loaded but not yet prepared, in which case the type will be returned but attempts to perform some operations on the returned type (e.g. {@link ReferenceType#fields() fields()}) will throw a {@link ClassNotPreparedException}. Use {@link ReferenceType#isPrepared()} to determine ifa reference type is prepared. @see Type @see Field#type() Field.type() - for usage examples @return the {@link Type} of this local variable. @throws ClassNotLoadedException if the type has not yet been loadedthrough the appropriate class loader.
Can also be used to set the value of combo boxes, check boxes, etc. In these cases, value should be the value of the option selected, not the visible text.
@param locator an element locator @param value the value to typeProcessMgr.contextSignature
@return the type of the formal parameter.
builder.getClassForInheritance().equal(SmallProject.class); builder.anyOf("projects").getClassForInheritance().equal(builder.getParameter("projectClass"));
The normalized type name means that all dollar ($) characters have been replaced by dashes (-).
@return the normalized string of the type part of the QualifiedName.