Real part located at 2(k x wft x height + j x wft + i)
Imag part located at 2(k x wft x height + j x wft + i) + 1
where wft = width/2 + 1
The transformed real data is returned in a one-dimensional double array with pixel i,j located at element k x width x height + j x width + i
@param width the cube width
@param height the cube height
@param depth the cube depth
@param complexArray Fourier data packed in a 1-d array.
@param realArray real output array, must be of length width*height*depth
. If null or wrong length, then a new array will be allocated.
@return double[] DFT packed into one dimensional array
@throws IllegalArgumentException
if width, height, depth isnot consistent with array length.